"We have no money to stay in a hotel." Yingmei said helplessly. She searched the Qiuqiu camp along the way, and it was only enough for her and Paimon to eat a meal of murloc toast.

"Oh? So we're going to sleep on the street!?" Paimeng said with a bitter face. Before she and Yingmei slept in the trees in the wild almost every day, the mosquitoes in the wild became fatter. When you come to Mond, you can have intimate contact with the soft big bed.

"By the way! Didn't I just get something that looked like a gem when the dragon roared?" Paimon suddenly remembered the gem she caught before being blown away by Twarin, but she felt that it was a little dangerous, so she started Let Yingmei keep it.

"Did you say this?" Yingmei asked with a tear that looked like a sapphire.

"Oh? Why did it turn blue? It was obviously red before, and the aggressiveness on his body has disappeared." Paimon said doubtfully.

"It doesn't matter, since this crystal has been purified, let's ask if it's worth it? Maybe we'll be counting on this for today's room fee!" Paimon said expectantly.

"Oh? Don't you think that's Ningxia? Let's go to him and ask!" Paimon saw Ningxia passing by, and was about to ask him if he knew where to collect gems.

"Ningxia!" The familiar Paimeng greeted Ningxia very familiarly.

"Huh? What's the matter with you Paimeng?" Ning Xia asked who was about to go back to the hotel.

"Well, do you know where Mond will collect gems? I happen to have a very good gem here." Paimon said mysteriously, for fear of being known by others.

"Gem?" Ningxia looked at the sapphire floating in Yingmei's hand, and the corner of her mouth twitched. Isn't this Twalin's tears?

"Yes! Do you also want to accept it? The price is not cheap~" Paimon said with a look of a little money fan.

"No, I'm not interested. It's just that this thing...isn't a gem, so you don't need to ask." Ning Xia said kindly.

"Oh!? It's so pretty! Look at the hair color, the transparency, this..." Paimon wanted to sell it again.

"This is Twalin's tears." Ning Xia said speechlessly. After Twalin left, he also knew that Paimon had secretly hidden it, but he didn't care about it.

"Tears?" Paimon asked suspiciously.

"It seems that the tears have been purified. The hatred and the power of the abyss before have disappeared." Ning Xia looked at the tears and said, he thought Wendy should be very interested in this kind of thing.

"Did you do it?" Ning Xia looked at Yingmei and asked.

"...Yes." Yingmei nodded.

"..." Ning Xia looked at Yingmei again with scrutiny. It was the first time he had seen the ability to purify tears polluted by the abyss.

"Well, Ningxia, your eyes are a bit scary." Paimon said with some fear.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was thinking about something." Ning Xia looked at the puzzled Yingmei, but she still couldn't see what she was hiding, so she didn't plan to delve into it further.

"By the way, why are you selling this stuff?" Ning Xia asked.

"Uh, well, Ying and I have experienced some shortfalls in our capital chain recently, and there have been some minor problems with accommodation, so we have to..." Paimon said embarrassingly.

"So, do you have no money to stay in a hotel?" Ning Xia said mercilessly.

Even Yingmei turned her face away in embarrassment.

Ning Xia looked at the crystal in his hands, guessing that Wendy would be very interested, so he said, "I happen to have a few rooms that have not been rented out. If you don't mind, you can live there for a while. I've already paid for one. monthly rent."

"Then! How can you be so embarrassing, where is the hotel?" Paimon asked in surprise, she really couldn't refuse the big soft bed for a month.

"But I will accept this tear." Ning Xia added.

"No problem! Take us there quickly! After walking in the wild for so long, my phantom limbs are going to blister!" Paimon said excitedly.

"Obviously I'm the only one walking!" The younger sister handed the tears to Ning Xia with a helpless expression.

"Hey! I'll be tired from flying!" Paimon retorted angrily.

"However, why are you interested in Tewarin's tears? You are not from Mond, are you?" Yingmei asked.

"As I said before, I owed a favor, so I have to pay it back now. This thing may be useful." Ning Xia took the teardrop and said.

"Okay, I'll take you to the hotel now, I just want to go back and pack my things." Ning Xia casually threw tears into Yu Peili and said.

At the hotel, Miko got a pair of flat glasses from somewhere and put them on, and was writing about the branch plan of the Yae-do hall with great interest. She wanted to show the old-fashioned Mond people the progress of Inazuma's light novels. place.

"Son of God." Vanessa on the side said suddenly, with a hint of surprise on her face.

"What's the matter? Didn't you say don't call me until Ningxia comes back?" Shenzi said a little annoyed when his thoughts were interrupted.

"Your body is shining." Vanessa pointed to Shenzi and said.

"Me? Glowing?" Shenzi looked at her body, and it was indeed glowing purple, and it soon spread to her whole body.

