

"Morax, why did you come to Mond?" Wendy just now felt Morax's urge to beat her up again, and quickly changed her words.

"No one else, just because of the kindness owed to my little friend in Ningxia, so if he needs it, I will come immediately."

"Huh? What do you owe him to make you care so much?"

"One life, and completing the communication between immortals and humans for me, it only takes some time for Liyue to not need Emperor Yanwang."

(and currently the best meal ticket)

"I didn't expect your stone head to be able to... ah! Don't hit me!" Halfway through the sentence, Wendy realized that she had said something wrong, and quickly covered her head.

Moraketh ignored Wendy, and just took a sip of his wine lightly.

Wendy breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Morax didn't beat her up, and then she was beaten violently by Morax again so that she covered her head and shed tears.

"Where did you learn it? You weren't like this before!" said the aggrieved Wendy, clutching her head.

"Young friend from Ningxia taught it." Morax said, taking another sip of his wine.

Chapter 242 Keli Wuqi Mona

Ning Xia carefully took out a bag of Mora from Mustard Jade Perry, gently placed it in Vanessa's hand, and then Vanessa handed it to the stunned innkeeper.

After Ningxia's various careless actions, the entire hotel is not only in danger, but also closed for renovation.

However, the Mora that Ningxia gave was enough for the boss to buy two original hotels again. Looking at the half-tall Mora on the table, the boss thought he was dreaming.

Ningxia apologized to the boss with a face full of apology, and then left with all the girls, but fortunately, after a series of pre-work to help the owner rebuild the store in the morning, Ningxia has been able to control her own strength. At least there won't be such a thing as accidentally shooting Vanessa away.

Because the hotel could only be rebuilt by Ningxia, everyone had to find a new hotel to settle down, and then Ningxia decided to accompany Xiangling Mona to complete the things promised to them.

An excited Mona said with her hands on her hips, "I've done divination, as long as we turn around now, we can meet the person who controls the mysterious knowledge!"

After listening to Mona's words, everyone turned their heads and saw a little cutie suddenly appearing.

"Wow! Brother Ningxia! You've come to Monde!" Keli excitedly ran over and hugged Ningxia's thigh and said.

"Can? Keli? Why is it you?" Mona said with an unbelievable face, her divination was infallible, that is to say, when Liyue was in Liyue, the mysterious knowledge kept jumping up and down in front of her, She doesn't know yet.

"Sister Mona, what's the matter with you?" Keli looked at the disbelieving Mona and asked.

"Uh, no, it's nothing. Speaking of Keli, do you know Alice?" Mona thought of the woman who was said to have held her master to the hammer.

"Sister Mona, do you know my mother?" Keli asked with her head tilted.

"Yuan, so that's the case..." Mona suddenly realized that since Keli is Alice's daughter, everything makes sense.

"It turns out that Sister Mona is my mother's friend, but my mother has gone to a far away place now..." Keli said a little disappointed.

"I know this, but she should have left all her mysterious knowledge to you before she left?" Mona asked.

"Mysterious? Knowledge? Keli can't understand, mother only taught Keli how to make a bouncing bomb..." Keli waved her little hand and said

"So Keli's mother is Master Mona's rival?" Ning Xia asked.

"Yes, although my master is very good at astrology, she only understands astrology, but Alice is different. She is an all-rounder who is proficient in various mysterious fields." Mona explained.

"But Keli is so young, even if she has heard the knowledge, she still can't understand it?" Ningxia rubbed Keli's head carefully and said.

"Hey, it seems that he only inherited the blood, but not the knowledge. It's really a miscalculation. There is no way to compete properly..." Mona said disappointedly.

"By the way, little Keli, did Alice tell you about the 50-year agreement and the box before she left?" Mona asked again.

"I know this! It turns out that Sister Mona came to get that box! I'll look for it, wait a minute!" After speaking, Keli began to rummage through her backpack.

After digging out most of the bouncing bombs and other things in the backpack, I still haven't found the box Mona mentioned.

"I remembered, the box and Keli's baby are placed in Fengqidi!" After speaking, Keli rushed to Fengqidi in a hurry.

"Ke Li!" Ning Xia looked at Ke Li who was leaving in a hurry, and asked all the girls to help Ke Li pack her things first, and he went to look at Ke Li.

"Brother Ningxia, do you want to go with Keli?" Keli asked happily. She likes being with Brother Ningxia the most.

"Yes." Ningxia said and hugged Keli.

After spending a whole morning, Ningxia, who had already adapted to the strength of her body, lifted Keli up and put it on her shoulders.

"Wow!!! Keli is flying again!" Keli said excitedly, watching the surrounding environment slowly change.

