Diluc squinted at Kaya, and put the drink he had mixed on the bar while mocking.

Kaiya didn't care about Di Luke's ridicule, and took a sip of the wine. He hadn't drank for a few days because of the incident in Ningxia, and Kaiya had already bought some of the bonuses just issued by the Knights. something more meaningful.

For example, the vase with ridiculously colorful patterns that Kaya placed on the bar.

"Hmph! Your taste is as bad as ever." Di Luke taunted, but he still accepted the vase. Inside the vase, a God's Eye was shining brightly.

The doctor with evil eyes sat in his laboratory, looking a little annoyed at the extremely scarce information about Ningxia. Although the methods of the fools were ruthless, Liyue did not leak the information about the battle between Ningxia and Ruotuo Dragon King.

As for Dao's wife's information, after instructing the three majors to deal with Haiqi Island last time, the whole Dao's wife is in a strict attitude towards Zhidong people, and it is ridiculously difficult to obtain information.

Coupled with the failure of the Mechanism Bird Project, and the fact that the guy he had been optimistic about had given up his evil eye, the doctor waved his hand in disgust and asked someone to throw the paralyzed old man out so as not to pollute the air in the laboratory.

In the Wangshu Inn, the lady picked up a delicate little chess piece, and her originally elegant and luxurious face gradually turned ferocious. Mond, the former hometown, only left endless anger in the lady's heart up.

Sitting opposite her was Morax's clone, Liyue's well-known soft rice boy Zhong Li.

"So, you will give me the heart of God shortly after you invite Xiandianyi?" the lady said.

"Exactly, now that the emperor is already arranging the fake death, ladies and ladies just need to wait for the young master to do what he should do under my guidance." Zhongli said lightly.

Ever since the incident between the Son of God and True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind, Morax has already arranged for him to fake his own death. In order to make his death more decent, Morax did a good job in the details of his death, but So she couldn't get away for the time being.

"It's really interesting, there are some gods who use foreigners to release demon gods to threaten their own people." The lady sneered. In the days of Liyue, her patience has almost worn out, and she has gradually begun to reveal her bad temper. up.

Zhong Li did not explain to the lady, after all, she seemed not interested in his plan.

"By the way, the emperor once said that if the lady is going to Mengde, please don't conflict with a little brother named Ningxia." Zhong Likan reminded him friendly during the meal.

"Ningxia? That guy with a high reputation in Liyue? As long as he doesn't affect my plan, I will naturally ignore him." The lady said nonchalantly, what is she afraid of?A mere Ningxia, could it be possible to do something to her?

Zhong Li shook his head helplessly, he had already reminded her, it is one thing whether the lady listens or not, if she offends Ning Xia, it is none of his business.

In the ruins of the wind dragon, the blond boy who once appeared in Liyue looked at Twalin who was sleeping here, and called his subordinates to prepare for the transformation experiment.

The trembling Huo Abyss Apostle ran to deal with it as if he had been pardoned, and the blond boy could only shake his head helplessly.

It all started with the fire apostle named Abyss. Since he shouted, rumors have spread throughout the abyss that the prince of the abyss is a fire apostle, and some fire mages are afraid of him. .

Twarin, who was sleeping in the ruins of the wind dragon, did not notice the strange power projected onto her wound by the five abyssal apostles.

Suddenly Twarin's eyes moved slightly, and he felt the itching of the wound, but at the next moment, with the neck wound as the center, an indescribable pain penetrated his body.

Twalin wailed in pain, resounding throughout the wind dragon ruins, dozens of abyss mages and three abyss apostles joined forces to control Twalin.

The blond man looked at the howling Twarin expressionlessly, and the fire apostle beside him said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, it only takes three more days for the wind dragon to be corroded by poisonous blood and the abyss, and it is only a matter of time before it becomes a biological weapon." .”

"Yeah." The blond boy nodded, and then walked into the abyss without looking back. Now he was a little worried about his sister who had woken up.

Both inside and outside of Mond have started new changes after the black fire case. Under the blowing of the wind, new seeds have come to Mond, but now she is still watching in a deserted place. Looking at the somewhat rough fishing rod in front of him, he doubted whether he could catch something.

