But after seeing that it was Xiangling, Ningxia was relieved, after all, Xiangling was very good.

"Master Ningxia! These are my friends, they are Xin Yan and Yun Jin." Xiang Ling introduced.

"Hello." Ning Xia greeted the second daughter, then sat on the chair in the chair and took a sip of hot tea. He was quite busy.

Seeing Xiangling's arrival, Yelan left in a sensible manner, and before leaving, she secretly gave Yelan the house key in Huasan.

Ye Lan took the key with a grateful expression on her face, so it seems that she has a valid reason...


Chapter 227 Yelan: Welcome back

Huasanli took the initiative to make new tea for the three girls, asked Ningxia to greet Yunjin Xinyan, and left with Xiangling.

When he came upstairs, Xiangling looked at Huasanli suspiciously and asked, "Sister Huasanli, does sister need my help?"

"Xiangling, the thing is like this..." Huasanli told Xiangling that she was leaving, and then said that she asked Yelan to take care of Ningxia.

"Oh..." Xiangling said disappointedly, in fact, she also wanted to fight for it.

"Sister Xiangling, don't feel lost~" Hua Sanli said while rubbing Xiangling's head.

"Didn't you say you were going to try the pork in Qingquan Town in Mond? It just so happens that Mr. Ningxia is going to Mond, and I..."

"I would like to ask you to go to Mond with Mr. Ningxia, so that you can also have a support." Hua Sanli explained.

Xiangling was surprised and delighted when she heard this, it was much better than being alone with Ningxia in Liyue for a few days, going to Mengde for at least half a month, during this time~

"What's the matter? Don't you want to go?" Hua Sanli teased.

"Go! I must go!" Xiangling said hastily.

"Then~Mr. Ningxia, who is going to Monde, please~" Hua Sanli said with a smile.

"No problem!" Xiang Ling said, patting the hill higher than Hall Master Hu.

Downstairs, Ning Xia began to tell the two daughters about her fighting the rock lizard, as well as some music opinions. Under the adoring eyes of the girls, Ning Xia began to talk about some memories of her previous life.

At this time, Huasanli took Xiangling downstairs. After Huasanli's request, Xiangling was very happy. After all, after moving out of Wanmintang from Ningxia, she had a lot less communication with Ningxia. This is a rare opportunity.

With Ningxia's knowledge and knowledge, the two daughters have become adored for Ningxia. If Xiangling hadn't counted the time and it was almost time to go back, the two daughters wanted to continue chatting with Ningxia until dark.

After such a toss, it was almost lunch time, and Ningxia consciously cooked a good meal for Huasanli and Kapaqili.

After eating, Kapaqili continued to look at the "Empty X Fate" and Ning Xia saw that there was still time, and secretly hugged her while Huasan was not paying attention.

Under Huasanli's reproachful eyes, Ningxia took Huasanli and prepared to make another mess.

At the end of the torment, Hua Sanli could only go downstairs with Ningxia angrily. This time, she really figured out how to play with Ningxia and was stabbed in the back.

Seeing that Kapaqili was still reading, Huasanli breathed a sigh of relief. I don't know why, Huasanli always felt immoral when he was tossed.

Kapaqili was also relieved to see that the two of them didn't realize it. After all, it would be bad if they were caught peeking at such things.

But Kapaqili also found out, it turns out that her elder brother would also fool herself, what kind of massage is this, it is obviously...

Capaccili was a little angry, obviously the protagonist in the novel is okay, why can't she, obviously she is similar to the protagonist in the novel!

But now the two need a temporary separation, Kapa Qili decided to wait for Ning Xia to return to Dao's wife and must ask Ning Xia why she didn't toss with her.

It was almost time for Huasanli to leave. Ning Xia packed up her souvenirs and special products and put them in the mustard jade pendant. Kapaqili took Huasanli to go outside Liyue first. After all, if Kapaqili’s prototype is Appearing in Liyue Harbor will definitely cause turmoil.

Yelan was found in Huasan, who had left earlier, and she solemnly told her some things and Ningxia's preferences before leaving.

Only Ye Lan, who was holding the key of Ningxia's house tightly, was left wondering what she was thinking.

In an open space far away from Liyue Harbor, Kapaqili turned into a giant bird. Ningxia put special products and gifts on her back, and Kapaqili carefully protected her with the thunder element. they.

Then Hua Sanli was about to climb up on Kapaqili, before going up, Hua Sanli turned to Ning Xia and said goodbye to Ning Xia with reluctance in his eyes.

Ningxia gently waved goodbye to the two daughters, and Kapaqili let out a low cry, waving her wings and flying towards Daoqiu.

Kapaqili flew a little slowly, and she would look back at Ningxia every time she flew, and she didn't urge her in Huasan, just staring in Ningxia's direction obsessively.

