"En!" Lan Qian nodded, relying on the philosopher's stone in the energy supply box to supply energy, drained two medium philosopher's stones, and activated the spell 'fresh plague' in the insert.

The invisible fluctuations swept across everything within a [-]-meter radius except Qiushan, and nothing seemed to happen, but if you look carefully, you can see that some large and small stones around are undergoing strange changes. It is growing a big mouth full of fangs and hands and feet with sharp claws at a very slow speed, and its color and figure have also become dark and hideous.

The electric dagger in the hands of the dark cavalry—even the black cavalry itself has undergone the same change.

The knights in the dark cavalry quickly noticed these changes, and seemed to be very frightened, which made the black cavalry's movements deformed, and they staggered back.

"He probably won't be able to hold on any longer, right?" Bai Danxiang tilted her head, her rabbit ears dangling in the halo of authority.

"Well, I just calculated that he can only move for about 30 seconds in the accelerated world," Lan Shen and everyone were waiting. The knight in the dark cavalry couldn't hold on, quit the accelerated state, and was bitten to death by some monsters , "It's almost there now."

The next moment, the movement of the black cavalry became sluggish in everyone's eyes. It should be that the knight's ability to maintain the accelerated state had reached its limit, so everyone also turned off the Moment III, and it looked like the real thing was going on.

Only the screams of terror came from the loudspeaker of the dark cavalry, as well as the shrill and manic laughter of a large number of monsters.

This kind of laughter is everywhere within a radius of [-] meters. The black cavalry is laughing, the electric short knife in its hand is laughing, and the stone is laughing.

Because Qiushan was the only one of its kind, it became the center of their attack. With the sound of biting and wailing from the loudspeaker, the black cavalry rushed towards Qiushan along with a group of stones.


Today's fifth watch is here! ~ Ask for a recommendation ticket! ~Ask for a monthly pass! ~

(In other words, would it be more interesting to add a different world exploration content to yesterday’s setting? Also, the protagonist’s berserk ability is to turn other berserkers into cards, and it will change in the future. Is it better to fight like Sakura, or is it better to directly devour other berserkers, fuse with your own organs, and turn yourself into an evil god bit by bit? Hmm... I think the way of devouring and merging is better, Mango thinks 'Masked' is like the transformation of Kamen Rider. Before the transformation, the protagonist has no special ability, just a weak ordinary person, so that more stories can happen. In order to gain the power to protect some people, he will not hesitate to fall into the possible What kind of hell can’t come back _(:з”∠)_…)

1 : Chapter 442 Chapter 0441: Extraordinary generosity of other customers ([-])

not long ago.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Drive faster! If the boss's things are robbed by the unlucky Cinderella gang, our bonus for this month will be gone!"

A mercenary-style armored vehicle was galloping across the field. The head of the 'Viper' mercenary regiment, 'Rattlesnake', was sitting in the co-pilot, yelling at the 'Sea Snake' who was driving in the main driver.

"It's already the fastest speed! It will overturn anytime soon!" Sea Snake replied.

"Don't worry about the rattlesnake." The 'Cobra' who was sitting in the back row checking the equipment raised his hand and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "We are close to the Windbearer, even if we fail to save people in the past, we can save them." Get the goods, just get ready to kill the savages."

The Viper Mercenary Group was originally sent by their boss to get goods from the Wind Bearer, and they were not far from the Wind Bearer. Now they are rushing there at full speed, and they can reach the battlefield in less than 5 minutes. That's the time to kill the four smugglers of Windbearer, but there's absolutely no time to clean up the battlefield and get things where no one can find them.

"That's right, the Cinderella gang attacked the Wind Bearers just for the goods. No matter what, our goods will be fine." Five, who was sitting in the back row with Cobra, was holding a laptop computer to search for information. Step Snake' also said.

"Uh, yes." Rattlesnake relaxed a little when he realized that everyone could still get the goods back from Cinderella's helper.

Not long after, the armored vehicle of the Viper Mercenary Group drove to a place about seven kilometers away from the Wind Bearer convoy. It just wanted to speed up and rush over to kill those bastards of the Cinderella Gang and save the Wind Bearer. There were four people in the car His complexion suddenly changed.


Boom boom boom boom boom!

A rain of missiles like a meteor shower pierced through the air, blasting huge fireballs behind the buttocks of the three Windbearers, illuminating a fiery red sea of ​​flames within a radius of ten kilometers. Cinderella All the armored vehicles of the gang were blasted to pieces, and the wreckage burned desperately in the sea of ​​flames.

Boom——Sea Snake slammed on the brakes, not daring to let the armored vehicle of the Viper Mercenary Group move forward one meter.

