This subtle attitude has caused many completely unnecessary conflicts. The outbreak of the civil war in the Great-Sinnur Alliance this time is probably related to this delicate relationship to some extent.

But those are no longer the issues that should be considered now.

The important meeting held here by many high-ranking members of the alliance who belonged to the Loyalist faction made all participants look stern.

"Everyone, those shameful rebels are now trying to use an unjust war to smash the great alliance developed by the common ideals of countless ancestors. This is something we absolutely cannot tolerate!"

"We can only respond to them with the most extreme determination. There is only one consequence for them to deviate from the ideals of their ancestors, and that is death, death, death!"

"Death does not belong to us, it will only come to those rotten people who try to be superior, who want to lie on top of our people and suck the bones and suck the marrow, domineering, and do everything possible to satisfy their bottomless selfish desires!"

"This group of rubbish, which should have been buried in the grave of history, is worse than maggots. Now they want to continue to climb on top of us. Not only will we not agree, but tens of billions of people will not agree!"

"For the ideals of our ancestors, for our future, and for the greatness—Sinnur Alliance, let us make every effort to eradicate these extremely corrupt rebels!"

A Sinnur man in hardcover yelled at the top of his voice, and his almost hoarse voice spread to every corner of the venue. The high-level personnel present were affected by his emotions and shouted in a unified Xinnur language road:

"For the ideals of the ancestors, for the greatness—Sinnur Alliance!"

"Long live the Great-Sinnur Union!


Seeing that the emotions were almost infected, Xin Nuer, who was the commander-in-chief of the Supreme United Fleet, calmed down the thoughts of the people present, and said in a heavy tone:

"Everyone, I have now received news that those rebels are now gathering a large number of warships, intending to fight us to the death near the God-given galaxy."

"It is estimated that the preparation will take about seven months. During this period, I hope that you can do your best to prepare for this decisive battle. As long as we can win this decisive battle, we will have the opportunity to end this unjust war and completely end those The fate of the rebels!"

"Please, everyone!"


On the other side, the rebel side of the Great-Sinnur Alliance also gathered a large number of ships in a star system not far from the K2-155 star system to form a mixed fleet.

Apparently, they had already made preparations to fight to the death with those loyalists.

Just as in the eyes of those loyalists of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, these rebels are corrupt, in the eyes of these rebels, those so-called loyalists who are loyal to the Great-Sinnur Alliance are also extremely ridiculous.

Isn't it an extremely ridiculous behavior to continue to maintain this so-called great alliance that has fallen into a dead end for the sake of an illusory ancestor's ideal?

In the eyes of these rebels, the reason why they launched this mighty rebellious war is to tear up the misty ideals of those ridiculous people, so that those people can see the reality clearly. Under the unbearable reality, those so-called ideals are How heavy and ridiculous.

The so-called ideals alone are no longer enough to push this civilization forward, so they want to change the world and overthrow the so-called alliance that has lasted for a hundred years!

They will use a better way to let this civilization continue to the future, and the reality will prove this step by step.


Both sides of the Great-Sinnur Alliance Civil War are still immersed in the internal war with each other. It seems that they have not yet known or noticed that a ferocious giant beast has rushed into them from the distant darkness. Homeland, choose meat and eat it.

It is estimated that by the time they realize it, this giant beast has swallowed them completely.

For civilizations with low speed of light, the entire universe is like a continuation of cruel laws.


In the dark forest, when they think they are strong enough, there will always be giant beasts stronger than them jumping out from nowhere, tearing up and engulfing the glorious and great civilization they think they are thinking of. ,Digestion……

Unfortunately, most of them don't realize this because they can't see it with their own eyes in advance.

Those who cannot see the higher way of survival and progress always think that the power in their hands is already the world's most cutting-edge destructive force, and their struggle is all real struggle in the world...

The way they see this universe is the way most miraculous civilizations that have risen from the abyss once viewed the universe...

Like a tiny bug looking up at the starry sky.

I think I have mastered the core strength of the competition, but I have never been qualified to be competed.

Therefore, their end will always be extremely miserable. Perhaps only those who wake up very early will be spared from being crushed, but unfortunately... reality has never allowed them to give birth to awakened people.

