Seeing her father's appearance, Diona ran to Ningxia angrily to eat the grilled fish.

"Hey! Are you drinking wine too!" Diona asked dissatisfiedly looking at Ning Xia who was drinking juice, did this handsome big brother in front of her actually drink too?

"Sorry, I don't like drinking very much." Ning Xia took a sip of the juice and said, it's just a little girl, there's no need to worry about it so much.

"Hmph! You are much better than those adults!" Diona's complexion improved a lot when she heard that Ning Xia didn't like drinking. It turned out that not all the adults in this group were hopeless.

After a while, Diona, who really couldn't bear the magic voice of Durav, pulled Ningxia and said, "Can you help me pull my dad down? It's too embarrassing for him to sing! And he seems to respect you very much."

"I think it's pretty good." Ningxia smiled and filled another glass of juice for herself, and also made a glass for Diona.

"Thank you, thank you." Diona took the juice and said, but she still disliked her embarrassing father, and Diona, who couldn't stand it, stepped forward.

"Father! You are too shameful, get down for me! Get down!" Diona said angrily, pulling Durav.

"Hi! Brother Ningxia! You! Hip! Do you want to go up and sing!" Du Lafu put his hands on Ning Xia's shoulders, and the smell of alcohol fell on Ning Xia's face.

"I'm sorry, my father has caused you trouble. Diona hurriedly apologized to this big brother who is very nice and doesn't drink.

The drunken Dulav shouted directly: "Sing a song! Sing a song!"

Driven by Dulav, many hunters also booed, and even Xiangling Guoba betrayed Ningxia and booed.

Ning Xia, who didn't want to sing at first, looked at Xiang Ling's small eyes, just touched Diona's head with an apologetic expression, rubbed her ears, and then walked to the center of the banquet.

Ningxia thought for a while, and thought that since it was Mond, he had a song that was quite suitable.

"I'm a little used to shouting your name outside."

"I'm not coming to see you tonight."

(Free Loop author's favorite English song, if it doesn't sound good, come back and beat me!)

Ningxia's slightly sad voice is paired with moving lyrics. Even if there is no melody, a group of hunters are infected with tears under Ningxia's cappella.

After Ning Xia sang a song, everyone was silent at first, and then burst into warm applause when they realized it. Diona looked at Ning Xia who had calmly returned to her side, and was a little surprised. This big brother sings so well... right? ~

"You, you can sing well!" Although she was surprised in her heart, Diona said arrogantly, she would never admit that Ningxia's singing is particularly good!

"Yes! Yes! Singing makes my heart soar! I can't help it, hiccup! Sing a song!" Durav said while belching his wine.

"Father! Just forget it!" Diona said ruthlessly.

Although many people wanted Ning Xia to sing another song later on, Ning Xia refused with a smile. After all, it was only with someone as embarrassing as Durav in front of him that he had the nerve to sing.

After the banquet was over, Ningxia left with Xiangling, who had decided the winner with Brock, and as expected, Xiangling won.

The two were walking back, Xiangling's eyes twinkled with little stars and said: "Master Ningxia, I have been hearing sister Huasanli say that you sing very well before, and today I finally heard it with my own ears!"

Ningxia just tapped Xiangling's head lightly.

"You actually followed others to boo the master! You little apprentice rebelled!" Ning Xia said lightly.

"Hey~ I'm curious~" Xiangling knew that Ningxia was not angry, so she hugged his arm and acted like a baby. She knew that Ningxia liked this kind of thing the most.

Ningxia couldn't pretend anymore after being messed up by Xiangling, and begged Xiangling to let him go.

Then the two returned to the city of Mond under the slapstick.

On the other side of the wind, Vanessa looked at Wendy who was sobered up by Morax with physical means, and a few drops of cold sweat flowed down her face. It was obvious that Morax was doing well in Liyue people before, how did she meet Wendy? That's it for Dee.

Wendy touched the two panda eyes on her face, and Wendy could almost swear that this is definitely Morax's revenge!Isn't it just drunk and said a few words about her real black history?As for entering menopause.