After the figures of Huasanli and Kapaqili completely disappeared in the sky, Ningxia moved her legs like lead injection and left step by step.

Ningxia hummed "lemon" and left slowly, while Huasanli, who had already flown above the sea, couldn't help humming at almost the same time.

At this time, Kapaqili, who had been holding back for a long time, couldn't help asking: "Sister Huasanli."

"What's the matter? Kapaqili?" Hua Sanli asked softly.

"How do you feel with Brother Ningxia?" Kapaqili asked after Ningxia left.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Hua Sanli almost couldn't hold back her cough, and she finally understood where the sense of immorality at noon came from.

"Why can you but I can't?" Kapaqili asked, obviously she also likes Ningxia, and Ningxia also likes her.

(Ningxia: She is just my sister~)

"That's it..." Hua Sanli hesitated, even she couldn't explain this kind of thing, after all, Kapaqili and Ningxia were only in name and had no blood relationship.

"Why? She looks very happy in Huasanli." Kapaqili continued to ask.

Hua Sanli had no choice but to put on a smiling face, reluctantly explaining this kind of thing to Kapaqili, at least perfunctory first, otherwise it would be bad for Kapaqili to talk nonsense.

Ning Xia slowly walked back to Liyue Port, after all, he still wanted to go to Monde, and he had to do what he promised others.

Yelan gently opened Ningxia's house. As Huasan said, Ningxia was taken care of by her these days. Huasan had already told her what Ningxia liked, what she liked to eat, and even what kind of clothing Ningxia preferred. up.

Yelan took out the clothes that Huasan said were in line with Ningxia's aesthetics, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, but thought that Ningxia was still misunderstood herself.

Gritting her teeth and putting on her clothes, she must let Ningxia accept herself first, otherwise she will be sorry for the opportunity Huasanli gave her.

Ningxia bought some vegetables casually, and planned to deal with it casually tonight. After all, if she is alone, Ningxia still likes to order casually, but after having Kapaqili, Ningxia always likes to cook something good for her.

When she returned to her house, Ningxia saw that someone had opened the door, and thought it was Xiangling.

I was almost taken aback when I opened the door.

"Ye Lan!? Why are you here?" Ning Xia asked, clutching her little heart, today's excitement was a bit too much.

"Welcome back, Mr. Ningxia~ The hot water has been set for you, and dinner is ready. Do you want to take a bath first, or eat first?"

"Again, or..." Ye Lan hesitated and couldn't say the last sentence.

Chapter 228 Yelan: Three times, three times

Ning Xia was sitting opposite Ye Lan, the corners of his mouth twitched after listening to what Ye Lan said. He originally thought that asking Ye Lan to take care of him in Hua Sanli was just an excuse to appease the girls, but he didn't expect Hua Sanli to be serious.

"Miss Huasanli said, you, it would be very easy to live alone, let me look after you for her, so that you don't live a casual life." Ye Lan said, looking at Ning Xia with one hand on her chin.

"Miss Ye Lan hates me very much, doesn't she?" Ning Xia thought of being tortured to death by Ye Lan the day before yesterday.

"I never said, it's just you who misunderstood!" Ye Lan quickly corrected, it's better to explain the matter honestly now, she knows about Gan Yu's affairs, it's fine to be a defeated dog, but You can't be a loser all the time.


"Hmph! Are you a perfunctory person who goes shopping with girls!" Ye Lan said angrily. She was so devoted, but Ningxia was so perfunctory.


Ningxia looked at Yelan and recalled the time when he went shopping with Yelan. He accompanied Yelan to a total of [-] streets, [-] shops, and hundreds of products...

Looking at Ning Xia's eyes, Ye Lan took the initiative to bow her head and admit her mistake: "I'm sorry ~ who, who called you..."

Ye Lan said while covering the part of the second serious injury, and said resentfully: "Mr. Ningxia always bullies me!"

Ning Xia scratched his face, Yelan's unlucky things these days are more or less related to him.

"And Mr. Ning Xia~ you don't want Miss Huasanli to worry~" Ye Lan asked with a look of trepidation.

"Ouch!" Ye Lan clutched Ning Xia's thumping head, a little aggrieved, and a little...cough~

"Miss Liyue, please stop your rice wife behavior immediately." Ning Xia said while covering her face, but it's all good, the misunderstanding has been resolved, but Yelan seems to be a little bit wrong.

"Mr. Ningxia, go take a shower first, I'll warm up the food for you." Ye Lan said with a blushing face, she had already sorted out the family affairs.

Ningxia took a hot bath in the bathroom, the moderate temperature of hot water relieved the fatigue of today's Shura field.

"Mr. Ning Xia ~ put your clothes outside ~" Ye Lan shouted from outside the bathroom.

"Thank you." Ning Xia wiped his face and said, he felt much more comfortable after soaking in the hot bath.

