"What's wrong with you?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously.

"No, nothing!" Qin explained in a panic.

"Yes, yes, it's nothing, but Ningxia, why did you come to the acting head's office?" Yula quickly changed the subject.

"Me? I got separated from Xiangling and the others, and was brought here by a little girl named Barbara." Ning Xia explained.

"That's it..." Yula was relieved when she heard Ning Xia's explanation. It seems that Qin and Ning Xia haven't really known each other yet, so she still has a chance... right?

"Captain Qin! I brought them here." At this moment, a West Wind knight brought Xiang Ling and the other three women to the office.

"Master Ningxia!" Xiangling and the others breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Ningxia. They searched everywhere after they found Ningxia was gone, but they found it and almost ran out of Mond City again, with the help of the knights guarding the city gate. Just found the Knights.

"Thank you Captain Qin, then I will take my leave first." Ning Xia first expressed his gratitude to Qin, and then left with all the girls.

Qin looked at Ning Xia who was going away, hesitated to speak, and finally sat back in her seat. After all, she still couldn't reveal her identity to Ning Xia.

Yula also left after handing over the report to Qin, and after she was about to catch up with Ningxia and the others, she saw the eyes of passers-by and slowed down again. Even though she had done a lot of psychological battles before, in Mond, she still Don't have anything to do with Ningxia... After all, her identity is too sensitive.

Ningxia turned around and saw Yula standing there, so she stepped forward and said, "Youla, we just need a guide. If you have time, can you please walk with us?"

Yula opened her mouth to agree, but finally shook her head and said, "I, I still have tasks, so I won't be your guide."

"Okay, but if you have time, you can come to the hotel to find me, after all, we are friends." Ning Xia nodded in understanding, then bid farewell to You La and left.

Yula looked at Ningxia who was leaving, feeling a sense of loss in her heart. The identity of a sinner was firmly pressed on her back in Mond, which made her almost out of breath.

"Sister Yula?" After Ningxia left, Keli, who sneaked out of the Knights with a small schoolbag on her back, asked the lost Yula.

"But, Keli, why did you come out?" Yula asked in a panic. Since the incident with Liyue, little Keli has liked to cling to her very much, which made her a little happy and a little scared.

"But, Keli didn't sneak out! Keli didn't go out to fry fish!" Keli quickly denied her crime, and then ran away in a panic.

Looking at Keli going away, Yura sighed, and planned to go back to the dormitory to rest, she was very tired after finishing the task.

Xiangling and Mona took the initiative to hold Ning Xia's hand, fearing that they would get separated again, and Ning Xia and Vanessa also found the highest point of Mond - the statue of Fengshen, and planned to take a look at it at night.

After this incident, everyone was not in the mood to visit Mond anymore. They went back to the hotel to rest and ate a special dish of Mond at the Deer Hunter restaurant not far away.

Until late at night, Ning Xia took Vanessa to the direction of the Fengshen statue. In order to prevent Vanessa from getting lost again for no reason, Ning Xia took the initiative to take Vanessa's hand and go.

Vanessa looked at Ningxia holding her hand, and she didn't refuse. After almost walking out of Mond City twice during the day, she already had a very clear understanding of her sense of direction.

Taking advantage of the night, Ning Xia and Vanessa came under the statue of Fengshen. The two of them were not ordinary people. Relying on their strong physical fitness, they climbed onto the hand of the statue of Fengshen, which was very towering in the eyes of others.

Then Ning Xia took out the three-pot head that Morax had given him, twisted it open slightly, and a strong aroma of wine wafted out from the mouth of the bottle.

Chapter 240 Refreshing Tea

Wendy, who was hiding on the roof and drowsily drank the good wine buried in the wind-blown ground, suddenly smelled a strong aroma of wine. Even in a state of drunkenness, she still clearly distinguished what wine it was.

This is Liyue's Sanguotou. Wendy remembers that the last time she drank it was at the Gathering of the Seven Gods. After that time, Wendy fell into a deep sleep because of a serious injury, but Wendy still misses Sanguotou so far. The second is to keep the wine that made Wendy drunk and party, and the other is to treasure the wine that is drinking now.

