"It's okay, just take it as a fun." Ning Xia said indifferently.

"That's it... Then, I will look forward to Mr. Ning Xia's performance." Qin was relieved to hear that Ning Xia did not intend to quit.

Because if Ning Xia was replaced, she would be the one who would play.

As they talked, the two came to the meeting place. The stragglers who had arrived earlier looked at Ningxia who had arrived, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

Qin looked at the straggler with a serious face. This time, the docking was related to the maintenance of the Mond city wall. She couldn't make concessions on many things. Just judging by the straggler's face, they probably would be difficult to deal with.

The straggler thought a lot at this time, thinking that he had gone to so many places in order to get his mother's approval, and even joined the crowd of fools, and then thought of the gentle real aunt who was far away in Yingxiangshan.

Finally, the straggler gritted his teeth, bowed to Ningxia and said, "Hello, Uncle Ningxia!"

"Oh?" Ning Xia looked at the skirmisher who bowed to him with a dazed expression. What's going on? He was beaten to death when we met last time. Why did he suddenly call him uncle now?

"Uncle? Uncle?" Qin also looked at the bowing skirmishers in a daze, and then at Ningxia who was also in a daze. She was also dumbfounded.

"Uncle, how much my nephew offended me before, please forgive me for my nephew's rudeness." The straggler said respectfully. If he was in the past, he would probably have started to mock the efficiency of the knights.

But I really hope that he will be a polite child, so he can only pinch his nose and take back the previous set.

"Me? Uncle?" Ning Xia pointed at himself in a daze. He didn't remember the skirmisher as his nephew, did he?

"Uncle, let's talk about these private matters later, and now I need to talk to the deputy captain about the ransom of the lady." The straggler said politely.

Because of the change in the attitude of the stragglers, the physical communication in Estimates ceased to exist. Ning Xia sat aside and watched the stragglers hand over to Qin.

However, the stragglers never thought of helping the rich save money, so the stragglers readily agreed to Qin's request. Anyway, they don't spend their own money, so they don't feel distressed.

After the agreement was reached, the stragglers called the fools from outside to send the first batch of moras, while he took advantage of no one to start telling Ningxia about his stay in Daoqi.

After Ningxia heard this, a strange look appeared on his face, and the co-author of the skirmisher hated him so much at the beginning because Ying threw him away.

Then I happened to see that the Kusanagi sword in my hand belonged to a shadow, so...

The reason why Ningxia believed in the words of the scattered soldiers was mainly because he took out the heart of God and left a message with the talisman of the son of God, which made him completely believe in the words of the scattered soldiers.

In the end, Ning Xia patted his cheap nephew heavily on the shoulder, with a sympathetic look on his face, this unlucky boy is Ying's son anyway.

"Ahem, nephew Guobeng, uncle and I, I probably understand what's going on with you. If you have something to do in the future, come and find uncle, and uncle will help you." Ning Xia said.

The corner of the straggler's mouth twitched. He was about 500 years old. It always felt like he was being taken advantage of by Ningxia calling him his nephew, and the expression on Ningxia's face was full of wickedness.

"Thank you, thank you Uncle, then I'll go back and deal with other things first." The straggler said while resisting the urge to kill someone.

"Go, go, good nephew." Ning Xia waved goodbye to the stragglers.

The skirmisher suppressed the shame in his heart and hurriedly left. He would not be able to resist beheading people if he was with Ningxia again.

The lady at the Goethe Hotel was very calm, she guessed that the stragglers were already discussing with the knights about getting themselves.

Warlock Lei Ying on the side has already accepted the lady now. Although she enjoys being insulted by the lady, it is not bad after the gentle lady gets used to it.

"My lord, the skirmishers are here." The wind hammer knocked on the door and said.

"Let him in." The lady said gently.

The straggler outside the door thought that there was something wrong with his sound wave storage system when he heard the lady's gentle voice. How could the lady be so gentle?

It's just that the straggler still suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and said politely: "Miss, I'm sorry, I'm late."

