Chapter 229

Ning Xia touched his darkened eye sockets the next day. He was very handsome when he lost Yelan yesterday, but he looks really handsome when he is insomnia.

The resentful Yelan had already prepared breakfast for Ning Xia, her resentful little eyes seemed to be complaining that Ning Xia left such a beautiful woman alone.

Ning Xia yawned and scratched her head in embarrassment when she saw Ye Lan's appearance.

And the shadow of Inazuma went to the mountain, and Hansanli directed the maidens to sort the souvenirs and Liyue specialties one by one. After receiving the news of Hanasanli's return, Linghua Xiaogong and others crowded into Narugami Shrine .

"Miss Linghua, Mr. Ningxia entrusted me to bring you this, Miss Xiaogong, this is for you from Mr. Ningxia." In the flowers, I handed the souvenirs to Xiaogong Linghua one by one according to the labels.

"Brother Ningxia is really too, it's been a month and he still hasn't come back..." Linghua hugged the gift that Ningxia gave her, although she complained about Ningxia, the corners of her mouth still couldn't stop rising.

"Sister Huasanli, when will Brother Ningxia come back?" Xiao Gong asked holding a present.

"Mr. Ningxia...he may not come back in another month or two." Hua Sanli said helplessly, she planned to take Ningxia to go to Mengde for a month, and I guess the girls in Liyue would not be so easy Let Ningxia come back.

"Alas..." Xiao Gong sat on the steps beside him in despair, and missed him in the first month when Brother Ning Xia was away.

"Brother Ningxia, you won't be accompanied by girls in Liyue, right?" Linghua suddenly thought of some bad things.

"Uh...hehehe..." Hua San laughed guiltyly. After all, she was the one who ate meat. It would be bad if they knew that she had betrayed Dao's wife's sisters in advance.

"Sister Huasanli, tell the truth, how many are there?" Linghua asked with a serious face, she already wanted to kill Liyue and snatch Ningxia back.

"Big, or eight~" Hua San felt guilty and left herself behind. This feeling of deceiving her sisters made her feel a little guilty for no reason.

"Boom boom..."

When the second daughter heard this terrible number, her eyes lost their brightness, and the joy of getting the gift was overshadowed by this sudden crisis.

"You don't have to worry, she, they didn't do anything to Mr. Ning Xia, I'm watching." Hua San comforted her guilty.

After listening to Hua Sanli's words, the second daughter felt better and did nothing, so no one should be like Ningxia.

(Hua Sanli: Hey~)

"Then, let's leave first." Linghua asked the guards to take presents for Thomas and Lingo and left.

After the second daughter left, Huasan looked at Kapaqili who was sitting on the sacred cherry tree. Kapaqili was teasing a pink fur fox lying flat. Without Ningxia's suppression, she Now she has more and more the appearance of a demon god, except when facing people close to her (except the Son of God), otherwise she always has the appearance of not getting close to strangers.

Shenzi, who had been bullying her before, has now been picked up by her as a pet to play with.

Miko's eyes were full of despair. This morning, she had just finished eating deep-fried tofu udon noodles for breakfast. She originally wanted to read Yaedo's latest novel for a review, and then Kapaqili and Hanasanli came back.

Originally, there would be nothing wrong with Kapaqili coming back, but now Kapaqili has entered the adult demon god stage, let alone a god son, a hundred god sons are not enough for the current Kapaqili to fight.

Kapaqili, who was particularly vindictive, immediately grabbed Miko as soon as she came back, and turned Miko back to her original form. She returned the same things that Miko bullied her.

"Kappaqili, put Shenzi down." Hua Sanli said helplessly. Before that, Shenzi bullied Kapaqili too hard, but now it's at most a turn of events.

"Okay." Kapaqili threw Miko down casually, and Miko in mid-air instantly transformed into a human form and landed, and immediately hid behind Huasanli. Her wisdom and beauty were a little bit different in front of Kapaqili's pure strength. Insignificant.

She has been the son of God for 500 years. When did she suffer this kind of humiliation, but who knew that Kapaqili would directly become a demon god as soon as she came back. Now only General Shadow and General can suppress her in the entire Daozu.

Kapaqili slowly jumped down from the sacred cherry tree, and told Huasanli that she would go home with Sara's souvenir first, and she was a little homesick.

Then he picked up the big box containing the Saura souvenirs and turned into a ray of lightning and flew in the direction of Inaozuma Castle.

