"It's the sixth now, and there are still nine days left..."

"Where is Indigo going to hide that lion skin cloak? It's impossible for Nong Yin to become king in these nine days, right?"

"Hide it in the built-in closet of my sleeping cabin first." Lan Shen disassembled a mechanical eye, scanned and studied its structure with the false god's eye, and talked to the little white rabbit lying on his lap.

"Will it be discovered by Qianqian?" Bai Danxiang knew that Lan Qian would often go to Lan Shen's sleeping cabin to play.

It is said to help my brother take care of the 'room', but in fact it is rolling around in it, trying to make that small place completely stained with her smell.

"Why don't you put it on my side first?"

Lan Shen thought for a while: "It's okay."

The size of the built-in wardrobes in everyone’s sleeping cabins is the same, because there is extra space for expansion, even if a lion skin cloak is stuffed into the wardrobe of the little white rabbit, it’s not a big deal.

Slap—the plague angel instantly materialized beside Bai Danxiang, slapped a mosquito that landed on her buttocks to death, then took a tissue to help her wipe away the mosquito's corpse sticking to her snow-white skin, and threw the tissue into the trash can Inside, before returning to her body.

"Mosquitoes are so annoying..." Bai Danxiang propped herself up with one hand, picked up the toilet water on the workbench and sprayed it around herself and Lan Shen before lying down.

Summer is here, and there are naturally more mosquitoes.

"Is there any spell to drive away all the mosquitoes in the house?"

Lan Shen then took out his thick copy of "Spells and Laws" from "Small Shop", flipped through it, and then closed the book.

"No, but as long as there is no stagnant water in any corner of the house that can breed mosquitoes, the number of mosquitoes should be much less."

"But the artichoke house is in the forest." Bai Danxiang tilted up two calves wrapped in white stockings, and shook them gently, "We can guarantee that there is no water in the artichoke house, but we cannot guarantee that there is no water in the forest." Is there water?"

"Mosquitoes from other places are always coming."

"This is the time for toilet water to work." Lan Shen likes to use toilet water, mainly because of its taste and the memories related to it.

I remember that I used to use toilet water to repel mosquitoes for my sister every summer.

"The dew hose doesn't last long. I just sprayed it at noon, and it's only two o'clock and now there are mosquitoes biting my butt again." Bai Danxiang spoke in a low voice.

"Hmm..." Lan Shen frowned in thought.

In the end, I wrote the matter of 'designing a spell to repel mosquitoes' into my schedule.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, when it was time for Bai Danxiang to go live in the attic, she got up from Lan Shen's lap, put on the bunny slippers, swayed them in front of him, and seduced him with the sexy look of a bunny girl before getting ready to put them on. The white coat went upstairs.

"Are you really comfortable wearing this?" Lan Shen frowned, looking at the revealing white bunny uniform of her little white rabbit.

In fact, he was also very curious about how the two leaf-shaped leathers on its chest were fixed. There were no shoulder straps, and the back was open-backed.

"Very... very comfortable, and there is a layer of very comfortable fabric inside..." Bai Danxiang blushed and talked to Lan Shen, very shy, but still raised her head and chest, showing him all the good things in her body. .

"It's not too hot, and the ventilation is very good..."

"En." If this is the case, Lan Shen has nothing to say to Bai Danxiang.

She is free to dress whatever she likes.

Hula, Bai Danxiang turned around and put on the white coat, but she didn't button it up. Instead, she came over and sat astride Lan Shen's lap, her body was close to his body, the inner thighs were not covered by white stockings. Sticking to the outside of his thighs, two jade arms wrapped around his slender neck and kissed him.

Lan Shen wanted to hide, but she was lightly pinned down by the plague angel who suddenly appeared behind the sofa. She couldn't dodge. In the end, she could only be bitten by this shy but still very bold little white rabbit.