Soon Ningxia brought Keli to the Land of Wind, and happened to meet Morax and Wendy who were drinking.

"What's the matter, friend Ningxia?" Morax said, but judging from his slightly red face, this guy was already a little drunk.

On the other side, Wendy was carrying a big bag, and had already fallen asleep with peace of mind.

"It's nothing, I'm just looking for something." The corner of Ning Xia's mouth twitched, no matter how I went out to find something, I could meet this guy!

"If the little friend Ningxia is looking for a box..." Morax took out a small box from a small hole and handed it to Ningxia.

"Thank you...thank you..." Ningxia took the box and handed it to Keli.

"Brother Ningxia, let's take this back to Sister Mona!" Keli said holding the box.

"Does Little Keli want to fly again?" Ning Xia asked.

"I think!" Kelly said happily.

Ning Xia quickly returned to Mond City with Ke Li, while Mona was reading a book.

Seeing Ningxia and Keli come back, he said, "You guys are finally back, I'm so bored waiting for you!"

"I wanted to read Keli's book to pass the time, but it turned out to be just an inexplicable girl's diary, which is boring!" Mona complained.

"But did you find the box?" Mona asked.

"Found it! It's intact!" Keli said holding the box.

"That's great!" Mona took the box and immediately noticed something was wrong.

"Wait! Why is it not locked! What's inside!?" Mona asked in panic. She came to Mond for this knowledge, and she fainted once from hunger.

"It's like this, because I borrowed this box to store the treasures I collected. Since my sister got the box back, I took out all my treasures, and the box became empty." Keli explained .

"Borrowed!? You used it to store your own things!? What about the things that were originally inside!? That's what I want!" Mona suddenly felt a heart attack.

"Oh! My sister originally wanted the things that were packed in the box before, I should have said it earlier."

"You, you didn't lose it, did you?" Mona panted, her blood pressure had already risen a bit, and Ning Xia hurriedly supported Mona, for fear that she would faint.

"No! It's not broken at all!" Keli shook her head and said.

Only then did Mona breathe a sigh of relief.

"That thing is the book in my sister's hand!" Keli said, pointing to the diary in Mona's hand.

This almost choked Mona, who was not yet completely relieved.

"What! What! This, this, this, this, so this book, no! This diary belongs to the old woman? Isn't that the black history diary of her girlhood 50 years ago?"

"It's over, it's over, no wonder the old woman said she can't read this book, and if she reads it, she will hang me on the iron tower." Mona said desperately.

"I, did I get into trouble? That's right! It was my sister who said she wanted the box, but didn't explain what was in it. I don't know anything, so I'm leaving first!" Keli panicked when she saw Mona's appearance. Ran away.

Ningxia supported Mona, giving her the breath of life, but Mona covered her face and kept saying that she was going to die.

Chapter 243 He Gives Too Much

Mona was helped back to the new hotel by Ning Xia. Obviously, this incident hurt Mona a bit, so Ning Xia had no choice but to comfort her softly.

In the end, Mona, who was in despair, decided to go back to Fontaine after Mond survived until the old woman left. Judging from her expression, her teacher looked really scary.

Then Mona looked at Ningxia and the others, expressing that she wanted to rest in the hotel for a while, and asked Xiangling and the others to go to Qingquan Town first.

Ning Xia also told Vanessa about Wendy's stay in Fengqidi. Upon hearing the news, Vanessa was about to run to Fengqidi. Ning Xia looked at Vanessa, still worried that she might get lost.

However, Vanessa repeatedly assured that she definitely remembered how to get to Fengqi Land, and then let her go after Ningxia told Wendy to take her back to Mond.

After watching Vanessa leave, Ning Xia was led by the enthusiastic Xiang Ling to leave Mond City and come to Qingquan Town.

When she came to the woods in Qingquan Town, Xiangling drooled looking at the leisurely wild boar. Just from the wild boar's walking muscles, she knew that the quality of the wild boar's meat was absolutely good.

Ningxia directly picked the most ferocious wild boar for Xiangling, and smashed its skull with one punch.

Xiangling salivated and worked with Ningxia on the wild boar together, and then began to cook a few dishes. Thanks to their cooks and the fact that the pork was really good, both of them were very satisfied with the meal.

At this time, a man dressed as a hunter suddenly shouted to the two: "Hey! You scared the wild boars away! What if they can't come back!"

Xiangling hurried up to apologize and said, "I'm sorry, we just wanted to try the meat quality of the wild boar here, and we never thought it would be like this."

"You guys..."

Seeing that the hunter wanted to continue to reprimand Xiangling, Ningxia went up and said, "This hunter, are you exaggerating? I have seen the water and soil near Qingquan Town, and they are very rich. I really don't understand why wild boars are so rich. Will give up this rich land and leave."

