"You guys take a rest in the guest room. The room has been tidied up. The bathroom is on the far left of the second floor, but please keep your voice down. I'm going to bed." Ning Xia said and was about to go upstairs.

"Cuckoo..." Paimon's stomach played a symphony.

"Sorry, I only ate one murloc toast, and I'm a little hungry now." Paimon said shyly.

Yingmei's stomach rumbled cooperatively, and she even shared some with Paimon, who was already hungry.

"Forget it, I just want to have a midnight snack too, so you guys wait here and don't make any noise, someone has already fallen asleep." Ning Xia said.

"No, no need." The embarrassed Yingmei said, after this day, she received so much help from Ningxia that she didn't know how to repay Ningxia.

"Then, that, can you make me carrot fried meat with honey sauce?" the cheeky Paimon asked, good taste is not as important as face.

"Pimon..." Yingmei was even more embarrassed, although she really wanted to eat it.

"How about sweet flower stuffed chicken?" Ningxia thought of the two pigeons left over from the medicinal meal, which happened to be used to make sweet flower stuffed chicken.

"Alright!" Paimon said drooling.

Chapter 293

It is not difficult to make sweet flower stuffed chicken. Put the processed sweet flower into it, after special treatment, put it on the stove and bake it.

"Although they are pigeons, they are all poultry, so it makes sense to call them Tiantianhua Stuffed Chicken?" Ningxia thought.

The scent wafting from the kitchen directly hooked Paimon's soul, and he couldn't help but wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth again.

"Pimeng..." Yingmei didn't know what to say about Paimeng, she was greedy for food and money, why would she be so familiar in someone else's house.

"It's okay, Ningxia is very nice." Wendy sneaked a bottle of wine and said.

"Come on, eat early and go to bed." Ningxia put the sliced ​​pigeon meat on a plate and put it on the table.

"It's really troublesome for you." Yingmei said embarrassedly, although Paimon and Wendy had accepted the status quo, she was still a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, I'm used to this kind of thing." Ningxia said, glaring at Wendy who wanted to drink secretly.

"Huh? I'll just drink a little~" Wendy said coquettishly.

"Do you mean a whole bottle by a little?" Ning Xia directly pierced Wendy's little thoughts.

"Hey~ Ouch!" Wendy was trying to pass the test with cuteness, but Ningxia knocked her lightly.

"It's about this time, what kind of wine do you drink, wait until it's over." Ning Xia said ruthlessly, definitely not because he wanted to hit Wendy on the head.

"Okay, I see." Wendy reluctantly put down the drink.

"That, can I eat it?" Paimon on the side couldn't hold it anymore.

The roasted pigeon is mixed with the aroma of sweet flowers, coupled with the attractive golden yellow skin, and the juicy tender meat is still faintly sipping juice. I think even the ascetic fairy will see this perfect bird Roasted pigeons can't help but move Fanxin. (Except for True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind.)

"Eat, remember to wash the dishes." Ning Xia said lightly, then took a pigeon leg and went upstairs.

"Thank... thank you" Paimeng just wanted to thank Ning Xia loudly, but remembering Ning Xia's instruction just now, he quickly covered his mouth and said in a low voice.

Then I started eating, and I didn’t forget to seduce Yingmei and said: "Ying! Don’t you eat it? It’s delicious! It’s much better than the murloc toast we ate before!"

Yingmei, who was a little hungry at first, couldn't stand it anymore, so she picked up a piece of pigeon meat and ate it.

Yingmei slightly opened her small mouth and bit down a piece of chicken. The juice originally hidden inside the chicken exploded in an instant, dripping onto Yingmei's sweaty Aozang Mountain.

A little bit of sweet juice slid into the Aozang Mountains, and finally mixed with Yingmei's sweat. Yingmei quickly picked up a tissue and wiped the Aozang Mountains.

"Oh, you sweated a lot just now, go to the bathroom and take a shower." Wendy looked at the flustered Yingmei and said, with a bit of jealousy on her face, after all, the microwave oven can't compare to Mount Aozang.

Yingmei, who originally wanted to refuse, looked at the sweat on her body, but finally agreed, thanks to the automatic dust and stain removal function of her clothes, so she couldn't even change her clothes after taking a bath.

Most of the two pigeons were destroyed by Paimon. This little guy fell asleep after eating. This carefree appearance made Yingmei very envious.

After sending Paimeng to the guest room, I went to the bathroom by myself. Because it was night, the water was so cold that it hurt a little. Yingmei smelled the sweat on her body, and finally gritted her teeth and rushed.

Yingmei got used to it, and gently wiped her body with her small hands, taking a deep breath from time to time to relieve the cold.

Mona yawned and walked out of the room. She was going to wash her hands before going to sleep and never do it again, this time for real.

Listening to the sound of bathing coming from the bathroom, Mona barely saw Yingmei's figure through the outline, thought it was Vanessa, so she didn't pay much attention, and walked to the sink beside her.

At this time, Yingmei opened the door with her wet hair shaking, and she happened to see Mona washing her hands. Because the water dazzled her eyes, she thought it was Ningxia, and she screamed out in fright.