1 : Chapter 445 Chapter 0444: Working hours of alchemists (四)

After Bai Danxiang left, Lan Shen wiped his moist lips with the back of his hand, took the mouse, and opened the live broadcast room of the white-haired rabbit on his monitor, preparing to watch her play games live.

By the way, continue to do research on my own mechanical prosthesis.

I thought about the "Family in the World" that I finished broadcasting with her a week ago, and thought about what new game she would broadcast later.

Looking at the mechanical eye that was disassembled by himself, and the pile of materials piled up in his hand, he thought... Do I really need to study these prosthetics thoroughly?

It would take me a few days to gnaw at the data with just two mechanical eyes. If it weren't for the professional knowledge of biochemical plug-ins and alchemy machinery as a foundation, it would take no less than one or two hours to understand these materials. moon.

In fact, if you want to transform the guardian angels, it is not impossible to buy prosthetic bodies for them in the country of sparrows and put them on them, but...

Lan Shen still wanted to make these prosthetic bodies by himself, using the perfect gold from the angel of the guards as the material, and make it 'from the original soup to the original food'.

Although they also have the ability to carry foreign bodies, Lan Shen still doesn't want to turn them into strange prosthetics with a perfect golden shell and full of foreign prosthetics inside.

It’s fine to bring a few foreign objects. If most of the substances that make up the body are foreign objects, are they still the guard angels that Lan Shen created in the first place?

Lan Shen fell into philosophical thinking, but soon he didn't care about this kind of thing, just lowered his head and continued to study the mechanical eye in his hand.

Obviously, he has not given up on the ideas of "doing it yourself to have enough food and clothing" and "mastering core technology".


At five o'clock, Lan Shen took Bai Danxiang, who used the bunny girl uniform as underwear, and wore a pure white dress outside, and drove to the underground parking lot of Bronze Tree. Get down and sit back in the car.

Then drive out of the underground parking lot and drive to Wangli Xiqiu Knight School.

"The dismantling of that 'Sword of Heaven' will start tomorrow," said Ge Nongyin, who sat behind Lan Shen, opened the car window a gap of two fingers wide, and let in the cool evening breeze, " Shen, do you want to wait for those guys in the technical department to study thoroughly and send you a copy of the data, or do you want to participate in this project and study with them?"

"Let's go together, when will it start tomorrow?" Lan Shen looked at the rearview mirror with the bunny doll hanging while driving.

Ke Nongyin looked very tired, and today should be another busy day.

Lan Shen was a little worried about whether she would die from overwork when she became king in the future and her job was promoted from managing a group to managing a country.

"Tomorrow it will start at eight o'clock, the lunch break will start at eleven o'clock at noon, and the lunch break will end at one o'clock. You can go home and rest after work until five o'clock. Of course, you can also work overtime with those lunatics in the technical department. By then, you will be bald." Don't blame us for not warning you."

"I have no plans to work overtime." Lan Shen feels that he is not a workaholic, at least for now, he will not reduce the time spent with his family because of work.

I used to sell ramen day and night, and I didn't spend much time with my sister in the past few years, so I neglected to educate her and let her go astray as she is now. Lan Shen is very guilty, and naturally he won't make the mistake again .

"Well, tomorrow you can hang up your ID card and go directly to the research room No. [-] on the sixth floor, and there will naturally be someone in charge of receiving you." Ge Nongyin was very satisfied with Lan Shen's answer that he didn't work overtime.

She is extremely busy during the day, and when she can rest for a while at night, she naturally wants to spend a while with the wooden head she likes.

Even if you don't do anything, just sit next to him on the sofa and watch late-night animations with him for a while.

"Then can I go over there?" Bai Danxiang looked back at Ke Nongyin, tilted her head, and waggled her rabbit ears.

"What did you do in the past?" Ge Nongyin crossed his arms and cast a glance at the little white rabbit in front of him.

Can she still not know what this guy wants to do?It's nothing more than trying to stick to a wooden head.