Huasanli handed Shenzi's souvenir to Shenzi. After receiving it, Shenzi didn't rush to take it apart to read, but stuck it on Huasanli's body to smell the smell.

"Sister Huasanli, are you so cute?" Shenzi, who has a better sense of smell than ordinary people, smelled something wrong with Huasanli.

"Well..." Hua Sanli turned her face guiltily, she couldn't admit that she had been tossing with Ning Xia almost every day for the past half month.

"You steal it! You actually steal it!" Shenzi looked at Hua Sanli in disbelief, never expecting that you, a usually gentle and gentle big sister, would steal it behind your good sister's back!

"Ning... Mr. Ning Xia wants it..." Hua Sanli said guiltily, it was definitely not her intention, absolutely not.

"Obviously... obviously I came first..." Shenzi said disappointedly, obviously she was the first to know Ningxia's maiden, whether it was meeting or kissing.

"Uh, hehehe..." Huasanli looked at the disappointed Shenzi and smiled embarrassedly. After all, his stealing food was like stabbing Daozu's sisters in the back.

"No! I won't get it the first time, but I will definitely get it the second time!" Shenzi quickly pulled himself together and wanted to find a way to build a fast boat to go to Liyue to cut the mess quickly.

"No!" Hua Sanli grabbed Shenzi, after all Ningxia was going to Monde, it would be bad if Shenzi messed up something.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L l L L L , Mine!" Shenzi cried and fussed.

"Son of God, don't cry, the last time you cried like this, you rolled down the mountain." Hua Sanli comforted.

"Woo! We can't talk about that again!" the crying and fussing Miko said angrily, it was the biggest dark history of the Yae Miko who valued both wisdom and beauty.

"Okay, okay, obediently go back and unpack Mr. Ning Xia's presents. Mr. Ning Xia has been busy with you for a long time before tidying them up." Huasanli comforted.

The lost God child picked up the gift and went back to her room, and then she was going to expand the secret room under the Yae Hall. When Ning Xia came back, she must have a good time with Ning Xia!

Huasanli breathed a sigh of relief, now Shenzi knows that the matter between himself and Ningxia is fine, and the matter with Morax, if Ying knows, maybe he will go to Liyue to have a fight with Morax Unfriendly fights.

Chapter 230 Dancing Ballet in Frost Destroyer

At this time, there was a silver bell-like laughter from the god cherry tree, obviously very happy.

"Master Shenying, pay attention to your image." Hua Sanli said helplessly.

"I can't help it~ After all, you are the only one who can talk to me in the whole rice wife. In the days when you are not around, I am almost bored." Shen Yingshu said helplessly, now she can only rely on the branches of Shen Yingshu to understand The matter of Dao's wife, but it's useless to watch, and it makes her feel uncomfortable enough if no one talks to her.

"Besides~ your little lover even tricked my sister, so why not if I snatch your flowers back."

"Master Shenying..."

"I've said it all, just call me really!" Corrected Shen Yingshu named Zhenzhen.

And Ayato, who was holding a souvenir, returned to Kamisato's house, and it happened that Ayato was playing with a man with horns.

Linghua showed an awkward yet polite smile on her face, and put Ningxia's gift for Lingren beside Lingren, then found Thomas who was cleaning, and gave him the gift.

When Thomas opened the package, he saw a piece of ice jade box, and just a little closer to the jade box, he could feel the cold air coming from him. This was specially made by Ningxia to protect the windmill chrysanthemums from withering on the road.

When Thomas opened the box, he saw the windmill chrysanthemum in his childhood memory. Thomas held back his excitement and picked up the windmill chrysanthemum, expressing his gratitude to Ningxia.

Being well-informed, he naturally knows the preciousness of the ice jade box, and Ningxia is willing to give him a windmill chrysanthemum in the ice jade box for him, which makes Thomas, who has always missed Mond, thank him from the bottom of his heart. Ningxia.

And Lingren also opened Ningxia's gift for himself, neatly packed with 6 bottles of dumpling milk, with a note written by Ningxia on it.

The general meaning of the note is that this is a brand-new taste of dumpling milk jointly developed by the famous chef Liyue and I. Daozuma will never eat it, but you can't drink the two flavors together.

Lingren picked up a bottle of dumpling milk, which said ice-clear heart taste. Lingren curiously opened a bottle, took a sip with a straw, and instantly a cool feeling penetrated his whole body.

At this moment, he only felt that he was in his sister's Shenliliu. Frost Mie, dancing ballet in a JK uniform. The cool smell even showed on the surface of his body, and Ayato's body was faintly chilling.

