"Sister Shenzi!" Ke Lai hugged Shenzi again, and then was buried in the shadow mountain that Shenzi's Hall Master Hu couldn't reach, making her a little out of breath.

"You really love to act like a baby~" Shenzi imitated Ning Xia and rubbed Ke Lai's head and said.

"However, it's fine, Ke Lai's matter is settled." Ning Xia looked at the lively Ke Lai and said, this poor little girl is finally free.

Then the four of them walked back to Mond, and Ning Xia asked Ke Lai if he wanted to stay in Mond or what?If she wants, she can also take her back to Dao's wife.

Ke Lai hesitated and said: "I...I want to go to Xumi. I heard that Xumi's medical skills are very advanced. I want to learn medical skills and help children like me."

Ning Xia didn't object after hearing this. Since Ke Lai decided on this matter, he would naturally help.

Amber on the side was also a little surprised by Ke Lai's choice, but he also felt a little bit reluctant. After all, Sumi is quite far away from Mond, and there is a distance of Liyue in the middle. After leaving, I don't know how long it will be before we can see each other again. .

"Ke Lai, I heard from that weird man in robes that he's leaving the day after tomorrow. Are you really okay? Have you figured it out?" Amber asked again.

"I... think it over, I want to go to Sumeru." Ke Lai hesitated, and finally said firmly, even if the demon god's breath was removed, the pain rooted in the memory was not eliminated.

Although a bit self-righteous, Ke Lai really hopes that he can use medical skills to save some children like her.

After everyone returned to Mond City, Amber wanted to take Ke Lai back to the Knights to tell Sano the news that Ke Lai's demon breath had been removed.

When we were parting from the two, we happened to meet Kaiya who was escorting the prisoner. Now he is personally escorting a red-haired masked man, and he did not forget to say hello to Ningxia when he passed by.

Ning Xia looked at the Xieyan on the red-haired man's hand. Compared with the Xieyan of the Xieyan soldier he dealt with, it was obviously of a much better grade.

But Ningxia and Shenzi didn't care about this kind of thing. After all, this kind of thing has nothing to do with them. Shenzi grabbed Ningxia's clothes and said in a low voice: "Today I worked hard, how will you compensate me~"

"What do you want?" Ning Xia asked after swallowing her saliva. After all, this kind of thing...is the most important thing~

"Today I'm going to sleep on it, you're not allowed to snatch it," Shenzi said with a blushing face, she still misses the initiative, although it's good to be passive.

"No problem, but, are you really good at it?" Ningxia said, remembering Shenzi who repeatedly surrendered in the midfield yesterday.

"Hmph! My sister, I'm just doing this kind of thing for the first time, and I'm not good at it. What if I try again today? I, I will make you beg to surrender!" Shenzi said with a blushing face.

If Huasanli was there at this time, she would definitely complain helplessly that Shenzi was overconfident. After tossing with Ningxia for half a month, Huasanli came to a conclusion that it is absolutely impossible for one person to suppress Ningxia.

"Go back now?" Ning Xia looked at Shenzi and started to provoke him, can he bear it?

"Who, who is afraid of whom!" Shenzi originally wanted to start at night, but now that Ningxia has said so, she can't be cowardly.

When the two returned to the hotel, there was still a tinge of blush on the bed. Shenzi blushed and wanted to change the sheets, and Ning Xia sensiblely put them away and changed them to new ones.

With a provocative face, Shenzi just let Ningxia be a salted fish honestly, and she insisted on letting Ningxia know how powerful a fox is.

She, Yae Shenzi, must toss Ningxia until she can't get out of bed today, even if she supports the wall by herself!

Chapter 271

The refreshed Ningxia was slowly making fried pork with honey sauce and carrots and stuffed chicken with sweet flowers. After dividing them into several portions, the first one was given to Mona who was in the room.

It’s just that Mona’s face was a little red for some reason. After taking the dinner, she said that she was still writing a column in embarrassment, so she retreated to her room, which made Ningxia feel a little strange. famous.

Then put away the other few servings, wait for Xiangling Wennessa and the others to come back to eat, and bring two servings back to the room.

Shenzi lay flat on the bed, she lost, even though she took control of the initiative, even though she tried her best, even though she was lying flat now, she still couldn't make Ningxia admit defeat.

