"Saiyo Lala, I'm in Fools' character design. Although I don't like the atmosphere of Fools very much, sometimes I'm quite happy." The straggler lowered his head and began to remember his life of Fools in advance.

"Come on, nephew, uncle, I will have fun with you today." Ning Xia said cheerfully.

"Then I'll trouble you, honorary knight." The lady said with a smile, the strangeness of the stragglers in her heart disappeared. It's not that the stragglers took the wrong medicine, it was the stragglers who gave her an assist!

"Then where are you going?" Ning Xia asked.

"Running to the wolf collar." When she said this, the expression on the lady's face became sad, and she was going to visit her only relative.

"Sister Lisa! I'm hungry!!!" Qiyana said while clutching her stomach. Although she ate some snacks just now, it was not enough to fill her stomach.

After Lisa pointed out the books of Ben Langling for Granu, she picked up Kiana and went to Qin to have dinner together.

"Lisa!" Qin said anxiously, she urgently needs Lisa's advice now, otherwise she doesn't know how to confess to Ningxia now.

"What's the matter? Qin?" Lisa asked, rubbing Qiyana's head, and a pair of shadows that Hall Master Hu couldn't ask for became Qiyana's soft seat.

"I have something about my pen pal..." Qin said shyly. She can only tell Lisa about this kind of thing, and she really can't tell others.

"Oh~ but little Qiyana is hungry, let's talk while eating~" Lisa said with great interest.

"Sister Lisa, I want to eat a children's meal!" Qiyana said.

"Okay, okay." Lisa said dotingly.

"Then let's go to the Deer Hunter's Restaurant. I'll treat you today." Qin said, she wanted to get some solutions from Lisa now.

Chapter 324 Eating and Drinking Kiyana

"So you've been procrastinating these days, and now you're embarrassed to confess to that handsome guy with a great figure?" Lisa said elegantly, rolling a fork of Huo Huo Meat Sauce Noodles.

"Yes... wait! How do you know that he is in good shape!?" Qin asked with a blushing face, this kind of thing was a bit out of line for her.

"Ala, ala~ It was rare for Kaiya to invite me to drink last time. I just touched it a few times while drinking~" Lisa said cheerfully.

"Speaking of which, Yula brought me back last time. He is very familiar with the handsome guy. I think you should ask Yula instead of me. Maybe he knows something~" Lisa said.

"I also heard that Yula has a good relationship with Ningxia, but I'm worried..." Qin recalled the rumors about the forbidden love between the sinner of the Lawrence family and the honorary knight recently rumored by Mond.

However, she, who has been subjected to rumors, basically treats this kind of thing with the mentality of "impossible! Absolutely impossible!".

What she was worried about was that Yula couldn't talk to her usually. Although she tried to communicate with Yula, most of them ended up with physical communication.

In Yula's words, as a sinner, she should confront her old enemy. Although the two of them mainly exchanged ideas, it can be regarded as a sense of affection.

It's just that they don't have much language communication, most of them are at work.So she wasn't sure if Yura wanted to tell her.

"But you don't understand the handsome guy as much as others now, maybe you can get some new clues by asking." Lisa persuaded.

Even though she is good at driving, she is only limited to some knowledge of Liu Huangshu in this respect, but she uses it better, making people think that she is very good at driving. If it is actually on the field, she is better than Qin. .

"Then... well." Qin nodded and said, but Yula and Amber were still on a mission, so she could only wait for the two to come back.

"Qiana, are you full?" Lisa asked, rubbing Kiyana's head. Kiyana is much more obedient than Keli. She is obedient after one call, and now she is sweet every time she is called Sister Lisa made her very satisfied.

"Eight full, just right." Kiyana rubbed her slightly swollen belly and said, anyway, she can't find Ningxia now, and it's not bad to eat and drink for free in the Knights, and there are soft seats when sleeping, although some It's boring.

As for returning to the top, it's not that she doesn't want to, it's just that she's just a delicate and frail little girl, what if she falls outside hungry?

So, it's not that Heaven doesn't work hard, but that it's too dangerous outside. She'd better be a mascot in the knight order honestly, have food and drink, and don't have to worry about the abyss finding herself.

"Speaking of which, does Kiyana's brother have any clues? It's a pity that a little girl doesn't know her life in Mond." Lisa asked.

When Qiyana heard Lisa asking about this, she immediately put on a pitiful look, her two big watery eyes seemed to be about to cry, and anyone who saw this could not help comforting her This lovely and poor little girl.

"This...Actually, we have locked down a man who meets Qiyana's requirements, but..." Qin remembered the same name reported by the three knights, with a strange expression on his face.

"Who is it?" Lisa asked suspiciously.

"Found my brother!?" Kiyana asked excitedly. Although it is good to eat and drink for free in the Knights, but after recovering her strength, she will be able to kick that guy from the abyss like a ball and let the ice queen's ice cube face to wash her feet.

There are also Morax and Barbatos who suck her life breath, one massages her, and the other sings to her, if you don't want to, you will throw the sky nail.

But Kiyana looked at Lisa who was rubbing her head, and she felt that Mond should be let go, after all, if she beat Barbatos, she should be obedient.

"So, who is that person?" Lisa asked again.

"Ningxia..." Qin said, and she also checked Qiyana's dictation several times, almost perfectly checking with Ningxia.

"Ningxia?" Qiyana asked curiously. She had been listening to Qin and Lisa's communication just now, but she was not interested in such things, so she didn't care much.

