"I, I know, it's just..." Yingmei whispered.

"I, I know, I want, I want to..." Mona also wanted to say a few more words for Ningxia in embarrassment.

After washing up, the two daughters went downstairs together and ate breakfast in silence. Only Paimon and Vanessa were a little confused, why Yingmei/Mona was like this one morning.

Chapter 295

After finishing breakfast, Ningxia suppressed the embarrassment of last night, and today she has to go to the Knights to see what Qin can do to solve it.

After eating, Yingmei also followed Ningxia to the Knights, and she also promised to help the Knights, so naturally she would not break her promise.

The two walked one after the other, neither of them mentioned what happened yesterday, while Pai Meng scratched his head, still not understanding why Yingmei had such a bad relationship with Ningxia overnight.

It's just that this time when I came back to the Knights, what I saw was Kaiya sitting in the office of the acting head.

"Brother Ningxia, you are finally here." Kaiya said helplessly.

"Kaya? Why are you here? Where's Qin?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously.

"Brother Ningxia, you don't know. Someone sneaked into the West Wind Church last night, which made Captain Qin have to wake up to maintain order. It's not like you don't know how busy she is these days. She is sick from overwork..." Kaya Said helplessly.

"Qin...it's really tiring." Ning Xia said sympathetically, with Qin's workload, it's already good enough to last until now.

"By the way, I have already found the whereabouts of the Qin of the Sky, so I want to trouble you, Brother Ningxia..."

"No problem." Ning Xia replied straight away, he was familiar with beating fools.

"Me, I'll go too." Yingmei behind Ningxia said, she also had something to do with what happened yesterday, so she also wanted to help, even if it was with Ningxia.

Then Kaiya told Ningxia where the Fools planned to use the harp of the sky to attract Tewarin and hunt him down.

After Ningxia got a rough idea, she prepared the location given by Kaya. Yingmei followed Ningxia silently, and Paimeng really wanted to liven up the atmosphere and started to find a topic.

"Speaking of which, Ningxia, if you came to Mond, you should have come back to Liyue. Do you know that god? I heard that Morax was the god who cast Mora." Paimon said.

"Um, Morax..." Ning Xia, who didn't really want to talk about her at first, looked at Paimeng who was trying to liven up the atmosphere, and started chatting cooperatively.

"Morax is a very responsible god, and Liyue is also a good place, and..." Ning Xia said vividly, he is still very good at telling stories, even with Yingmei behind him. Ears pricked up to eavesdrop.

It's just that Ningxia thought of some unfriendly memories when he was talking. He was cheated by Morax in Liyue, kidnapped by Zhenjun Liuyun and Borrowing Wind, and so on.

"Huh? Why didn't you say it?" Paimon asked excitedly. She was very curious about what happened next, especially the part about Ningxia's cooking competition with the immortal.

Even Yingmei, who was behind, let go of her embarrassment and walked closer. She was also very curious about the follow-up of the Rock Dragon Lizard's turmoil.

"Later, I'll come to Monde." Ning Xia said with a twitch of the corner of his mouth, and didn't talk about the rest.

"Obviously there are still many things that we haven't told us!" Paimon said, stomping his feet.

"Specifically, you can go to Liyue to experience it for yourself. It happens that there is still about a month to invite Xiandianyi. At that time, Morax will personally come and give orders." Ning Xia changed the subject.

"Why is it like this! Yingmei and I both care about the follow-up!" Paimon said and pulled Yingmei.

"Huh? Ah! Yes, yes, I'm also a little curious." Yingmei whispered.

"There are some not-so-good memories about the later things, so I won't talk about them." Ning Xia scratched his head and replied, that kind of things are either embarrassing for him or Liyue's secrets, so it's better for him not to talk about them .

After Paimon's activity, the atmosphere finally recovered a little bit, at least Yingmei didn't resist approaching him so much, and she was able to say a few words.

It's just that they didn't know that a distressed abyss mage in the distance saw that Ning Xia was about to leave the city with his sister, and sneaked back to the abyss.