Ningxia fed the cut meat and vegetables to Shenzi mouthful after mouthful. Although she was passive, Shenzi was indeed very powerful, and she even flashed up to her waist.

"It's okay..." Shenzi said with some displeasure. Although the dishes were delicious, she was a little unhappy that there was no fried tofu, but she also understood that there was no tofu in Mond, so that was the only way to go.

"Today, today it's just that I got up to my waist, it's definitely not that I can't beat you!" Shenzi still said firmly, even though her body was softening, her mouth was still hard.

"Okay, okay~" Ningxia responded, after all~ the life of lying flat just now was pretty good.

After Xiangling came back, she first took a look at Ningxia's room, looked at Shenzi lying on the bed, and asked them to continue without disturbing herself.

After Vanessa came back, she blushed and wanted to talk to Ning Xia about something. God child looked at Vanessa's appearance, how could she not understand what Vanessa meant, but just came with a death grip, and then pushed Ning Xia over up.

Shenzi realized when he reached his waist, that it is impossible for him to hold Ning Xia down by himself, and he was exhausted to death, but he still couldn't make Ning Xia admit defeat.

Ning Xia and Vanessa came to her room and sat. Vanessa looked at Ning Xia awkwardly, remembering what Wendy told her after drinking yesterday, she still hesitated.

"Yes, what's the matter?" Ningxia didn't understand what Vanessa was thinking, she just wanted to slap her two big mouths, Liyue's problem hadn't been settled yet, and Mond came two more.

Gritting her teeth, Vanessa kissed Ning Xia directly, trying to open Ning Xia's heart with clumsy techniques.

Ning Xia was stunned, she was kissed by force, but by Vanessa who usually looks gentle and honest.

However, Vanessa, who was shy about such things, persisted for a while before separating from Ningxia. After all, it was too shameful for her.

After they separated, Vanessa was extremely ashamed, covered her face and said in a low voice: "Ning, Mr. Ningxia, I like you."

"Yeah." Ning Xia also responded with some embarrassment, it was the first time he was kissed by someone, and it was he who initiated it in Shenzi and Huasan.

"Oh~ I have an extra sister?" Shenzi leaned on the wall and looked at the two, even if her back hurts, it doesn't prevent her from having fun.

"Ah!?" Vanessa blushed and looked at Shenzi, was she taking love from Shenzi?Did I become a bad woman once?

"Don't worry about me, I'm just passing by... Ningxia! Come and help me! My back hurts!" Shenzi just wanted to leave calmly, and then gave the two of them some private space, but her back hurt again, making her unable to walk Moved.

With a suppressed smile, Ningxia helped Shenzi to lie down on Vanessa's bed, and healed her with the breath of life.

Being disturbed by Shenzi in this way, the originally chilly atmosphere became better.

The prostrate Miko held Vanessa's hand with one hand and said, "Sister! Please teach me more in the future."

"Ah!?" Vanessa, who was so ashamed at first, wanted to commit suicide by jumping out of the window. It was too shameful and embarrassing. She was completely humiliated in front of Ningxia this time.


Ning Xia couldn't help but make up for Shenzi who had been seriously injured in a row. What she said made Vanessa look like she wanted to die.

"Hey!" Shenzi yelled dissatisfiedly holding the part that had been seriously injured. What kind of bad intentions could Shenzi have? He just wanted to find a sister to share the firepower.

"Vanessa, right? Good sister, let's suppress Ningxia's big-hearted carrot in the future and don't let him go out to mess around. What do you think?" Shenzi said sincerely.

"I..." Being so instigated by the Son of God, Vanessa felt that her mind was about to shut down. She just listened to Barbatos and gave up after wanting to confess her love so as to fulfill the Son of God. Why would the Son of God accept her on his own initiative? !

"Son of God!" Ning Xia rubbed his forehead, this fox was fine just now, why is he so disdainful now.

After stretching his waist, Miko also stood up, hooked his shoulders with Vanessa and said, "Don't you~ don't you want to try~"

Wendy ran to the hotel in a hurry. She drank three pots yesterday, so she let Vanessa take the initiative in a daze. She didn't realize it until she went to the angel's gift today.