The lady looked at the skirmisher who was so polite except that he didn't look like a skirmisher at all, and when did the skirmisher become so polite?Shouldn't he walk in and mock at the need for him to catch people?

The lady endured the surprise in her heart, and said in a gentle voice: "No, no, no, I made a mistake, so I trouble you to come and save me."

The straggler who thought he had heard it wrong was completely dumbfounded, is this a lady?He didn't mock himself for being late, but still thanked himself.

At this moment, whether it was a straggler or a lady, they all felt that the other party was possessed, and he was not like the guy in his impression at all.

Chapter 319

Ningxia chatted with Qin for a while holding back a smile, and then found a place where no one was around and laughed out loud. If he waited a little longer, then he would really be a day student in a straggler's office-it couldn't be collapsed.

Although he was dubbed uncle for no reason, the expression of the skirmisher was so funny that he couldn't help teasing him. He liked the expression that wanted to hit him but couldn't, and Ningxia was almost dying of joy.

After having a good laugh, Ningxia happily asked Qin about the Dandelion girl. He had been in Mond for a while, and it seemed that Qin was too busy to ask.

Now that everything was settled, he also felt it was time to ask.

"This, this..." Qin was a little embarrassed. She was a diplomat who was going to send away the Fools, so she confessed everything to Ningxia. As a result, the Black Fire Case, Twalin, and the Fools followed one after another, making it impossible for her to do anything.

However, Ningxia saw her embarrassed appearance, which made Qin really embarrassed to admit her identity. After all, Twalin was solved by Ningxia and Yingmei.

And he also helped himself to come over to suppress the scene. The attitude of the stragglers just now was largely based on Ningxia's face.

"It's okay. If you're too busy, I can wait." Ning Xia looked at the embarrassed Qin, thinking that she didn't have time to look for it, so she said that she could wait a little longer.

Qin looked at Ningxia who left freely, and almost admitted that she was a dandelion girl, but she held back, and she wanted to find her military advisor, Lisa, to come and help her.

Ningxia, who left Qin, was sitting on a chair in Mond City a little bored. Mona said that she would stay in the library for a day, and he had nothing to do but look at the scenery here.

However, the weather in Mond is very good, and the occasional breeze makes him feel very comfortable, and he wants to doze off lazily.

It's just that Liyue is also very good, very lively and lively, if you live in Liyue for the elderly, life will not be boring.

It's just that my sister should choose Dao Wife, right?In this case, Dao Wife is indeed better, after all, there is the person he can't part with the most.

When Ningxia was thinking about where to retire in the future, a young girl was holding a book and read it intently, completely ignoring the small stone under her feet, tripped and fell straight to the ground.

The girl hurriedly raised the glasses on her face. The severe pain caused by the fall made her almost unable to hold back her tears, with big tears rolling in her eyes.

"Are you alright?" Ning Xia hurriedly helped the girl up and asked. The girl's knees had been scratched, leaving a trace of blemishes on her flawless feet.

"No, it's okay..." the girl said sobbingly, her small mouth was tightly squeezed, for fear that she would cry out, and she kept thinking in her heart, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt to comfort herself.But the ear was drooping because of the pain.

Ning Xia looked at the girl who was about to cry, and gently healed the scratch on her knee with the breath of life.

The girl who was about to cry looked at the green light in Ning Xia's hand in surprise, and she felt that the pain in her knee had completely disappeared, replaced by a warm feeling.

"Okay, okay, it doesn't hurt anymore." Ningxia comforted, this girl reminded him of Kapaqili inexplicably, every time the girl Kapaqili was bullied by the son of God, she would show this expression to find herself or Comfort in the flowers.

Without the company of Kapaqili, a somewhat black-hearted little padded jacket, he would be a little bored, wondering how Kapaqili is doing now, and whether he has listened to Huasanli.

At this time, Kapaqili, who was able to go to Liyue to seduce Sara in half a day, suddenly felt that her brother was thinking of herself, so she tried her best to seduce Sara.

"Sister Sara! You can go to Liyue in one day! And I know all the women my brother met in Liyue. If you want to find me, I can take you to find them!" Kapaqili tried her best to sell herself.

