"Forget it, I'll take you to Mond first." Amber said and continued to lead the crowd to Mond City. When passing by a manor, Amber introduced: "This is Chenxi Winery, the largest and most famous manor in Mond." Good place to make wine, but I haven't tried it since I'm not old enough to drink."

"Amber, do you know where Qingquan Town is?" Xiangling asked, the purpose of her coming here is to try the pork in Qingquan Town.

"Qingquan Town is on the way to Mond. If you want to go, I can take you to Qingquan Town first." Amber explained.

"Well, tell me where it is later, and I'll check it out later." Xiangling glanced at Ningxia and said, thinking it would be better to go to Mond first.

"No problem!" Amber said, patting the hill slightly higher than Master Hu.

Under the leadership of Amber, the crowd came to the outside of Mond City. Vanessa looked at the familiar but unfamiliar Mond City, and suddenly felt a sense of homelessness.

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Xia noticed Vanessa's strangeness, and asked, patting her shoulder lightly.

"No, it's okay, it's just that I haven't been back for a long time, and there are some..." Vanessa said embarrassedly.

"If you need help, you can ask me for help. After all, I have accepted that guy's commission." Ning Xia comforted.

"Thank you." Vanessa smiled back at Ning Xia.

The crowd walked across the bridge occupied by pigeons and came to the gate of the city.

With the help of Amber, everyone easily entered the city of Mond.

Amber took everyone to find a hotel, told everyone that he had to go back to the Knights to report first, and then he would come back to them later and left in a hurry.

Ning Xia originally wanted to ask Amber if he knew Yula and the Dandelion girl, but instead of calling Amber, Ning Xia waved his hands helplessly, and led everyone to ask for four rooms first.

Ningxia let Xiangling and Mona rest in the hotel first, he planned to send a letter, and then went to the wind god Barbatos for transformation.

Ning Xia quickly handed the letter to the post office, and then asked Vanessa if she knew which taverns in Mond were more famous. He planned to go to the tavern first to see if he could really squat in Barbatos.

Vanessa shook her head in embarrassment. It was hundreds of years ago that she landed on Sky Island. How could she know what happened in the tavern now.

In the end, the two had no choice but to wander around Mond City together. Vanessa looked at the completely changed Mond City from the past, and suddenly felt a sense of loneliness. The person who can still recognize her in this era may be Only Barbatos remains.

Chapter 237 The Gathering of the Seven Gods

In the Gathering of the Seven Gods, the Seven Gods who ended Kanria gathered here again, but the former Great Mercy Tree God of Grass and Thunder God had both passed away, and in exchange for the still immature Naxida and the shadowy shadow.

In the gorgeous room arranged by the ice god, the elder Morax turned back to his real body, and gently let the reserved shadow and the shy Naxida sit on their seats.

Wendy on the side had already secretly drank a bottle of wine, and under the leadership of Morax, the original seven gods also began to have some topics.

"By the way! Since there is wine, how can there be no food? I'm going to cook two dishes for you!" Vulcan is a somewhat burly woman, and she enthusiastically takes out the iron pot and cooks for everyone on the spot.

"I, let me help!" Ying suddenly said at the side, she always felt that it was not a good look to sit here and do nothing.

"Okay! Then help me chop vegetables." Vulcan said heartily, but he didn't have any thoughts of looking down on the new god Ying.

"Hey hey, since Auntie Vulcan is cooking in person, I won't hide it anymore, let me play a song for you." Wendy said with a smile as she took out the piano of the sky.

"Yes." Ice God is a woman who looks a little sick, with a little sadness on her pale face, and she seems to have not yet come out of the Kanria incident.

"Since Fengshen seniors are willing to play the piano, then I might as well show my ugliness and present a dance for the seniors and newcomers." Water God followed.

Amid the sound of Wendy's piano, the water god danced lightly, and the surrounding gods also gave their own applause after the song ended.