"This, this, this, this, this is what the boss did?!" the five-step snake screamed.

"Don't talk nonsense, when did the boss get rich enough to use dozens of dagger missiles to hit some poor savages?" Cobra looked solemnly, "If you are really willing to do that, why did you ask us to come here?"

Isn't it more cost-effective for the mercenary group to save people?Give them 22 baht and they will make the trip.

How much more can a dagger missile cost for this amount of money?

"Then, what's going on?" Wubu Snake had an uneasy expression on his face.

"Probably one of the other clients of the Windbearer made the move." Cobra pushed the glasses again.

"It seems that the shipment of the Windbearer contains something very extraordinary..."

To actually allow that client to do this... Could it be that the Wind Bearer kidnapped the princess of the Ningguo Kingdom?

"Since...since it's not the enemy, shall we still go there?" Sea Snake turned to look at the crowd, "The boss's goods are still at the Windbearer's side."

"Of course we have to go there," Rattlesnake made a decision. "Anyway, they are not enemies. When we go to get the goods, we can still get to know them and have many contacts."

"Uh... okay." Sea Snake stepped on the accelerator again, and continued to drive towards the convoy of Windbringer.

But it didn't take long to drive—

"Hey! Awesome! It really is a cavalry!" Rattlesnake and the other three saw a cavalry covered in steel-white heavy armor piercing the lingering smoke from the sky and descending from the sky. Yan, let it slowly fall in front of the sea of ​​fire.

"Stop!" The cobra's eyes widened suddenly, and he yelled at the sea snake, just because he saw the black cavalry standing up from the sea of ​​flames!

"Back! Back! Back! Back!" The rattlesnake saw it too.

As a man who is particularly interested in heavy weapons like cavalry and has a lot of cavalry magazines hidden at home, he can still tell that it is a sixth-generation cavalry!

Boom—Sea Snake slammed the steering wheel with cold sweat on his head, causing the armored vehicle to drift and turn around, and rushed towards the original back.

Rattlesnake and the others stared at the rearview mirror, watching the cavalry behind him who descended from the sky raised his electromagnetic rifle with one hand and shot at the cavalry walking out of the sea of ​​flames one after another. Take a stride towards it.


Back to the present, a black cavalry with a big mouth full of fangs growing on the monitor, and a mechanical hand that has turned into mechanical claws rushed towards Qiushan, but after all, it turned into an irrational monster. Lan Qian dealt with it now It is easier than dealing with the original one.

boom!Akiyama raised the mechanical leg and kicked the black cavalryman's left mechanical leg at the knee joint. Although it didn't break it, it lost its balance and fell to the ground with a bang.

Clank clang clang——At this time, a large number of stones that turned into monsters also ran over, biting Akiyama's mechanical feet like bugs, but they couldn't bite at all, and the fangs made of stones would shatter after a bite.

So Lan Qian didn't bother with them at all, and controlled Qiu Shan to kick the black cavalry who was lying on the ground and hadn't gotten up yet, causing it to turn over, with its back facing the sky, then raised the sword in the lake, and slammed it at it The back thrusters smashed down.


In any case, the place where the thrusters are installed on the back of the cavalry is weaker than other places, so Lan Qian's sword directly smashed through the propulsion system of the dark cavalry, and the sharp point of the sword broke through the not-so-thick armor inside the thruster.

Then he broke through the armor behind the cockpit, pierced the cockpit with a sword, and ended the pain of Fei Yang who was being bitten by knight uniforms, knight gloves, knight combat boots and other objects.

After a while, the dark cavalry stopped struggling, the effect of the 'Fresh Plague' had passed, and the virtual life had disappeared, except that the deformation on its body still existed, and it turned back into a very Life form.

"Huh...it's almost over..." Lan Qian, who was sitting in her brother's arms and driving Akiyama, finally let out a sigh of relief.

Everyone also relaxed a little.

Crackling, crackling, the sea of ​​fire not far away is still burning, and the sound of something exploding can be heard from time to time.

Lan Shen looked over there, guessing that part of the explosion was the ammunition of the Cinderella gang, and the other part was ammunition that had not been equipped by the dark cavalry before, such as missiles.

In the distance, the three armored vehicles of the Wind Bearers and one armored vehicle of the Viper Mercenary Corps all stopped their wheels and seemed to be observing the situation on the battlefield with their rearview mirrors.

Tumbleweed and the others also asked about the situation here in the temporary combat group that Bai Danxiang pulled up.


1 : Chapter 443 Chapter 0442: My Sister’s Transformation Suggestions ([-])

The battle was not over yet, Qiushan put away the sword in the lake, then drew out his own electromagnetic rifle, locked on a small mound three kilometers away with the help of the rabbit head four suspended in the sky, and moved the muzzle of the gun over.