The man on the side looked at the enjoying Lingren, and was a little curious. After getting Lingren's consent, he wanted to pick up a bottle to drink, but he saw the sentence in the Ningxia note that the two flavors cannot be drunk together, otherwise it will become strange of.

The man was not happy when he heard this, he was not afraid of this kind of thing after a long fight, and then poured a bottle of Bingqing Xinwei on the left and a bottle of Huojueyun Pepper and Pepper Flavor on the right.

Bingqingxin and Huojueyunjiaojiao are more exciting than ice and fire, let alone drinking the two together, and the symphony of ice and fire resounds in Yidou's body in an instant.

Yi Dou's expression changed from disdain to constipated, and then to pain.

"Wow! It's so hot! It's so cold!" Yidou said jumping up and down, his body was hot and cold at times, making him feel ecstatic. If it is said that Ayato is dancing ballet in JK in Shen Liliu.

Then Yidou is wearing a sumo suit and dancing ballet in Wendy's Poetry of the Wind God with the diffused ice and fire elements, and the whole body is in a melting reaction.

Linghua covered her face and looked at the enjoying Ayato and the ballet dancer, this brother was hopeless.

Leaving aside the farce at Shenli's house today, in Liyue's Ningxia house, Yelan pushed and pushed Ningxia, wanting him to accompany her to go shopping.

Ning Xia, who really couldn't stand Ye Lan's acting like a baby, reluctantly agreed. Ning Xia casually stretched her waist, then took the mustard seed jade pendant and went out with Ye Lan.

Ye Lan, who had changed back to decent clothes, took the initiative to embrace Ning Xia and swear her sovereignty. Ning Xia, who was used to shopping, also took the initiative to accompany Ye Lan to look at some accessories and the like.

"Ningxia!" At this time, Ke Qing, who was carrying a large bag of things, looked at Ningxia who was shopping with Yelan.

"Isn't this Mrs. Keqing? May I ask if you have something to do with my family in Ningxia?" Ye Lan naturally knew that one of Ningxia's rumored girlfriends was Keqing, and immediately hugged Ningxia tightly to declare her sovereignty.

"Your house?" Keqing's eyes were on fire, she had only been to Xumi for a long time, why did another woman appear again.

"Keqing, listen to my explanation." Ning Xia said while covering her face.

"Explain!? How do you want to explain it!" Ke Qing grabbed Ning Xia's hand and was about to question her.

"Wait a minute! Ningxia is mine now, even if you are Yuhengxing, you don't have the right to pull people for no reason!" Ye Lan refused to admit defeat and grabbed Ningxia's other hand.

"Hmph! Me, I'm Ning Xia's good friend, why don't I have the qualifications!" Ke Qing said angrily. She wanted to buy something to meet Ning Xia just now, but she ran into Ye Lan and Ning Xia together.

"Okay!" The two girls said in unison.

Then at Ningxia's house, the two daughters looked at Ningxia together. Under Ningxia's explanation, Keqing knew that the very difficult witch had left, but before leaving, she handed Ningxia to Yelan.

"Hmm..." Keqing was a little disappointed. When Huasanli left, she was still on her way back to Liyue. After she got back, she was still arranging the place for that big girl who claimed to be from Mond. I have time to find Ningxia.

Ning Xia comforted Ke Qing softly, after all, she caused the trouble, while Ye Lan looked sourly at Ning Xia comforting Ke Qing, as if she also needed comfort.

After You Gan You Ke, Ning Xia once again experienced the night and the sun, the left hand is clear and the right hand is Yelan, but the two women are fighting and inexplicably touched his weakness, making him feel so happy.

And the big girl that Keqing brought back, or Vanessa, was sitting in the room Keqing arranged for her, and the opposite of her was Morax.

"Lord Morax." Vanessa didn't maintain the arrogance of the envoy of Sky Island. She still knew a little about the relationship between her god Barbatos and Morax, and if it wasn't for Keqing, she might still be in need. Wandering around blindly.

"She sent you?" Morax asked. Morax knew the aura of Sky Island on Vanessa's body, but he didn't expect Tianli to be so good-tempered.

(Tianli: Next time, I can’t find the road idiot)

"Yes." Vanessa nodded, but there was no sense of accountability on her face at all, because the sky island has now tilted, and Tianli can only linger on the second throne now, and sending her down is just a helpless move.

However, Vanessa also knew the thoughts of her own god, so she followed suit. She thought it would be better to take this opportunity to witness the current Mond.