Nasida also got used to it with the help of Morax and the ice god who looked a bit indifferent.

"The dishes are here!" At this time, Vulcan took two dishes and put them on the table, then turned around and went back to continue cooking.

Wendy drank the food and drank the wine, and soon got drunk, sitting in her seat a little dazed.

Back in the kitchen, Vulcan saw that Ying was holding a plate of seafood stew that looked good.

"You made this? It looks pretty good!" Vulcan exclaimed.

"Thank you, thank you for the compliment, I'm actually not very good at cooking." Ying said with some embarrassment.

"Would you mind if I try it?" Vulcan asked.

"Please! You're welcome!" Ying happily handed Vulcan a spoon.

After Vulcan took a sip, she immediately felt an indescribable fishy smell rushing straight to the top of the sky, and then the breath from death erupted in her body.

"Okay...okay..." Before Vulcan finished speaking, he fell to the ground unconscious.

"Senior Vulcan?" Ying looked at Vulcan who was so moved by his cooking that he fell asleep, and suddenly felt that he also had a talent for cooking.

Then he put it on the table while holding the judgment he invented.

All of a sudden, everyone who was talking and laughing became silent, especially Ice God and Morax, because they had talked with Zhen about Ying's cooking skills and knew her horror.

Ying looked at the crowd expectantly, eager to get their evaluation.

As the oldest senior, Morakes gritted his teeth and put it into his small mouth. Suddenly, an extremely stench rushed to the top of the sky, and she almost vomited it out.

Morax quickly drank several glasses of wine to flush the verdict into his stomach, lowered his head and waited for a full 10 minutes before he managed to say: "Not bad."

As soon as the drunk Wendy saw the new dish, no matter who made it, she took a piece and put it in her mouth, then fell on the table and fell unconscious.

The Ice God silently pulled the Water God to discuss the legal issues of each other's countries, and even the Vulcan God didn't dare to touch the dishes.

Shadow looked at the youngest Grass God, who was so frightened that he hugged Morax's thigh and almost cried.

In the end, the ice god ran away as soon as the party was over, and the water god carried the fire god away with a disgusted expression on his face. Morakes left with Nashida in his arms, and Wendy with him.

When the Seven Gods left, the curious Tianli took a sip of the verdict and vomited it out. It was the first time she had eaten such an unpalatable food in Tivat for so long, and it was not much worse than what she made.

In order to prevent Ying from continuing to harm others, Tianli put a curse on Ying that it would explode once cooking.

Chapter 238 Road Crazy Vanessa

After wandering around for a while, Ningxia asked where the highest place in Vanessa Mond City was.

Speaking of this, Vanessa's eyes lit up, she knew this, and then confidently led Ning Xia to the direction of the Fengshen statue in her memory.

(Note that the Mond in the novel is much bigger than the game, and the author wandered around Mond, and the Aeolus statue cannot be seen in the lower city.)

After a period of Vanessa leading the way confidently, Ningxia and Vanessa sat on the chairs on the side of the road in a very confused state. Ningxia asked doubtfully, "Are you really from Mond?"

"I haven't been back for a long time, I, I forgot how to leave." Vanessa cried without tears. After hundreds of years of changes, she doesn't know Mond at all. After going to the north, she forgot the sense of direction to the south. She has already taken Ningxia around the lower city for a few times.

"Forget it, let me go to the tavern over there first, so you can recall it here first." Ning Xia said helplessly, as expected, she had to rely on herself.

After walking into the tavern, there was a strong smell of alcohol. There was a platform in the bar, on which a person wearing a green robe who could not tell whether he was a boy or a girl was playing the piano beautifully. Ning Xia couldn’t help but sit down and order a drink. He drank a glass of fruit juice and drank it while listening to the sound of the piano on the stage.

At the end of the song, there was warm applause in the bar, and many people handed Mora to the bartender, asking him to reward the people on stage.