Boom!A smoke bomb was suddenly thrown out of the mound, and the smoke bomb exploded in the air, releasing a large cloud of smoke. It seemed that someone was hiding in the smoke and fled backwards.

Boom!Boom!Boom!As you can see, puffs of smoke suddenly exploded within a radius of several kilometers, and there were more snipers in optical camouflage cloaks crawling backwards in the dark, grabbing their sniper rifles, Quietly retreat.

Although they had the task of sniping and killing a certain princess or Lan Shen and others who let down their vigilance and came down from Qiushan rashly, but now that Qiushan has spotted them, they know that it is impossible to wait for Lan Shen and others to get off the car and show their heads to others. What else can they do besides run away at this time?

No one believes that a dozen anti-material sniper rifles can penetrate the armor of a fifth-generation cavalry, right?

Click, Akiyama changed the magazine for the electromagnetic rifle. Those armor-piercing bullets made of philosopher's gold were too extravagant to hit people, so Lan Qian controlled Akiyama to change the magazine for the electromagnetic rifle at this time. Cheap solid steel nails, well, steel nails up to five centimeters thick.

boom!The steel nails fired by the electromagnetic rifle tore through the sound barrier and the smoke screen, beat a sniper to pieces, and then penetrated into the grass, blasting out a slanting tunnel.


boom!Lan Qian's voice was amplified by the speaker, resounding within a radius of more than ten kilometers, accompanied by the roar of another steel nail breaking through the sound barrier, and the loud sound of a certain sniper being hit by the steel nail along with the grass in front of him.

"Or die."

boom!With another shot, Akiyama's terrifying side as a killing weapon was finally exposed.

Against the background of the sea of ​​flames and the black cavalry on the ground, the sense of oppression it gave these snipers was indeed as great as a mountain.

They are actually very clear that the smoke screen can't bring them any cover, because as a cavalry that can conduct all-weather combat operations, it is impossible to have various detectors.

If you want to find them, you can use thermal imaging cameras, electromagnetic wave radars, optical detectors, and even brain wave detectors. There is always something that can lock their location, and then... killing them is just like playing.

So, soon, many black snipers dropped their useless sniper rifles like French sticks at this moment, raised their hands, stood motionless, or directly knelt on the ground, giving up resistance.

Lan Qian nodded, and then continued to shoot steel nails with the electromagnetic rifle, shooting at the snipers who were still running and didn't intend to surrender at all, and those snipers who were still hiding in place and wanted to shoot everyone with black guns.

The detection systems of Akiyama and the support rabbit head were fully activated, and they easily locked the positions of these guys.


Sixteen minutes later, two heavy-duty armored floating vehicles of the Jade Bird Group flew to where everyone was, landed on the messy grass, and put down four cavalry painted in blue and white to guard the surroundings.

Thirty heavily armed employees of the Jade Bird Group got out of the car one after another. Some of them put handcuffs on the twelve surrendered snipers, stripped off all their weapons, and even checked their teeth to see if there were any miniature bombs hidden. They will be escorted to the car only after everything is confirmed to be ok.

Another group of people recovered the black cavalry with the cooperation of cranes and forklifts. Lan Shen wanted to study its alien transmission structure to see if it could be used to upgrade Akiyama. The Jade Bird Group also wanted it, so there was no reason to throw it away. Leave this most precious trophy alone.

Crack clang clang clang, Akiyama transformed into an elegant and beautiful long sports car next to several armored vehicles of the Windbearers and Viper Mercenary Corps in the thick white fog.

By the way, she opened the trunk, and Bai Danxiang told the four Windrunners in the group, please put the goods that Mr. Indigo asked for in Akiyama's trunk, so that everyone will not get out of the car to formally meet them.

Worried that there are still some snipers around with ridiculously good equipment, they deceived all of Akiyama's detectors and fell through the net.

"Understood." Tumbleweed expressed understanding of Bai Danxiang's and others' concerns, then raised her hand and asked Dandelion and Cornflower to get Lan Shen.

Soon, the two moved an engineering plastic box that was big enough to hold a grown man from the 'truck' driven by Hyacinth, and moved it to the back of Akiyama together, and put it in Akiyama's back-up in the box.

Hum-click, Akiyama's trunk automatically put down the lid and closed it.

"Pay them the final payment." While talking to the little white rabbit in the co-pilot, Lan Shen tried to pick up the younger sister in his arms and put it aside, then climbed back to the back row from the main driver.

However, she found that her sister secretly grabbed the trouser seams on both sides of her thighs with her two small hands, as if she didn't intend to let her leave at all.