After Ningxia put on new clothes, she walked out of the bathroom. Yelan had already arranged the meals.

"Can you... change your clothes..." Ningxia said with a twitching corner of her mouth. When she was tossing with Huasanli before, Huasanli liked this suit so much that Huasanli thought he was pretending to be in love with the maid. have a soft spot.

(White-haired maid! Who can refuse a white-haired maid!!!)

"Nah~ Mr. Ningxia thinks I'm very attractive now~" Yelan stretched her waist and said, trying to let Ningxia see her charm.

"Actually~" Ningxia looked at Yelan, it was hard to deny her charm.

"Very, very pretty." Ning Xia said while covering her face.

"Then~ Mr. Ningxia~" Ye Lan leaned closer to Ningxia's body, and touched Ningxia's shoulder with her two small hands.

"Do you like me~" Ye Lan asked with a blushing face, sitting on Ning Xia's lap arrogantly.

How could Ningxia, who has undergone transformation since being with Huasan, be afraid of this kind of thing, so she directly raised Ye Lan's chin and said, "You are not afraid that I will eat you~"

Ye Lan, who was highly offensive and defensive, was not flustered by Ning Xia's teasing, but licked her red lips and said, "Mr. Ning Xia can give it a try~ Whoever eats it won't be one... um..."

Ye Lan's small face was pinched by Ning Xia, she pursed her mouth and said something indistinctly.

Seeing Yelan's appearance, Ningxia let go of her hand with a smile. Under Yelan's resentful eyes, Ningxia burst out laughing. It's quite fun to tease Yelan.

"Woo~ Mr. Ningxia is bullying people again!" Yelan complained, and then went to make tea for Ningxia.

"Here! The black tea you like!" Ye Lan said angrily, she was both ashamed and happy that Ning Xia bullied her.

After Ning Xia had finished eating, Ye Lan took the initiative to clear the dining table with Ning Xia.

After the dishes and chopsticks were cleared away, Ning Xia sat on a chair and lay down flat. Two acquaintances in the house suddenly disappeared, which made him a little uncomfortable.

"Mr. Ningxia ~ Mr. Ningxia~" Ye Lan said while pushing Ningxia.

"Is there something wrong?" Ning Xia said lying flat.

"Mr. Ning Xia, what do you think of me now?" Ye Lan asked expectantly.

"Very...very cute." Ning Xia thought for a while and said.

"Don't perfunctory me!" Ye Lan said pushing Ning Xia, like a coquettish girlfriend expressing dissatisfaction with her perfunctory girlfriend.

"Miss Ye Lan, why don't you go home first..." Ning Xia said helplessly. Ye Lan had already seduced him several times intentionally or unintentionally.

"Hey! You actually let a frail girl go home alone!" Ye Lan said angrily, grabbing Ning Xia's face.

"You? Your body is delicate?" Ning Xia said with a smile. He remembered the last time Ye Lan was beaten into stone bricks by Shen He and tied up by Shen He.

"Don't laugh!!!" Ye Lan also saw Ning Xia laughing at her, sitting on Ning Xia angrily and hammering Ning Xia's chest with her small fist.

Ning Xia's expression changed drastically. He was sat down by Ye Lan, and the blood that had been suppressed by him with the Tao Te Ching had sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain.

"Woo~" Ye Lan blushed and jumped up, she had sensed Ning Xia's attack just now, counting this time, she had already been seriously injured three times.

Ye Lan looked at Ning Xia while clutching the place where she had been seriously injured three times in a row, and said, "Mr. Ning Xia is a bully!"

"This, this is an unavoidable situation." Ning Xia explained embarrassingly.

"But Miss Yelan, your charm is too great, can you change this dress." Ning Xia said with a sigh of relief, Yelan's move is too terrible.

"No change!" Ye Lan said as if she had caught Ning Xia's weakness.

"Don't you think it's dangerous for you to look like this?"

"If Mr. Ning Xia wants it, it's not impossible~" Ye Lan said with a blushing face, rubbing her two little hands left and right anxiously.

How could Ning Xia bear it when Ye Lan said this, and hugged Ye Lan directly by the waist.

"Woo~" Ye Lan didn't resist, and let Ning Xia hug her.

"Miss Ye Lan, I'll give you one last chance, are you really not going?" Ning Xia said while holding back his blood.

"Hmph ~ don't go ~" Ye Lan blushed and raised Ning Xia's chin, remembering what happened last night, she deliberately teased Ning Xia, she was both curious and afraid of that kind of thing, and a little...

Ningxia took Yelan upstairs, and then Yelan was thrown into Kapaqili's room by Ningxia, and then went back to sleep in her room ignoring Yelan's resentful eyes.

He, Ning Xia, is not a casual man, and Ning Xia lost sleep all night because of Ye Lan's teasing...

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