And Mona screamed when she saw the unknown Yingmei, and the sound directly woke up Wendy on the first floor and Ningxia who was sleeping with Vanessa.

When Ningxia heard Mona's scream, she thought it was a cockroach or something, and hurried to the bathroom, just in time to see Yingmei and the screaming Mona.

"Ah!!!" Yingmei, who was just startled, quickly covered her body and continued to scream.

Ning Xia immediately turned his head. Just a few seconds ago, he saw through my Yingmei's figure, and she was actually the bald commander.

Wendy, who followed up, was also dumbfounded when she saw this scene. What's going on?

"Ningxia! She! This! Me!" Mona said incoherently, she didn't know who the golden retriever that suddenly appeared could yell.

"Wendy, you can help her get a bath towel first, by the way, the clothes are also taken in and changed." Ning Xia said with her eyes closed.

"Uh, okay, okay." Wendy took a bath towel and Yingmei's clothes and handed them to Yingmei.

Yingmei, who was dying of shame and anger, closed the door and changed her clothes. Because of her shame and anger, Yingmei's originally fair skin was covered with a light pink, and a pair of red clouds reflected on her cheeks lingering. She no longer knew what to do next Talk to Ning Xia.

Ningxia also explained to Mona about Yingmei, but changed Yingmei being hunted down by the Knights into finding no place to live.

Mona blushed after listening to Ningxia's explanation. Ningxia must have seen Yingmei just getting out of the bath just now. She had her own fault, and she was thinking about how to apologize to Yingmei.

Ning Xia leaned against the wall covering his face, he didn't know how he would explain to Yingmei later, after all, he saw Yingmei by himself, and...

Ning Xia, who had just finished tossing with Vanessa, felt it again, and suppressed his blood and recited the Tao Te Ching silently, lest he do something morally corrupt.

Yingmei, who had changed her clothes, opened the door stiffly. When she saw Ningxia, she felt itchy all over her body. After all, she was just...

Yingmei, who became more and more shy as she thought about it, lowered her head and asked softly like a mosquito: "You, you didn't see anything just now, did you?"

"Yes, yes, I didn't see anything." Ningxia said along Yingmei's steps, but now Yingmei's face was covered with blush, and her two jade feet couldn't stop shaking. I don't know if it was cold. I'm still ashamed.

Mona on the side stammered and explained that she just came out to wash her hands, but it was fine if she didn't explain, but when she explained, it was related to the matter just now.

Yingmei lowered her small head, and there was steam coming from her head. Thinking of being watched, Yingmei wanted to run out and turn herself in.

"Now, it's getting late, Mona, go back and rest, Ying...you too." Ning Xia quickly smoothed things over.

Yingmei walked back to the guest room stiffly, and after closing the door, she couldn't hold back the shame and indignation in her heart, she rolled on the bed, trying to get rid of the strange thoughts in her head.

Paimon, who was awakened, rubbed his eyes, somewhat puzzled by Yingmei's behavior.

However, Yingmei, who was ashamed and angry, grabbed Paimon's small face and rubbed it, trying to relieve her inner shame and anger.

"Ying! You're swollen face!" Paimon said, who was confused about the situation, why is it so good, Yingmei is like this.

After seeing Yingmei leave, Ningxia was relieved, this kind of thing...

Ningxia thought of Yingmei's delicate body like jade again, and that faint blush, and quickly gave herself two slaps to wake her up.

Mona blushed and went back to her room to rest. This kind of thing is really embarrassing, and she must apologize to Yingmei tomorrow.

Wendy handed Ning Xia a bottle of wine and said, "Drink some wine, maybe it can ease my mood."

"No, no need, I can't get drunk with this kind of wine, I'll go back to sleep first." Ning Xia said helplessly.

"No, this is the old wine I hid in Fengqi Land. Even the demon god can't stand it after drinking it. Why don't you give it a try? In the words of that old woman, it's just getting drunk to relieve all worries." Wendy said again, after all The younger sister brought it by herself.

(Morax: Already quit drinking, don't bother.)

If he caused Ningxia trouble, he must find a way to compensate him, so Wendy reluctantly took out the few good wines.

Chapter 294 Breakfast Is A Little Embarrassing

The next morning, Wendy woke up rubbing her eyes, subconsciously touched something with one hand, and then touched something hard, and then tentatively moved her hand up and down.

"It seems to be abdominal muscles... Wait!? Abdominal muscles!" Wendy, who was still a little confused because of drinking, has also regained consciousness. She has abdominal muscles, and she was with her last night. It seems that Ningxia is the only one, right?

Then she touched her body, there was nothing, she was naked, Wendy was stunned, she seemed to have drunk too much with Ning Xia last night, and then stuck to Ning Xia's body in a drunken manner.

She won't drink too much, did something she shouldn't do with Ningxia, right?Thinking of this, Wendy has imagined that she will be raised by Ningxia in the future. Although she has no worries about food and clothing, she will be controlled by Ningxia for drinking, and she will have a lovely child with Ningxia, and finally become a good wife and mother.

At this moment Wendy even thought of what to name her child.