"Then what are you going to do next?" Morax asked calmly, people from Barbatos, that would be easy.

"Of course it is..." The two began to discuss how to act.

Chapter 231 Farewell

After Kapaqili returned home, she first carefully put the souvenirs of Sara in Sara's room, and then went to Ning Xia's room. This was her main goal. Since her brother was not by her side, Then you can only absorb the taste of Ningxia on the bed in Ningxia.

Ningxia's room was the same as when he left, it was neat and clean, but the mattress seemed to have been made many times, obviously someone else slept in Ningxia's bed when he was out, and more than once.

Kapaqili lay down on the bed, sniffing the smell of Ningxia and Sara on the bed, Kapaqili soon knew that the person was Sara.

Kapaqili puffed up, she really missed Ningxia now, but Ningxia asked her to look at Huasan, and waited for him to come back. In the end, Kapaqili had no choice but to take out a dress that she walked along before leaving to supplement herself. Lack of older brother element.

Since entering the adult demon stage, Kapaqili has to suck a few mouthfuls on Ning Xia every day. This is the privilege of her younger sister, but there is no other way now.

And Saura, who is far away on Haizhi Island, is communicating with Xinhai about Ningxia, because Yuanxia Palace has not yet reached the opening time, and his conditions have not been fulfilled, so Saluo has to take charge of Haizhi Island by the way.

However, after work, Xinhai always persevered in cultivating the topic of Ningxia, which caused Shaluo to gradually feel that this little witch is also good.

In this way, a Ningxia brother-in-law reached a consensus with a Ningxia-controller. For example, Xinhai is now discussing the smell of Ningxia with Shaluo.

As soon as we talked about this, Shaluo, who was originally aloof and cold, seemed to have changed into a different person. He chatted with Xinhai about how he hugged Ningxia to sleep when he was a child.

Sara remembered with a look of reminiscence that when he was in the mountains and forests, he always liked to hug Ningxia at night, in name, to keep warm, but Sara liked the smell of Ningxia very much.

Seeing the forgetful Shaluo, she told vividly how she hugged Ningxia and how to make Ningxia feel comfortable with herself.

Xinhai's heart was sour, because the shogunate announced the execution on Haizhi Island, she had to come back to calm down, and she didn't even catch up with the party, she hadn't smelled Ningxia for a long time.

Another day without General Ningxia, Energy -1

Now Xinhai really wants to go back to the days when she occasionally touched fish, when she could secretly hug Ningxia Sihashiha while Ningxia was taking a nap.

But now listening to Sara talk about these things can also alleviate her Ningxia need disorder, but now she really wants to hold Ningxia, smell the smell of Ningxia, and touch fish comfortably.

But soon the soldiers of the shogunate came to interrupt the communication between the two of them in Ningxia, and the opening of Yuanxia Palace was almost ready.

Now it is only necessary for the maiden of Haizhi Island to open the passage of Yuanxia Palace, and they can enter.

With the help of Xinhai, Shuilu and others, the passage of Yuanxia Palace was opened. In the past, the witches of Haizhi Island did not need to enter Yuanxia Palace together, but Xinhai insisted on going together. In the deepest part of the body, I felt a familiar breath, familiar from the blood.

But the next few days in Liyue's Ningxia were a little painful and happy, except for Yelan, Aren, Yanfei, Liuyun Borfengzhenjun, Ganyu, Shenhe, Keqing and others who were guarding him occasionally. Will come to him, Ningxia has to accompany the girls these days, and Yula and Keli also bid farewell to Ningxia not long ago, they have to go back to Mond first.

But before Yula left, Ningxia asked about the Dandelion girl again, but she still didn't get an answer from Yula, so she had to go to Mond to find it by herself.

On the day when she was about to leave Liyue, Ningxia took her packed bags, and Yelan helped Ningxia tidy her clothes again, with some resentment and reluctance on her face.

"Ningxia, you will come back to Liyue after finishing your business in Monde!? Right!" Yelan asked again.

Looking at the resentful beauty in front of her, Ning Xia couldn't help pinching her little face and said, "I'll be back."

After getting another guarantee from Ning Xia, Ye Lan reluctantly let go. If Ning Guang hadn't said that she had some things to do recently, she would have wanted to follow her to Mond.

Soon all the girls came to Ningxia's home, and they all tried their best to squeeze out some noon time to send Ningxia off.

Xiangling Crispy Rice, who has already prepared her bags, and Mona, who has waited until Ningxia to go to Mond, are looking forward to the next trip to Mond.

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