Ningxia sensed the abyssal aura on the young man, and quickly asked Granu to take care of the young man, and ran to the place where the abyssal aura was strongest.

Kong Kong, who had already come here, looked at the angry Beifeng wolf king expressionlessly, and the eight abyssal apostles around him firmly controlled the wolf king, and the next thing to do was to do biological transformation.

A biological weapon with [-]% of the strength of the former northern maharaja would be born.

The wolf king roared angrily. In the past, it was the top demon god who could stand against the lonely king of the tower, but after the lonely king of the tower was defeated by the resistance, it also gave up the position of Fengshen, who thought he didn't love anyone.

Volunteering to give back to the land of Benlangling with his own strength, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul to live in Benlangling with his dependents.

For thousands of years, it and its dependents have kept aloof from the world in the Benwolf Territory, but they were still targeted by the abyss.

It's just that now, the angry wolf king also felt powerless for a while. No matter how powerful it used to be, it can't break free from the control of the abyss apostle now.

Chapter 321 The North Wind Wolf King

On the side, Yuanshang said triumphantly, "Andreus, the Great Lord of the North who once fought against the Lone King of the Tower, or should I call you Boreas, the Wolf King of the North Wind, by your current name?"

"Now that you have only a remnant soul left, why do you have to struggle against the great power from the abyss? Wouldn't it be beautiful to obediently accept the gift from the abyss?"

"Hmph! You fart!" Boreas said indifferently. The former wolf leader also suffered heavy losses because of the abyss. It would be better to let him go to the abyss and die immediately now.

Abyss waved his hand, his question just now was just a formality, no matter whether Boreas agreed or not, Abyss would transform it into a biological weapon.

Afterwards, Yuangami respectfully stood back behind Kong, and the Abyss Apostle has already begun to inject the power of the abyss into Boreas' body.

Compared with Twarin, Boreas is actually more valuable. No matter how embarrassed and weak Boreas looks now, he is also the former Northern Maharaja.

And what Abyss needs is that ray of remnant soul. With the remnant soul as an introduction, Abyss can reshape a brand new wolf king's body as a weapon.

Kong looked at Boreas in pain, without any fluctuations. Now Mond, unless Ning Xia came to kill him, no one could stop Boreas from becoming a biological weapon.

At this moment, a long sword was thrown at an abyssal apostle, and the Kusanagi sword covered in Gengjin breath directly pierced an abyssal apostle and fell to the ground.

After an abyssal apostle was killed, the wolf king struggled to break free from the apostles' control before the other apostles reacted.

"You guys are still in Mond?" Ning Xia jumped into the Colosseum holding the Dragon Tooth Sword, with surprise on his face. In fact, Ning Xia wanted to ask Kong about Yingmei.

"..." Kong looked at Ningxia who was coming, his face became a little ugly. He knew that the wolf king was blowing up, so he ignored Ningxia's words and gave Yuanshang a wink. Kong left.

The abyss apostle who was originally used to control Boreas didn't care about his companion's death, and left with Kong. They were not stupid. They already knew after being beaten up by Ningxia last time, unless they took out the demon-level biological weapon in the abyss Otherwise, Shen Yuan would not be able to fight Ning Xia twice.

Ningxia didn't catch up this time. It was fine when he was sent to Yuanxia Palace last time. Yuanshang sent him back. If he was sent to Xumi or Nata, he would cry for someone.

The wolf king looked at Kong and others who were leaving, and turned his head to look at Ningxia. As one of the top demon gods in the past, he clearly felt the terrifying power in Ningxia's body.

"This outsider, thank you for your help." Boreas said, even if it doesn't love anyone, it knows that Ningxia saved itself just now, so naturally it won't make a bad face towards Ningxia.

"You are?" Ning Xia looked at Boreas, who was huge and majestic, his hands that had been silent for a long time suddenly began to itch.

After all, Borias is fluffy, with fluffy and lush hair swaying casually with the wind element on his body. It looks very easy to pet at first glance, which makes Ning Xia's hands itch, who hasn't pet pets for a long time.

When he was in Inazuma before, his technique received five-star praise from furry creatures such as Yae Miko Omiyaji of Narugami Taisha Shrine, and Taro Maru, the owner of the wooden leak tea room.

"I'm Borias, the lord of the Benwolf Territory. In order to thank you for your help, I would like to ask you what reward you need. I will definitely do my best to repay you." Boreas said lightly.

The reason why it talks to Ning Xia in such a good-tempered manner is not only because Ning Xia saved it, but also because Ning Xia's aura makes it close to Ning Xia. The remnant soul gets a sense of peace.