Chapter 110 Six Pushing the Weak Worm to the End


The main fleet of the First Fleet of the Star River Federation arrived at the border galaxy of the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

Thousands of battleships with the Galaxy logo formed a marching array, advancing mightily to the border galaxy that had already been captured by the Vanguard Fleet...

Some Vanguard Fleet ships who stayed here and established a space supply station completed information docking with the First Fleet and welcomed the somewhat "late" main fleet.

When the Fleet Command of the First Fleet knew that the Vanguard Fleet had not only successfully completed the task of establishing a forward position, but also took advantage of the situation to attack. Before the arrival of the main fleet, it had already captured seven or eight great-Sinnur When looking at the star system of the alliance, they were all a little surprised.

Due to the existence of too many unstable factors in the interstellar transmission of information, although the various combat intentions of the Vanguard Fleet had been reported to the First Fleet Command in advance, the First Fleet Command did not arrive here. Only then did the information that was transmitted one after another be completely received and summarized.

Now the Vanguard Fleet has completed most of its combat missions, and has systematically obtained and sorted out a large amount of relevant information about the Great-Sinnur Alliance captured from the warships of the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

This information was presented in the command room of the First Fleet's headquarters.

Although they already had some understanding of the Great-Sinnur Alliance before, when the comprehensive civilization information was presented in front of them, the First Fleet fully understood that the civilization they were facing was a civilization that was weak enough to exist with them. Civilizations with fundamental power gaps.

Just a vanguard fleet with only hundreds of warships can easily occupy the territory of seven or eight star systems from this weak civilization.

And if there is no unexpected situation, it is possible that until now, the civilized internal regime of the Great-Sinnur Alliance may not be aware of the arrival and invasion of the Starship Federation Fleet. After all, the vanguard fleet occupied seven or eight star systems. It took about a week.

In a week or so, it is enough for the battleships of the Star River Federation to sail tens of light-years away, and it is enough for the vanguard fleet to invade seven or eight star systems and destroy these enemies...

But for the Great-Sinnur Alliance, a week or so is only enough for them to complete a basic information transfer between the two nearest star systems. more time.

Greatness—The scientific and technological level of the Xinnur Alliance is too low in front of the Galaxy Federation. Their various speeds are too inefficient and ineffective... The low technological level supports the weak force of the opposing civilization.

In the eyes of the Star River Federation, the civilization image of the Great-Sinnur Alliance is like an extremely slow-moving worm...

When the commander-in-chief and all the personnel of the First Fleet knew the situation of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, they were all shocked and speechless, and then their expressions became complicated.

To deal with such a civilization, the Galaxy Federation not only dispatched two organic fleets, totaling more than 3000 warships of various types, which is equivalent to two-thirds of the current force of the Galaxy Federation, but also consumed a huge amount of resources to support this war.

Before they arrived at the civilizational territory of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, they also made a solid plan to let the first and second fleets attack the Great-Sinnur Alliance from two directions, just because they were afraid that this civilization might hide What powerful force they don't know yet.

As a result, two heavy hammers that were powerful enough to shake the sky and earth were both smashed down. I thought it would be able to deal a head-on blow to a powerful enemy that had just been discovered... As a result, the two heavy hammers that were so grandiose smashed down such a mud nest?

Just for such a crotch-laden civilization, the Galaxy Federation put up such a big show... The last two shots hit the mosquito.

Judging from the previous situation, it is estimated that the arrival of the main fleet will not be needed, and only enough time should be given to the vanguard fleet. The hundreds of vanguard warships alone are enough to push this great-Sinnur alliance horizontally.

After a period of silence and reflection, the First Fleet Command ordered without hesitation and directly launched a full-scale attack on the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

They decided to directly bulldoze greatness in the most efficient way - Sinnur


Alliance, use a quick victory to calm some kind of anger that was "played" in their hearts.

What happened to the First Fleet was the same as the Second Fleet of the Federation. Together with the First Fleet, they carried out a strategic attack from another direction toward a detected great-Sinnur Alliance border galaxy, and also sent a vanguard The fleet explored the way ahead.

