He would also feel awkward holding the little girl to solve this kind of problem, and the other thing is that no one likes to smell the smell.

Even a beautiful girl has to go to the toilet, and the smelly food comes out after eating it.

So the doctor just rubbed her head and told her to bear it.

Then turned around and started working on lunch at noon.

Liz was delighted.

Although there is no hug, but it is also very good to touch the head.

There were no woods nearby, so the doctor found a place covered by stones to rest.

Who wants to cook in the sun.

It is still a small iron pot as before, but this time there is no wooden stick to support the pot.

The doctor thought for a while and decided to use the old method.

A few black thorn cones grew out in place, and then a slender fork emerged, standing in the middle of the two clusters of black thorns.

Well, the simple shelf is set up.

And firewood...

Just recall why the scum lord spontaneously combusts.

In fact, it is easier to cook like this, and it saves the time of collecting firewood.

But using Blackthorn requires energy after all. What happens in the wild is not an exaggeration, and vigilance is a must.

As well as the particularity of the black thorn itself, this thing is not even an origin stone skill.

The doctor stirred the porridge in the pot, then poured in some medicinal powder for nourishing blood and qi, and added some water.

Give him a little stew.

Then sprinkle a little more sugar before serving.

After all, medicinal materials always have an earthy smell that can't be shaken off, especially the one he gave has a relatively strong bitter taste.

Although sugar is more expensive, but because it is easy to carry, he always brought a can.

The doctor controlled the burning speed of the black thorns spreading out little by little, and prepared to put it in a bowl.

After feeding Liz, the doctor picked up his own.Start pulling.

The sun was still quite strong at noon, and the doctor didn't intend to continue on his way at this time, so he told Liz.

"Not so fast, take a rest after eating."

"Okay." Liz replied sweetly.

The doctor nodded and cleaned up the crime scene after eating.

Just in time, take this opportunity to give Liz a massage.

It should work in a week.

By the way, do some early education work.

Quite busy.

PS: To be honest, I am writing the content of Chapter No.17.

bracket smile

Diary page eight

With a steady hand, the doctor dug out the mature herbs and patted the soil lightly, exposing the yellow and brown rhizomes.

Bring it up to your nose and take a light sniff, then put it on the pile of herbs that has already been covered with a layer.

He really did not expect that such a rare medicinal material could be encountered in this wilderness, although the quantity is not large.

But just as a medicine is enough.

This thing has a very good effect on suppressing Originium disease, but most of the artificial cultivation has failed.

A few successes are either unrepeatable, have extremely low yields, or...

And the wild ones need luck too much.

Doctors themselves don’t need this, but the treatment method of using origin stones to defeat origin stones puts a heavy burden on the body, adults are better, but children...

Even Wendigo, who is known for his body in Sarkaz, cannot frequently receive his unique therapy, let alone children.

With these herbal remedies, Liz can avoid the mercy of special treatments for at least half a year.

And the other accompanying herbs... little is better than nothing.

Take a length of string and tie the herbs together.

Also because of these unexpected joys, he took a little detour.Now relying on the small map to find a small forest, there is a small water pond in the middle of the forest.

He has to clean up the herbs first, dry them and grind them into powder as soon as possible, so that the individual plants are not easy to carry.

Then get ready to spend the night here.

After all, looking at the small map, rain is expected next.

Mostly showers, but not impossible.The dark clouds blown by the southwest wind seem to meet them unexpectedly here, perhaps until tomorrow morning.

In short, the tent must be set up early.

He put down Liz, who was still looking energetic, and pulled out a roll of tent stuck in his backpack.

It was never easy for him to pitch a tent.

The almighty blackthorn, this time also...

And when the rain is over and the sky clears up, he puts away the tent and uses the black thorn as firewood to cook.

Crossing the river and tearing down the bridge is nothing more than that.

You can only eat canned food in the tent.

I am afraid of accidents when I start a fire.Liz is no better than a doctor, he is fine in the rain, but Liz may catch a cold, fever and runny nose.Then there is a problem with the already poor immune system, and it is even more terrible to adjust.

If it is when Originium disease occurs, it will be a Schrödinger superposition state of life and death.

