"No, I'm fine with it."

"Then is there anything you need me to do? I, I want to learn from you." Noelle said excitedly.

"Noelle, right? I don't need your help for anything right now, why don't you... go back and have a rest first?" Ningxia looked at Noelle and said.

"I, I'm not tired. If I can help Mr. Ning Xia, I will be very happy." Noelle said.

"Aren't you a maid of the knight order? Why do you help others here?" Ning Xia asked.

"Uh, I haven't passed the exam yet, so I can only serve as a maid in the knight order to my seniors, but I can still help everyone in the city!" Noelle said shyly, she hoped to pass the knight exam, Become an official knight.

Looking at Noelle who is so enthusiastic, Ning Xia already imagined that if Noelle became a knight, he might not become Captain Qin 2.0.

"You...come on." Ning Xia reluctantly said, he had also seen the efficiency of the Knights. Before Twalin woke up, he could find the Knights even if he lost a cat or a key.

Aside from the strength of the Knights that he has seen so far, the Knights are indeed not bad, after all, who doesn't like a serious and responsible official.

"Thank you Mr. Ning Xia! I will continue to work hard!" Noelle said excitedly.

"Noelle!!!" Not far away, a sad female voice shouted.

"Ah! It may be that Miss Beatrice was made to cry by Mr. Quinn again. I have to go and have a look first. Excuse me, Mr. Ningxia." Noelle said apologetically and left.

Ning Xia watched the hot-tempered maid leave, and shook her head helplessly. Such a good girl, why didn't she become a West Wind Knight?

"Okay, let's go back. Judging by your appearance, you should need to mend it." Ning Xia said to Mona.

"Oh? No need, I, I'm in good health." Mona said with national treasure-level dark circles under her eyes.

"Look at your dark circles, you'll think you have the same kind of rice." Ning Xia couldn't help but tease.

"Oh? Is it that serious?" Mona said with a blushing face. Didn't she feel ashamed in front of Ningxia?

"It's okay, it's cute after a long time." Ning Xia said as she walked in front slowly.

"Really, really?" Mona asked shyly, but after thinking about it, something was wrong.

"Wait! Are you saying I look like a crust!?" Mona asked as if she suddenly understood something.

"Hey~" Ningxia imitated Wendy.

"Hey!!!" Mona angrily gave Ning Xia a few taps.

The two returned to the new house after arguing. At this time, Wendy came here at some point. Vanessa was pouring wine for her. It was brought in the house. The maid said it was given to him by Di Luke. .

"Ning! Xia!!!" Wendy swooped and hugged Ning Xia, trying to comfort her.

"What's the matter?" Ning Xia looked at Wendy who was suddenly hugging her, still a little unclear, so she was stimulated by something.

Wendy told him that she went to borrow the piano of the sky and was kicked out by the nun.

"Pfft!" Ning Xia almost couldn't hold back, the wind god Barbatos was chased away by his followers when he was borrowing his zither, which was much more interesting than Morax's avatar needing food.

"You just laughed, right!" Wendy said angrily.

"No, no." Ning Xia said with a suppressed smile.

"You definitely laughed just now, didn't you?" Wendy said again looking at Ningxia's suppressed expression.

"Wendy, I was trained by Daozu. No matter how funny something is, I won't laugh unless I can't help it... Hahaha." Finally, Ningxia couldn't help but still laughed out loud.

In the end, Wendy was so angry that she didn't care about her position, she rode her soft body directly on Ningxia's body, trying to stop him from laughing.

It's just that her position is very shameful in front of others, although she doesn't care much about the embarrassment to Ning Xia.

Vanessa blushed and hugged Wendy down, thanks to Mona going back to the room, only she saw it.

Chapter 291 What does Barbatos' majesty have to do with Wendy and me?

Ningxia took a sip of the fragrant medicinal food in the kitchen. In order to make the nutrition balanced, he went out and bought some freshly slaughtered pigeons. But for some reason, a little boy saw the pigeons in his hand.

"Wow!" He burst into tears, which made Ningxia a little confused, so he bought another roasted pigeon to coax him, but the little boy ate and left while crying.

And Wendy lay on the sofa and looked at the tears Ningxia gave her with interest. She was also quite surprised that someone could purify the power of the abyss.

"Ningxia, you mean, that blonde girl has the ability to purify Tewarin's tears?" Wendy asked.

"Yes." Ningxia said after serving two bowls of pigeon meat to the second daughter. Ningxia likes the scent of this medicine very much, and it smells very pleasant.

"Interesting, then I'll go see that girl again later." Wendy said with tears in her eyes. At first she just wanted to trick Yingmei into helping her, but she didn't expect Yingmei to be able to purify the power of the abyss. Such a good tool... Such a good girl, she must improve her relationship.

Ningxia put the pigeon meat on the table, and then asked Mona in the room to come down and eat the pigeon meat together.

"Hey~ This looks very suitable for drinking!" Wendy said drooling, a small hand restlessly wanted to eat a pigeon leg.