But none of the above things have anything to do with Ningxia for the time being. He is currently massaging Shenzi's waist. Although the breath of life can quickly heal her, Shenzi still enjoys the process of Ningxia's massage for her.

Vanessa on the side looked a little embarrassed. Although she accepted the incident in her heart, the incident of being bullied by Ningxia just now made Vanessa almost die of embarrassment.

It's fine to put your knees on your shoulders and a flat horse. It's nothing to her with a flexible body. However, she surrendered at halftime and used her mouth like a ghost. To her, this kind of thing is really important. ...

"Ningxia, go and give Vanessa a massage too~ Look at her~" Shenzi said lying on his stomach, his whole body became soft after being massaged by Ningxia.

"Oh!? I, I don't need it, I, my body is not stiff!" Vanessa refused again and again, but she still sat on the bed obediently.

"Come on~ it's very comfortable." Shenzi said while pulling Vanessa. After being put into sleep clothes, she already understood that she couldn't subdue Ningxia by herself, and Vanessa was her comrade in arms.

Ningxia skillfully pressed a few tired parts lightly and firmly. This technique was learned by his sister who used to train every day when he was in Daozao. Every time Saura came back, he would ask Ningxia to give her a massage. relieve fatigue.

"Hey!? Here! Huh~" Vanessa blushed and shouted, she felt Ning Xia's big hands gently pressing on a few tired parts on her slender waist, she had to admit that Ning Xia's craftsmanship is really very good.

Chapter 274

Ningxia woke up with a yawn. How should I put it, hugging left and right was a punishment before, but now it is a kind of enjoyment.

Ning Xia carefully broke free from the gap between the two girls, and then opened the door to go out. It would be better for him to let them rest more.

After Ning Xia closed the door, the two women woke up with blushing faces and smiled at each other. Although Ning Xia restrained himself a little last night, it was still a bit difficult, at least they couldn't stand it anymore.

Because Xiangling was going to be sent back to Liyue today, Ningxia made a particularly hearty breakfast, and made some of Liyue's and Mond's breakfasts.

This is a pain for the innkeeper who has just woken up. Because of the recent badminton festival, Mond's hotels are doing very well. He can't do enough to manage the affairs of the store.

He didn't even eat dinner yesterday, and when he woke up, he smelled the damn aroma. His stomach was ringing with a symphony, so he could only take a piece of bread and eat it with the aroma.

What's more terrible is the passing passengers. The locals of Mond are used to it, but the tourists came again, although they brought him a lot of business.

"Lululu!" Ning Xia, who was drooling after smelling the aroma of the crispy rice, watched the cooking, and his chubby belly bounced and bounced with it, making people want to rub it.

"The rice cooker is awake, let's try this Huohuo meat sauce noodles." Ningxia rolled a fork of noodles and stretched them out to the rice cooker.

"Lululu~" Guoba ate the Huohuo Meat Sauce Noodles with a happy face, which made Ning Xia rub his belly.

"Cuoba, you send up the meat sauce noodles and almond tofu first, don't steal them." Ning Xia said, and put the two dishes on the rice cooker's claws.

"Lululu!" Guoba acted like I was doing the work, you took the dish with a relieved expression, and then went upstairs with your round buttocks twisted.

Ningxia hummed a little song and continued to cook other dishes, most of which were Liyue and Mengde's dishes. In order to make Shenzi get used to it, Ningxia also made a roasted bird egg.

After Ningxia brought all the dishes to the room, all the girls woke up, but Mona's dark circles became more serious, which made Ningxia a little worried.

"Mona, although the column is very important, you also need to pay attention to your body." Ning Xia said helplessly.

"Ah! Yes, yes, I, I will pay attention!" Mona said in a panic, and she was madly regretting that she did such a thing again, which made her face Ningxia in the future.

Shenzi, whose sense of smell is far more sensitive than everyone else, sensed something was wrong with Mona, and said half-jokingly, "Yes~ if you can't sleep well~ you can ask Ningxia to help you~"

"No! No! No! No! No need!" Mona was like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

Seeing Mona's embarrassment, Miko showed a disdainful smile in satisfaction, and she knew that the little girl had done something wrong as soon as she heard it.

"God son!" Ning Xia looked at the god son who was teasing Mona, and quickly stopped. This fox obviously pretended to be quite good yesterday, but today he showed his true colors.

