Ningxia waved goodbye to everyone, and slowly left Liyue Port with Mona and Xiangling.

Mona walking on the road is very comfortable. Although the life in Liyue is good, Mona still wants to get the mysterious knowledge of Mond quickly. Thinking of this, Mona feels a little empty stomach. hungry.

Xiangling was also chatting and laughing with Ningxia on the sidelines. Going to Mond to experience new ingredients and being with her own chef is already very good in Xiangling's opinion.

Because the three of them were on their way slowly, it was almost dusk when they arrived at Wangshu Inn, so Ningxia decided to take a rest here and continue on their way tomorrow.

Ningxia, who is not short of money, directly ordered three good guest rooms and the signature dishes of the inn. Half of his mustard jade perry is used for Mora, so he is not short of money at all.

Everyone sat at the table, waiting for the food to be served.

Mona touched her wallet and asked how much it cost in total, to see if she could pay some. In Mona's opinion, both Xiangling and Ningxia had helped her too much, and she felt ashamed to always eat and drink for nothing.

However, Ningxia refused, saying that they are all friends, there is no need to do this, and under Ningxia's persuasion, Mona was embarrassed to take back her wallet, and she also understood why Ningxia would be her destined person.

But recently, she learned something about love from the "Air X Aid" left by Capaccili, such as the other meaning of the destined person.

Thinking of this, Mona felt ashamed of herself who was the one who shouted her fate to Ningxia in the second grade. She didn't think so much at the time, but it's just thinking about it now.

The blushing Mona lay on the table, afraid that Ningxia and Xiangling would find something wrong with her face.

"Mona, are you alright?" Ning Xia looked at Mona lying on the table and asked, why did she suddenly lie on her stomach for no reason.

"It's okay, I'm just a little sleepy." Mona said with a blushing face, the more she thought about her secondary school, the more ashamed she became. If she didn't know that Ning Xia didn't care about such things, she would have wished to kill herself first.

Soon the cook called Yanxiao brought the food. Although Yanxiao's cooking skills were not as good as Ningxia's, the taste was still good. In some details, even Ningxia thought it was good.

Chapter 232

After filling their stomachs, everyone went back to their own rooms. After walking for half a day, even Mona and Xiangling, who had the eyes of God, were a little tired.

Ningxia is leaning on the high place of Wangshu Inn to watch the scenery. From above, it can clearly see the general of Longji Snow Mountain in the direction of Mond.

"Why are you here?" Mandrill who appeared suddenly asked, he noticed him when he came to Wangshu Inn in Ningxia, but he didn't like crowds, so he only appeared when Ningxia was alone.

"Did you encounter any trouble? You can ask me to help you solve it." Mandrill said, although his face was still expressionless, his words still expressed his concern for Ningxia jerky.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm going to Mond, and I'm just going to rest here for the night." Ning Xia waved his hand and said, Mandrill had come to thank him after the stratum rock abyss, and said that he could call him if there was anything to do in Liyue name, he will come to help.

"Okay, if you need anything, just call my name." After speaking, Mandrill disappeared.

Seeing Mandrill coming and going in a hurry, Ning Xia waved his hands helplessly. He had no ill feeling towards Mandrill, but his words were too awkward.

"Little friend Ningxia." A voice that made Ningxia's fist harden suddenly appeared.

"Farewell, little friend, I'm not familiar with you." Ning Xia said helplessly, every time he met Morax, something bad would happen.

"Isn't Ningxia going to Monde?" Morax didn't care about Ningxia's disrespect, but asked about other things.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Looking at Morax's appearance, Ning Xia couldn't help complaining: "Are you idle? Why don't you do business every day?"

"Young friend Ningxia misunderstood, I'm just taking a proper rest now." Morax explained, although in Ningxia's eyes, this kind of explanation is more or less unnecessary.

"Don't come to me if you have anything to do. I'm going to Mond. I don't have time and I don't want to see you." Ning Xia said, covering her face. After all, meeting Morax would be bad.

