Ning Xia is not too polite, although he is not short of money, but there is nothing to talk about when he treats guests.

But it’s boring to drink alone, Ningxia dragged Kaiya into a confrontation, Kaiya thought that he could drink enough, and he would definitely be able to drink Ningxia in front of him, and then came out with a cliché.

As a result, while drinking, he realized that something was wrong, his stomach was full from drinking, and his head started to feel a little dizzy, why Ning Xia looked like a normal person.

Unreconciled, Kaya directly called Lisa who was having a drink, saying that he would pay the bill today and wanted Lisa to come over and do a favor.

Lisa, who was just having a drink, had nothing to say when she heard that Kaiya was treating her guests, so she picked up a bottle of wine and chatted with Ning Xia.

This unrestrained way of drinking attracted other guests in the tavern to watch, and the two big winemen of the Knights together couldn't drink a foreigner.

Finally, after blowing the fifth bottle, Lisa fell gloriously, and Kaiya also fought Ningxia for three more bottles before falling to the ground.

The onlookers immediately started cheering, celebrating the birth of Mond's new wine-fighting king. As for the wine-fighting king, is it Mond's?It doesn't matter, it doesn't prevent them from celebrating.

Some people with good deeds have also recorded the wine that Ningxia drank, which is almost equivalent to five barrels of good wine.

Ning Xia sat on the stool and became a demon god, so it was difficult for him to get drunk. Kaiya invited him to drink, except for a little alcohol impact, basically no different from drinking water, and the taste was not as good as fruit juice.

Ning Xia looked at Lisa who was lying on the bar and Kaya who was lying on the ground. He didn't know where these two lived, so he didn't know how to send them back.

At this time, Yula, who was full of melancholy, came to the angel's gift, and now she just wanted to drink away her sorrow.

Then I saw Ningxia surrounded by the crowd, and Kaya Lisa who was drunk by him.

"Ningxia! Why did you come here!" Seeing Ningxia's blushing face, Yula didn't care to avoid suspicion.

"Yo! Yula!" Ningxia stood up and greeted Yula. Yula ignored Kaiya who was lying on the ground with her buttocks pouted, and jumped over to support Ningxia, for fear that Ningxia would fall because of drunkenness.

"Why are you drinking! If I'm drunk, I'll take care of you! I'll make a note of this grudge!" Yula said half complaining and half annoyed.

Chapter 247 Dance Under the Moon

Ningxia looked at Yula, expressing that she was not drunk. After Ningxia took several steady steps, Yula was sure that Ningxia was really not drunk. Sha, Yula had no choice but to support Ningxia back to the Knights.

Not long after the two left, a red-haired man came to the tavern, looked at the dozens of bottles on the bar that hadn't been cleared, and asked the bartender what happened with some doubts.

After learning that Kaiya was drinking with others and being drunk, the man sneered, and then asked the bartender to remember to collect the bill tomorrow morning. This time, it is estimated that Kaiya's salary for a year can be drunk.

Even in Mond in the middle of the night, there were still many pubs with lights on, and Yula, who was carrying Lisa on her back, began to complain because she didn't even take a sip of wine in Ningxia.

Ning Xia, who was carrying Kaiya, had no choice but to promise that she would buy Yula a drink later, which made Yula feel at ease, but Yula asked that the two of them must drink together, and no one else.

With the help of the night, Yula no longer worried about Ningxia during the day, and began to chat with Ningxia about some daily life, and then told Ningxia to have less contact with her in Mond.

Under Ningxia's puzzled eyes, Yula plucked up the courage to explain. After learning about Yula's life experience, Ningxia just gently patted Yula's head.

He didn't care if Yula was of the blood of a sinner, he only knew that Yula was a very good and strong girl.

"Wu~ju! You actually touched my head! This, I wrote down this grudge!" Yula felt Ning Xia's big hand caressing her head, blushing and quickened her pace, she didn't want Ning Xia to see her like this Second appearance.