"Oh, Ningxia~ Didn't you bully others enough yesterday~" Shenzi said some tiger and wolf words, which made Xiangling Mona blush.

"Oh!" Ning Xia stuffed the bird's egg into Shenzi's mouth, so that she wouldn't continue talking nonsense.

"In the past, you only made food for General Kutiao, but I didn't expect that I would have this honor~" Shenzi said while eating.

"Eat more and talk less!" Ningxia cut another piece of muffin and handed it to Shenzi and said, and then served Xiangling a plate of spicy fire meat sauce noodles, Mona's salad, Vanessa The apple pies are divided among them.

After breakfast was finished, Ningxia was going to see Xiangling off, and everyone arrived at the gate of Mond's city. Ningxia wanted to send Xiangling to Shimen or ask her for a carriage.

But they were all rejected by Xiangling, saying that it would be enough to deliver them to the gate of the city, and waved goodbye to Ningxia after saying that.

"Lululu!" Guoba followed Xiangling and waved.

After watching Xiang Ling's figure completely disappear from sight, Ning Xia was willing to leave. He still liked this well-behaved and obedient little apprentice very much.

Mona went back to the hotel on the grounds that she needed to catch up on sleep. Vanessa originally wanted to say that she had to do a task, but Ning Xia held her back.

In the past, Vanessa was friends with him, and it was not easy for him to pay for it all the time, but it was different now. Since Vanessa was his now, it was reasonable to raise her.

"Mr. Ningxia, um, um, I'm still a little tired, can I... do that again at night..." Vanessa asked weakly, even with her constitution, she couldn't stand it.

"Okay, but it's time to buy a house in Mond, right?" Ning Xia said, holding Vanessa's hand.

"Aiya~ Ningxia, you actually want to buy another home in Mengde, my sister is so sad~" Adhering to the mentality that you can't beat it, you can justify it, Shenzi sneered at the side.

"Home!? Home!?" Vanessa said with a blushing face. If this is the case, then does she want Ningxia to accompany her to find the way again? If this is the case, it is not impossible.

"Okay, okay, don't bully Vanessa. If I remember correctly, the Knights are in charge of buying and selling houses in Mond. Let's go to the Knights." Shenzi said with a smile.

"Riding! Knights?" When she heard that she was going to the Knights, Vanessa resisted a little. She didn't want to get involved in the current Knights' affairs. Years ago.

Another reason is that Qin, whenever she looks at the new generation of Lion Tooth Knight, she always feels like she is about to see through her, which makes her flustered.

"Vanessa~ You don't want to be without you when choosing a house, do you~" Shenzi asked with a smile, this kind of rice-wife threat is accurate.


"Crack!" Ning Xia tapped Shenzi lightly, saying this in front of his face, do you want to stay up at night?

Ning Xia leaned close to Shenzi, and nibbled on Shenzi's ear while the passers-by were not paying attention.

"Hey~" Shenzi quickly covered his mouth to avoid making strange noises, and looked at Ningxia with a face full of reproach.

"Be careful tonight." Ning Xia whispered 'threatening'.

"Sister, I'm not afraid of you~" Shenzi pretended to be relaxed and said, although she almost cried last night, it didn't prevent her from saying hi in front of Ning Xia.

"Then, that, can I participate too?" Vanessa asked with a blushing face, holding Ningxia's hand tightly with her small hands for a sense of security.

After making mental preparations, Vanessa asked Ningxia for a mask to put on, and then awkwardly followed Ningxia to the upper city.

"Ningxia!" Amber and Ke Lai led Sano and shouted towards Ningxia, just as they were also looking for Ningxia.

Senuo, behind the second girl, looked at the smiling Shenzi, and always felt a little familiar.

Chapter 275 Soundproofing is very important

"Isn't this Sumi's Dafeng Discipline Officer? Why did you come to Mond?" Shenzi asked, as the No. 1 in Daozuma's intelligence, how could she not know the identity of Sano in front of her.

"Are you... Inazuma's priestess?" Sai Nuo looked at Miko's costume and said, he didn't expect that the one in Kelai's mouth that could get rid of the demon god's breath would be a shrine priestess, thinking that there was no way to get it from Miko's mouth. After obtaining the method, Sano wanted to leave first.