"Then...can I smoothen your hair for you? It's all right." Ning Xia looked at the furry Borias, and couldn't suppress Fu Rui's soul.

"Shun? Shunmao?" Boreas asked suspiciously, Shunmao?what is that?Borias, who had lived for thousands of years, was also stunned by this unfamiliar vocabulary.

"Ahem, Boreas, right? My name is Ning Xia, and I'm an ordinary traveler from Dao's wife. I had some friction with Abyss recently, so I came here to take a look. I saw that you were caught by Abyss, so I helped you." Already." Ning Xia first introduced himself.

"The so-called smoothing is a way for humans to maintain the fur of animals. If you look at your fur, it's dry and messy. It looks like it hasn't been cared for for a long time." Ningxia said and started touching Boria. Smighty wolf head.

Boreas subconsciously resented this kind of presumptuous behavior, but thinking of Ning Xia saving him just now, he reluctantly suppressed the discomfort and let Ning Xia continue.

As soon as Ning Xia touched this head, he felt very happy. This soft fur, fluffy mane, and silky feel are really great. Apart from the fact that Boreas is too big, he is simply a dream come true. love dog.

Although Boreas is just a remnant soul, his body is still an entity made of ice and wind. Except for Andreus, whose strength is far inferior to the past, he feels no different from the real wolf king.

Ning Xia touched Boreas' chin skillfully, logically speaking, this has reached the limit of Boreas' patience.

It's just that now it feels that what Ning Xia said seems to have some truth, and Ning Xia's two hands just touched its comfortable place, making it a little lazy and happy.

Ningxia buried her face in Borias' furry neck intoxicatedly and took a deep breath, it was a kind of milk fragrance~

"Outsider, outsider!" Boreas gradually felt that something was wrong, why Ningxia touched its belly, and the technique was damn skillful, every touch touched its comfortable place.

"Is there something wrong with my technique?" Ning Xia asked while rubbing Borias's soft stomach. The texture of the stomach was amazing, much better than Shenzi and Taromaru.

"No, no problem. It's just that I feel a little strange." Boreas felt his tail start to wag uncontrollably. Although he wanted to resist, he was really comfortable.

"Hey hey~ You'll be more comfortable soon~" Ningxia said while rubbing Boreas's huge wolf head, the fluffy ones are also great.

"Tails are not allowed!" Then Ning Xia touched Boreas's tail along his stomach, and Ning Xia held the wagging tail in his hands. Although it was a bit big, it still felt new to the touch.

At this time, Boreas was already lying on the ground, and he also enjoyed Ningxia's way of petting pets, which opened up a new world for him.

Chapter 322 The End of the Wolf

"Tummy! Touch your belly more! Yes! It's here! You want your chin too!" Boreas was completely obsessed with Ningxia's massage techniques without knowing it.

Ningxia also likes Boreas' belly very much, it is soft, fluffy, and has a milky smell. Every time he buries it in Boreas' belly, he can feel its tail swaying excitedly on his shoulders.

It may be that Borias also felt that his body was too big to be masturbated, so he shrunk down to the size of a wolf, enjoying a full set of massage services with zero negative reviews on Ningxia's thigh.

And Granose, who was taking care of Lei Ze, happened to meet Dulav who came to hunt, and after handing the unconscious Lei Ze to Dulav.

Worried about Ningxia who has not returned for a long time, she followed Ningxia's traces to the trial ground.

"Huh?" Granose looked at Boreas who was shaking his head and tail, and Ningxia who was rubbing the wolf's head angrily. She had lived in Mond for so long, but this was the first time she saw such a strange wolf.

"I really want to... study its body structure!" Granose thought to herself, she was curious whether the wolf with such a special fur was a mutant or a grown-up.

"San Tang?" Ning Xia, who was addicted to masturbating Borias, noticed the sugar standing on top of the Colosseum.

"Wow~!" Boreas quickly recovered his majestic appearance. Apart from Lei Ze and Ning Xia, Granose was the first human it had seen in hundreds of years.

It's just that Boreas, who is the current size, is not so much majestic, but more like a fierce and cute type, which belongs to the type that is very popular with women.

Seeing Granu, Ningxia didn't continue to rub Boreas anymore, and finally said goodbye to Boreas after rubbing his head.

Boreas made him feel good when he hasn't played pets seriously for a long time. Boreas's hand feel is much better than Taro Maru's, and it can also shrink. It is simply the love dog of his dreams.

It's just that he also roughly understands the habits of wolves. A pack of wolves with a similar family structure will not leave their own pack at will. He and Borias probably can only flirt with each other.