"What's going on here!? Wait! Huasanli!!!" Before Shenzi finished speaking, his whole body turned into a ray of light and flew away.

At Inazuma's Narugami Taisha Shrine, Hanasanri was grooming Kapaqili while chatting with Kami Sakurama.

"Speaking of which, it's about time for the Son of God to come back." Hua Sanli said.

"Yeah, count the time and it's time for the little fox to come back." Shen Yingzhen followed.

Hearing that Miko had returned, Kapaqili, who had been combed by Huasan, immediately returned to her adult form and was eager to start. She still remembered the last time Miko tricked him into plucking her hair.

You know, she Kapaqili is super vengeful, especially the vengeance of Yae Shenzi, she remembers it more clearly.

Soon the purple light that Miko turned into fell on the Narugami Shrine. After the light dissipated, the resentful Miko was still wearing flat glasses, and soon found Huasanli.

"Shenzi, your glasses look good." Hua Sanli looked at Shenzi and teased.

"Huasanli! Why are you..." Miko just wanted to ask Huasanli when he cast a curse on himself, but Kapaqili mentioned her very gently.

"Son of God, it's time to settle our affairs~" Kapaqili said kindly.

"That, that, if you have something to say, don't slap your face." Shenzi said weakly, now Kapaqili is much more difficult to fool than before, and he will never show mercy to her.

"Why do you smell like my brother? Could it be that you..." Kapaqili leaned closer to the son of God and smelled it.

"Well... that's right! Kapaqili, do you want to know what Ningxia did in Mond? I know some top-secret information~" Shenzi suddenly flashed a calculating gleam in his eyes, and said pretending to be mysterious.

"What's the matter?" Kapaqili asked suspiciously, could it be possible that my brother could do something that I'm sorry for her?

"Ningxia met a new sister in Monde, and..." Before Shenzi could tell the rest, Kapaqili had already put her down.

Capaccili stood there with a stiff face, only one sentence echoed in her mind:

"I have a new sister, I have a new sister..."

At this time, Kapaqili suddenly understood Sharo's mood very well, and now she only felt that there was a vast and endless green grassland above her head, and there were hundreds of emergency food grazing leisurely on it.

Chapter 289 It's time for Mona to make up

Ningxia led Yingmei to the hotel, and brought her and Paimon into the room that originally belonged to Xiangling. As for why they didn't take them to another room, I have to say that the smell in the room between her and Vanessa has not been suppressed. Covering things up.

"What do you think of this room?" Ning Xia asked. After Xiangling left, he didn't have time to return it due to various things, so it happened to be used by Yingmei and Paimeng.

"Very! Cough cough! Still, not bad!" Paimon said pretending to be reserved, but the expression on her face had already betrayed her mood.

"Thank you." Yingmei is also very satisfied with this room, which is much better than her previous days in the wild.

"It's good that you like it, but I will move to the house I bought soon. If you have anything to do, you can find me there." Ningxia said and gave Yingmei the address.

"Oh? Isn't this place very nice? Why do you want to move away?" Paimon asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I just bought a house in Mond, so I don't need to stay in a hotel anymore." Ning Xia said indifferently.

"Buy! Buy a house!?" Paimon's face suddenly changed. Although she didn't know the house price of Mond, it was definitely not cheap. In addition, Ningxia paid for it at will, and the house looked very good. Hotel rent for one month.

Paimeng suddenly realized that the Ning Xia in front of her was a rich man, and she was also a very generous rich man, so she had to find a way to curry favor with her!

"Ningxia! Are you thirsty? Would you like me to pour you a glass of water? Ah! Come on, I'll move you a chair, you sit first, are you hungry? Let Ying make you something to eat?" Paimon suddenly began to greet his relatives very attentively.

Yingmei reluctantly pulled Paimon aside, and Paimon would become like this when facing Mora, which made Yingmei feel a little ashamed, but there was nothing she could do about it, after all, she was her patron saint Well.

"If you have no problems, I'll leave first, and you can rest here." Ning Xia said and left the room.

When he returned to Vanessa's room, he saw an anxious Vanessa telling him about the disappearance of the Son of God.

After listening to Vanessa's description of Shenzi's departure from Huasanli, Ning Xia felt relieved.

"Is it really okay for the child of God to disappear?" Vanessa still asked worriedly.

"It's okay, since it's Huasanli, there will be no problem." Ningxia said firmly, besides his sister and Kapaqili, the person he trusts the most is Huasanli.

"Since Mr. Ningxia has said so..." Seeing that Ningxia was so sure, Vanessa didn't continue to ask. After all, she also heard some things mentioned by Shenzi, but she accepted it after thinking about it for a day.

"By the way, I've almost packed up my things. We can move to our new home after calling Mona." Vanessa said with some hope.

"Vanessa, go and call Mona, I'll check out after I put away my things," Ning Xia said.