Recently, the man in the Mond mask has come to inspect every night. He has already lost several brothers. If it wasn't for the order of His Royal Highness, he wouldn't be hiding in the city.

After returning to the abyss, Sora sat on the throne and asked about his sister.

Master Abyss also told Kong about what he saw, probably because Yingmei lived in Ningxia's house, and the two went out together in the morning.

"Ningxia!?" Hearing this name, Kong's face was so green that he could feed Paimeng. He still vividly remembered the last time he was almost chopped off by Ningxia.

"Come on! Gather my men and bring over the biological weapons we got from Sumeru. I want to fight Ningxia to the death!" Kong patted the throne and said.

"Your Highness, please calm down, I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing." Yuanshang on the side hurriedly stopped him, because of the collection of books he found in Yuanxia Palace and the support for Kong, he has become Kong's dog-headed military advisor.

"My sister is beside my enemy now! How can I stay calm!?" Kong said angrily.

"No, no, Ningxia and His Highness are certainly enemies, but now it seems that he doesn't know about Her Royal Highness and your affairs, and he cares about Her Highness, so..." Yuanshang pulled with a look of wisdom in his hands long sound.

"So what?" Kong looked at Yuanshang and said, although this dog-headed military division doesn't look very reliable, but it is still a little reliable to work for him, at least he is more obedient than other abyss apostles.

"I think it's okay to let Her Royal Highness be with Ningxia for a while. After all, you don't know the strength of Ningxia. With him, I don't think Her Royal Highness needs to worry about her safety." Yuanshang talked eloquently. .

In this way, fooling around on Yuan, Kong somehow felt that it would be good for Yingmei and Ningxia to be together for a while, a demon god-level guard.

At this time, Ningxia, who had walked to the city gate, shuddered for no reason, as if someone was thinking about her.

Chapter 296 The Peace Before the Storm

Seeing Kong who was fooled by him, Yuanshang heaved a sigh of relief, Yuanyuan has put down other things to Kong now, and is already very dissatisfied with paying too much attention to Yingmei.

I did this only to make Kong feel better. If Kong doesn't do things well, the abyss will only eat back at Kong.

At the gate of the city, Pai Meng looked at Ning Xia who suddenly shuddered a little strangely.

"Ningxia? Are you unwell?"

"No, it's nothing, I just subconsciously feel that something bad is about to happen to me again." Ning Xia said.

"Huh? That's weird." Paimon said, waving his little hand.

"Okay, let's go get the Sky Qin first." Ning Xia changed the subject.

It's just that when the two of them walked across the bridge, the pigeons were scared away, and Timmy, who was feeding the pigeons, immediately complained: "You, why did you scare the pigeons away!? What if they don't come back!? "

Ningxia looked at Timmy, isn't this the little boy she invited to eat pigeons yesterday?

"Little friend, did the pigeons taste good yesterday?" Ning Xia suddenly asked with an evil taste. After all, this kid was very rude, so he was not polite.

"It's you!?" Timmy seemed to remember something, subconsciously licked his lips, and then thought of the death of the pigeon.

"Wow!" I cried.

The passers-by on the side seemed to have gotten used to it, and many people were disgusted by Timmy's impoliteness and raising pigeons on the bridge, and Timmy often cried because of this kind of thing.

Although many people sympathized with Timmy's experience, most of the passers-by who were used to it ignored Timmy's cries.

Paimon looked at the weeping Timmy, remembering the roasted pigeon in the morning and secretly hiding a pigeon leg.So I reluctantly gave it to Timmy.

"Come on, don't cry after eating." Paimon said distressedly.

Timmy took the pigeon's leg and took a bite. As expected, he stopped crying, and then remembered that it was a pigeon, "Wow!" and cried again.

In the end, Paimon had no choice but to leave with his younger sister Ningxia. After all, Timmy's temper was really bad, and Paimon couldn't coax him well.

Perhaps because of Ningxia's eloquence, Yingmei let go of yesterday's grievances somewhat, but when thinking about yesterday's events, Yingmei's little blush was like an apple on a tree.

Paimon next to him gnawed on an apple and said, "Ying, your face is so red, look, the apple isn't even red."