When Borias saw Ning Xia leave, he also let himself go back to sleep. Just being embarrassed by the little girl on the trial field was enough for him to be embarrassed.

"San Tang! Sorry to keep you waiting." Ning Xia scratched her head and said.

"No, it's okay, let's talk about Ningxia! Is that wolf the alpha wolf here? It's so beautiful! Can I get some of its fur? Just a little! Really!" Satang said excitedly, completely eliminating the stuttering before. His eyes were full of fanaticism towards Boreas.

It's just that this kind of fanaticism... somewhat has the urge to dissect Borias...

"Uh... it's the lord of the Benlangling, and it's a bit shy, and not very good at communicating with humans." Ning Xia quickly stopped Granu, and he also felt the faint aura of the demon god on Boreas.

Ningxia himself said that if Granose offended Borias, it would be troublesome. No matter how weak a demon god is, he is still a demon god, which cannot be compared with humans.

"No! It's okay! I'm not good at communicating with people either! I think I'll have a lot of conversations with it." Sato said excitedly, completely ignoring what Ning Xia meant.

"No, no, what I mean is, you can first understand the matter of the Lord Benlang. If you don't even know who it is or what it's called, how can you make friends with it?" Ningxia said flickeringly.

"This, that's it..." Grano seemed to make some sense when he heard Ningxia's words. He didn't know Boreas well, so why would he be willing to give him the fur?

"Okay, don't we have to do an ice fog flower experiment? I have already recorded a few ice fog flowers on the road." Ning Xia continued.

"Okay...then after I finish this experiment, I will go to the library to learn about the wolf collar! I will definitely make friends with it!" Sasuke said excitedly, being friends is one thing, Bo Rui Yas's fur, she wants it too!

Seeing that Granu didn't have the urge to masturbate Boreas himself for the time being, Ning Xia also went back to the training ground to get back the Kusanagi sword stuck into the wall.

Sensing that Ning Xia had finally pulled himself out, the Kusanagi sword trembled in dissatisfaction, obviously dissatisfied with Ning Xia's behavior of not using it normally, and throwing it aside as soon as he used it.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, I'm sorry." Ning Xia gently stroked the cold blade of the Kusanagi Sword, just like stroking a white snake.

Since devouring the demon's remnant thoughts on Ke Lai, the little white snake in Kusanagi Sword has also become more agile, and even has some little emotions of its own.

After receiving Ning Xia's apology, the little white snake came out of the sword, entangled Ning Xia's hand and acted like a baby, looking at him with watery eyes.

While comforting Little White Snake, Ningxia left the trial field. He was going to experiment with the sugar-picking ice mist flowers.

Just when Ningxia was about to leave, Boreas appeared again, stretching towards Ningxia with a big sword in his mouth.

After Ningxia took over the sword, Boreas said: "This is a symbol of the friendship between my people and humans in the past, and now I will give it to you as a symbol of the friendship between you and me."

"Thank you." Ning Xia looked at the big sword in his hand, both in terms of sharpness and material, it was a relatively bad one. Except for the special red pattern on the big sword, the craftsmanship of this big sword was a defective product in a blacksmith's shop.

It's just that these are not important, what is important is that the great sword contains the power of Andreus, which makes the great sword have a divine power that is different from ordinary soldiers.

"What's the name of this sword?" Ning Xia looked at Boreas who turned back and asked.

"The end of the wolf." Boreas said without looking back.

"Then this is for you!" Ning Xia took out a broken tooth of the Dragon King Ruo Tuo from the jade pendant and threw it to Boreas. It was inlaid on the sword when Zhong Li gave the Dragon Tooth Sword.

This is Ningxia's least favorite part of the Dragon Tooth Sword, except for the Ruo Tuo Dragon King carved by Morax. Not only is it not beautiful, but the sharp dragon teeth can easily injure people by mistake.

Later, after he became a demon god, he wanted to detain it on a whim, and finally succeeded with Wendy's help. He also kept the detained dragon tooth in Jade Peili.

According to Wendy, this tooth is quite hip, so it was used for decoration. There are at least twenty high-quality dragon teeth fused into the Dragon Tooth Sword.

This made Ning Xia mourn for the former Dragon King Ruo Tuo for a second. It seemed that Morax had beaten the Dragon King Ruo Tuo so hard.

Right now, as a return gift to Boreas, it is worthy of the weight of the wolf's end.

Boreas took the dragon tooth, and it also felt the terror of the dragon tooth's owner, but it didn't respond to Ning Xia, but walked into the gate of the trial ground, but the wagging tail had already expressed its mood.