The doctor watched the black thorn slowly set up the tent, thinking about cooking something to eat first.

He prepared dinner as usual, but he always felt a little strange when cooking in the past two days.

Let him dream back to the time when he was stared at 24 hours a day when he was doing research in the institute.

The doctor's vigilance is naturally not low, but he didn't see anyone even after digging three feet into the ground with a small map, so he could only silently charge up the black thorn at any time.

So far, he has never seen anyone who can hide from the small map.This does not mean that this is absolute. In this world where anything can happen, one must always be vigilant.

It's just that there will be no one else who followed him for two days in a row.

The doctor set up the small blackened iron pot, looked through the small map, and noticed Liz who was staring at his back.

The little girl had a smile on her lips, and her eyebrows and eyes were curved.It's just that the inexplicable sight made the doctor feel a little strange.

The doctor touched his chest to smooth out the strange hormone secretion.

Of course he won't ask people why you keep staring at me.

It doesn't make sense, if doing this can make her illness gradually improve, then...

Then I am really awesome.

The doctor, who had nothing to say, cooked dinner quietly, washed the herbs, drained the water, and spread the herbs before the sun set, so that they could be dried and carried.

Liz looked at the back of the doctor who was busy. The black robe was blown up by the breeze from time to time, and her hair, which had not been trimmed for a long time, was clean but somewhat messy.

Here, she seemed to be able to smell the reassuring scent of the doctor.

She actually does.

The fact that it is itself a burden.It's when I've been alone for too long that I understand why.

Only then will I understand how precious it is to have such a person who treats me well.

Only then can I know how desperately I need him.

Liz pursed her lips slowly.Watching the doctor's gaze getting heavier and heavier.

...Only then can I know how much I want to do something for him.

There is no warrior who is always on the road to slaying the dragon, his princess only needs me.

It was the first time that Liz had such selfish thoughts.

Yes, doctor, Dr. Li.

Li Jingming.

You only need me as a patient and an assistant.

The doctor rubbed his nose and felt that the temperature seemed to be getting lower.With the humid wind blowing by his ears, he couldn't help doubting how warm the tent was.

He squeezed his perennially warm hands, keeping silent is Jin's calm attitude.

After dinner, the doctor walked into the sleeping bag with his backpack in his arms.It's still dark outside now, so there's no need to hide in a stuffy tent.

But he had to lay out his sleeping bag. Although there was a thin layer of cloth under the tent, he would not want to lie directly on the ground if there was a soft quilt.

Then he took out the Origin Stone Lamp and turned it on silently.The Origin Stone Lamp does not have a fire source, and emits a faint yellow halo.

His lamp had been modified by himself, with some solid citrus fresheners.As long as you turn on the light, the orange aroma will slowly come out.

After all, things like tents are not easy to wash.After a long time, there will be a peculiar smell.

So he doesn't use it normally.If it can be confirmed on the small map that it is not raining, then it will never be taken out.

Even with so many digressions, the fact that this tent has experienced countless patients of all kinds cannot be avoided after all.

The doctor patted the poles supporting the tent.

Good brother, this is not the first time for you.Thank you for being in and out of so many people.

After packing up his things and putting his backpack aside, he also went out to chat with Liz.

The rain is expected to start between [-]:[-] pm and [-]:[-] am.

Before that, I could still see the stars.

She should like it, maybe people who haven't seen the sun for a long time will prefer the vast starry sky?

He is not a qualified psychiatrist, so he cannot understand such esoteric issues.

He leaned against the tree trunk with Liz in his arms, and looked up at the starry sky.

Rather than looking at the sky, Liz felt the doctor's breath, the warmth behind her, and the great enthusiasm of holding her little palm through this posture.

She squinted her eyes with happiness.



The doctor didn't reply, and kept silent to himself.

Liz didn't care either, she just knew.

Now, she is in the doctor's arms.

In the future, she wants to be in the doctor's bed.

After all, he is a patient, and occasionally needs some surgery, right?

Liz's smile gradually became blurred.

The doctor watched Liz's mental damage from high to low to medium.


Mental damage: medium (high/extremely high)]

Doctors who encounter this situation for the first time feel a little overwhelmed.

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