"This matter is a piece of cake for Ningxia, and I will pay the corresponding reward." Morax said, calling Vanessa over.

"This is Miss Vanessa, and she happens to be going to Mond too. I hope that little friend Ningxia can take her with her." Morax introduced.

Vanessa greeted Ningxia with an awkward but polite smile on her face. She went to Mond three times in the past few days. After going by sea three times, I almost went to Daoqi for no reason, but there was really no way to find Morax.

Under the introduction of Morax, Ning Xia looked at Vanessa with a strange face. It is so crazy to be able to walk from the direction to Mond to the layered rock abyss...

"What's the benefit?" Ning Xia asked, since it was Morax's wool, it was natural to pluck it to death, anyway, he was indeed on the way.

"Hasn't Ningxia little friend been suffering from physical transformation? I have a letter here. You just need to show it to Fengshen, and Fengshen will naturally accelerate the next time for you. With the help of Fengshen, Ningxia should be able to become better than before. Liyue is even stronger." Morax took out a letter and said.

"As for where the Fengshen is, you just need to stay in some of the best bars in Mond, and you will meet the Fengshen soon." Morax said and took out another bottle of wine.

"This is Liyue's Sanguotou, also known as Zuixianniang. My friends in Ningxia have also drank it. If you really can't find Fengshen, you only need to open this bottle of wine at the highest point in Mond, and Fengshen will not ask you to drink it. Here we come." Morax said firmly.

"Hearing what you said, why do I feel that Fengshen is getting less and less..." Ningxia looked at Vanessa and still didn't say those two words. After all, she is from Mond, so don't complain about her in front of her. God.

"Little friend Ningxia, do you still have the three talismans I gave you?" Morax asked.

"Yes." Ning Xia nodded.

"If you encounter any difficult things in Mond, especially those related to Fengshen, you can tear off a sheet, and I will come to help you as quickly as possible." Morax said with his fists clenched.

"Okay, okay..." Ning Xia said with a twitching corner of his mouth. Although Morax said Fengshen was very unreliable, but if he could speed up his transformation, he could only bite the bullet and look for it.

"Then please talk to Miss Vanessa more, I'll take my leave first." Morax disappeared after saying that, leaving only Ningxia and Vanessa staring at each other.

Ning Xia chatted with Vanessa for a while, and after getting a general understanding of some things and confirming the meeting place, he went back to his room to rest. As for whether Vanessa concealed something, it had nothing to do with him, he was only responsible Send people to Mond.

On the next day, Ningxia, who woke up early and washed up, greeted Xiangling Mona, and then ate breakfast slowly.

After finishing breakfast, Ningxia took the three daughters and continued on their way to Mond. After crossing a wooden bridge, they met Vanessa who was waiting for him.

Ning Xia first briefly told everyone about Vanessa and her going to Mond with him.

The addition of Vanessa did not slow down the speed of the crowd, and soon they passed through Dihuazhou.

Ning Xia suddenly stopped and looked into the distance. There were a few wild boars playing and playing. Naturally, a few wild boars would not make Ning Xia feel difficult to deal with, but these few wild boars made of water elements were very strange.

And several wild boars also looked at Ning Xia and the others, with hostile eyes in their eyes, and rushed towards Ning Xia and the others together.

Before Ning Xia could make a move, Vanessa smashed several water elemental wild boars with an iron sword.

The crushed wild boars turned into ordinary water and sprinkled on the ground. Ning Xia looked at the water in a strange way, wondering why water elemental animals suddenly appeared.

However, Ning Xia and the others continued to move forward, but the more they walked in the direction of Mond, the more and more water elemental animals became more and more violent, as soon as they saw Ning Xia and the others, they would kill them.

Ningxia frowned and looked at a place not far away with some strong water elements, obviously that was the source.

Xiangling on the side comforted the lost Mona. Among the four, only Mona was immune to attacks from water elemental animals because she was a water element.

Chapter 233 Qin: I finally have to come

A few days ago, when Ningxia returned to Mengdeyoula, she was reporting to Qin the general outline of this mission, and Lisa had already brought Little Keli outside to watch.