(In fact, Sanguotou just gets drunk, and the reason why he can lie down is because he ate a mouthful of Ying's dishes when he was drunk.)

With the help of the breeze, Barbatos, who smelled this smell, slowly drifted towards the direction of the Aeolian statue.

Ning Xia, who was waiting for Barbatos, took out a bottle of juice and drank it. He prefers sweet and sour juice to wine.

"A bottle?" Ning Xia took out a bottle of juice and handed it to Vanessa.

"Thank you." Vanessa didn't refuse, and took the juice Ningxia handed her, which was still her favorite apple juice.

"Are Moraxes playing tricks on me?" Ning Xia looked at the Sanguotou with a strong aroma of wine in his hand and wondered about Fengshenren.

"Ningxia, look there." Vanessa pointed to the green unknown object floating in the distance.

"Huh?" Ning Xia looked at the green unknown object getting closer and was a little strange, and took out the Dragon Tooth Sword for safety.

"Sanguotou, delicious Sanguotou~" Wendy hiccupped.

Vanessa watched the unknown object floating more and more clearly, and recognized that it was Wendy.

"Ningxia, that's Fengshen!" Vanessa pulled Ningxia's hand excitedly.

"This? Is it? Fengshen?" Ning Xia twitched the corner of his mouth, looking at Wendy who was drowsy from drinking, he wondered in his heart, are these gods so unreliable?

"Wine~ Hehe~ Delicious Sanguotou~" Wendy muttered, standing unsteadily on the hand of the Fengshen statue.


Ningxia was silent, Leishen is a house girl, he endured it, his own god, Yanshen is a street stalker who robs him, he also tolerated it, after all, he can't beat him, and he gave himself a transformation period, but why is Fengshen also a Wine Mengzi ah hello!Three of you seven gods are so dishonest, how can the rest be any better?

"You? Why do you have the aura of that big rock of Morax, who is that guy?" Wendy put her hand on Ning Xia's shoulder wobbly.

Ning Xia took out the letter, resisting the urge to complain crazily, took out a letter and handed it to Wendy, saying, "This is a letter from Morax, please have a look at it."

Wendy, who was drunk, took the letter, threw it down and said, "Morax!? What is that guy!? It's just a big rock!"

Seeing the drunken Wendy, Vanessa wanted to shout a few times to make Wendy wake up, but Ning Xia, who was already unable to complain, silently took out a talisman given by Morax and tore it open.

The moment the talisman was torn apart, Morax, who was far away in Liyue, came to Ning Xia's side like lightning.

"Little friend Ningxia, what's the matter?" Morax, who came back in a flash, asked, and then looked at Wendy, who was yelling that Morax was just a reason, and suddenly understood the general idea.

"Ningxia friend, go back and rest first. I'll make a pot of sober tea for Fengshen. It will take about 8 hours to sober up. Please wait patiently." Morax said, carrying Wendy and leaving.

Only Ningxia and Vanessa were left looking at each other.

"Then, shall we go back first?" Ning Xia asked.

"I think... we should really go back." Vanessa said to Wendy, looking at Morax who had disappeared into the night. Based on her understanding of the relationship between Wendy and Morax, it shouldn't be a big problem... right?

Ning Xia jumped off the Fengshen statue, and suddenly a cold light hit his hands and feet. Ning Xia knocked the cold light away with a punch, and a spear spun around in the sky several times and fell to the ground.

"You don't sleep in the middle of the night and climb up the statue of Feng Shen, what's your plan?" A woman dressed as a nun said while stepping back and picking up a spear.

Ning Xia looked at the nun in front of him and wanted to explain, but the nun killed him again as soon as she picked up the spear, and Ning Xia had no choice but to hold her down.

"Well, I just... I just want to go up to see the scenery on the statue of Fengshen." Ning Xia explained bluntly, it's not that he didn't want to explain, but he couldn't say that he was waiting for Barbatos on the statue of Fengshen, right? .