His back was tightly pressed against his chest, rubbing gently, coquettishly,

"En." Bai Danxiang sent the final payment of the business to the wind owner.

There is no need to inspect the goods, after all, after seeing today's battle, if there are really problems with the goods, the wind owners will probably not have the courage to deliver them directly now, and the reputation of their business is the most important, and they will not use it twice. Goods to fool customers, otherwise there is no need to be confused.

"Hmm...brother, can you fix Qiushan's sword and spear on its mechanical arm?" Lan Qian rested her head on her brother's shoulder, looked up at him, her two pairs of glacier-blue peach blossom eyes complemented each other, obviously not related by blood At this moment, they are really like a pair of close sisters, "It feels more convenient that way."

"And you don't have to worry about being knocked out."

"The gun can be fixed, but if the sword is fixed..." Lan Shen temporarily gave up leaving his sister, tilted his head and thought for a while, "you can only get the power of one mechanical arm."

"And it can't be smashed in a large way, the attack power and attack range will be limited."

"Didn't you say that you can't use a non-fixed sword if you have a fixed sword~" Lan Qian raised her forearm and gestured to her brother.

"It is to install a retractable electric short sword like a utility knife in front of the mechanical arm for backup. If the sword in the lake is accidentally knocked out, you can stretch it out and use it~"

"That's fine." Lan Shen nodded slightly, indicating that it would work.

At this time, Ke Nongyin hung up the phone with the intelligence department, let out a sigh of relief, and told everyone a bad news: "We can't accompany everyone to Langjiejie'an Tushu tomorrow!?/p >

"Hey -" Bai Danxiang made an unacceptable voice.

Sakurai Gen looked at Ke Nongyin who was sitting next to him, and then at the dark cavalry outside the car window who were being transported onto the floating vehicle by the employees of the Jade Bird Group, as if he understood something.


1 : Chapter 444 Chapter 0443: Miss Rabbit's Summer Love Song ([-])

For the next two days, Ke Nongyin was busy all the time, and Lan Shen didn't know exactly what he did. He only knew that Paradise Technology had been severely scrutinized, and he had paid Jade Bird Group a huge sum of 600 billion baht and a lot of resources. A subsidiary company that accounted for most of the company's revenue was cut off and given to the Jade Bird Group, and the previous lawsuit against everyone was withdrawn, so that something was revealed.

In a very embarrassed posture, he continued to paw on the market in the country of Ge, and was not kicked away.

"Why don't Nong Yin push this matter to Ji Wudong and bring him down first?" Bai Lianxiang was wearing the white bunny girl uniform she just brought back from Catherine's tailor shop not long ago, lying on Lan Shen's lap to play with her tablet computer.

He and Lan Shen stayed on the sofa in the alchemy workshop, basking in the summer sunlight coming in from the slanted window above the workbench, the snow-white back with the shadow of the panes printed on it, it looked like it could be used to play tic-tac-toe.

"Nongyin said..." Lan Shen remembered what she said when she was soaking in the bathtub last night learning "Dragon and Tiger Eight Strength" with Qu Nongyin, "This 'knife' may be able to cut Wu Dong Dong a few pieces of meat, but can not remove his hands and feet, let alone his life, it is better to use it to hack the branch of Paradise Technology in the country to death, so as to save them from continuing to make trouble in the future."

Ke Nongyin knew that what Tiantian Technology wanted to do was not just to support a puppet king. Although there was no clear evidence, after checking the corpse of the knight in the dark cavalry, he was found to be covered with military biochemical plug-ins from Pengguo, and After the guys from the intelligence department analyzed the existing information, she always felt that Tiantang Technology had something to do with Pengguo.

In the future, it is very likely that after the death of the old king, he will cooperate with Pengguo and disturb the country of Ke.

So in the past two days, she has used all her active means to drive Heaven Technology out of the country, but because the royal family is not willing to give up the economic benefits brought by Heaven Technology, she has not been able to make it happen.

In the end, we had to settle for the next best thing, killing the branch of Paradise Technology in the country, and then put several shackles on it from the royal family of the country and the General Bureau of Public Security of the country, hoping to get rid of it. ability to do things in the future.

"That's it..." Bai Danxiang squirmed down on Lan Shen's thigh twice, and changed to a more comfortable position, resting her chin on one of Lan Shen's thighs, and placed the place that would hurt a little under pressure, and he opened it Between the leg seams at about [-] degrees, it looks like a bowling ball has been placed on a ball rack. The rabbit ears are half drooped, and it is easy to shake up and down.

"By the way, when I went to get these two sets of bunny girl uniforms a few days ago, Grandma Catherine said that the lion fur cape for Cong Yin was about to be finished, go get it around NO.15..."

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