The Star River Federation suddenly came to the door, and they still have this kind of technology. It is really difficult to figure out their intentions...

But before the two parties could think about anything, a cold voice interrupted their thoughts:

"This is the First Fleet of the Galaxy Federation. Now, on behalf of our civilization, we would like to declare to your civilization that in view of your "Great-Sinnur Alliance" civilization, it once declared war on our civilization for no reason. "

"Now our civilization has sent a fleet to launch a full-scale attack on your civilization, and has captured part of the territory of your civilization. Now our fleet is here to issue an ultimatum to you..."

"Continue the war, or simply surrender!"

"If you surrender, next, our civilization will impose regulations on all intelligent life in your civilization in accordance with interstellar law..."

"If the war continues... you will bear the wrath of our fleet until your civilization's armed forces are completely wiped out!"

"Two, please choose."


The two great representatives of different positions within the civilization of the Xinnur Alliance, their heads have exploded at the moment, stared at each other blankly, at a loss.


A fleet from the Star River Federation? !

The other party said that the Galaxy Federation has captured part of the territory of their civilization, and hereby issued an ultimatum to them. Doesn't that mean that the fleet of the other party's civilization is now very close to them? !

Both representatives are in high positions and belong to the civilization where they belong


Smart people naturally quickly analyzed the current situation of their civilization from these simple information.

While they were busy with their own civilization's internal war, the Starship Federation's fleet had already driven straight in, and it didn't know when it came to kill them.

And as the two sides of the civil war of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, they were not only unaware of this sudden enemy before, but also unprepared.

This seemed to be an enemy that fell from the sky, and the shock it brought to them was almost added to an indescribable level in their hearts.

They never thought that an easy declaration of war against a civilization a hundred light years away would lead to such huge consequences.

You must know that in their cognition, the time and resources required to carry out a war spanning such a long distance are difficult to calculate.

In their previous contact with the Galaxy Federation within their civilization, apart from a small conflict that could be forgotten by people at will, there were only two extremely short-lived ultra-long-distance communications.

The Great—Sinnur Alliance has never thought of analyzing the civilization of the Galaxy Federation in depth from the limited information obtained from the above contacts. After all, in their opinion, how powerful can a newly observed space-level civilization be? ?

Previously, their attitude towards the existence of the Galaxy Federation was arrogant and prejudiced. This kind of arrogance and prejudice between civilizations will eventually cause one civilization to have a narrow perception of the strength of the other.

Obviously, the Great-Sinnur Alliance is like this, so they declared war on the Galaxy Federation in a very hasty way, which led to the current tragedy...

This war has been ambiguous from the start, and has become even more ambiguous since the outbreak of the Civil War in the Great-Sinnur Alliance.

Until now, the Great-Sinnur Alliance has been driven straight into a dead end by the Galaxy Federation without any suspense... They are swallowing the bitter fruit for their previous arrogant behavior.

It is a pity that both sides in the civil war woke up at this time, and it was too late.

When the soldiers of the two fleets pointed at their throats and issued an ultimatum to them, there were only two choices in front of them. Oh no, in a sense, maybe from the very beginning, they only That leaves two options.

Surrender, or die!

The representative of the rebel side was pale at this time. He never imagined that the final victor of the rebel war they launched was not anyone from the Great-Sinnur Alliance, but a stranger who came across a distance of one hundred light years. civilization.

Carlos, the representative of the loyalists, is not much better. As the commander-in-chief of the Supreme United Fleet of the Great-Sinnur Alliance, he deeply understands what kind of power this Galaxy Federation that suddenly appeared in their sight has. terror power.

The opponent's civilization is a hundred light-years away from the fringe galaxies of their great Sinnur Alliance, and it is even closer to [-] light-years away from the galaxy at the center of their civilization-the God-given galaxy.

With such a long distance, even if they mastered light-speed navigation, it would take 200 years for the other civilization to send the fleet to them!

Lightspeed navigation is such a distant term for the technology of the great-Sinnur Alliance. The highest navigation technology used by their own fleet will not exceed 20.00% of the speed of light.

And the other civilization actually sent a fleet to the territory of their civilization in such a short period of time, which shows the horror of its technological means.

They must have mastered the super spaceflight technology that exceeds the speed of light, and judging from the fact that the opponent has been driving straight into the God-given galaxy, the opponent's fleet must have already given all other jurisdictional galaxies except the star field where the God-given galaxy is located. Fallen.