"A feeble reason." The nun complained, obviously very dissatisfied with Ningxia's lame reason.

Then Vanessa came down, looked at Ning Xia holding the position of a nun, and reminded with some embarrassment: "Mr. Ning Xia, your position is very indecent."

Ning Xia quickly let go of the nun and backed away.

The nun twisted the wrist that was hurt by Ning Xia, glanced at the two of them, then turned and left. After all, she is not stupid, she can't beat them, and she didn't do anything. It would be better to fish honestly .

The corner of Ning Xia's mouth twitched, but there was nothing to say, and she took Vanessa's hand back to the hotel slowly.

In the dormitory of the West Wind Knights, Yula sat on the bed with a sad face and sighed. Amber on the side heard Yula's sigh and said helplessly: "Yura, you have been sighing for three hours. What's the matter?" Just tell me about it!"

"Amber, you don't understand, you haven't experienced it before." Yula said helplessly.

"Me, what's wrong with me!?" Amber said, standing up a hill higher than Hall Master Hu.

"Just... let me tell you very simply." Yula took a deep breath, and then looked at Amber with a serious face.

"Can you guarantee that you can really keep a secret?"

When Amber heard this question, he immediately felt that his personality had been insulted. He patted the hill higher than Master Hu and assured him: "I, Amber, will keep my mouth shut right now!"

Hearing Amber's promise, Yula approached Amber mysteriously and said, "I have a friend..."

"Wait a minute! Where do you have friends? Do I know them?" Amber interrupted. She basically knows everyone Yula knows.

"Liyue! She's Liyue's friend!" Yula quickly explained, apologizing to Yan Fei who was far away in Liyue, after all, she used her name.

"Then what happened to your friend?"

"My friend, she likes... No, she has a crush on a man from outside, but this man came to Liyue for another woman, what do you think my friend should do?"

"What and what!?" Amber was a little dizzy.

"That's right, I like... Bah! That man my friend has a crush on came to Liyue for another woman, and now my friend is still hesitating because of his status..."

"Uh...I'm still a little dizzy..." Amber said while covering his head, what kind of love triangle!

Chapter 241 Demon God Ningxia

The next morning, an adventurer passing through the Dadaupa Valley heard the screams and begging for mercy. He was so scared that he even gave up the mission and ran back to Mond.

The next morning, Ning Xia woke up rubbing his eyes, and then saw Morax and Wendy sitting on his bed, almost shaking the bed down.

"Excuse me, little friend Ningxia, Fengshen has sobered up, I brought it here to transform you." Morax said, mentioning Wendy, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"It seems that only eight hours have passed..." Ning Xia looked at the clock in the room and said, didn't it mean that it would take eight hours?

"If little friend Ningxia is not satisfied, I'll take Fengshen to the Xingxing Bar." Then he clenched his white fists and faced Wendy's purple face, with a gentle and kind smile on his face.

"Help! Help!" Wendy said quickly, looking at the fists on her face.

"Forget it." Ning Xia waved her hand and said, Wendy's current appearance can only be said to have begun to take on a human form, and if it takes another four hours, she might lose her human form.

Hearing Ning Xia's words, Morax let go of Wendy, and then winked at Wendy.

Wendy understood, and then directly took off Ning Xia's clothes, then sat on Ning Xia, with one hand on his chest.

How should I put it, this posture is a little bad, which makes Ningxia very embarrassed, but Wendy has already pulled out the heart of God to pass on the breath of life, so he can't stop it.

Tianli on Sky Island felt uncomfortable seeing her life getting scarcer, and suddenly began to crazily extract her little life breath from Mond's direction.

Tianli, who was already lying flat, was stunned for a moment, then his expression gradually became ferocious, and then a roar of extreme anger resounded through the entire Sky Island: "Do something serious! Barbatos!!!"

As for Wendy in the room, she seemed to have heard Tianli's roar, and showed a standard Fengshen expression.