Now Wendy can only hope that Vanessa can go back later today, and don't do something she shouldn't do because of her drinking!

Wendy skillfully climbed in through Ningxia's window, and was relieved when she saw no one was there. Then she smelled a strange smell, which made her blush.

Then Wendy ran to Vanessa's room again, and saw a scene she shouldn't have seen.

"Wen! Wendy!" Vanessa, who was holding Ning Xia's hand and was already ashamed to death, saw Wendy, and was almost overwhelmed, lying on Ning Xia's body.

Wendy closed the door with a blushing face, then gave herself two slaps hard, trying to wake herself up a bit, she must have sent Vanessa into a tiger's mouth.

Thinking about the scene just now, even Wendy, an old girl who has lived for more than 3000 years, is a little~cough cough cough, this is the first time she sees this kind of thing, this kind of reaction is normal, right?

Vanessa was lying in Ningxia's arms. Even with her physique far beyond ordinary people, she couldn't take it anymore. After all...

Vanessa blushed and held Ning Xia's hand tightly. Although she refused somewhat, Shenzi fanned the flames, making her follow Ning Xia for no reason.

Ning Xia was lying on the bed, not because he was not calm enough, but because Vanessa was too... He made a mistake that any man would make.

"Ning, Mr. Ningxia, I, am I doing the right thing?" Vanessa asked weakly. Although she was a little uncomfortable just now, she enjoyed being with Ningxia very much.

Seeing Vanessa's appearance, Ning Xia couldn't help pressing on her again, she was so easy to bully.

"Hey! Don't ignore me!" Said the god who was lying flat on the side. At first, she just wanted to find a sister to share with her.

In the end, I was not happy when I saw half of it. I ran over to join in, but after only one time, I flashed to the waist again.

Chapter 272 Indulging in Color Affects Sleep

Ning Xia walked out of Vanessa's room comfortably. He was happy, but because of Vanessa's pain, he was lying flat with Shenzi now, but she didn't flinch like Shenzi.

After walking out of the door, Xiangling took a letter and wanted to say something to Ningxia, while Mona next door seemed to have stayed up all night, with dark circles under her eyes.

"Master Ningxia, my father wrote me a letter, saying that it was because of the invitation of Xian Dianyi, so I have to go back to help, and I can't continue to accompany you to visit Mond." Xiangling said embarrassedly.

"That's it...it's okay, I understand." Ning Xia nodded and said.

"By the way, Mona, what's the matter with you these two days? It looks like you haven't slept, you don't have to work so hard even if you are rushing to draft." Ning Xia looked at Mona's dark circles and said,

"Uh, ok, I, I see." Mona blushed and responded, she was not rushing the draft, it was purely...

Now Mona is a bit remorseful, she actually did this kind of thing with water divination, which makes her feel inexplicably immoral when facing Ningxia.

Can't help but think of the picture that Shui Zhanshu saw again, so Mona had to run away on the grounds that she wanted to rest.

Then Ningxia started to help Xiangling pack things back to Liyue. In fact, there were not many things, the main thing was some Mond ingredients that Xiangling collected, which she planned to use for experiments.

The Guoba at the side was also helping, and after cleaning up, Ning Xia threw Guoba a sunset fruit to let him eat aside, and he began to explain some safety matters to Xiangling.

After all, a girl's family, although the strength is not bad, but Ningxia still has some worries, so I handed over the Q version of the pure water spirit to Xiangling. If necessary, it should be no problem to use this to shake people.

"Thank you, Master Ningxia!" Xiangling looked at the pure water elf with QQ bouncing in his hand. Although he knew it was not edible, he still couldn't help drooling.

After wiping her saliva, Xiangling wanted the master to accompany her. After all, when she was in Mengde, she was busy researching and developing ingredients, so she didn't spend much time with Ningxia.

The two were in the room, Ningxia hummed the music from Qingquan Town last time at Xiangling's request, Xiangling leaned on Ningxia's shoulder, listening to the music, Xiangling couldn't help closing her eyes due to sleepiness.

Ning Xia gently covered Xiangling with a quilt and left, carefully "shhh" at the crispy rice squatting outside and Wendy who was with the crispy rice, and then prepared to leave.