"Crack!" Ning Xia tapped Wendy's little hand with chopsticks and said, "Go wash your hands, I'll make a bowl for you, by the way, no alcohol is allowed, this is medicinal food."

"Okay, okay~" Wendy followed Ning Xia into the kitchen to wash her hands, clutching her little red hands.

Ningxia filled a bowl full for Wendy, and handed it to her helplessly.

"Hey hey hey~" Wendy rubbed her hands and took the pigeon meat. It was so cute and crumbly that people couldn't help but want to pat her on the head.

"You, why don't you look like a god at all." Ningxia complained, not to mention Morax, who was not drunk, even if he was a general, he was still dignified when he should be serious, but Wendy~


"Majesty? What does Barbatos want to be majestic to me, Wendy?" Wendy said nonchalantly, she was just the most popular bard in ordinary Mond City.

"...Forget it." Ning Xia said, resting her chin, quietly watching the way the three girls were eating. Medicinal food didn't mean anything to him.

Since entering the final stage of his metamorphosis, he has been starving and only eats when he wants to, and when he cooks for others.

Wendy, who ate first, didn't even bring any leftovers from the soup, and sat contentedly clutching her slightly swollen belly. Although she liked wine very much, this kind of pigeon meat with a medicinal aroma was also good.

"Then I'll be leaving first, bye~" Wendy waved her little hand to say goodbye to Ningxia, Ningxia gave her a key to her own house, lest she get drunk and have no place to sleep.

After eating, Mona also told Ning Xia that she was going to catch up on sleep, and she didn't want to look like a rice crust in front of Ning Xia again.

After Ningxia and Vanessa packed up, he picked up Vanessa and walked to his room. He had been hungry all day.

"That, that, Mr. Ningxia, please slow down, I can't stand it too fast." Vanessa said with a blushing face, she didn't like to let Ningxia see her stupid side, it was too shameful.

"Okay~ But I'm very hungry now." Ning Xia said with a smack on Vanessa's small face.

"I, I will work hard~" Vanessa whispered.

Ningxia and Vanessa had a good time together, which caused Mona on the other side to suffer. She had been tossing and turning for a long time in order to quit being astringent.

In the end, I couldn't take it anymore, got up from the bed, and began to confess to Ningxia, Keqing, and Astrology in my heart.

"For the last time, just once, I will be a dog again!" Mona swore to herself, and then used the water divination technique with ease.

On the other side of the sea, at Narugami Taisha Shrine, Kapaqili squatted aside and drew small circles to herself. She still couldn't accept that her brother had a new sister.

In the end, Shenzi talked to her decently, and even said that Ningxia carried and hugged the new sister, which made her feel sour.

She was the one who came first. Whether she was acquainted or as a younger sister, she was obviously the only younger sister of her brother. Now Kapaqili hated her figure to death, preventing her from letting her brother carry her on his back and hug her.

Obviously, my brother would not resist him so much when he was a girl before, but after entering the demon god stage, this shadow-like figure made it impossible for her to be the same as before.

(Ningxia: Tired)

After solving the threat of Kapaqili, Miko also returned to his original fishing state, lying on a chair and intending to continue his boring and boring life as Omiyaji.

"Son of God, don't lie down, there is something for you to do." Hua Sanli mentioned Shenzi and said.

"Huh? Narujin Taisha has you here, and Yaedo has Kowadao, what can I do?" Miko said lazily, picked up a light novel and read it.

"Am I Omiyaji or you are Omiyaji..." Hua Sanli said helplessly. When she was at Narujin Taisha, she basically handled all the affairs in the shrine. Even when I go out, I don’t know who I learned from.

"Oh, we sisters don't need to be so clear about things, anyway, I do the same thing as you do." Miko said nonchalantly, Huasanli is indeed very suitable to be an Omiya Secretary, everything is arranged in an orderly manner, and it will always let the There is something familiar about her.

"Guobeng is back again." Huasanli said, the straggler has been smuggling back to Daoqiu for a while, and sneaked into the core furnace a few times as if he was looking for something, but Huasanli didn't see him doing anything bad. I didn't care.

It's just that it's not a good thing to let him hang out in Daofu all the time, so it's just for Shenzi to solve it.

"Oh, the cannon is back, let Kapaqili deal with it, what's the use of looking for me, I can't beat him." Shenzi yawned and said.

"God~son~" Hua Sanli's tone suddenly became kind, if it wasn't for Shenzi not taking care of things, she wouldn't be so busy dealing with shrine affairs every day.

"Yes! I'll go right away!" Seeing Huasanli's appearance, Shenzi didn't dare to continue posing, and picked up Kapaqili, who was still autistic, and went down the mountain together.

After all, she is a delicate and frail little fox who definitely needs the domineering and powerful Kapaqili to protect her.

"Hehehe, Huasanli, you are more and more suitable to control the two of them now, even if I can't reshape my body now, I can feel at ease." Shen Yingzhen teased.