After Yula finished her report, she was ready to leave, but before she left, Yula remembered that Ningxia had asked her several times about the Dandelion Girl, so she asked Qin if she knew anyone in Mondori whose pseudonym was Dandelion Girl.

"Pu, dandelion girl? Me, I don't know too well." Qin heard the name and said falteringly. Only Ningxia and Lisa knew the pen name of dandelion girl.

Seeing Qin's appearance, Yula looked at the flustered Qin with some doubts, and combined with Ningxia's many times asking Mond about the Dandelion girl, she suddenly had a bold idea.

Could that guy from Ningxia be Qin's lover who was full of rumors in Mond?

Thinking of this, Yula hastily left the office and returned to the knight dormitory. The whole journey was full of Ningxia, Keli and her own affairs.

It seems that Qin's hair color is indeed more suitable for Keli and Ningxia...

And Qin's personality is more suitable for taking care of Keli...

Keli really needs the care of someone like Qin more...

wrong!How could I have thought of such a thing!

Yula went back to the dormitory with her head full of wild thoughts. At this time, Amber, who had just woken up, rubbed her eyes and looked at the yawning face of Yula who was still awake in an instant.

"Yura!!!" Amber pulled Yula to sit on the bed, and said mysteriously: "Yura, guess where Captain Qin's secret lover is from, I know!"

Yula, who was not in the mood to chat more on this topic, said casually: "Isn't it the rice wife?"

Then he went into the bathroom and prepared to take a shower to wake himself up, leaving only Amber in a daze, which was a little strange, didn't he already beat Li Yueren?Why did another Dao wife come out, is it a new rumor?

But Amber counted the time, and it was time to report to Qin, so he told Yula and left the dormitory.

Qin, who was exposed by Yula's temptation, was sitting in the office with a blushing face. She saw that Yula knew something, that is to say, her pen pal probably knew Yula in Liyue and asked her about it. own news.

"Captain Qin!" Amber walked into the office and said.

"Amber, you are here." Seeing Amber's arrival, Qin returned to her original appearance, but the blush on her face still did not dissipate, which made Amber a little strange.

In order to prevent Amber from asking what happened to her face, Qin quickly took out the report and said to Amber: "Recently, the water quality of the river reported by the winery has become bitter for some reason. I would like to ask you to check the source."

Amber took the report and looked at it for a while, then nodded to express his understanding, and then left. Only Qin was going to talk to Yula about why she knew about the Dandelion girl.

In the dormitory, Yula casually dried her wet hair, her mind was full of the matter of Ningxia and Qin being together, thinking about it, she felt a little lost for no reason.

After putting on new clothes, Yula suddenly thought that this guy Ningxia is a philanderer, and a person as good as Qin shouldn't be with this guy.

Thinking of this, Yura felt that she had found an excuse... Bah!The reason to protect Qin from being tarnished by Ningxia, yes, I just don't want Qin to be tarnished by Ningxia's big radish!

Ningxia, who was not ready to go to Monde at this time, sneezed and wiped her nose, wondering if Huasanli missed her in Daozhu.

At this time, Qin's voice came from outside the dormitory: "Yura, are you there?"

Yula, who was originally complacent about having a legitimate reason, suddenly blew up as if she was stealing a cat that was found, and she responded in panic before realizing that Qin didn't know that Ningxia was coming, so she suppressed the panic in her heart opened the door.

"Yura." After carefully confirming that there was no one around, Qin sneaked into the dormitory.

"Qin, what's the matter?" Yula said suppressing the guilt in her heart, always feeling like she robbed Qin's things.

"Yura, to be honest..." Qin said after hesitating for a moment.

"Recently, Mond has been spreading rumors about me and that, that lover, in fact... In fact, he is just my pen pal."

"When you went to Liyue, he just sent me another letter, saying that he will come to Monde to see me after finishing some things in Liyue."

"What, what does this have to do with me?" Yula asked, she had completely confirmed the relationship between Ningxia and Qin in her heart, even though she had been mentally prepared just now, she still felt a sense of loss.