But when they learned of the actual situation of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, the Second Fleet also launched a full-scale attack from the border galaxy where the Great-Sinnur Alliance was located in another direction with some kind of "anger".

And the great Xinnur Alliance, which has endured the full-scale attack of the two Starship Federation fleets, will truly experience the helplessness and fear that a weak and ignorant civilization will encounter when it actively provokes a powerful unknown enemy.


Just one vanguard fleet can capture seven or eight star systems in a short period of time. When the main fleet of the entire First Fleet launches a full-scale attack, it will be even more terrifying.

The three fleets currently in service of the Star River Federation are all battleship group-level fleets with [-] battleships as capital ships and thousands of ships of various types as auxiliary battleships.

Once such a fleet is strategically deployed, its guidance capabilities will be fully demonstrated. As an aerospace civilization with hundreds of light-years of civilization and dozens of star systems, the Great-Sinnur Alliance has no vast territory. Instead of providing it with effective civilization viability, it became its burden.

Battle formations with battleships as capital ships were quickly formed under the command of the First Fleet Headquarters, using the star systems captured by the Vanguard Fleet as a springboard, and headed towards the remaining territory of the Great-Sinnur Alliance like mad bees. Raid away.

Sub-light speed navigation combined with the support of the hyperspace channel allowed most of the squadron formations to arrive at the combat galaxy they needed to go to at an extremely fast speed.

Just like wolves breaking into the grass rabbit's nest, these squadron formations with scattered forces launched the most direct attack involuntarily when they entered the combat galaxy.

As expected, those sub-ship formations did not encounter any decent resistance at all. All battles were as if they were destroyed. A star system belonging to the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

In these occupied star systems, there are many planet-level regimes of the Great-Sinnur Alliance. For those habitable planets, the First Fleet's attack method is as simple and rude as ever.

First, send omnic troops to those planets, and before the internal regime reacts, start the bird-of-paradise-style combat to forcibly remove all the weapons of mass destruction existing on these planets as quickly as possible.

Then a large number of mechanical troops sent to conduct ground combat will adopt a rapid advance method to eliminate the ground garrison stationed inside the planet, and while controlling the situation on the planet, it will also completely take over many regimes established by the great Sinnur alliance on these planets .

It may be because the advance speed of the First Fleet is too fast, or the technology of the Great-Sinnur Alliance is too weak. After the First Fleet captured more than ten star systems in just a few days, , did not seem to attract the attention of the main fleet of the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

The First Fleet didn't pay too much attention to this, and continued to carry out a full-scale attack in its own way. Not only the First Fleet, but also the Second Fleet's attack in another direction achieved a result that was not inferior to that of the First Fleet.

And what the Second Fleet is more rewarding than the First Fleet is that when they attacked some star systems, they happened to encounter some loyalists and rebels within the Great-Sinnur Alliance engaged in melee.

Ever since, the Second Fleet did not regard itself as an outsider. The combat formations under its command were divided into loyalists and rebels. With the most violent artillery fire, all the ships on both sides of the melee were sent to the ranks of space junk.

The two fleets were advancing at a very rapid pace, and one star system after another fell into their hands. In this case, no matter how big the technological gap between the Great-Sinnur Alliance and the Star River Federation was, some people noticed something was wrong. place.

Greatness—The civilization of the Xinnur Alliance has a vast territory, and the distance between star systems is light-years


, making it very inconvenient for them to actually control the galaxies, but they have also established a communication system sufficient to connect all galaxies within their jurisdiction.

In this communication system, the various star systems will conduct ultra-long-distance message exchange from time to time to ensure the long-term rule of the civilized internal regime.

When a star system of the Great-Sinnur Alliance encounters any unknown situation, such as interstellar pirates, rebellion and other unexpected events that may occur, it will generally be sent to the nearest star system at the fastest speed Apply for a rescue signal, and finally these signals will converge to the center of the communication system - K2-155 God-given galaxy.

When the god-given galaxy understands this information, it will quickly organize a solution and put it into execution to solve those unexpected events.

As for the normal time, the star systems of the Great-Sinnur Alliance are like military towns, each coordinating the internal resources of their respective galaxies, and finally summarizing the information to the god-given galaxies.