Hua Sanli shook her head helplessly, she had to take care of Shenzi and Yingying at the same time, she had some doubts whether she was their sister or their mother.

Chapter 292 I'm Full, It's Time for Supper

Yingmei was already very tired due to a series of incidents, and after taking a bath, she hugged Paimon to sleep.

Until late at night, a melodious piano sound woke her up from her dream. Yingmei rubbed her eyes and saw a girl in a green hat leaning on the balcony playing the piano.

"Ying? What's the matter?" Paimon rubbed his eyes and asked, she was woken up by Yingmei's Ao Zangshan who crushed Hall Master Hu just now.

"Are you awake?" Wendy asked with a smile on her face.

"You? You were the one who led the way in the morning!" Paimon said after thinking about it.

"Lead, lead the way." Normally, Wendy might not have cared, but now that she heard Paimon's words, why would she feel an inexplicable sense of frustration.

"Ahem." Wendy cleared her throat, trying her best to keep her mysterious appearance secret.

"Traveler, do you want to know how to solve the problem with that dragon..."

Goethe Hotel, the lady is playing with a small chess piece. She has arranged for debt collectors to go to the Westwind Church to 'borrow' the harp of the sky to lure Twarin.

Then let the fools solve Twalin, and then the doctor can reproduce the thing that the doctor solved the dragon Usa in the past.

For this matter, she has already prepared the doctor's latest hunting device. If she controls Tewarin, it shouldn't be a big problem.

Today's Tewarin has fallen into the weakest time because of the poisonous blood and the curse of the abyss. Of course, the lady didn't know that this was done by Kong so that Yingmei could easily deal with Tewarin. She thought it was caused by the abyss.

That night, the West Wind Church was bustling like never before. There was a fight between the Yingmei who was lured into by Wendy and the debt collector who was ordered by the lady to sneak into the church after finding the zither in the sky.

Because Yingmei was not familiar with the debt collector's fighting methods, he took away the Qin of the Sky, and could only escape from Xifeng Church in a panic.

Wendy, who was hiding outside, knew that something was wrong when she saw Yingmei's distressed appearance, and immediately used the wind field she had arranged in advance to take her sister away from the scene.

The panic-stricken Yingmei returned to Ningxia's home under the leadership of Wendy. Ningxia, who had just finished tossing Vanessa, heard a small voice.

After carefully covering Vanessa with a quilt, she put on her trousers and went downstairs, only to see Paimon and Yingmei who were still in fear, and Wendy who greeted herself with a blushing face.

"Ning, Ningxia, excuse me." Wendy greeted awkwardly rather than politely. She didn't know what Ningxia did just now. She wanted to run to the tavern, but she happened to meet Kaiya who came out of the tavern. She can only bring her younger sister to Ningxia's house.

Yingmei blushed and covered her and Paimeng's eyes. After all, Ningxia was only wearing a pair of pants, and her muscular figure was clearly visible in front of the three of them.

"You don't know... are you going to steal the piano?" Ning Xia said with a twitching corner of his mouth. Seeing Wendy's appearance, it was obvious that she had just run away.

"Um, this..." Wendy scratched her face embarrassedly.

"Forget it, you guys stay in the lobby for a while, I'll go and deal with the people outside." Ning Xia looked at Yingmei who was peeking through a tiny slit and said helplessly.

But he had to put on his shirt before that, otherwise Yingmei wouldn't be able to look at things properly.

After putting on her shirt, there was a knock on the door, and Ning Xia asked the three of Yingmei to hide in the kitchen and open the door by herself.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a smiling Kaia.

"Excuse me, brother Ningxia, the Knights are chasing down the criminal who stole Mond's treasure, and someone saw the criminal running towards you, so I checked it routinely." Kaiya immediately explained.

"Oh? You want to come in and search?" Ning Xia said slowly, seemingly not paying attention to Kaiya's words.

"No, no, I'm just doing a routine inspection, so I won't bother you." Kaiya said sensiblely.

"That's really hard work for you." Ning Xia said and closed the door.

Kaia waved her hand, then turned to look at Rosalia who was leaning against the wall.

"So, it was fools who stole the harp from the sky."

"Yeah." Rosalia nodded slightly, and was about to leave with a gun.

"Then thank you for the information you provided." Kaiya said cheerfully, a gleam flashed in her eyes.

"If you want to thank me, buy me a glass of wine next time, but it's time for me to get off work now." Rosalia said lightly.

"Oh, then you are really embarrassing me." Kaiya had a bitter face when he heard about the treat. He just squandered a small amount of funds in the bar.

After searching again, the knights who couldn't find them had no choice but to give up, and Kaia returned to the angel's gift again. After all, this kind of information can be exchanged for a cup of Diluc's special tune, so why not do it.

After dealing with Kaiya, Ning Xia rubbed his chin and listened to Yingmei's explanation, and roughly guessed that there were fools. After all, besides Wendy, only fools could do such a thing in Mond.

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