When the two returned to the knights' dormitory, Yula threw Lisa to the lounge in the library, and Kaia handed it over to passing knights, and then the two walked outside the knights.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, the two of them walked to the statue of Fengshen without knowing it. The empty space was dimly illuminated by the moonlight. Yula leaned on the fence and asked Ning Xia where the wine was. The three-pot head given by Morax.

You Laqiong's nose moved slightly, and she smelled the aroma from Sanguotou, and before Ning Xia could finish saying that she couldn't drink more, Yula grabbed her and took a sip.

"Huh! There is such a good wine hidden, and I just took it out now. This, I will write down this grudge!" Yula said after taking a sip, and was a little drunk by the powerful wine.

The drunken Yula staggered and stuffed the wine into Ningxia's mouth again, completely ignoring what she just drank before.

Looking at Ning Xia who was in a panic because of being drunk by herself, Yula laughed loudly, and suddenly asked Ning Xia: "Do you want to watch me dance?"

"Okay." Ning Xia wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth and said, the last time he saw Yula dancing was in the layered rock abyss, he happened to see Yula dancing a sword.

Yula took a deep breath, hiccupped again, and then began to dance the sacrificial dance. Half drunk and half awake, Yula danced like a dragon and a phoenix, her two jade hands gently waving with the skilled rhythm, The dance steps of the two jade feet were a little wobbly due to drunkenness. Under the illumination of a bright moon in the sky, the hazy mist gradually enveloped the two of them.

As the dance started, Yula also slowly regained her rhythm, her flowing dance steps and her clean white shirt unknowingly approached Ningxia.

At the end, Yula has fallen into Ningxia's arms.

Ningxia had no choice but to carry Yula on her back and walk to the Knights again. On the way, Yula, who was in a daze, yelled for Ningxia to perform something too.

Ning Xia looked at the bright moon in the sky and asked softly, "Can I sing a song?"

"Okay~" Yura said coquettishly.

"You asked me how deeply I love you, and how much I love you."

"Think about it, take a look, the moon represents my heart..."

Accompanied by Ningxia's gentle voice, Yula squinted her eyes at the bright moon in the sky, and couldn't help asking: "Ningxia, will you really love me like the moon in the sky~"

As if she was afraid that Ningxia would say no, Yula said coquettishly: "Quickly say you will!"

"As long as you are willing, I will." Ning Xia said softly, his soft voice comforted Yula like magic, making her eyes that were barely open could not be closed.

Not long after, there was a slight breathing sound from Ningxia's back, it seemed that Yula could sleep well tonight.

Under the guidance of a knight, Ningxia came to the door of Yula's dormitory. Through the light from the crack of the door, it could be seen that the people inside were probably still asleep.

Ning Xia gently knocked on the door, and with the sound of footsteps, the door was opened.

"Yu La! What are you doing again! Do you know that I am very worried about you... huh?" Amber looked at Ning Xia who was carrying You La in a daze.

"Ningxia? Why are you here? And what happened to Yula on your back?" Amber asked. She wanted to find Ningxia after she came back, but she was sent to clean up a Qiuqiu camp just now. Just came back.

"She's drunk, take her back to rest first." Ning Xia carefully handed Yula behind her back to Amber, and then left. After all, it was a girl's room, so she didn't go in by herself.

After walking out of the Knights, on the way back to the hotel by the moonlight, Ningxia felt that today is not particularly bad, at least she was very happy with Xiangling Yula, then Ningxia left humming the moon to represent my heart .

And Amber, who brought Yula back to the dormitory, was holding Yula's Longji Snow Mountain, which made Amber couldn't help complaining that it was too big.

Yula was talking about Yuela Ningxia in a daze, and Amber helped Yula wash her body and put on her pajamas, but she was very interested in the matter between Yula and Ningxia.

Amber looked at Yula with a smile on her face, and she had already imagined a series of dramas about Ningxia and Yula in her mind, but she also wanted to wait and see Ningxia for her good sister.