"My pseudonym is Dandelion Girl, Yula, have you met him in Liyue?" Qin asked expectantly, she had been waiting for Ningxia for a long time.

Yula, who originally wanted to deny it, saw Qin's eyes and couldn't tell that she didn't know Ningxia, so she had to admit: "I, I did meet him..."

"He, what kind of person is he?" Qin's eyes lit up suddenly, and he didn't look calm like usual.

"He, he..."

Yula recalled the incident of being mistaken for a family of three when she was shopping with Ningxia Keli and the Xiuluo field at Ningxia's house before, she gritted her teeth and said: "He is a scumbag, a big carrot, a bastard who likes to deceive other people's feelings! "

"Oh?" Qin looked at Yula in a daze. She always thought that her pen pal must be a good person. Why did Yula say that he became such a person.

Seeing Qin's appearance, Yula also felt that what she said was a bit too much, so she added: "In fact, he is not that bad, he is very nice, he is good at taking care of others' feelings and playing with children, Keli I really like him."

"Ke Li? Do you mean the brother Ningxia that Ke Li mentioned?" Qin remembered the nice big brother Ke Li told her as soon as she came back.

"Yes, that guy's name is Ning Xia, and he told me that he will come to Mond in the next few days." Yula said with some disappointment, she guessed that Ning Xia would definitely not follow him after he came to Mond She is a sinner.

"He's coming to Mond in a few days!?" Qin exclaimed, she was busy with work recently and didn't do any work to welcome pen pals.

"I, I'm going to prepare first!" Qin hurriedly ran to discuss with Lisa.

Only the lost Yura was left wondering what to think.

In the library, Keli vividly described to Lisa the big brother she met in Liyue.

"Lisa, sister Lisa, brother Ningxia is great, every time Keli finds him, he will play with Keli, and there will be a lot of delicious food for Keli." Keli said excitedly.

"Does Xiao Keli like that brother Ningxia very much?" Lisa asked elegantly while drinking her coffee.

"Of course, what Keli likes the most is Brother Abedo and Brother Ningxia, they are both good people!" Keli said happily.

Lisa smiled helplessly, and listened to Keli's affairs in Liyue. No matter where she went, this little sun could find someone to spoil her.

Chapter 234 Pure Water Spirit

Ningxia, who was on the Mengde Road, was annoyed by these countless water elemental animals. She originally expected to rush to Mengde today, but was dragged by the water elemental animals, and it was already close to the afternoon. Ningxia simply took three Let's go to the source together to take a look.

Along the way, Vanessa would clean up those water elemental animals first in Ningxia, which surprised Ningxia. Vanessa's strength is not weaker than him at all, and she is even hiding her strength.

Moreover, the iron sword in Vanessa's hand is still an ordinary iron sword, and this efficiency depends entirely on her own strength.

The four of them came to the lake at the source, and the whole lake was full of water elemental animals, staring at the people who came.

"I have been so far away from my hometown, is she still unwilling to let me go?" With a melodious female voice sighing, a huge pure water elf flew out of the lake.

With her appearance, light rain began to fall over the entire lake and surrounding areas, and the water elemental animals stared at the direction of everyone as if they had gained wisdom.

Afterwards, the pure water elf floating in mid-air looked at Mona who was protected by Ning Xia with the core of her head and said, "You are the assassin who came to execute me, right?"

"Oh?" Mona looked at the pure water elf in a daze, what kind of assassin, why didn't she understand.

Seeing that Mona didn't want to answer, the elf just sighed, and the water elemental animals standing on the lake rushed towards the crowd one after another, and the overwhelming water elemental attacks almost enveloped everyone.

Mona, who had never seen such a scene before, subconsciously hugged Ning Xia, who gave her the most sense of security. Vanessa showed a serious expression on her face.

If necessary, she would expose her strength to protect everyone. Although Xiangling felt that this scene was a bit scary, she did not panic after seeing Ningxia's strength.

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