"You!" The hunter who wanted to say a few more words was choked by Ningxia. Ningxia was right. He was so serious just now that he recognized Xiangling and wanted her to meet Dulav. As for scaring her away Wild boars, those wild boars would not give up such a rich food just because one of their kind died.

"Master Ningxia." Xiangling pulled Ningxia, and then looked at the hunter who was choked by Ningxia.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Xiang Ling asked.

"You, you go to see Mr. Dulav first, and apologize to him." The hunter was relieved, thanks to Xiangling being more talkative, otherwise he would have no reason to ask Xiangling to see Dulav.

Led by the hunter, the two of Ningxia came to the leader of the hunter, Dulav.

"Mr. Dulav, I'm sorry, my master and I didn't know that casual hunting would affect your harvest." Xiangling immediately admitted his mistake, and Ningxia shook her head helplessly, Xiangling's temper is too good.

"Hmm..." Dulav looked at Xiangling with a serious face, and Ning Xia was directly in front of Xiangling. If the guy in front of him wanted to make a move, he would control it immediately.

"You are Xiangling from Wanmintang, right?" Durav asked.

"Yes." Xiang Ling nodded.

"Please save us Qingquan Town!" The serious Dulav suddenly bent down and begged, Xiangling was so frightened that he didn't dare to let go of Ningxia.

"Huh?" Xiangling was a little confused.

"It's like this. You know about the meat in Qingquan Town, Xiangling, but it can only be found here in Mond. I hope Xiangling can promote the meat in Qingquan Town in Wanmin Hall." Dulav said.

"This..." Xiangling walked out from behind Ningxia after hearing this.

"Forgive me for not accepting it!" Xiang Ling said seriously.

"Why? You should have tried the wild pork in our Qingquan Town just now, right?"

"Wild pork is really good, but I don't limit myself to ingredients when cooking. Could it be Mr. Dulav, can you accept slime boiled meat?" Xiangling asked.

"Slime... isn't this normal..." The corners of Dulav's mouth twitched. It was the first time he had heard of slime cooking meat at his age.

"Mr. Durav, right?" Ning Xia said as he took out a bag of Mora.

"No matter what the reason is, it is indeed our problem that Xiangling and I hunted wild boars without permission. Here are some Mora, so let Xiangling and I compensate you." Ning Xia handed Mora to Du Raff.

Dulav looked at Xiangling, who firmly rejected him, and Ningxia, who was holding Mora, and now he really wanted to reprimand the two in front of him for not just taking money casually.

But Ningxia's bag of Mora is too much, even enough for him to help the hunters buy a new batch of hunting tools, and he can be rich enough to improve the lives of the people in the town.

In the end, it was Ning Xia who forced it to Du Raff, and he "reluctantly" accepted it. However, in order to thank Ning Xia for his generosity, Du Raff invited the two of them to a banquet at the end of the hunting in the town.

Seeing Xiangling who was interested, Ningxia had no reason to refuse. Xiangling watched a person named Bullock cook barbecue at this banquet, and couldn't help but go up to compete with her in cooking.

Ning Xia was sitting on the sidelines, eating barbecue, drinking fruit juice and watching the competition between Xiangling and Bullock. Dulav also wanted to give Ning Xia a drink, but Ning Xia refused, he prefers fruit juice.

Chapter 244 Diona: Also, that's it

Most of the people in this banquet were from Orion and Qingquan Town. Instead of drinking and eating meat, it was better to talk about pure drinking. For example, Dulav, he didn't eat a bite of meat, and his stomach was used to hold wine.

Xiangling, who was competing against Bullock, did not forget to send Ningxia her freshly roasted meat, and then turned around and went back to continue competing against Bullock.

Many hunters took out their own extra-large cups, slowly filled a cup and drank it. Many young hunters tried to compare their drinking capacity with Dullaf, but they were put down by Dullaf after a few shots.

Du Lafu, who was drinking and letting himself go, sang the magic note in the center of the banquet. The voice of the five-tone insufficiency caused everyone to boo. At this time, a pink cutie suddenly appeared from the crowd of onlookers.

"Father! Why are you drinking secretly again!" A little girl with the appearance of a pink kitten shouted angrily.

"Yuu, hiccup! So it's Diona! Dad, hiccup! Dad is very happy today, so I'll drink more than a million, don't, hiccup! Get angry."

"You only drank a little here, did you drink the two barrels next to you!?" Diona said angrily. She dislikes drinking the most, especially her father.

"Hey hey..." Durav smirked and drank another big glass, and then filled it up again.

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