As if sensing Wendy's inner complaints, Moraxel punched Wendy again violently.

Wendy felt aggrieved and touched the big bag on her head. At the end of the day, she had already been beaten several times by Morax.

"So, Vanessa, aren't you planning to go back to Sky Island?" Wendy asked.

"Yes, Sky Island is close to collapse, and Tianli can only linger on the broken throne now, and has completely lost the ability to come to Tivat." Vanessa said, she spent hundreds of years in Sky Island, Almost watched the law of heaven decay.

"Is that so..."

Wendy didn't want to make too much fuss about a question, and then asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

"I want to start again as Winnie in the current Mond." Vanessa said, since Sky Island can't stay any longer, she can only go back to Mond.

"This one, I know it well, do you want me to make you a god's eye to cover up your ability." Wendy said with an expression that I understood.

Morax on the side covered his face, thankfully he already knew who this guy was, otherwise, he couldn't resist giving this guy two more punches.

After Vanessa left, Wendy, whose scars healed and forgot the pain, dug out two more bottles of wine and said, "Wine is too small for a bosom friend, come, come, keep going!"

Morax refused with a blushing face, "No, if I drink it, I might get drunk."

"Alas~ The big rock is so cowardly~ Ouch!" Wendy wanted to tease Morax again, but was hammered again.

"Who is afraid of whom?" said the blushing Morax, raising his glass.

Chapter 245 Morax the Bad Wine

After Ningxia came back, she met Vanessa who came back from the Land of the Wind. Ningxia looked at Vanessa who came back alone and asked, "Where's Wendy?"

"Wendy said there was something to do, so I came back alone." Vanessa said.

Ning Xia looked at Vanessa, who was not lost, with a strange expression on her face.

"That's right! No matter how much Mond City changes! The road to Fengqidi has not changed! I won't get lost!" Seeing the expression on Ning Xia's face, Vanessa understood his thoughts immediately, and explained angrily. .

"Um, I'm sorry." Ning Xia scratched his face, he really doubted Vanessa, after all, she was a little bit crazy before.

"Forget it, let's go back first, I brought some barbecue for you and Mona, and I'll make you a salad for dinner later." Ning Xia shook the barbecue.

"Thank you, thank you." Vanessa said shyly. She had come to Mengde all the way through Ningxia. If there was no Ningxia, she might have taken a boat to Daoqi for no reason.

"Hurry up and go back, Mona may be hungry." Ning Xia said and stretched out her hand to Vanessa, who was already familiar with it, directly held Ning Xia's hand.

Xiangling on the side also held Ning Xia's other hand, and Ning Xia took the second daughter back to the new hotel. Ning Xia first called out Mona, and then borrowed the hotel kitchen to make a salad.

Mona, who was in a bad mood, took a bite of Ningxia's salad and Xiangling's barbecue, and her appetite instantly whetted, and she began to crazily eliminate the salad and barbecue on the bed.

Ning Xia poured juice for the second daughter and then left. After returning to her room humming a song, she looked at the two sitting on her bed and almost couldn't hold back a punch.

"Why are you two here!?" Ning Xia looked at Morax and Wendy who were sleeping on his bed, and his fists hardened.

"Little friend Ningxia is back?" Moraxes rubbed his eyes and got up. Moraxes with drunken Wendy couldn't find a place where Mond could rest, so he could only come to Ningxia's room.

"Why did the two of you come to my room!" Ning Xia asked, it's fine for Morax to ask him to work every time, why did he still sleep with him this time?Is it possible?

Ning Xia looked at Morax in front of him, and secretly touched the doorknob. He would rather have an extra room than stay with Morax for a while.

As a result, before Ningxia opened the door, Morax held Ningxia down, and said in a daze: "Ning, you don't have to worry about Ningxia, what I said before was actually a cover-up and it wasn't true."

