Because he doesn't have any means to effectively deal with the real void, the existence of the real void is like a sleeping beast to the current known universe.

With the current level of science and technology in the known universe, no civilization has the strength to effectively deal with this beast!


Recognizing the root cause of the threat too early, but not having the ability to deal with the threat, made Gu Yu feel very uncomfortable.

It's like a person sinking into the sea. Although he has not yet reached the bottom of the sea, but looking at the deep darkness in the trench from a distance, he will unconsciously feel a sense of powerlessness and hesitation in his heart.

For Void, the living world where all life in the known universe exists is like a claustrophobic space, or a "cage" that is completely sealed off from all directions, while the real Void is a place of deep sleep. The beast next to the "cage".

The "cage" restrains them inside the "cage", but it also seems to indirectly provide them with a special layer of protection, preventing them from direct threats outside the "cage"...

That's why Gu Yu felt uncomfortable. He glimpsed... some kind of cruel truth!

This universe is a "cage"!

They are in a terrible "cage", and what is even more frightening is that this universe that they can regard as a "cage" is a safe world for them.

If there is no such "cage", they will face the most real fear!

Even Gu Yu's usual stable state of mind was shaken by this subversive cognition at this moment.

All life and all civilizations in this universe are just... "prisoners"?

Facing the fact directly in front of him, Gu Yu froze in place, unable to calm down for a long time.

Prisoner, cage, prisoner, cage... A voice rang repeatedly in Gu Yu's mind.

Are they just prisoners? !

Even if this is the truth, Gu Yu still feels unwilling in his heart. This is a kind of free will of life, an inherent unwillingness bestowed on intelligent life.

His first subconscious thought was:


Why are they prisoners?

Who set up this cage for them?

But after simple rational thinking, Gu expected more:

Why does this cage exist?Why does it exist?

After thinking about these issues from many aspects, Gu Yu fell into a confused situation.

Sometimes the more I know, the more I feel my own insignificance, the more I feel how precious and one-sided the knowledge I know is.

As the saying goes, the more you know, the more you don't know.

After he fully understood the existence of the real void, his confusion and incomprehension about this world were infinitely magnified.

From the knowledge stored in his void terminal knowledge base, after a series of mutual verification and checking calculations, Gu Yu roughly deduced that the existence meaning and origin of the real void did not seem to be created out of thin air. Some kind of product created by the ultimate civilization imagining its limit.

It is as if a certain existence prepared a "cage" for the "prisoners", and then placed a set of precautions on the side of the "cage". The purpose of this set of precautions is to prevent the "prisoners" from being trapped. Run out of the prison cage.

Of course, this is just his personal speculation and thinking, but even so, Gu Yu's inner hesitation and uneasiness have also aggravated a lot uncontrollably.

If his conjecture is true, what is the purpose of the precautionary measures of setting up "cages" and "real void" for these "prisoners"?

Would this existence be a civilization?Or something else unimaginable?

Too many doubts were stuffed into Gu Yu's mind, and his thinking gradually jumped between reality and illusion, and then fell into an almost endless loop of logic.

When the prisoner realizes the existence of the cage, even though the cage is large, the prisoner will have an idea to break it and break free from its shackles...

But the cruel reality tells the prisoner that breaking the cage may not be a good thing for the prisoner.

In an instant, Gu Yu thought a lot.

Karl's ultimate fear can be verified in the knowledge of the void stored in the knowledge base of the void terminal


, but what the ultimate fear looks like, we have to explore the real void before making a detailed understanding.

The most important point now is that after Gu Yu realized their relationship with the void, he felt a sense of emptiness.

Since life and civilization in this universe exist like prisoners, what is the meaning of their existence as prisoners?

As a prisoner, when he transcends all life and realizes that he is a sad prisoner, what kind of way should he come to peace next?

Gu Yu couldn't help thinking that even though he could accept this cruel fact, he was just him, and he could still temporarily stabilize his thoughts so that he would not collapse.

But if other people, other civilizations, or to be bold, the whole universe knows the truth, how should other people and other civilizations face this cruel fact?

Just imagine, when an enterprising civilization that is struggling for development and strength in the vast universe suddenly realizes that the universe they live in is just a cage to imprison them, what will happen inside this civilization? Such earth-shaking changes?

