Lan was stunned.

This question...he didn't know how to answer it.

"It's my future lover." Miss Rabbit whispered to Zhou Ke'er firmly for him.

Snapped!Zhou Keren suddenly lowered his head and raised his hands to cover his eyes, and firmly pressed the round-frame glasses with lenses as thick as the bottom of a beer bottle to his face. ——Mainly because I didn’t want to be exposed to that little rabbit’s eyes.

"K-Ke'er, what's the matter with you?" Bai Danxiang was a little worried about her new friend, well, it could also be said to be an old friend.

"'s okay, it's just that a mosquito flew behind the glasses..." Zhou Ke'er took off his glasses, wiped his eyes, wiped them with a glasses cloth, put them back on, and then opened them again. Opening his eyes, there was nothing unusual about his pair of jet-black pupils.

"By the way, Tutu just came of age last year, right? And Tutu has been staying at home alone for so many years, and has no experience in how to deal with many things. It seems a bit early for Tutu to fall in love. ..."

"It's not too early, mom said she fell in love with dad when she was around sixteen or seventeen years old." Bai Danxiang had a serious expression on her face.

"And isn't 'liking someone' an ability that people have from birth? If you like someone, you like it. No matter when it is too early, and you don't need to do any research, I know that I really like you. I want to It’s enough to be with Indigo forever.”

Lan Shen looked at Bai Danxiang who was speaking with a blushing face, thoughtfully.

Zhou Ke'er lowered her head and sighed, after all, she didn't say anything to guide Bai Danxiang to 'think independently'.

Didn't I always know that?Without this level of courage, Tutu would not be the Tutu I longed for...


Today's fifth watch is here! ~ Ask for a recommendation ticket! ~Ask for a monthly pass! ~

(Having said that, control a small celestial-level spaceship of generations, use the ability to contain things, control the fate of many people with the help of a maid-type girl, and occasionally explore the content of different worlds... Isn't this the king of social animals Mr. Qu? Mango has written about similar topics...)

(I feel that I can’t write anything new. Although the idea of ​​this book is to face the real evil gods and outer gods in the universe and survive with difficulty, the atmosphere is too desperate and cruel. Mango is easy to cheat the protagonist, and then the whole paragraph collapses If you don't open it, the desperate atmosphere of 200 million characters may not make people happy...)

1 : Chapter 447 Chapter 0446: Scheming sister and best friend ([-])

"Who was that person just now?" Lan Qian, who took a box of fried rice from her brother and was about to get into the car, looked at Zhou Ke'er who was walking away on the sidewalk, a little curious.

"Rabbit's fan, his name is Zhou Ke'er." Lan Shen also glanced at Zhou Ke'er's back.

"Oh——" Lan Qian was stunned, "Zhou Keer...wait a minute...Zhou Keer? Joker? Master Bai that—that..."

Lan Qian lowered her voice, and asked Lan Shen in a low voice, "That fanatical fan?"

As a long-time fan who has been watching the live broadcast of the White Rabbit in Gu City a few years ago, Lan Qian naturally knows this joker who has been haunting the live broadcast room.

"Well, it's her." As a single pusher of Gecheng White Rabbit like his younger sister, Lan Shen also knew about this person before.

But they didn't expect that she was a high-level blood descendant of the eighth generation.

Having said that, can the higher blood still be short of money?

Lan Shen learned from Zhou Keer's previous conversation with Bai Danxiang that she had to go to a fast food restaurant to earn money after school every evening, and the joker she had seen in the live broadcast room before seemed to be struggling.

Lan Shen thought of the high blood people he knew, regardless of Lilian's rich lolita, Ma Sheng, Kevin Hellman, etc., as long as they were high blood people, they didn't look like people who were short of money.

This Zhou Ke'er is the eighth generation of the same rank as Lilian, and it stands to reason that he can also belong to a great lord.

Stare——Lan Qian leaned over and looked at the little white rabbit who was sitting in the co-pilot of Qiushan and was eating raw fried food with disposable chopsticks.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Bai Danxiang tilted the rabbit's head.

"I thought Master Bai had already been eaten by that joker, or was stolen by her." Lan Qian smiled, then took her share of fried rice and got into the car from the door on the right side of Akiyama, and sat in the back row by herself. In the seat, Sakurai Gen sat in.

Hum—bang, Akiyama's car door automatically unscrewed and snapped back onto the body.

"How could such a thing happen?" Bai Danxiang looked back at Lan Qian.

"After all, her enthusiasm for Master Bai is really..." Lan Qian didn't want to say something too rude, so she thought about it, "It's very enthusiastic."

"No, Ke'er is very quiet, and she looks exactly the same as in the live broadcast room," Bai Danxiang said while looking at Lan Shen who was sitting in the driver's seat, and immediately took him a fried pan from the box. , Feed it to him, "After all, I learned to paint~"

Lan Qian's eyes twitched when she saw Bai Danxiang being so close to her brother.