"I, I can help analyze that - what's the system AI of the 'Sword of Heaven', my technology is super strong in this respect~" Miss Rabbit's purpose is of course to stick to her own Mr. Indigo, but how can she be honest? Say it easily?Then he found an excuse.

Ge Nongyin covered his mouth and yawned a little: "Then you go to the HR department tomorrow to get a temporary worker sign, and go with Shen."

Under the atmosphere in the scientific research room, Ge Nongyin couldn't believe that this little white rabbit could still have the cheek to stick to a wooden head without doing anything.

"Well, I see, thank you, Nongyin~" Bai Danxiang was still thanking Ke Nongyin for giving her the opportunity to stick to Lanshen.


Not long after, Qiushan drove to the gate of Wangli Xiqiu Knight School, but did not see the two little girls who would always stay by the gate to pet the cat, just because Lan Qian was on duty today, and at this time he had just met with his assistant Sakurai Yuan picked up the trash and threw it away. He is washing his hands now, and he has to go back to the classroom to turn off the lights and close the door later. Only after finishing these things can he come out.

But Lan Shen and the others in the cockpit of Akiyama are not in a hurry at this time, just wait.

Buzz - Ge Nongyin raised the car window and closed the two-finger wide seam, blocking the prying eyes of many people, as well as the curious and admiring eyes of a large group of students.

Akiyama's super sports car, which can transform into a cavalry, has long been a "legend" on the Internet in the country, attracting countless attention no matter where it drives.

In the past month or so, the Blue Rabbit Alchemy Workshop even received nine commissions to order transformable sports cars similar to Akiyama, but they were all rejected by Lan Shen. If it was not for his own use, he would not have spent so much effort building Akiyama. This kind of thing is super troublesome to build.

At the same time, Lan Shen also rejected the request of certain car manufacturers to purchase the design of Akiyama models.

It's not that I can't live with eight-figure money, but...

He designed Qiushan to look expensive at first glance, isn't it just to give his sister a face?

If Akiyama is no longer unique, how can anyone look at his sister with his nose?

Lan Shen, who often chatted with Sakurai Yuan and asked about her sister's situation in school, knew that no one in school now regarded her sister as an ugly duckling, so she thought that there might be some of them who would pick her up and drop her off to and from school every day. Akiyama's credit.

"Indigo, I want to eat that~" Bai Danxiang raised her hand and pointed to Lan Shen at the sidewalk on the other side of the road in front of the school gate. There was a high-end looking snack truck parked in the public parking space next to the sidewalk, and it was selling fresh food. Fried buns.

It seemed that the business was going well. Many drivers and servants were queuing up for their young masters and ladies to buy, and some students who didn't like to put on a show went over and lined up on the sidewalk.


1 : Chapter 446 Chapter 0445: Crazy fans of the White Rabbit in Gucheng (Wu)

Lan Shen got out of the car, was led by a certain little white rabbit from the overpass to the other side of the road, and lined up beside the snack cart selling raw fried food.

"Don't get out of the car if you don't like being stared at." Lan Shen looked back at the little white rabbit who was hugging her arm and timidly hiding behind her. Many people nearby were looking at her and herself.

"Let me do this kind of thing myself."

"But...but I want to be with Indigo..." Bai Danxiang, whose rabbit ears were completely drooping beside her small face, murmured softly.

"Tutu?" Suddenly, a female student approached and asked Bai Danxiang in a low voice like a spy.

"Hey!—" Bai Danxiang was so frightened that the rabbit's ears stood on end, and she hurriedly ran from behind Lan Shen to the front of him, hugged him tightly, and buried her small face in his arms.

"I, I didn't do it on purpose—" The female student who looked like a country girl with two loose braids also became nervous, and quickly waved her hands to explain, "It's just that the lady is a bit like my idol, just, just— —”

Stare - Hearing what the female student said, Bai Danxiang immediately revealed half of her small face from Lan Shen's arms, and looked at the nervous female student.