"Shut up!" Yingmei glared at Pai Meng, and then seeing Ning Xia turn around, she immediately lowered her head not daring to look at him.

Seeing Yingmei bowing her head, Ning Xia tactfully continued to walk ahead.

Paimon gnawed on the apple, watched Yingmei and Ningxia, and finally came to a conclusion.

"These two guys must have done something behind her back, and it's the kind that can't be said."

Thinking of this, Paimon moved closer to Ningxia and asked quietly: "Ningxia, did you and Ying do something behind my back last night? She is so strange now."

"Pimeng!!!" When Yingmei heard Paimeng's words from embarrassment, she grabbed her into her arms and buried her in the Ao Zang Mountain, which Hall Master Hu had asked for, trying to shut her up.

"Ying! I, I can't breathe!" Paimon, who was pushed into Yingmei's arms, shouted. Although Yingmei had a fragrance, it was too difficult to breathe.

Paimeng got rid of Yingmei's Aozang Mountain and hid behind Ningxia. Since last night, Yingmei has become weird.

Yingmei noticed that Ningxia glanced at her and turned around immediately, pointing to her chest. Before Yingmei could figure out what was wrong, Paimon on Ningxia's shoulder whispered, "Ying, your clothes."

"Ah!!!" At this time, Yingmei noticed that because she was pulled twice by Paimeng just now, a little red appeared on the Austrian Zang Mountain.

Yingmei hurriedly turned around and straightened her clothes, she was so embarrassed, how could she be seen by Ningxia again, this time she did it by herself.

"Ahem, I don't know why recently, my eyes are not very good, maybe it's because I stayed up too late." Ning Xia yawned and said.

"This, that's it, then you should pay more attention." Yingmei said with her head down.

"Oh? Ningxia, you could see an apple tree 800 meters away just now, didn't your eyes look good?" Paimon said suspiciously.

"Paimon!!!" The blushing Yingmei snatched Paimeng away and kept rubbing her chubby little face.

"Yes! I'm sorry!!!" Paimon begged for mercy.

Suddenly Ningxia stopped in his tracks. He felt Twalin's aura, which was much stronger than last time, and it also had the power of the abyss.

On the other side, the lady looked at the qin of the sky exuding a gentle wind element, fiddled with it casually, and played a few notes.

"Is this the wind god's instrument? That's all." The lady said contemptuously, she would not let go of any opportunity to mock Wendy.

"My lord, the arresting device has been arranged. You just need to put the Qin of the Sky in the machine according to the doctor's instructions, and you will be able to attract the Wind Demon Dragon." Warlock Lei Ying knelt on one knee and said.

"Okay, let's start." The lady handed the Sky Qin to Warlock Lei Ying, her eyes became serious, even though Twalin is now very weak and there is a device that the doctor claims can capture Twalin.

Twarin is also the existence that once defeated the dragon Durin, and the lady who has experienced it personally knows best the horror of the past.

At this moment, the lady's whole body became cold first, and the surrounding plants were covered with frost. The pigeons flying in the sky also fell to the ground because of freezing, unable to even flutter.

The fools around all put on thick clothes and trousers, and after following the lady for a long time, they all formed the habit of carrying thick clothes with them, lest the lady get mad and cause them to catch a cold.

In the automatic playing machine, the melodious sound of the piano sounded slowly, but compared to Wendy's personal performance, the machine always made mistakes in some places, resulting in several inconsistent tones in the beautiful piano sound.

Twarin, who was wandering around the ruins of the wind dragon, sensed the sound of the qin of the sky from a distance, but the poor performance made him irritated. He was sure that it was definitely not played by Wendy, because Wendy would not be able to play it when she was drunk. Playing wrong.

The abyss mage on the side floated on Twalin's body. Its task was to confirm with his own eyes that Yingmei solved Twalin, and then traveled in Mond with peace of mind.

The irritable Twarin waved his wings, and a tornado appeared around him. The Qiuqiu people who were originally in the ruins of the wind dragon were unlucky enough to be involved in it, and were torn into pieces by the hurricane.