After walking a few steps, Ningxia turned her head and looked at Wendy who was eating Sunset fruit with the rice crust, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching, how majestic is your Fengshen! ?

"Lululu..." Guoba quietly handed the last sunset fruit to Wendy, and then went back to sleep.

"Wendy, you..." Looking at the imageless Wendy, Ningxia really couldn't combine her with the appearance of the Fengshen statue.

"Speaking of which, Ningxia." Wendy put aside Sunset Fruit casually, and then looked at Ningxia with a serious face.

"Be nice to Vanessa." Then she wanted to leave.

"Wait a minute." Ning Xia grabbed Wendy by the back of the neck and lifted her up.

"If I'm not wrong, Vanessa will do this, is it because of your relationship?" Ning Xia asked kindly, although he also likes Vanessa.

"Well, can you be lighter?" Wendy, who was used to being beaten, asked weakly.

"Okay." Ningxia put down Wendy after speaking, gave her a light tap, and then left to go back to accompany Vanessa and Shenzi.

Wendy touched her head which had not been hit hard and was relieved, after all, it was fine that she hadn't been beaten.

Here in the knights, because of the end of the black fire case, the atmosphere began to become a little more relaxed, because under the leadership of Kaiya who "fighted bravely", the knights captured a masked man with a strange imitation god's eye.

Although there were some minor problems during the period, for example, the new messenger of the Fools was hacked into hemiplegia by the masked man, but he survived after being rescued and has been sent back to the Fools.

After Senuo heard that someone could remove the demon god's breath by himself, there was a trace of surprise in his calm eyes. Even in Sumeru, known as the country of knowledge, the subject of demon god is still very dangerous and unknown.

Senuo looked at Ke Lai, who had been completely cleared of the demon god's breath and seemed to have been reborn. Sino, who originally came here because of Lisa's favor in the Holy Order, began to have some interest in Ningxia and Shenzi that Amber talked about.

"Tomorrow, take me to meet that person named Ningxia. As for your going to Sumeru, I will handle it for you." Sai Nuo said lightly.

In the acting head's office, Qin was relieved to see that the black fire case was finally over. The banquet that was supposed to be confessed the day before the badminton festival could finally be reorganized.

In the past few days, she was either in the Knights or in the field to clean up the monsters like Qiuqiu people, and to maintain the order of the badminton festival. She was either working overtime or passing by, which made her a little overworked.

Lisa looked at the haggard Qin, and couldn't help but said: "Qin, you should take a break too, look at you, your tender skin is dry."

"Oh!? Yes, is it that serious?" Qin asked, touching her small face. She has been too busy these days, and the only rest she had was drinking coffee with Lisa during the badminton festival.

"Girls, you must combine work with rest and take good care of yourself. If you continue like this, your pen pal may dislike you~" Lisa said, blowing on the heat from the cup.

"However, there are indeed too many things recently. The executive officer of the Fools is coming to Mond tomorrow, and I have to go and take care of her affairs." Qin said helplessly.

"However, I really need to pay attention. It would be terrible if Mr. Ningxia saw me like this." Qin said with some worry.

"Qin, you, you..." Lisa said helplessly, this best friend of hers is good at everything, but too good, she even cares about things like catching cats and throwing things away, so she can only be persuaded by pen pals. I persuaded her.

"Lisa, can you give me some advice? I don't know how to confess to Mr. Ning Xia that I am a dandelion girl at the banquet." Qin asked cautiously.

"It's easy to say, listen to me..." Lisa leaned into Qin's ear with a face that I knew well, and said something that made Qin, an innocent girl, blush, and her head began to steam.

Noelle, who had just finished cleaning the hall of the Knights Order, thought the office was on fire, and broke into the office with a bucket of water, making the panicked Qin almost say something she shouldn't have said.

Lisa on the side covered her mouth and snickered. This best friend of hers was really innocent and blushed too easily.

Chapter 273 The Wind Blows the Seeds, But the Seeds Haven't Come

In the tavern, because of the Badminton Festival, the normally lively tavern has become quieter, and most of them are going to spend the festival with their families.

Kaiya also changed into a white suit that was more flamboyant than usual, and sat opposite Di Luke, begging for drinks with Di Luke enthusiastically.

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