Ningxia imitated everyone and handed a small bag of Mora to the bartender. Looking at Ningxia who spent a lot of money, the bartender's eyes lit up, and he didn't forget to thank Ningxia after taking the money bag.

Then the man asked the bartender for payment, and the bartender put five bottles of wine on the bar, and the man cheerfully took the wine and found a place to drink it.

Ningxia wandered around, but couldn't find anyone who looked like Fengshen, so he walked out of the bar in disappointment, not noticing the strange eyes of the drinking green robe behind him staring at him.

Ning Xia had no choice but to take the autistic Vanessa back to the hotel, and almost walked out of the city of Mond on the way. Fortunately, an enthusiastic young man took them back to the hotel. The young man broke his bone inexplicably while leading the way. , Ning Xia treated him, Ning Xia thought it would be better to wait for Amber to come and take him to Mond later.

"Master Ningxia! Are you done?" Xiangling came to Ningxia's room and asked.

"Not yet, I'm sorry, Xiangling, to keep you waiting for so long." Ningxia said embarrassedly, and he promised Xiangling that he would accompany her to Qingquan Town after she came to Mond.

Then Mona who looked at him from the side also added: "And Mona, I may have to wait a little later..."

"It's okay, I've been waiting in Liyue for so long, and it's not too late for Mond." Mona said.

"Winni, you..." Ning Xia patted Wen Nisha's shoulder lightly, as a way to comfort the road-crazy girl.

(Winnie is the pseudonym of Winnessa, otherwise, if the real name is used, the entire Knights may not be blown up.)

Faced with Ning Xia's comfort, Vanessa became even more depressed. Her insanity had existed hundreds of years ago, and it still hasn't healed now.

Looking at the bored girls and the frustrated Vanessa, Ning Xia proposed to take the girls to the hotel to have fun, but not too far, otherwise...

After that, Ningxia took the girls to play in the lower city of Mond. Fresh fruits, special food, and various taverns, the girls who were a little lost couldn't help but become active after seeing it.

Ningxia followed behind the third daughter, listening to Vanessa's eloquent talk. Although she is a real road idiot, she is very familiar with talking about Mond. I took a bite of the apple I just bought.

Ning Xia casually watched the people coming and going around, wondering whether Fengshen would be like Morax, with a whole clone dangling around.

Suddenly a girl in a robe slammed into Ning Xia's body.

"I'm sorry!" The girl immediately apologized to Ning Xia, and seeing the crowds of fans behind Ning Xia, she hurriedly dragged Ning Xia to the corner.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please help me." The girl apologized again and again, and then pulled Ning Xia to the corner.

After the fanatical fans left, the girl breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, please let go." Ning Xia looked at the girl who was holding his clothes and said.

"Ah! No, I'm sorry!" The girl quickly let go of her hand, blushing and looking at the speechless Ningxia.

"Forget it." Ning Xia shook her head and was about to leave, leaving only the girl blushing and continuing to apologize to Ning Xia.

Then Ningxia found out, what about Xiangling?Where is Mona?Where is Vanessa?Why are you gone?

"Then, that, is there anything I can do to help you?" The girl behind her asked weakly. She had to grab Ning Xia to pass the test just now in order to avoid the fanatical fans.

"Uh... Do you know who to go to if you can't find anyone in Mond?" Ning Xia asked with a twitch of his mouth.

On the other side, Vanessa and her two daughters continued to introduce Mond's customs and customs, completely ignoring Ning Xia's departure.

"Master Ningxia, what do you think of Sister Winnie's speech?" Xiangling asked Ningxia, and then found Ningxia?Where did Ningxia go when she was so big?

Led by the girl, Ning Xia came to the office of the West Wind Knights, and also saw the huge statue of the wind god. It should be the highest place in Mond, but there are a lot of people on the statue of the wind god. Ningxia plans to go up at night Find Fengshen.