Chapter 248 Qin: Me, I'm Not That Good

The next day, Yula who woke up scratching her head was still awake, and Amber, who woke up earlier, began to complain about Yula's constant yelling about Ningxia yesterday, and while complaining, she put a hot towel on Yula's face.

"Me? Shouting about Ningxia?" Yula wiped her face with a hot towel and said in doubt.

"Huh? You were carried back by him yesterday, and he seems to be very concerned about your appearance!" Amber asked curiously.

"What? What?!" It was only then that Yula remembered that she had danced to Ning Xia and asked Ning Xia to sing again yesterday, especially when she asked Ning Xia to admit her relationship with her...

"Ah!!!" Yula covered her face and shouted, why did she just drink some wine, now she completely exposed herself in front of Ningxia.

"You! Yula! What's wrong with you! Ningxia took advantage of you!?" Amber asked while covering his ears.

"I, I didn't!" Yura immediately retorted.

"What about you?" Amber asked.

"Hmm...Amber, you really don't know how to talk nonsense?" Yula also wanted to find someone to confide in, after all, she took the initiative to confess her love last night.

"I promise in the name of scouting knights!" Amber patted the slightly taller hall master's hill chest and promised.

"Okay, okay..." Yula hesitated and told Ningxia about getting drunk and confessing her love to Ningxia.

Amber's expression slowly changed from gossip to curiosity, and then from curiosity to shock, which was a bit out of line for a girl who had never been in a relationship before.

"You, do you mean he sang you a love song specially, or have you never heard it?"

"Yes, and... it's quite nice." Yula thought of Ningxia's gentle voice and yesterday's moonlight, and her face turned red and steamed.

"Wow! Yula, you look like Captain Qin now!" Amber said, looking at Yula who was emitting white smoke from her head.

"By the way, can you sing the song he sang to you yesterday?" Amber asked curiously, she was curious about the love song Yula said she had never heard before.

"I, my singing is a bit ugly, don't laugh at me!" Yula said hesitantly.

"Why would I laugh at you, obviously Yula, your voice is very nice!" Amber encouraged.

"You asked me how much I love you..." Yura began to sing intermittently.

After listening to it, Amber said enviously: "Wow! Moonlight, love song, and walking back with you on my back, so romantic!"

"Hey! Amber!" Yula quickly corrected Amber who was going off topic.

"Okay, okay, I'll wait and find out for you." Amber stuck out his little tongue and said.

Hearing what my best friend said, Yula felt a little relieved.

And Ningxia fell asleep after returning to his room last night, this time there was no Morax to disturb him, allowing him to sleep well.

Waking up in the morning, Xiangling smelled the strong smell of alcohol on Ningxia's body, and asked with a puzzled face: "Master Ningxia, did you drink yesterday?"

"Um, I couldn't sleep yesterday, so I drank a little so I can fall asleep." Ning Xia said embarrassingly.

"Oh? Master Ningxia can come to me next time! I'll make you some supper that will make you feel sleepy!" Xiangling said.

"Next time, definitely next time." Ning Xia said with a sigh of relief, and then dispelled the smell of alcohol on her body.

But thinking about what happened yesterday, Ningxia now wants to check Yula's tone, after all, he hooked up with an ignorant girl yesterday.

Secondly, the matter of the dandelion girl should be resolved quickly. Ning Xia wanted to have the cheek to ask the very talkative Captain Qin whom she met the day before yesterday.

Before going there, Ningxia took a look at her original room, and Wendy, who was sleeping on the bed, had disappeared.

After breakfast, Ning Xia told the girls, and then went to the Knights alone.

In the office of the acting head of the Knights, apart from working, eating and sleeping these two days, Qin is planning the welcome party in Ningxia. A friend of the knight order will do.

Thinking of Qin Qin's face flushed again, she had been waiting for Ningxia for several months, and now it finally arrived.