"This...that's it..."

Looking down at the several plastic boxes of fried rice in her hand, Lan Qian looked around her, who was already eating raw fried chicken like Bai Danxiang.

Hum——Lan Shen drove away from the gate of Wangli Xiqiu Knight School while eating the fried rice that was brought to his mouth by Bai Lianxiang and filled with juice in a box.

Click, Lan Qian opened the box and sniffed the steaming aroma of fried rice.

Pan-fried with natural flour...

Lan Qian also knew about the fried snack cart at the school gate, because she was a little girl who was greedy, and she had queued up before, wanting to buy a portion, eat half of it herself, and take half back to her brother.

But when he walked to the front and saw the price list, he bowed his head and turned away.

--too expensive.

Even though her brother gave her a lot of pocket money, she slowly built up a small coffers, which was not something she could afford.

"When the natural flour from Senior Sister's Company comes out, this kind of stuff will become very cheap..."

Lan Qian felt inexplicably sitting and watching the changes of the times.


Late that night.

"Is Lan Jun still planning to stay up late tonight?" Sakurai Gen, who was wearing a different but still very sexy pajamas, put a pot of black tea on Lan Shen's workbench, sat next to him, and helped him Tea is poured into mugs with bunny ears.

"Well, there are a lot of projects that need to be dealt with." Lan Shen is using his left hand to cooperate with Tian Qi's two small hands to dismantle a mechanical arm, and by the way, use his right hand to record some parameters scanned by the pseudo-god's eye on the "commissary".

Although it can be recorded directly as an electronic document, Lan Shen still prefers to write by hand when he is not in a hurry.

"Although men who work hard are really handsome, Mr. Lan must remember to combine work and rest." Yuan Yingjing helped Lan Shen pour tea, then put his two small hands on his thighs, turned sideways, and gently touched him. With blue depth.

Lan Shen tilted his head, and then raised his hand to point to the cartoon on his monitor for Sakurai Gen, saying that he is not a person who has no entertainment and only works dullly.

"Is it enough just to watch animation?" Gen Sakurai moved closer to Lan Shen.

Lan Shen's eyes froze, and he immediately realized what this little girl was planning to do. After all, he had been fighting wits and courage with her for more than a month.

"I recently read a popular science article, which said that there is an exercise that has a good effect on reducing cortisol..."

Lan Shen raised his hand to cover his mouth.

Sakurai Gen laughed out loud, quickly covered his mouth and stepped back.

"Mr. Lan is really cute~"

"Xiao Yuan, you are doing a very bad thing." Lan Shen didn't know how to face Yuan Yuan who was trying to attack him.

It felt like she was playing, looking for excitement, and didn't put much thought into it, but when the two mouths came together, she could clearly feel her seriousness.

"Yes, yes~" Sakurai Yuan smiled and changed the subject, talking to Lan Shen about Lan Qian's situation at school today.

As always, many people were flattering her, and many people were handing her love letters, but she threw them directly into the trash can.

The school bullying has never happened again, it's just...

"Some students whose elders are on the side of other princes and princesses are not friendly to Qianqian and me..."

Lan Shen put down his right hand covering his mouth and continued to work: "Has it affected your campus life yet?"

"It hasn't reached this level at the moment," Sakurai Gen. leaned his face on Lan Shen's shoulder, "If Bob Bit's harassment is set as '1', their current level is probably around '0.2'."

"It doesn't matter."

"After all, Qianqian is the head of the grade, and has a high status among knights who focus on strength."

"Yeah." Lan Shen nodded and relaxed a little.

"But ah," Sakurai Yuan thought of another thing, and lowered his voice to talk to Lan Shen, "I recently received rumors that some second-year boys seem to be preparing for some kind of romantic encounter, planning to use TV dramas The way the rich young master pursues the poor girl pursues Qianqian..."

"The purpose is not simple. Now who doesn't know that if you catch the line of Qianqian, you can get in touch with the senior sister who is Her Royal Highness?"


1 : Chapter 448 Chapter 0447: Her Highness the Princess who has been seen through ([-])

"Xiaoyuan, can you tell me their names?" Lan Shen blankly picked up a pen and paper, ready to make a list.

"It's fine, but Lan Jun isn't planning to kill them, is he?" Sakurai Gen raised two white and slender jade arms, and embraced Lan Shen's arm in his arms.

"In this way, we will definitely be suspected."

Lan Shen frowned.

'Perhaps the spell 'true love lasts' can be designed to make those people fall in love with a certain brick or a certain tree? '

Killing is very difficult. There should be quite a few of them. It is reasonable for one person to die in some kind of accident, but if everyone dies in an is hard to keep people from focusing on their sister.