"Sir, what's your name? My name is Barbara, and I'm the pastor of West Wind Church." The girl named Barbara introduced herself.

"My name is Ning Xia, and I am a visitor from Dao Wife." Ning Xia also introduced her background.

"Huh? Daozu, it's so far away!" Barbara said in surprise.

"It's quite far away, and it will take five days at the fastest by boat." Seeing that there was still some time on the road, Ning Xia chatted with Barbara about some things he encountered on the road.

During the chat, Ning Xia came to the office of the West Wind Knights, and Barbara enthusiastically brought Ning Xia to the office of the acting head.

"Barbara!? Why are you here!?" Qin, who was secretly arranging a pen pal welcome party outside of work, hastily blocked the plan. An inexplicable sense of guilt.

"Captain Qin," Barbara said.

"This is Mr. Ningxia who came to Monde for Dao's wife to travel. He lost his companion, so I brought him here, and I would like to ask you to help find Mr. Ningxia's companion."

"Rice wife? Ningxia?" Qin didn't notice the second half of Barbara's sentence. It was all on these four words. Looking at Ningxia behind Barbara, she was surprised and happy. Coming to Mond so soon made Qin, who hadn't had time to arrange the welcome party, a little flustered.

"Then, you, that, hello, Mr. Ningxia." Qin greeted Ningxia in a panic.

Chapter 239 Qin and Yula

Barbara looked at the flustered Qin with doubts. Although she didn't communicate much with Qin, she was a mature and stable person no matter how she looked. Why was she so flustered today.

"Jane? Are you all right?" Barbara asked.

"No, it's okay. Here, what's the matter with Mr. Ningxia? Please, please tell me. I will take care of it as soon as possible." Qin said quickly, for fear that she would leave a bad impression on her pen pal.

Afterwards, Ningxia told Qin about the separation from his friends. After listening to Qin, she patted the Star Picking Cliff, which was far above Hall Master Hu, and promised that she would find Ningxia's friends soon.

Afterwards, she enthusiastically asked Ningxia to wait for the news in her office. Barbara left with peace of mind after watching Qin arrange things well, but before leaving, she asked Ningxia for the address of the hotel where he is currently staying. She wanted to delay Apologize to Ning Xia.

After Barbara left, Ning Xia was invited by Qin to sit on a chair beside her. Seeing Ning Xia's appearance, Qin took a deep breath, trying to restore her original working attitude.

But when she was working, she couldn't help but want to take a peek at Ningxia. She had exchanged letters with Ningxia for several years, and this was the first time she saw Ningxia in person.

"Mr. Ningxia is obviously very good-looking, and he doesn't look as bad as Yula said, right?" Qin couldn't help thinking to herself.

Qin thought in her heart that she would confess her affairs to Ningxia after finishing the welcome meeting in Ningxia. Otherwise, it would feel inappropriate to confess directly now, and she was not yet mentally prepared.

Ning Xia looked at the acting head's office with some novelty. He didn't expect Mond's official to be so easy-going, and even asked him to wait in the acting head's office.

Yula took the mission report and skillfully ignored Mondry's contemptuous and hateful eyes and entered the Knights' office. She was sent out to do the mission soon after she came back, thinking that Ningxia would come to Mondry in the next few days.

As soon as Yula finished the task, she hurried back to Mond, she hoped that she could meet Ningxia before Qin.

Thinking of these things, Yura went straight into the deputy head's office.

"Qin, I've finished the task...?" Yula saw Ningxia sitting beside her as soon as she walked in.

"Ningxia! Why are you here?" Yula exclaimed, she was only out for a few days, why did Ningxia find Qin.

"You! Yula!" Qin was afraid that Yula would reveal her identity to Ningxia in advance, so she hurriedly pulled Yula aside.

"I plan to confess my identity to Mr. Ning Xia after finishing the welcome meeting later, please help me keep it a secret." Qin whispered.

Yura was taken aback for a moment, then reluctantly agreed.

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