No matter how much civilization is developed, no matter how much they seek a powerful path, they cannot escape the fact that they are prisoners in the end. Even if they can finally break out of the cage, they may meet a more terrifying fate.

It's like telling the player an expected and longed-for final result of the game early on, and there is a high probability that the player will lose some expectation for the game and eventually give up.

Maybe there are some prisoners who are different, even if they take the path of civilization to the end, they will not choose to give up...

But Gu Yu did not dare to overestimate some things, such as the inferiority of universal life and other factors involved. If the truth of the real void is spread in a large area in the known universe, it is estimated that this universe will usher in a new era. An unimaginable catastrophe!

Not to mention, if he announces the contents of the knowledge base of the void terminal to the current Galaxy Federation, allowing all citizens of the Galaxy Federation to fully accept the knowledge of the void, the turmoil that will be caused will definitely make the entire civilization feel ashamed. subversion.

Chapter 110 Nine Plans Beyond the Void


Since the development of the Galaxy Federation, although the civilization journey it has taken is short, it has accomplished many achievements that cannot be achieved in more time.

Such a civilization with great potential should have moved towards a glorious future.

If the void knowledge is shared within the Galaxy Federation right now, Gu Yu can almost predict that the civilization framework that has been built with great difficulty will fall apart overnight.

Not only the Galaxy Federation, but even the advanced civilizations like the angels standing at the cutting edge of the universe, if the knowledge of the void spreads within them, the so-called justice order established by them may collapse on a large scale.

Knowing the truth is too cruel for anyone, for any civilization.

The true void knowledge is not at all the knowledge that any civilization at the present stage of the known universe can carry!

The things in the void terminal knowledge base are too advanced for any civilization today.

Although a person should treat any knowledge rationally and from an objective point of view, Gu Yu still has a kind of subjective malice against the knowledge in the knowledge base of the void terminal that cannot be controlled by him.

Gu Yu's thoughts spread widely, and he put himself on a difficult problem, that is, he...does he want to block this kind of knowledge?

Although he is not a person with noble sentiments of love and justice, he still instinctively rejects this kind of knowledge that may endanger the development of all civilizations in the entire universe.

After all, he has not been able to reach the state where he completely treats everything indifferently. The lazy human nature in his heart, or some hidden natures, made him have the kind of desire to block all these empty knowledge, just Even those that he already knew in his memory were sealed off, completely eradicating his harmful thoughts.

Just like the way angels treat the void, it is even more extreme, completely eradicating the way of contact, so as to prevent its harm...

After a while of self-persuasion, Gu Yu still firmly suppressed this unrealistic instinctive thought.

In the known universe, apart from the former Kamigawa civilization, Karl and the angels of Styx have studied the void. Although the understanding of the void in this universe is superficial at present, it is already developing to some cores. extended.

As time goes by, the known universe will gradually realize the full picture of the void. Now he who has mastered the knowledge base of the void terminal is just at the forefront of the known universe. If he actively blocks his knowledge of the void, That may be a kind of luck for all civilizations in this universe, but it is also a kind of great misfortune for him and the Galaxy Federation behind him.

To study the void is to study the cutting-edge technology and future of the universe, which cannot be parted from any civilization. Even the angels who are forbidden to study the void on the surface, secretly study things other than sub-biological engines.

If he unilaterally blocks the knowledge of the void, wouldn't he indirectly give up the competition with other god-level civilizations in this area, give up the leading advantage, and choose to fall behind foolishly?

Gu Yu suppressed the complex and human way of thinking that caused unfavorable comparisons in his heart, put aside those problems that blocked his vision, and after taking a deep breath, he put himself in a clear state.

One thing that can be realized is that he now holds the most comprehensive knowledge of the void in the known universe. In other words, he may now hold the direction of progress of all civilizations in the entire universe in his hands.

This is a key to unlock taboos, but it depends on how he views and uses it correctly.

If he is the kind of devil who wants to destroy the world, or the kind of man of absolute justice, then the choice before Gu Yu at this moment may be very simple.

But he doesn't want to destroy the world, and he doesn't want to be a messenger of justice that benefits the entire universe. Such actions and ideas are too low-end.