"Okay." Vanessa responded and went to find Mona.

After Ning Xia put the things into Yu Peili, she went to talk to the boss about checking out.

The boss generously agreed to refund the money. During Ningxia's stay in the hotel, he couldn't eat or sleep well, so he was naturally happy to leave Ningxia.

It's just that the boss is still a little regretful when he thinks that he won't be able to smell the aroma of Ningxia's cooking in the future, but it's better than being tortured every day.

After chatting with the boss for a few words, Ning Xia waited for Vanessa to take Mona downstairs.

It's just that Mona's dark circles are getting worse, which makes Ningxia a little worried.

"Mona, are you really alright?" Ning Xia looked at the tired Mona and asked.

"No! It's nothing, just, just..." Mona looked at Ning Xia embarrassedly, and now she dared not look directly at Ning Xia.

Not only because of Ningxia, Mona also remembered Ke Qing who raised her in Liyue for a while, and now she felt even more guilty, as if she had betrayed her good friend.

Just like that, Keqing, who was still working hard, had no idea that we were stabbed in the back by our friend again.

"Forget it, let's go to the new home first." Ningxia said helplessly, he planned to get some medicinal materials to make a medicinal diet for Mona to supplement, look at the child's skinny, it's not like eating Sarah every day before.

Of course, Vanessa also needs to make up for it. After all, she is the only one who makes Ningxia toss. Even though Vanessa has a body comparable to that of a demon god, in some places...

Under the reluctant and urging eyes of the boss, Ning Xia left the hotel with her two daughters.

When I came to the new house, I happened to meet the maid in charge of cleaning up.

"Mr. Ningxia, hello." The leading maid saluted.

"Hello." Ning Xia replied.

"I and other people have cleaned every room in the house. Mr. Ning Xia, please confirm. If there is no problem, I will go back and report to the master." The maid said and stretched out her hand to invite Ning Xia to enter the house.

Chapter 290 The God Driven Out by Believers

I have to say that the maids in Di Luke's house are still very efficient. Ningxia walked around and couldn't find any faults.

After the maids left, Ning Xia began to take out her jade pendants. Mona took her own things and wanted to go back to her room to continue researching knowledge, but Ning Xia stopped her.

"Mona, you can go out with me to buy some ingredients later." Ning Xia said, seeing that Mona hadn't been out much these days, he planned to take her to get some fresh air.

"Ah? This? Oh, okay, okay." Mona responded in a panic, thinking that Ningxia knew about her affairs.

"You, don't squat at home all the time, aren't you an astrologer? You should go out for a walk now and then." Ning Xia said while walking.

"I, I will." Mona said with a guilty conscience. She has been obsessed with studying recently, and she really hasn't gone out for several days.

After asking Vanessa to help tidy up her things, Ning Xia took Mona out.

Although in Mengde, Liyue's medicinal materials are quite rare, but there are still some to buy. Ningxia doesn't care about the price. She bought some mild tonics and didn't take them into Yu Peili. She was ready to go back to her new home slowly. .

Mona followed Ning Xia, only feeling back pain, probably because she was too obsessed recently, which made Mona indirectly complacent and wanted to quit.

At this time, a maid in armor carefully placed several boxes of herbs in front of the shop and said, "Miss Maria, I put the things here."

"Thank you, little Noelle, you have been of great help." The shopkeeper thanked.

"This is what I should do," Noelle said.

Then the maid named Noelle looked worriedly at the over-rewarded Mona and asked, "Hello, are you feeling unwell? Do you want me to take you to the church?"

"Oh!? No! No need!" Mona was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly refused. How could this kind of thing be known to others, she didn't want to die.

"Little girl, what's the matter with you?" Ning Xia looked at the little girl in armor and asked.

"Hello, my name is Noelle, and I'm a maid of the West Wind Knights. I just saw that the lady's spirit is not very good, so I want to ask if I can help you." Noelle explained road.

Then Noelle suddenly screamed, with a look of surprise on his face.

"You! Are you Mr. Ning Xia who repelled the wind demon dragon in the morning!?" Noelle asked in surprise. She was busy evacuating the crowd at that time. It must be Ningxia.

"Well, if you're looking for Ningxia, then you're right." Ningxia looked at the excited Noelle and said while touching her head. She didn't expect that she already had fans in Mond.

"I, I have just heard from the seniors of the Knights that it was Mr. Ning Xia who repelled the evil dragon together with another lady traveler. Thank you very much for your action." Noelle said enthusiastically, eyes filled with Worship.

"Ah, actually..." Faced with this look, Ning Xia felt a little embarrassed, and he just scared Twalin away, which is not as exaggerated as Noelle said.

"Ah! Mr. Ning Xia, let me get these things for you?" Noelle asked while looking at the herbs in Ning Xia's hand.

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