"Although Zhongli and I share the same origin, Zhongli is an existence independent of Morax. Although he has the wisdom and memory of Morax, he is an experiment I did to resist wear and tear."

Facing Morax, who was in the drunken Rock King Diji, Ning Xia really panicked, and immediately froze and said: "Morakes! Rock King Dijun! Calm down! Please calm down! I really like women! But I don't like to change A woman!"

"I'm a woman!" the drunken Morax said angrily. She had held back this secret for a long time. Liyue was established as the rock king and emperor because it was easier to unite people's hearts in the beginning, and then she maintained it like this. , I am about to retire, so I must change back to the original.

"Yes, you are a woman... Wait a minute! You are a woman!" Ning Xia originally wanted to flatter her and find a chance to run away, but she couldn't do it because of this sentence.

"You, hiccup! Try it yourself! I'm the real thing! I didn't conjure it up!" Morax said angrily, she was fed up with the way Ning Xia looked at her, she was not gay, she was the real thing women.

"Wait! I believe! Let me go! Let me go!" Ning Xia tried to break free from the shackles of Morax, but he found sadly that even after entering the level of the demon god, he still couldn't wrestle with Morax.

Then Ningxia's hand was buried in Qing Yunding, and Morakes blushed proudly and said: "You, look! It's real!"

"Can you let me go?" Ning Xia was completely desperate. He could stand side by side with the Demon God, but he couldn't even break free from Morax's control.

"You! Check it out carefully! Don't, hiccup, don't think of me as that kind of person anymore!" Morax said, blushing because of drunkenness, and she also began to let herself go under the influence of alcohol.

"I really believe, you let me go! Emperor Yanwang, no, Emperor Yanwang!" Ning Xia said hastily. He clearly knew that the woman in front of him could kill him at will.

"No! You don't believe me at all!" Morax said angrily, she must convince Ning Xia that she is a woman today.

Ning Xia had no choice but to reassure herself that she really believed that she was a woman, so she reluctantly withdrew her hand from Morax's Qingyunding Room, and it had to be said that the hand felt really good.

In Ningxia's eyes, the drunk Morax was much more terrifying than the general. Although the general occasionally got into the drama too deeply, he would never kill him, but Morax had a criminal record.

In the end, the dazed Moraxes fell on the bed and fell asleep with Wendy on his back. Ning Xia quickly opened the door and ran away, joking, if he was with Moraxes for a while, he might be scared to death first.

Then, in desperation, Ning Xia had no choice but to open a new room, and then went to bed after washing up casually. This day was considered to be ups and downs. First, he was woken up by Morax in the morning, and then he gained the strength of the demon god level.

Then I was frightened by Morax again at night, and was almost pushed to bed by the drunk Morax.

Thanks to Ningxia's experience, he already has some immune mentality, otherwise he would have given up.

Then the tired Ning Xia closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In the middle of the night, in Ningxia's room, Morax, who finally got out of the drunken state, got up suddenly from the bed. She didn't forget what she did to Ningxia when she was drunk just now.

Morax slapped himself heavily on the face. Her wine quality was not very good, so she had only tasted alcohol for thousands of years, but the rare wine from Feng Qi was too powerful, which made her accidentally exposed.

At this time, Morax was dumbfounded when he thought about what he had done with Ningxia. It was the first time that she was so intimate with a man. If word got out, Morax's reputation would definitely collapse, right?

The pessimistic Morakes thought that only Ning Xia knew about her drunkenness just now and had a chance to save her. He ignored Wendy who had been suffocated by her, stepped on Wendy awake, and ran to find Ning Xia up.

Wendy touched the face that was stepped on, and only felt that the old woman was inexplicable.

Chapter 246

Ningxia, who is still sleeping now, dreamed that she was on the way back to Daoqiu by boat, and seeing Liyue gradually disappearing into the horizon, Ningxia felt relieved besides the reluctance for all the girls. Morax is much more reliable.

But after a whirlwind, he returned to Liyue.

"Oh?" Ning Xia was stunned, where's the boat?What about the sea?