"You...you are my idol—ah, no, yes—you are a fan of the White Rabbit in the City of Gucheng?" Bai Danxiang asked her in a low voice.

"Yeah!" The female student nodded quickly.

"I've been watching Tutu's live broadcast for a long time, since I was in junior high school."

Only then did the female student notice Bai Danxiang's familiar voice, and her breathing suddenly became rapid. Looking at her cute white-haired rabbit ears and humble figure, she quickly took out her notebook and pen from her schoolbag.

"Then what's your name?" Bai Danxiang quietly looked around, then lowered her voice and asked the female student.

"Zhou, Zhou Ke'er..."

"What about the name of the SNW account?"

"jo... joker..." Zhou Ke'er was so excited that he couldn't speak clearly.

"Eh——" Bai Danxiang recognized this joker, she is the most fanatical mother fan among the original tens of thousands of fans, and she has always supported her.

Bai Danxiang suddenly felt that it was shameful for her to hide from her supporters like this, so she plucked up the courage to leave Lan Shen's embrace, stood in front of Zhou Ke'er, and stretched out a small white and tender hand towards her.

"That... I am the White Rabbit of Gucheng, thank you for your support all the time..."

Pa, Zhou Ke'er grasped Bai Danxiang's little hand, lowered her head and took a quick breath for a while, then raised her head, looking at her with her beautiful eyes hidden behind thick glasses.

"Finally... see the real Bunny..."


Lan Shen watched Zhou Keer chat with Bai Danxiang about what they had experienced together in the live broadcast room over the years, and quickly drew closer.

Liu Mei frowned slightly, wondering if she should tell her little white rabbit the fact that Zhou Ke'er is an eighth-generation high blood descendant.

"Eight generations of species that are not recognized by Kevin Herman, Landon Bran, and Nobita Fujiwara..."

Lan Shen took another look at the school uniform on Zhou Ke'er. It was not the school uniform of Wangli Xiqiu Knight School, but the school uniform of a nearby art college.

Wenyu District itself is the cultural and educational district of Gucheng, and many schools are established here. It is not surprising to meet students from other schools returning home after school in front of a school.

But Lan Shen still felt that Zhou Keer came here specially to get close to his little white rabbit.

After all, the "[F/BHR] all the members of the band are a certain princess and her four good friends" are spreading everywhere on the Internet. As a fanatic fan of the White Rabbit in Gecheng, Zhou Keer in front of him is not May not have heard the rumor.

Then contact Qiushan's rumors, it's not surprising that he came here to block the little white rabbit in Qiushan.

'It seems that there is no harm to the rabbit. Lan Shen noticed Zhou Keer's eyes.

That's exactly the way a worrying mother looks at her worry-free child, full of love.

'Are you a mom fan...'

"By the way, who is this?" Zhou Ke'er asked Bai Danxiang as if she didn't know Lan Shen's identity on the road, and from the corner of her eye, she glanced at Bai Danxiang's little hand that was tightly holding Lan Shen's palm.

'Malicious towards me. With just a glimpse, Lan Shen discovered the malice hidden in Zhou Keer's eyes at that time, as if he was suspicious of something.

Lan Shen recalled the fanatical fans of other idols who often caused big troubles, and thought that these fanatic fans had an inexplicable desire to monopolize the illusory idols, so he understood Zhou Keer's mood a little bit.

"This is Indigo, really, the real name is Lan Shen, the owner of the Blue Rabbit Alchemy Workshop, a medium alchemist, super powerful, and the transforming sports car that is being talked about on the Internet was made by Indigo alone. Oh~" Bai Danxiang hugged Lan Shen's arm, and proudly introduced to her new friend the most important people besides her parents.

"Hello Lan Fangzhu." Zhou Ke'er just bowed slightly to Lan Shen with the minimum etiquette.

Looking up at him again: "Excuse me, who are you from Tutu?"

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