The days when she returned to Daozuma were not idle every day. She had already read all of Yaedo's sister light novels and books on ethics.

She came to a conclusion that she could be with her brother, and Sara was going to find Ning Xia, which gave her a reason to follow her to find her brother.

She couldn't accept that her brother had a new younger sister behind her back. You must know that younger sister was her unique pet name, and she would never give it up to others.

Sara stroked her chin and looked at Kapaqili, feeling a little moved in her heart. It was too tempting to go to Liyue in one day, and the fastest boat by Daozuma was not as fast as Kapaqili.

The most important thing is that Kapaqili and Ningxia have traveled to Liyue, so I can rely on Kapaqili to catch... Bah!Meet my brother's friends.

Looking at Sara who was still hesitating, Kapaqili gritted her teeth, and began to say sorry to her brother in her heart, and then stimulated Sara with the information she got from Miko.

"I, I heard from the Son of God that my brother is in Monde..." Kapaqili stabbed her brother in the back again with a feeling of repentance. She really wanted to find Ningxia.

"Okay! Kapaqili! Pack my luggage for me! Let's set off immediately!" As soon as Sara heard this, she immediately decided to leave. If she didn't go, the grassland on her head could be used to raise Ganyu.

At this time, Ning Xia, who was still comforting the girl, had no idea that the sister he missed just now would betray him three times in one day.

The girl was a little surprised to see the wound on her knee disappear, and excitedly held Ning Xia's hand and said, "Please! Excuse me! What kind of ability do you have!? Is it similar to Miss Barbara's? Or does it not belong to The ability of the Eye of God? Can you let me study it?"

Seeing the girl who was suddenly excited, Ning Xia silently broke free from the girl's hand. Although the girl in front of her was very cute, and her ears were still swaying because of excitement, her eyes were weird, and her two big eyes seemed to want to relieve him. The urge to plan.

He had seen this kind of look from the masked men of fools whom Mond met last time, but the masked men were very self-aware and didn't mess with him.

"Ah! Sorry! Let me introduce myself first. My name is Granu, and I am a researcher in alchemy, specializing in bioalchemy." Grano also realized that he was being too radical.

After introducing herself, who was a bit socially fearful, she almost died of embarrassment, and her ears, which were constantly swinging because of excitement, drooped again.

"No, it's okay..." Ningxia said with twitching corners of her mouth. Although Granose is cute and looks a bit like Kapaqili, her eyes are a little scary.

"I'm sorry! I really don't mean anything malicious! I, I just want to know... No! I'm just curious about your power to heal me!" Sasuke stammered.

Chapter 320 The Controlled North Wind Wolf King

"Right? What did you mean by biological alchemy?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously. He had heard of Abedo's alchemy, but this was the first time he had heard of biological alchemy.

"This..." When Sato saw that Ningxia was curious about her profession, she was a bit stuttering and introduced the definition of bioalchemy fluently.

Ningxia listened to the introduction of the sugar and her own research discovery with great interest, and found that this is not a grafted plant?

"Well, Mr. Ningxia, I, can I call you that?" Sasuke asked stammeringly, she was not very good at chatting.

"Just call me Ning Xia," Ning Xia said.

"Yes, is it possible? Then... Ningxia, I would like to ask you to use your abilities to help me do an experiment." Sasuke said expectantly, she was very curious about how Ningxia's abilities would be used on the Ice Mist Flower.

"Um... I don't really want to..." Ning Xia remembered the ice mist flower he planted when he was in Dao Wife, because he cultivated it with the breath of life every day.

After three months like this, the Bingwu flower became a frozen tree. Thanks to him raising it in the wild at that time, he would pass by it every day when hunting, so he raised it over time.

Moreover, he still had some trouble dealing with the Frozen Tree at that time, and Thomas, who happened to pass by, helped him to solve the Frozen Tree.

However, since that day, Ningxia has never used her abilities on plants again, lest she grow any frozen trees or sweet flower trees.

"Oh..." Sasuke said with drooping ears.