In such a short period of time, without the loyalists and rebels of their great Sinnur Alliance being aware of it, this is even more a glimpse of the horror of the strength of the Galaxy Federation.

Faced with such a sudden and powerful enemy, the minds of the loyalists and rebels of the Great-Sinnur Alliance were blank at this time.


They... what should they use to defend against each other?

With the strength of the other party's civilization, it is a breeze to destroy their civilization. What is ridiculous is that they are still the one that declared war on the other party.

They are completely looking for their own death, and now they are reaping the consequences, and they have no one to blame...

But who can hang high on the sidelines with extreme calmness, and sit and watch their own civilization go to ruin?

At this moment, the loyalists and the rebels, the former allies who deviated from the road, developed a tacit understanding in their hearts that belonged to the past.

"Dear visitor from the Galaxy Federation, in fact, our civilization has no intention of declaring war on you..." Loyalist Carlos made his posture as low as possible.

"Please believe that this is a complete misunderstanding... I should be able to explain the reason on behalf of my civilization. After you know the reason, you should understand some of it..."

"Sorry, we're not interested in this." Standing on the side of the First Fleet of the Galaxy Federation, the commander-in-chief of the fleet who led the conversation as a representative interrupted the other party coldly, and read out:

"Now you can only continue with the next topic if you choose from the two options given by our fleet."

"Continuing the war, or surrendering, are your only options."

"I advise you, don't try to delay the time. If you don't make a choice within a certain period of time, we will adopt the predetermined plan and directly carry out the next war against your civilization!"

"Now, there is not much time left for you to choose."

Continue the war, or surrender?

Loyalist Carlos looked ashamed, and the choice of civilization's fate was now in their hands, and they felt extremely heavy.

To continue the war must be death, and it is very likely to bring them disaster; but to surrender, the other party just said that once they surrender, their civilization will be dealt with according to some interstellar law.

Although they don't know what the interstellar laws and disposal regulations are, they can still see the connotation of man-made knives and me as fish from these words... This choice may not be much better.

How should they make a choice in order to avoid this catastrophe?

Chapter 110: Upgrading Void Terminal Knowledge


"We can choose to surrender, but before that, can you explain what you mean by interstellar law and disposal regulations?" Loyalist Carlos tentatively asked.

They had to determine what the bottom line of the so-called Galaxy Federation Fleet was.

But he didn't get any response to his question. The representatives of the rebels on one side felt uneasy. Obviously, after the other side had expressed their attitude, they no longer wanted to reveal any other information to them.

No answer, just a wordless answer.

But speechless is the greatest contempt at this moment!

When the loyal Carlos realized this, his face changed, and he was about to say something, when he heard the voice of the other party:

"The time is up, the selection is complete..."

"War, continue!"

"Facing the final destruction, ridiculous disciples!"

The voice of the sentence fell like a hammer, cold and heavy.

Darkness struck, and this temporarily established communication platform disappeared immediately.

Returning to reality, at this moment, the representatives of the loyalists and the rebels came to their senses and issued warnings to the ships under their respective command, preparing for a war with unimaginable consequences.


In the two galaxies, the ships of the loyalists and rebels tried their best to gather the remaining forces they could gather in their respective galaxies to form a line of defense, intending to make a final resistance.

While waiting silently, the loyalists and rebels were separated by galaxies, watching the silent starry sky anxiously. They silently prayed to the gods they believed in, hoping that the coming enemy would not be what they imagined. horrible.

It's a pity...all the prayers are in vain!

When the terminal exit of the hyperspace channel opened on the edge of the galaxy, and hundreds of nearly a thousand Starship Federation battleships rushed into the galaxy at a sub-light speed that they could not reach, and unleashed their terrifying firepower on their ships without any targets. Dozens of particle light spears fired in volley, simultaneously piercing the shields and hulls of their hundreds of battleships...

Only then did they finally see what an invincible enemy is and what an absolute crushing force is.

It's a pity that everything is too late.

Catastrophe and despair finally came.


[Infinite knowledge system advanced upgrade completed! 】

[Congratulations to the host, get feedback: void terminal knowledge base*1, void engine*1! 】

Super Seminary, in the library.