"What is Mr. Lan worried about?" Yuan Sakurai pressed his face against Lan Shen's, talking softly with him at zero distance.

Lan Shen was silent for a while: "Qianqian has very little life experience, I'm worried about her..."

"Worried that the silly Qianqian will be deceived by those playboys' rhetoric?"

"Hmm." Lan Shen couldn't help worrying. Although he didn't want his sister to go to the taboo step, he still didn't want some ignorant brats to ruin his sister's supposedly beautiful life.

My sister is not stupid, but she is not the kind of person who is very shrewd. A few years ago, when she went to buy soda in the canteen, she was cheated by fake beggars. When she met a guy who was dressed like a dog and was very good at pleasing girls, she said indefinite……

"Actually, Mr. Lan doesn't need to worry about such things," Sakurai Gen whispered softly into Lan Shen's ear, "For a girl who has her own heart, other boys are just annoying flies... ..."

"If Lan Jun is really worried, then just let Qianqian like her good brother more, pretend to be full of heart, and can't tolerate others anymore, it should be easier, right?"

With question marks all over Lan Shen's head, he turned his face to look at Gen Sakurai who was sticking to him.

Xiaoyuan, do you know what you are talking about?

"Anyway, Lan Jun and Qianqian are not related by blood, right? There is not even a legal kinship relationship, just two poor children relying on each other. The two titles of brother and sister can be replaced by 'husband' and 'wife' 'What~"

Lan Shen didn't expect Sakurai Yuan to say such things to him, and he told her about this matter obviously because he wanted her to help him find a way to bring his sister back on track.

"Why are you frowning?" Yuan Ying raised a small hand and gently rubbed the center of Lan Shen's brows.

"The Lan Jun I know is not a fool who would be willing to make my dear sister sad because of the moral shackles that don't actually exist... right?"

"Like is like, Qian Qian has never been wrong to like Lan Jun, why does Lan Jun reject or even ignore Qian Qian's liking?"

'I'm already doing my best to help Qianqian. In the future, Qianqian can't kill me, a bad woman who steals from her best friend's lover. 'Sakurai Gen laughed softly in his heart.

Hearing Yuan Sakurai's words, recalling the second confession of a certain little white rabbit outside the gate of Wangli Xiqiu Knight School today, Lan Shen was stunned for a while.

"I... didn't reject or ignore, just..."

"Is there no way to change Qianqian's status in my heart for a while?"

"...I have always only regarded Qianqian as my younger sister." Lan Shen let out a sigh of relief.

"Then..." Sakurai Gen raised his arms and hugged Lan Shen's neck, "Let me break the shackles of 'Big Brother'~"

As always, Sakurai Gen kissed Lan Shen on the mouth when his mind was in a mess, and with a gentle touch that seemed to be able to contain everything about him, he calmed down his heart again amidst the restlessness, like a breeze.


After the light kiss, which was not even tongue tangled, Sakurai Gen stood up, held up the fluffy skirt of the nightgown, gave a lady's salute to Lan Shen, and said with a playful wink "Thank you for the hospitality", then turned around, and left Lan Shen's alchemy workshop briskly, went upstairs to sleep, and went to play with her little girlfriend in the fool's world.

Lan Shen raised his hand and pinched his forehead, then took out a tissue from the tissue box, trying to wipe his mouth, but suddenly realized that Sakurai Gen's kiss was different from a certain white-haired rabbit and a certain princess, isn't that deep kiss.

It's just that the lips touch each other for about ten seconds, but it doesn't make my lips moist.

She is not a psychopath who always puts on lipstick before going to bed. There is nothing to wipe her mouth, only...

Lan Shen pursed her lips, and then sniffed the remaining elegant fragrance on her lips.

Just touching it will leave this level of fragrance... Is this a beautiful girl?

Or is the nose of the High Bloods too easy to use?

Shaking his head lightly, Lan Shen put the napkin he had just pulled out on the oak tray with the teapot and the bunny mug, and picked up his own bunny mug. holding a heart-shaped blue sticky note.

Looking down, the note was drawn with a silver-white fountain pen, and some golden notes hung beautifully on these silver lines.

Lan Shen tilted his head, thought for a while, took a sip of black tea, put the little white rabbit mug back, got up and took off his electric guitar from the wall, plugged it in, turned down the volume, and adjusted the tune. Effector, and finally played a melody on the sticky note lightly.

This is one of a lullaby, very gentle melody.

Lan Shen's naturally expressionless face also had some soft colors on it.


Around two o'clock in the morning.

Wearing a sexy suspender nightdress and with sly shoulders, Ge Nongyin came to Lan Shen's alchemy workshop with a large bottle of red wine, and sat in the seat that Sakurai Gen had sat in before, and Bai Danxiang had also sat in earlier. Next to Lan Shen, drink to the bottle.

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