The lady looked in the direction of the Fenglong ruins, and a strong wind blew by. The lady said coldly: "Everyone, find a good cover for me, it is coming!"

The abyss mage standing on Twalin saw that it was not his sister who summoned Twalin, so he hid aside in a bad way, allowing the violent Twalin to kill the lady and the others.

Chapter 297 The Battle of Mond

The hurricane brought by Tewarin's arrival has already blown most of the fools to a distance of [-] miles, and the angry Tewarin slapped the machine to pieces.

No matter how much it hates Wendy, in its opinion, only Wendy is worthy of playing this piece of music. The music played by this terrible machine is simply a kind of torture for it.

The lady could barely maintain her body, and a few fools tried to activate the catching machine, but they hadn't touched the switch. With Twalin's roar, hundreds of small tornadoes had already risen around.

The violent gust of wind kept whipping their bodies, and the leather clothes on their bodies had been torn into thin strips, and many people whose bodies were not strong enough had been cut with small wounds by the wind blades.

The lady gritted her teeth and drove her own ice and fire in an attempt to control Twalin, but the elemental force was blown away by the hurricane surrounding Twalin before it touched Twalin.

The abyss mage in charge of controlling Twalin looked at the fools who were crushed by Twalin with great interest.

If it is the Twarin controlled by it, it is certainly an extremely weak and controllable pseudo-biological weapon Twarin, but it is aimed at the younger sister.

Facing the crowd of fools, I'm sorry, but under the blessing of the abyss, I have recovered most of my strength, and got the effect of Corruption, the violent Twarin?

The lady was horrified to find that her elemental power was constantly being eroded by the hurricane, and the machine made by the doctor for the weak Twalin had been bombed by Twalin's several wind elemental energy bombs and turned into slag.

The current Twarin is no longer the Wind Demon Dragon who was eroded by the abyss and lost the guardianship of the four winds, but Twarin who has recovered most of his strength under the blessing of the abyss power. That is the Wind Dragon who once defeated the magic dragon Durin!

Unknowingly, the hurricane wrapped the lady's body, and under the violent hurricane, the lady's gorgeous clothes were shredded.

With her white and tender skin, the lady managed to maintain the elemental force on her body to protect herself, but under the erosion of the abyss and the violent hurricane, that was just a drop in the bucket, and within half an hour, she would be drained to death due to the elemental force.

The wind kept whistling, centering on the place where the Fools summoned Twarin, the entire Whispering Forest was blown away to less than half of the woods.

Twalin mockingly looked at the lady who kept on struggling, and then Twalin, who lost his sanity, looked at Mond City again with resentful eyes, and the next target was naturally it.

Dozens of hurricanes unknowingly surrounded the fruit wine lake. The natural moat used to resist monsters has now become a sharp weapon to destroy the city gate.

The water bombs formed by the hurricane and the lake bombarded the city wall again and again, and the violent wind force made the civilians in Mond city tremble uncontrollably.

Kaya, who was sitting in the acting head's office, stood in front of the window and felt the painful wind on his face. He frowned and looked in the direction of Twarin. Mond had no way to send people to stop Twarin.

As for Ningxia, Kaiya only knew that he was very powerful, but he didn't know the specific information. Ningxia's strength was like a mystery, blocked by Liyue and Daofu. Kaiya didn't have hope for Ningxia now. .

If Falga was still there, it might be able to stop Twarin, but now in the whole of Mondri, Di Luke was attacked by dozens of abyss mages last night, Qin was still recuperating from overwork, and Yula was sent out and couldn't be driven back.

Now Mond's highest combat power is only him and Lisa, and little Keli, Kaiya has asked Abedo to watch, Twarin should not go to the snow mountain, Keli and Abedo will be very happy in the snow mountain Safety.

"Kaya..." Qin walked into the office, and she also noticed the strong wind in the Whispering Forest. The powerful wind element had already disturbed the entire Mond land vein.

If this continues, without Twalin coming to slaughter the city, the monster riots caused by the disorder of the earth veins can destroy the city of Mond.

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