With the knowledge of these taboos in hand, Gu Yu at this moment, after calculations and considerations in his mind, there is only one thought left.

How to break the shackles between the prisoner and the cage of civilization in the known universe, so that intelligent life and civilization can rise to a higher level, to go beyond the so-called ultimate, to go beyond a


All the constraints and fears, achieving an extraordinary detachment.

This is what really makes sense...

Break through the cage of the known universe, break through the ultimate fear of the real void, let civilization tear that layer of curtain, and let more life rise to the other world!

Thinking of this, Gu Yu felt the confusion in his heart being dispelled.

It seems that at this moment, he found a way of existence and meaning suitable for him in the future, and the anxiety and hesitation about the real emptiness gradually faded away.

After sweeping his mind, he had a bold idea, he wanted to... plan everything for the future of this universe!

Because he combined his inner conjecture with the knowledge he knew, and saw an unprecedented path of detachment, a path that allows the entire universe to be detached...

Stepping into the void, heaven and man are one.

This path of detachment will have an extremely profound impact on any existing civilization in the known universe.

Because he wants to realize such a path of detachment, he has to tie all the civilizations in this universe to a chariot, let the life in this universe form an unstoppable trend, and actively break free from the shackles of a certain cage, Let them march towards the void, and even beyond the wider void.

He didn't want to see what was beyond the void.

The most fundamental meaning of life and civilization is to explore the unknown, and now, he is standing at the forefront of the vast majority of life in the universe, and he has seen that the greater unknown must exist outside the void.

Going out of the void will be the prerequisite for that detachment.

To realize this premise, before that, he needs a detailed plan...

In the next few days, Gu Yu has been immersed in a state of deep devotion, not caring about the outside world at all.

He needs to formulate a long-term plan, an ultimate plan that will allow this universe to achieve transcendence.

The system specifications and calculation requirements of this plan will exceed all the plans he has made in the past, and will override those plans.

For the birth of this plan, Gu Yu intends to devote all his energy for a long time in the future to the planning and calculation of this plan.

But after a few days, Gu Yu realized something was wrong, and the impulsive desire in his mind completely calmed down.

With his current ability, it is certainly feasible to formulate such an ultimate plan, but he forgot to take into account some factors that he would always consider in this plan before.

time, efficiency.

If such a plan was completed by him alone, the time it would take would be unimaginable, perhaps hundreds or even thousands of years.

He has the Hetu Computing Cloud and the newly acquired Void Engine as computing support, plus the Void Controller he wants to build soon.

In terms of efficiency, he has only one person to use these high-end configurations to complete some computing tasks, which is inefficient after all.

He can't fully use all the computing power of these high-end configurations by himself, which indirectly causes a kind of waste.

He needs some help, some faithful help to increase his efficiency.

These helpers must not only be faithful, but also stand at the same height as him, think about the void and the future of the wider universe in the same situation, and then jointly promote the birth of this plan.

In the entire civilization, or even in the entire known universe, there are very few people who can meet such conditions, and in a sense, in this respect, he can only rely on himself, and it is even more difficult to find a helper in this regard .

Since you can't find such a helper, you can only make it yourself.

Gu Yu intends to build one, or more, ideally countless helpers who fit his vision to help him promote and realize that ultimate plan.

It seems that we can only come slowly, there is no quick plan, and there is no casual detachment.

Before that ultimate plan is born, he can only do some coping and preparation first, and then talk about other things.


Recently, since the Super Seminary decided to leave the Galaxy Federation, some personnel have gradually withdrawn, and even the library managed by Gu Yu will face relocation.

Gu Yu, who had known for a long time that he was about to lose his job, did not pay much attention to some things after receiving some notices. Now that he has a plan that he cares more about, he is even less concerned about these complicated matters.

After some consideration, in order to avoid being entangled in trivial matters in the future, Gu Yu directly applied to his superiors for voluntary dismissal, and after some review, the application was allowed.

Then after he packed some things, he disappeared in Blue Star as if he evaporated out of thin air.


Blue star outer space, the far side of the moon.

Gu Yu was dressed in black and appeared here without the assistance of any space equipment.

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