But the strange thing is that the God-given galaxy has noticed recently that it seems that it has not received a summary of information from several marginal galaxies for a long time. Not only a few marginal galaxies, but also some galaxies near the marginal galaxies have gradually lost contact.

According to this information, after opening the star map system of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, some members of the Great-Sinnur Alliance came to a surprising inference, except for the god-given galaxy and some governing galaxies near the god-given galaxy In addition, they are great - the other galaxies of the Sinnur Union are gradually losing contact.

At first they suspected that the rebels were doing good things, or that there was something wrong with the communication system, but soon they rejected all these conjectures and realized the seriousness of something.

Their civilization territory seems to be suffering some kind of invasion, but at a time when this internal war situation is not optimistic, no one dares to determine what happened when this happens.

In contrast, the rebels also realized the same problem, but they were just like the loyalists. At this moment, both sides had already devoted their energies to the decisive battle they were preparing for, and no one could take care of the others.

It is also the tacit attitude of the two sides that when the First Fleet and the Second Fleet of the Galaxy Federation advanced all the way to a certain star system, the two Starship Federation fleets attacking the Great Sinnur Alliance from two directions completed their meeting. At this time, more than three-quarters of the civilization territory of the Great-Sinnur Alliance has fallen into their hands.

However, both sides in the civil war of the Great-Sinnur Alliance are still focusing their strength and primary attention near their main galaxy, planning to carry out the "final decisive battle".

But the First Fleet and the Second Fleet can't care about these things. Since no one stands up to stop them, they will continue to push forward until they occupy all the civilized territories of the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

Most of the troops under the command of the First Fleet and the Second Fleet were dispersed after occupying each star system. After the two fleets completed their rendezvous, some of their troops joined forces and began to move towards the great—Sinnur Alliance’s final battle. There is only a small amount of territory left to advance.

Chapter 110: Choose to Surrender or Die


K2-155 galaxy - God-given galaxy.

Great—The Supreme Combined Fleet of the Xinnur Alliance gathered at the edge of the galaxy for defense, and more than [-] warships of various types were summoned here.

These warships were organized by the loyalists and planned to fight the rebels in a decisive battle.

Originally, the purpose of organizing this decisive battle was that although the civil war could not be completely ended with a big battle, it could also make the two sides of the civil war separate a phased victory and defeat, and make the direction of the war between the two sides more clear.

This was also a full-scale contest between the two sides of the civil war, but surprisingly, an unimaginable accident happened.

Just as both the loyalists and the rebels were preparing for a decisive battle, a sudden communication caused chaos on both sides.

A communication signal claiming to be the Federation of the Star River invaded the communication channels of both sides very domineeringly, and directly established a special communication platform, pulling both loyalists and rebels into it.

The First Fleet and Second Fleet of the Galaxy Federation initiated a call to the regime of the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

Both loyalists and rebels were taken aback by this sudden change.

Galaxy Federation?what's the situation?Where did it come from?

Since the outbreak of the Civil War in the Great-Sinnur Alliance, both the loyalists and the rebels have been actively engaged in wars against each other. Many people are a little too busy to understand the direct reasons for the outbreak of their wars. up.

Therefore, many members of the Great-Sinnur Alliance have almost forgotten the memory of the Galaxy Federation, and naturally not many people still remember that their civilization has declared war on the Galaxy Federation.

When the heads of both the loyalists and the rebels passed and entered the equal communication platform established by the First Fleet and the Second Fleet of the Galaxy Federation, they were all confused.

"Hello, I'm the great—Carlos, the commander-in-chief of the Supreme Combined Fleet of the Xinnur Alliance." The representative of the loyalists said hello anxiously, and his heart was terrified.

No wonder he is like this, this incident is too horrifying, and the representative of the rebels opposite him also had a similar idea.

This Galaxy Federation has created a communication platform across galaxies at will, allowing representatives of both parties in different galaxies to meet in this way. This kind of technical ability is really shocking.

Within the civilization of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, this kind of communication technology that easily crosses the galaxy level is a technology that they can't imagine with their technological development level.

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