I am a good patient, how come I am getting better all of a sudden?

Is it really up to me to heal?

The extra high in brackets refers to...?

The doctor was confused, and finally went back to sleep with Liz in his arms.

The two slept together for another night.

Liz: After all, I'm a patient.

On the ninth page of the diary, the desperation of others is the icing on the cake (meaningful

In the middle of the night, it was raining, and there were a few loud thunderclaps in between.

Liz shrank anxiously, asking the doctor for warmth.

The doctor could only open his arms and hug Liz into his arms.

This leads to a problem.

When he woke up the next day, he couldn't feel his arm anymore.


It was still raining outside, and he didn't think about getting up to cook.The pot of gruel left over from last night can barely make do with it.

Just think about it, Liz shouldn't be able to eat something so cold.

However, the careful doctor left some boiling water in the thermos last night, and it will solve the problem after pouring it and mixing it later.

There is nothing to do if it is unpalatable.

So the challenge is to wash your face and brush your teeth.

and get up.

Liz was sound asleep, and he didn't want to move.

It was raining patter.

He listened to the sound of rain, put his arms around Liz, and slowly closed his eyes.

The little girl's cheeks were flushed.


After the rain, there is still a thick dampness in the air, and the mist is like a gauze, covering the twists and turns of the forest.

The doctor walked out of the small tent, washed briefly, then carried Liz out and took out her small toothbrush.

"Open your mouth."


The doctor checked her teeth by the way.This is the age when tooth decay occurs.

If found, fix it as soon as possible.

Ok... Fortunately, I didn't see it.

Otherwise, Liz could experience the profoundness of Li's tooth extraction technique.

After helping her solve her physical problems, the doctor once again realized the importance of Liz's rehabilitation.

All in all, go to the capital first.

After breakfast, the doctor picked up Liz and continued towards the capital, chatting with her along the way.Children are afraid of being lonely. Although this part of me seems to be very sensible and doesn't complain, the doctor will still try her best to take care of her feelings.

"Liz, do you want to walk by yourself?"

"Yes... am I too heavy?"

"That's not what I meant." The doctor patted Liz on the back lightly.To put it mildly.

"The main reason is that it's inconvenient. After all, Liz, you will grow up slowly."

So at least it's better to go to the toilet and take a bath by yourself.

"When I grow up, won't the doctor be able to hug me?"

"That's not true, but many things are always convenient for myself."

If it is said that men and women cannot kiss each other, then they will definitely be asked why.

A self-aware doctor knows better than to say nothing.

If you want him to explain, you can only tell the information on the encyclopedia according to the script.

After all, he has no actual combat experience.

so poor.

In addition, I am afraid of spoiling the children.He knew it himself, and knew that he was different from normal people.

So some things can be left untaught, and she doesn't need to be a second doctor.

Nor can she be a second doctor.

"Inconvenient, no."

Liz shook her head firmly, then leaned into his ear and spoke softly.

"Because a doctor can always help me. You are the doctor and I am the patient. You will always take care of me, right?"

"... Liz, you shouldn't be the kind of person who only relies on others and does nothing on your own?" The doctor only felt that his ear knife was itching.



"of course not."




"I should have the right to work hard for something."

"Your sacrifices and gains belong only to you, and others cannot take them away."

"That's great."

"Do you have any goals?"


The doctor wanted to ask something more, but Liz smiled and blew in his ear.

"But I won't tell you."


The doctor lifted Liz up a bit, and then spoke.

"It's a good thing to have a hard goal, but as a doctor, I still hope that you put your efforts in a positive place."

"That's natural."

Liz thought.as you wish.

"Then you still need a healthy body. Since it is a dream that you want to work hard on your own, you must have the capital to walk on alone."

No matter what, the doctor will not allow a patient to leave without completing the treatment.

His treatment has never been related to the patient's wishes.

There is a disease called the doctor thinks you are sick.

As for how the patient feels, it has nothing to do with him.

It has always been so.

Liz nodded without hesitation.


"Then I will carry out rehabilitation training for you next, is it acceptable? It will be very hard."

"It's okay doctor. No. Thank you very much, doctor." Liz turned to him and smiled.

"...that would be great." The doctor nodded, and then decided to compile some textbooks at night.

There is nothing he can do about literature.

He has also read many articles. He can understand what is written, but he can't feel the soul.

He can't feel the emotion between the lines, there is no resonance.What he said, what he did, everything seemed to be separated by a layer of tulle.Not real, not real.

This is where he is different from ordinary people.

So he might just have to recite some fairy tales to Liz.

And the math...

Speaking of which, I'm not sleepy anymore.

Give Liz a test first tonight.


Does Liz know how to read?

Time passed in the doctor's silence and Liz's waking up.

Transition to afternoon.

They encountered a small mercenary group.

Of course, they didn't rush forward to meet them.

He just hangs far behind, not approaching.

As for why.

He saw his former patients on the small map.

Based on a certain professional ethics, when he has the opportunity, he will follow up the patients after recovery.

If it is a disease, then see if there is a recurrence.If it's an injury, check to see if the wound has ruptured.

Anyway, not a stalker.

The main reason is to see that they are also going towards the king, otherwise he will not let the patients who are currently in progress take care of the patients who are recovering in the past.

Liz just clasped her hands with a smile on her face.

Well, the rescued princess meets the former princess.

I'm not the first one.

No wonder you are so skilled.

Doctor, he has no intention of going up to meet them.

One is unnecessary.

The second is dangerous.

After all, Liz in her body is still a child with no strength to restrain her.

It is the favorite item of human traffickers.

No escape ability, good facial features.After a few years of education and growth, it can be used as a commodity or killer to create value.Things like Liz can only be regarded as commodities.


What a sad race.

The doctor touched Liz's head, and she looked at the doctor in doubt.Then a sweet smile appeared.The doctor also smiled and said nothing more.

At least I don't want that to happen to you, Liz.

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