"Little friend Ningxia~ Knowing my secret, you still want to go back?" Morax suddenly appeared and said with a smile. Dozens of stone pillars were arranged around Ningxia, obviously to stop Ningxia.

"Just stay with me in Liyue honestly~" Morax said with a sickly smile.


"Hmm~ Little friend Ningxia, so you like this~" A female voice that made Ningxia harden and her fist hardened said in a shy tone.

Hearing this voice, Ning Xia didn't hesitate at all, she retracted, retreated, cuddled, rolled, and got out of bed in one go.

"Morax! You can't finish!" Ning Xia said angrily. If he couldn't defeat Morax, he had to let her sing a song of conquest.

"Little friend Ningxia, since you know my secret..." Morax said the words in Ningxia's dream, which directly made Ningxia's skin crawl.

Originally wanted to escape by jumping out of the window, but the window was already sealed by Morax. Realizing that Ning Xia wanted to escape, Morax directly rode on Ning Xia and controlled his movements.

"Little friend Ningxia, why did you run away again? Didn't I tell you my real gender?" Morax asked suspiciously.

"Morax! You're a model!" Ning Xia couldn't help but swear once, he endured being a tool man for Morax, and he also endured being molested by Morax.

As a result, they were all riding on him now, and he really couldn't bear it anymore. The last person who rode him was a general who was very close to him. Morax was a hammer!

"Little friend Ningxia..." Morax also understood that his actions were a bit indecent, so he stood up quickly.

"Speak directly if you have something to say!" Ning Xia sat on the bed as if resigned to her fate, tired and destroyed!

"About my previous gaffe..." Morax said awkwardly. He was about to retire recently, so he unconsciously relaxed.

"What kind of gaffe did you say, I don't know." Ning Xia said sensiblely, took out a bottle of juice and began to drink water to relieve his worries.

"Ah, actually, I'm not usually like this..." Morax also tried to salvage his image in Ningxia's eyes as the King of Rocks.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Ning Xia responded perfunctorily, let him do what he likes, he has already given up, he's messed up, he can do what he likes.

Looking at Ningxia's appearance, Morax knew that his image was hopeless, so he just said "excuse me" and left.

Based on her misunderstanding with Ningxia today, it is estimated that Ningxia really hated her. Morax, who originally wanted to stay in Mond for a while, left with sadness.

Ningxia was no longer sleepy after being teased by Morax, so she went to a tavern named Angel's Gift near the hotel and ordered a glass of Mond's special juice to decompress.

"Sir, why don't you drink when you come to Mond?" asked Kaya, who came to the tavern next to Ningxia to pass the time.

"Drinking is easy to make mistakes. It's better not to drink if it's not necessary." Ning Xia said casually. At the beginning, he got engaged to Beidou inexplicably because of alcohol, although Ning Xia's acquaintances later knew it was fake.

"Oh~ this gentleman sounds like someone with a story~" said Lisa who also came to the tavern to drink.

"That's right, brother, let me buy you a drink. I have wine, and you have a story. How about we chat?" Kaia said.

"No, no, no, I don't really want to drink." Ning Xia waved his hands and refused. Although he said so, Ning Xia was a little moved, after all, he was a little stressed by Morax.

"Come here! Since you are here to play in Mond, why not try Mond's special dandelion wine." Kaiya poured Ningxia a glass of dandelion wine.

Ning Xia looked at the wine in front of him, hesitated for a moment, picked it up and drank it in one breath, but the impact of this alcohol on him can only be said to be slight, but it is better than nothing.

"Massive! Come, come, come! Have another drink! Today, my brother and I are very destined to meet you, and I will take care of your wine today!" Kaiya looked at Ningxia, who was bored with a big glass of dandelion wine and nothing happened. Hastily had another glass.

He already knew before others received the news. The person in front of him was doing all kinds of things in Liyue. He just wanted to check and get some information about him here. He didn't expect to win the first prize directly, and met Ningxia himself.

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