The powerful cyan breath of life kept impacting the golden and red organs. The golden breath of life that had not been fully integrated into the organs was aroused by the cyan breath of life and merged into the organs together until Wendy's wind element reached its limit, and the organs had turned red. The degree of gold.

Ning Xia closed his eyes, he felt a steady stream of power gushing out from his body, now he, just relying on his physical body, could beat the Ruo Tuo Dragon King avatar who had beaten him into a mess before.

"Congratulations, little friend Ningxia, you have now stepped into the ranks of the demon god." Morax said.

"I, haven't I completely stepped out of the metamorphosis period?" Ning Xia clearly felt that he was still one step away from perfection, but this step was very close, but also very far away, at least not something he could cross now.

"Now you have already fought some demon gods in the old demon war." Morax explained. He was also a little surprised by Ningxia's transformation. Among the demon gods that Lax fought, Ning Xia could still rank in the middle and lower ranks.

"Hey! Do you just ignore me?" Wendy, who was leaning on Ningxia's chest, complained. She squeezed herself dry for Ningxia, but Ningxia only cared about talking to Morax, completely ignoring herself as a hero.

"Um, I'm sorry, Fengshen... Barbatos?" Ning Xia quickly helped Wendy up and said.

"Just call me Wendy, so how do you repay me!?" Wendy asked.

"What does Lord Fengshen need?" Ning Xia looked at Wendy with a weak face, and patted his chest to promise that he would make it up.

As soon as Ningxia said to make up for herself, Wendy became more energetic, stretched out three fingers and said, "Three weeks, three weeks, buy me unlimited drinks!"

"Three weeks?" Ningxia looked at Wendy's request in surprise, that's it?

"If you think it's too much, two weeks is fine." Looking at Ning Xia's expression, Wendy thought he thought it was too much.

Ning Xia's expression became even weirder, does the majestic Fengshen have to be invited to drink?

"One, one week is fine, this is my bottom line!" Wendy said humbly, raising a finger. Recently, there have been fewer people listening to him playing the piano, otherwise he wouldn't be digging for Fengqidi's wine. drink.

Ningxia stretched out a finger directly.

"One day!? No way! The sweet rain in Yuehai Pavilion is not so squeezed!" Wendy said dissatisfied, and then was hit hard by Morax who was beside her.

"One month, you can drink whatever you want, I'll take care of it!" Ning Xia said calmly. Although he is not particularly rich in money, he probably still has some money left over to buy the whole piece of Mond's wine, and he still has a lot of money In Ningguang, it was not brought up.

Seeing such a bold Ningxia, Wendy suddenly felt that even if she was beaten by Morax for another eight hours, it would be worth it to be drained this time.

Wendy held Ning Xia's hand, and looked at Ning Xia with the expression that you are my brother: "In the future, if you need anything in Mond, you can call me directly. If I wake up, I will come to help you immediately!"

"Uh...hahahaha, okay." Ning Xia agreed with an awkward smile, wondering if he would really come, after all, the first impression Wendy gave him was Jiumengzi.

"Master Ningxia, it's time to get up!" Xiangling knocked on the door at this time.

As soon as he heard that someone was coming, Morax directly mentioned Wendy at the side, said goodbye to Ningxia, and said that he would stay in Mond for a while, and he could call himself if there was anything to do.

Ning Xia got out of bed, and the wooden floor was stepped out of the hole. Ning Xia only felt that the whole world had changed. The strength of his body made Ning Xia have to walk carefully, otherwise, the whole hotel would be collapsed by him.

Ning Xia carefully tried to unlock the door lock, but the lock was broken, so Ning Xia simply removed the lock.

"Um, Master Ningxia?" Xiangling stared blankly at the door that was destroyed by Ningxia.

"I'm sorry, it may be that I became too strong after waking up." Ning Xia said while touching his head.

And Morax, who dragged Wendy away, came to the Land of the Wind, and Wendy skillfully dug out a bottle of wine and a treasure chest beside the big tree.

Morax made two cups out of rock elements. Wendy put the treasure chest back to its original place, picked up the wine and poured it on the cups, and then they drank under the big tree.

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