"I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first." Sai Nuo left, leaving Ke Lai and Amber wondering why they left as soon as they met Sino.

Then Ningxia told Amber about buying a house in Mengde, and Amber patted the hill higher than Master Hu and promised that he would help.

Under the leadership of Amber, Ning Xia came to the head's office, but the person sitting inside became Kaiya.

"Hey! Brother Ningxia, why did you come to the Knights?" Kaiya, who was dealing with business, stood up and greeted Ningxia.

"Kaya? Where's Captain Qin?" Ning Xia was surprised that the serious and responsible Captain Qin didn't know where he had gone.

"Ah! I almost forgot to tell you that Captain Qin led the knights out to clean up the Qiuqiu people today, so the matter in the knights is temporarily represented by Senior Kaiya." Amber said embarrassingly.

The corners of Ning Xia's mouth twitched, where is the agent of the head of the acting team with the nesting doll?

"Brother Ningxia encountered something in Mond and needs the help of the Knights? Just tell me." Kaiya said, patting his muscular chest muscles, which are bigger than Hallmaster Hu's.

"I want to buy a house in Mond. Brother Kaiya, can you give me some recommendations?" Ningxia was not polite either.

"Buy a house! It's easy to talk about. It just so happens that I have a not-so-likable friend who wants to sell a house. If you need it, I can ask Amber to take you to see it right now. I will go to it in person in the evening." You intercede, and I will give you a good price." Kaiya said with a relaxed face.

"Then I'll trouble you, I'll treat you to a drink tonight." Ning Xia thanked, he likes to communicate with smart people like Kaiya, it saves worry and trouble.

After Kaiya gave an outline to Amber, Amber led everyone to the house that Kaya mentioned.

After opening the door with the key given by Kaiya, Ningxia began to look at the internal environment. In a three-storey house, in addition to a master bedroom, there are five guest rooms, a study room, and the rest of the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, etc. The configuration is also very complete.

And the house is very clean, it seems that someone will come here to clean it every once in a while, Ning Xia casually took a look at each floor.

For this house, Ningxia is still very satisfied, because the sound insulation effect is very good, and there will be no such thing as the sound being overheard by others.

Ningxia became more and more satisfied with it, and Vanessa and Shenzi had no disagreements, so everyone decided to buy this house.

Ningxia first went to the Knights to return the key, then told Kaiya that he would go to the angel's gift in the evening and left.

Tomorrow Kelai will leave Monde to go to Xumi, so Amber suggested to spend more time with Kelai today. Ningxia also likes this cheap sister very much, so she has no objection.

It's just that since Ke Lai let go of his grudge, he has become more and more clingy to Ning Xia and Amber, making Vanessa and Shen Zi look like outsiders.

"Brother! I want that!" Ke Lai, who was holding Ningxia, pointed at the doll in the hoop game.

"Amber! Let's play Pile High together!" said the energetic Ke Lai, pulling Amber.

"Amber! Brother! Let's take a picture together!" Ke Lai pointed to the cardboard of the bear family of three.

Vanessa and Shenzi watched helplessly. Compared with Amber and Ning Xia, Ke Lai was not very familiar with them, so they didn't mind very much.

And Vanessa also likes the current badminton festival, which is much better than in the past, and occasionally pulls Ningxia to play games with her on a whim.

Shenzi is not interested in this anymore, but she also likes to accompany Ningxia and the others, and occasionally she will sprinkle dog food with Ningxia to passers-by~

At the dining table with three bowls, Zhong Li ordered a few delicious dishes and looked at Morax, the main body opposite him.

Zhong Li looked at Morax who was drinking tea and asked: "Is the matter of asking Xiandianyi almost done?"

Morax, who put on his daily clothes, nodded and said: "I have almost prepared the fake death body and the precursor, I just need to wait for Xiandianyi."

"How are you doing?" Morax asked.

"Young master..." Zhong Li thought of how hard it was for him to get rid of the title of Ruanfan these days, but...

"I will guide him after I invite Xian Dianyi. You don't have to worry about this matter." Zhong Li gritted his teeth and said, let's be soft.

"Okay, these days, if there is no need for me, I will monitor the plan and create a fake identity in Liyue." Morax nodded.

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