"But if it's just once or twice...it's not impossible." Ningxia looked at the floppy ears of the sugar, it was so cute, if he hadn't just met, he would have wanted to rub the ears of the sugar.

In addition, if I am idle, I am also idle, and doing experiments with Granose can be regarded as a way to pass the time.

"Really! Really?" Upon hearing that Ningxia was willing to help her with the experiment, Granose immediately fiddled with her drooping ears. The girl's mood could be seen through her ears.

"En." Ning Xia nodded slightly.

"Then! Then let's go to my laboratory now! Ah! My material Ice Mist Flower is gone, I, I'll go find it right away!!!" Upon hearing Ning Xia's promise, Sa Tang was both excited and panicked .

"It's okay, I'll go find it with you..." Ning Xia said, this girl is too cute, he really can't get angry.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Sasuke said with a sigh of relief. She was very afraid that Ningxia would dislike her because she was too reckless.

Then Ning Xia went out of the city with Granu. When passing by the Adventurer's Association, she saw Catherine writing and drawing something.

If Ningxia got closer at this time, she would find that Catherine had already arranged Yingmei's daily tasks.

Cleaning up the Qiuqiu people's camp today, dealing with the gale core wandering in the wind tomorrow, and dealing with the relic guards in the abandoned duel field the day after tomorrow, almost pushed Yingmei's schedule to next month.

Catherine looked towards the church expectantly. She was waiting for Yingmei to pass by the Adventurer's Association, so that she could fool a reliable tool...a reliable adventurer.

At this time, Yingmei, who was practicing dancing, shuddered, wondering who was trying to plot against her.

But because I was thinking about something just now, I almost didn't keep up with the rhythm of Noelle and Barbara, and hurriedly adjusted my body shape.

The originally delicate face became a little reddish due to long-term dance practice, and a few drops of crystal-clear sweat ran across the cute face.

Kong, who was hiding on the beam of the house, looked at Yingmei with a look of relief on his face. As long as Yingmei didn't go out to fight and kill, and felt at ease to be an idol or something, it would be worth it for him to go one-on-one with Ningxia.

"Your Highness, the Northern Wind Wolf King has been lured out by us. We only need to carry out biological transformation, and there will be another biological weapon in the abyss." Yuanshang said respectfully.

"Okay, now that my sister has found a safe job, I can leave Mond with peace of mind." Sora nodded.

"Then Your Highness, our next goal is..." Yuanshang asked.

"Sumi, I'll leave Monde's affairs to you." Kong said flatly, his procrastination in Mond had already made Abyss very dissatisfied, and it was time for him to work.

"Yes, Your Highness." Yuanshang respectfully opened an abyss portal, and disappeared with Kong.

Granose drooped her ears and looked at the map that originally marked Ice Mist Flowers. She remembered that there were many Ice Mist Flowers in these places?

"I, I remember that there are still a few flowers at Benlangling. Yes, can you go there and have a look again?" Granu asked cautiously. Thanks to Ningxia's good at chatting along the way, plus he often talked about Granu The professional knowledge of the two can be considered acquainted.

"No problem." Ning Xia nodded and said, he didn't mind walking a few more steps, after all, he was one of the best street runners in Daozuma City.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Sasuke said with a sigh of relief. She was afraid that Ningxia would dislike walking too much and would not do experiments.

The two of them are not too far away from the Benlang collar, and they will soon be near the Benlang collar.

"Huh?" Ning Xia sensed the aura of the abyss, and his face suddenly became serious.

"What? What's wrong? Ningxia?" Granu asked beside him.

"San Tang, let's go there and have a look." Ning Xia asked, pointing to the depths of Benlang's collar. There was an abyssal atmosphere there, and Ning Xia wanted to take a look because of the shitty things he did before the abyss.

"No, no problem, there just happened to be a few ice mist flowers there." Sasuke nodded.

It's just that the two didn't take a few steps, a white-haired boy staggered out of the dense woods, frightened Granu almost threw out the mimic wind butterfly in his hand.

"Bad thing, evil, wolf king." The boy fainted after seeing Ningxia, regardless of whether he understood or not.

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