However, Wendy thought that if Morax, who was far away in Liyue, secretly backstabbed her, he might chase her with a rock spear and throw her, and then hold a vigorous funeral for herself.

Thinking of this, Wendy let out a grunt, then lifted the quilt tremblingly, a touch of red hair like flames completely dispelled Wendy's worries, it turned out to be Vanessa, that's all right.

Wendy couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but what's with the damned frustration, isn't she attractive?It was clearly attached to Ningxia.

At this moment, Wendy's other side of the quilt was lifted.

"What time is it? Don't disturb my sleep." Ning Xia turned over and said, completely ignoring the panicked Wendy.

The two of them were indeed drunk last night, but compared to Morax and Wendy, who play hooligans when they get drunk, Ningxia's wine quality is much better.

At that time, Wendy was drunk and stuck to her body, Ningxia couldn't pull it off, and finally Ningxia staggered back to her and Vanessa's room.

Wendy started shouting again, took off her clothes, and fell asleep with Ningxia in her arms.

Wendy, who was not sleeping well, rolled to Vanessa's side in the middle of the trip, and fell asleep holding Vanessa.

Ningxia closed her eyes and continued to sleep happily, not caring about Wendy's resentful eyes at all, seeing Yingxiangshan, Qingyunding, Aozangshan, how could he be interested in Wendy's microwave oven?

Therefore, Wendy was flamboyantly ignored by him.

"Hey! Please respect my gender! I'm a woman!" Wendy said as she rode on Ningxia. Ningxia almost never treated her as a woman, or as a little girl.

"You, it's too peaceful." Ning Xia said casually, completely ignoring that she was talking about something Wendy cared about.

"Obviously there is a curve, okay!?" Wendy stood up and said, although it is better than nothing, but still has an advantage over Hall Master Hu?

Vanessa, who had been tossed all night, opened her eyes at this time, and just saw Wendy riding naked on Ningxia's body. At this moment, Vanessa was a little dazed, she thought she hadn't woken up.

"Uh, Vanessa, listen to me explain, I just..." Even Wendy, who was usually unruly, felt a little embarrassed now.

I rode on my good friend's man, and my good friend was still watching, what kind of strange plot is this! ?

"Wendy..." Vanessa patted Wendy's shoulder lightly, with an inexplicable look on her face.

Although Vanessa didn't seem to blame her, Wendy always felt weird and couldn't explain it.

Finally, after holding back for a long time, he said: "I... go out first." Then he put on his clothes and left.

After Wendy left, Ningxia immediately opened his eyes, and then pressed down on Vanessa with his backhand. Just now, Wendy was there, so he would not care, so as not to be as embarrassed as Yingmei. Now that Wendy is gone, he can just Come to the spirit.

"Ningxia!" Vanessa yelled softly but didn't make much resistance, she just said pitifully: "But, can you use another method, I can't stand it anymore."

In the end, Vanessa, who had a sour mouth, barely swallowed it, covered her mouth and went out to wash.

Ningxia also changed his clothes and went out to wash up, and then made breakfast. He also told Vanessa about Yingmei, but he didn't mention the bathroom. He just said that Yingmei was brought by Wendy.

Not only to restore Vanessa's strength, but also because she felt a little guilty about her sister, this breakfast was extraordinarily rich.

Even Paimon, who had been tortured by Yingmei, was awakened by this scent.

Yingmei woke up with Paimeng curled up in her arms. She smelled the tempting scent outside, but Yingmei hesitated.

She still had some grudges about what happened yesterday, and if she went out now, she always felt that she couldn't face Ning Xia's appearance.

"Ying! Ning Xia is making breakfast! A good person like him must have left a copy for us. Let's go!" Thinking of delicious food, Paimon became particularly energetic.

"You, you go first, I'll come later." Yingmei said with a blushing face.

"Huh? Are you uncomfortable? You look very red?" Paimon said with his small hand on Yingmei's forehead.

"I'm fine, I, I just want to sleep a little longer, you go out first." Yingmei casually said a reason.

"Then I'll go out first!" Paimon was a little surprised by Yingmei's appearance, but he didn't care too much, and walked out of the guest room.

"Wow! Ningxia, what did you do? It smells so good!" Paimon asked curiously.

"Paimon, there are toothbrushes and towels for you in the bathroom, go brush your teeth and wash your face first." Ning Xia said with her head down, it's fine that Yingmei didn't come out, it's too embarrassing to be with her.

Paimon, who finished washing, looked at the food on the table with little stars shining in her eyes. Since she was caught by Yingmei, this was the most sumptuous meal she had ever eaten.

Only then did the awkward Yingmei pluck up the courage to go out, and happened to meet Mona who came out to wash.

"That, that... how are you, Ying." Mona greeted Yingmei awkwardly.

"Hi, hello." Yingmei also replied in embarrassment.

"Ah, actually Ningxia..." Mona took a deep breath, and then told Yingmei verbatim the explanation she prepared last night.

Yingmei didn't understand after listening to Mona's explanation, but what happened yesterday was really embarrassing, and Ningxia saw all of her, which made Ying die of embarrassment.

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