Chapter 323 Uncle, I Like Obedient Children Most

On the way back, Ning Xia and Granu found a few ice fog flowers. Originally, Granu was planning to go back to Mond for experiments, but Ning Xia chose to stay in the Whispering Forest outside of Mond for safety reasons.

Otherwise, when I wake up tomorrow, I will find that it is fun for the frozen tree to blitz Mond, so it is better to put it in the remote Whispering Forest, except for the main road, because the inside of the Whispering Forest was scraped by Twalin, and the monsters also changed. Got more.

Except for those brave people who dare to come, ordinary people will not come close, even if the frozen tree does appear, it will not accidentally injure passers-by.

Granose carefully marked the three ice mist flowers, which were the faint, moderate and strong breath of life in three levels.

After finishing all this, Granose is very much looking forward to the change of Bingwuhua tomorrow. After chatting with Ningxia for a few words, she went to the library to find books about the wolf collar. It seems that she still can't forget Boreas.

Ningxia is also planning to return to Mond City. Although there was a little accident during the experiment, he is quite happy. After all, who can refuse a wolf with milky milk?

And it's fluffy, soft, and comfortable to touch, and she would sweep his face with her tail when she licks, Ning Xia still has a lot to say now.

Ning Xia, who was reminiscing about the fluffy Borias, just walked to the bridge when he met a lady holding a white rose and a straggler who hugged a kitten and criticized his face.

The skirmisher was not in a good mood. Although he said that he was very polite now, but because he was too polite, he was tricked by the lady to guarantee that she could leave the city.

This made the stragglers a little upset. They came to get you by themselves, but you actually used me as a gunman?But at this time, Ning Xia came, and the stragglers quickly pulled their hats to avoid being discovered by Ning Xia.

"Hey! Isn't this my eldest nephew? Hello!" Ningxia greeted the skirmishers heartily. If you can't pet the dog, teasing the skirmishers is also a good way to pass the time~

The straggler looked at Ning Xia who was looking like he wanted to be beaten, and almost couldn't resist drawing his sword to discuss with Ning Xia about father's kindness and filial piety, even though he didn't know that the man in front of him was his future father.

"Uncle...uncle..." the scattered soldier said with a blushing face, seeing the surprised expression of the lady beside him, the scattered soldier thought pessimistically, his reputation among fools must be ruined?

After all, the lady is a well-known loudspeaker among the executive officers, and the news that the son is a bl was spread by the lady, so I guess it is not much better. In terms of reputation, Wu Zetian must be a widow - no cure.

"Hey~ My eldest nephew is so good. Uncle, I like a good boy like you the most~" Ning Xia said cheerfully, completely ignoring the straggler's eyes that were looking for swords, and took out a few for The candy that coaxes children is stuffed into the hands of skirmishers.

The lady at the side showed an unbelievable look. She had known the Skirmisher for so long, and this was the first time she had seen the Skirmisher like this. His name was Uncle Ningxia. What's the relationship between them?

"Thank you, thank you uncle." The straggler gritted his teeth and said, if eyes can kill, Ningxia has been vaporized several times in the physical sense.

"Who are we and who! Ma'am, you seem to be in detention, right?" Ning Xia looked at the ma'am and said, although the straggler and Qin had done the redemption work, they only gave the first batch of compensation. It stands to reason that the lady should not leave until all the compensation has been paid to Mond.

"The stragglers have sent Mond's first batch of compensation and provided me with guarantee work. Although I am still Mond's sinner, I have also obtained the right to move freely."

"If the honorary knight is really worried, you can follow me. Don't worry, I won't leave Mond." The lady said gently, she didn't have the domineering appearance before.

"Me?" Ning Xia looked at the gentle lady with some surprise. They are considered hostile, right?Are you willing to take the initiative to invite him to follow you?

"Yes, since the honorary knight is really worried, the skirmishers and I don't mind if you follow us and take charge of surveillance." The lady said with a smile on her face.

"I mind!!!" The straggler on the side roared wildly in his heart, if he continued to be with Ning Xia, he would really straggler move—he couldn't collapse.

But no matter how madly he roared in his heart, the straggler still said with a smile on his face: "Yes, yes, uncle, Mond will not have any objections."

Although he said this, the expression on his face obviously did not want Ning Xia to follow them. Who knew how Ning Xia would tease him along the way, he had had enough of being called nephew.

"Okay, I just happen to have nothing to do." Ning Xia said viciously, and the expression of the skirmisher was too interesting. The young man who looked like he didn't smoke when we met for the first time has now become a Yan Yi. Teenager.

thump thud thump......

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