Gu Yu was stunned for a moment when he heard the reminder from the system that had been silent for two days. After receiving the function information after the system upgrade, his calm heart could not help being touched slightly.

After the system has been upgraded, its functions have been greatly enhanced. Before, it was only possible for him to accumulate knowledge through reading books, allowing him to get feedback and rewards in the process of acquiring knowledge.

The upgraded system is no longer limited to the way of reading to accumulate knowledge progress. Now, any behavior, any method, as long as he acquires knowledge that he does not own, he can accumulate knowledge progress. Then get rewarded feedback.

However, Gu Yu cared more about the two rewards brought to him by the upgrade of the system than the advancement of the system's functions.

Void engine!

Gu Yu's eyes lit up, he wanted this thing for a long time, but unfortunately there was no suitable way to obtain it before, and now the system gave him this thing directly, it was a surprise.

Without too much hesitation, he directly chose to extract the reward, and the prompt sound of the genetic system of the dark plane sounded in his ears soon:

[Detected "Void Engine" access, authorized to allow...]

[Data matching is in progress...the match is successful! 】


After connecting to the Void Engine, Gu Yu instantly felt that his power had increased a lot. Not only did he become more comfortable in controlling his various energies, but his thinking and computing power also showed a geometric multiplication. enhancement.


The "Infinite Void Engine" seems to be more powerful than the one given to Hua Ye by Karl in the original book.

Hua Ye's black hole void engine, because it was given by Karl, and the opponent did not master the corresponding knowledge level, these reasons caused the opponent to fail to fully utilize the void engine many times in the original book Unleash its power.

Coupled with Karl's other purposes, Hua Ye's existence is like an experimental product.

After Gu Yu got the Void Engine, he first became familiar with the operation method, and then planned to start a plan that he wanted to complete before.

Build a Void Controller!

With his anti-void ability and the void ability brought by the void engine at the same time, and with the support of the Hetu Computing Cloud in the Dark Plane, with his current level of knowledge, he can create a world similar to or even better than Ge Xiaolun in the original book. Xiongxin's void controller is not a difficult task for him.

But before that, Gu Yu first checked another reward that the system gave back after this advanced upgrade - the knowledge base of the void terminal.

After Gu Yu extracted this reward, almost all the knowledge about the void emerged in his mind, and the void terminal knowledge base compiled by this knowledge appeared in his dark plane, and he began to exchange data with the Hetu Computing Cloud. butt.

What is the void?

Regarding this issue, Gu Yu had some thoughts and conjectures before, and he was also very interested in this thing that Karl, the god of death, has been working on.

Prior to this, Gu Yu's understanding of the Void was limited in many aspects to the so-called Void's ability, but when he got the knowledge base of the Void Terminal, not only did he quickly form a connection with the term Void in his mind. The complete knowledge system of the void also established a clear impression of the fundamental existence of the void.

He felt that his world view was subverted in an instant.

His thinking was leaped to a height that did not belong to him.

Now in Gu Yu's eyes, the void Karl is obsessed with studying has completely revealed its true face in front of him!

His understanding of the void suddenly rose from a state of ignorance to a level of almost omniscience.

Void is a very high-level world. Although its height is not so high that it is enough to kill all the horrors before it even appears, it is also not to be underestimated.

The real existence of this world has a very strong subjective existence factor, but interestingly, for some civilizations in the known universe, its objective existence factor is also very obvious.

The more classic one is the way of death Karl and angels, demons and other god-level existences view the void. For example, in the eyes of Death Karl, the void is the future that life will inevitably usher in; while for the angels, the void is also called the sub-biological world ...

The angels subjectively define the void, thinking that it is an objectively existing world, and its relationship with it will affect the order and development of the main biological world in the known universe, but as long as there is no communication and interaction with it, this will not happen situation.

Therefore, angels often deny the void subjectively and fundamentally, and explicitly prohibit the discussion and research of the void by individuals within their civilization and the civilizations under their command.

But no matter how one looks at the existence of the Void, one has to admit that the Void has unimaginable guidance advantages and threats to the real world, that is, the main creature world defined by the angels.

With the scientific and technological means of all civilizations in the known universe at present, they do not have the ability and qualifications to interfere with and recognize the real void. They can only prove its existence through some research and derive some superficial void technologies.

Now, although Gu Yu's understanding of the void has reached an unimaginable height, after being simply excited, he soon realized that this might not be a good thing.

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