At this time, Ning Xia, who was already familiar with the journey, gently knocked on the acting head's door because he had been back and forth several times in the Knights.

"Please, please come in!" Qin said in a panic as if she had been caught by the tail of a cat.

Ning Xia walked into the office and said hello to Qin: "Hello, Captain Qin."

"Ah, uh, Mr. Ningxia is here!" Qin said with a look of panic. She was both surprised and happy to see Ningxia's arrival, and she was afraid that Ningxia would now know her identity.

"Captain Qin, I'm here to ask you something." Ning Xia said.

"No, no problem! May I ask Mr. Ning Xia what is your business?" Qin asked.

"It's like this, I came to Mond mainly for my pen pal, but I really can't find where she lives, so I want to ask the Knights to..." Ning Xia told Qin the purpose of her visit.

"This, this way..." Qin hurriedly lowered her head and said, she didn't want Ning Xia to see her embarrassment.

"If Captain Qin is in trouble, I will pay the knights an equal reward." Ning Xia thought that Qin didn't want to do it because he thought it was troublesome, so he added that this was the sequelae that Morax had been talking about for a long time.

"No, no, I am, I want to ask, what is her pen name, I, I will find a way to solve it!" Qin quickly explained that she didn't want to be misunderstood by Ningxia.

"Her pseudonym is Dandelion Girl," Ning Xia said.

Listening to her pen name, Qin tentatively asked, "What do you think of this dandelion girl?"

Then Qin realized that she was being rude and added: "I, I just want to confirm the general news of your pen pal more quickly, no, nothing else!"

"I understand, I understand." Ning Xia nodded and said.

"Her, although I haven't really met her, but judging from my exchanges with her over the years, she must be a very good West Wind knight. In the letters, I saw her humility, honesty, and bravery. Kindness, strength, and respect for these qualities, I think such a person should be like a bright light in the dark night, as dazzling as a bright moon in the starry sky."

"Combined with the efficiency of the West Wind Knights and a leader like Captain Qin, I think we will be able to find her soon, right?" Ning Xia said without hesitation in praise. This is what he thought in his heart. From Dandelion Girl's reply letter, he felt that this girl must be a kind, gentle and courageous girl.

"Oh!? Yes, is it so good!?" Qin said with a blushing face. Although people praised her for her excellence since she was a child, it was the first time she heard it like Ningxia, which made her almost die of embarrassment. However, he felt a little proud of Ningxia's praise.

Chapter 249

Ningxia is communicating with Qin, and Morax, who returned to Liyue with sadness, is making tea with a melancholy face. For some reason, she always pays some attention to Ningxia's eyes.

But now it seems that Ning Xia completely hates her, and wonders if she will have a chance to meet him in the future.

However, the sudden appearance of a strong thunder element made Morax stand up as if facing an enemy, and quickly came to the source of the thunder element.

"Balzebu, why did you come to Liyue?" Morax asked, but she already had the answer in her heart, and now she was ready to make amends.

At this time, Yinghe Huasanli, who was holding a burnt black sand pot, came out from the crack of the thunder element. Compared with the serious Ying, Huasanli's expression seemed to be holding back a smile.

"Morax..." Ying looked at Morax who had changed back to his original form, and was a little puzzled. The last time he saw her like this was because he ate her food.

"Balzebub, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can vent it on me, and I will never hide from you," Morax said.

"Oh? Why do I want to vent to you? I heard that you took care of Ningxia many times in Liyue, so I came here to thank you." Ying said doubtfully, she was not the same, and she wanted to vent to Ningxia.

Huasanli on the side couldn't hold back his snickering. Just yesterday, the general who died of overwork every day finally had some free time, so he went to Narujin Shrine to get a souvenir. By the way, he also wanted to ask Ningxia Liyue's matter.

Naturally, Huasanli would not tell the truth. After all, if he said it, Ying might not be going to fight Morax for the founding of the country.

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