It's just that she's interested now. If Ning Xia is the one with the strange power, wouldn't she be able to return to the peak, punching the seven gods and kicking the abyss.

"Sister Qin, can you take me to find my brother?" Qiyana asked pitifully. What does Qiyana's lack of integrity have to do with her natural principles?

Looking at the pitiful Qiyana, Qin didn't know how to refuse. If it was Keli, she would be fine, after all, she was used to it.

But Kiyana's words...

"Okay...then I'll take you to ask about Ningxia when I get off work in the evening." Qin hesitated and said.

"Yeah!" Kiyana cheered.

Ning Xia, who was monitoring the lady and the stragglers, followed them to Qingquan Town, just in time to see Lei Ze being dragged by Dulav and other hunters.

"Young man! Your injuries haven't healed yet! Take some rest!" Duraf persuaded. He was very grateful for Lei Ze's coming to help Qingquan Town last time.

"Wolf King, something happened, I have to go back." Lei Ze said bluntly, his strength was much stronger than that of the hunters, and he broke away from them all at once.

Breaking free, Lei Ze saw Ning Xia who he had seen before he fell into a coma, and smelled the wolf king on Ning Xia, so he rushed to Ning Xia anxiously, wanting to ask something about the wolf king.

"Hmph!" The straggler just wanted to draw out his sword to teach this ignorant guy, he was teased by Ning Xia all the way along the way, and he was trying to find something to vent, but was held down by Ning Xia.

"You don't need to draw your sword, I don't have any malicious intentions." Ning Xia said calmly.

"Wolf King, are you okay?" Lei Ze asked, Falga and Lisa taught him to be polite when asking people, otherwise they might ignore him.

"Are you from Boreas?"

"Lupika, I am Lupika of the wolf pack." Lei Ze said.

As if afraid that Ningxia would not understand, Lei Ze added: "As long as the wolf accepts the man or the man accepts the wolf, he can be called Lupika."

"I understand, don't worry, it's fine, the abyss has been repulsed by me." Ning Xia said, combining the wolf's family habits, he probably understood what Lei Ze meant. It should refer to family members or friends.

"Thank you, I, go back and have a look." Lei Ze thanked, and hurriedly ran in the direction of the wolf leader.

Chapter 325 Cubs

The lady carefully placed the white rose in a tomb that had been abandoned for an unknown number of years. She could only vaguely see the word "young wolf" and the logo of the Knights of the West Wind that was about to be obliterated by time.

"Brother... sister came to see you..." the lady said softly, telling the story of the past to herself.

In the old Mond City, there was a girl with a beautiful singing voice and a talented knight.

The girl's singing voice and beauty have attracted countless people. As the girl's younger brother, the taciturn knight will drive away those rude people for his sister every time.

The boy is not good at words, but he will tell his sister about his ideals. He is very smart and willing to guide the younger generation.

In the lady's memory, the taciturn knight and the junior who always kept his armor shiny have always been inseparable.

Until the alchemist named Gold created the dark dragon that almost destroyed Mond, at that time there was no one to inherit the position of the Lion Tooth Knight, and the Knights were in an extremely empty state.

Attracted by the beautiful singing, the young dragon did not understand that what he did was destroying the kingdom of wind and song.

The wind god who fell asleep in the whispering forest due to serious injuries was forced to wake up in the call of the people, and summoned the dragon of wind to fight the dragon to death.

Even with the assistance of the God of Wind, the Wind Dragon could barely cope with the attack of the Demon Dragon addicted to the dream. It was not until the Demon Dragon woke up from the dream that the Wind Dragon seized the opportunity to bite off the Demon Dragon's throat.

In the last battle, the wind dragon was eroded by poisonous blood, so he could only hide in the ruins of the wind dragon and endure the power of the curse that did not belong to this world. The body of the dead dragon fell on the snow mountain and ended.

The battle between the magic dragon and the wind dragon, even if it is just a small aftermath, is not something that mortals can resist. As the only few powerful knights left in the Knights at that time, the young wolf.

Without hesitation, he alone led away countless monsters that could destroy Mond. Near the wolf running collar, he fought the monsters until the last cub was swallowed by the poisonous blood sprinkled from the sky.

At that time, the girl was still studying in Sumeru. When she rushed back to Mond, she only saw a broken sword that only a wolf cub could wield.

The former descendant of the wolf cub, the pure white knight, also completely disappeared in the world in countless battles, and no one has seen him since.

The departure of her relatives completely ignited the girl's anger. She vowed to burn all the monsters in the world. She burned her life and her body, and her reason was swallowed by anger. She walked on the earth.

The monsters derived from the fall of the Kingdom of the Black Sun were devoured by her flames, and the people hiding in the ruined walls feared her. I don't know how long it took, when her heart and blood were almost burned by the flames.

Death has eroded her withered body, and her body's fear of death overwhelmed her endless anger at this moment. She longed for redemption, and she missed her loved ones.

Until the earliest executive officers of the fools found her, the evil eye of ice gave her a new life, and finally the witch of flame finally disappeared in the continent of Tivat, and the new one who was nourished by hatred was the lady who was the executive officer of the fools.

Ningxia, who originally came here with the mentality of teasing the stragglers, was also a little moved. He didn't like ladies, or the behavior of fools, and he only saved the lady for Wendy's sake.

But in the lady's story, he could see a trace of himself and Sara. When Qinglai Island survived because of the seeds, he also thought, what would his sister do if he died?Can she really accept the reality that her bastard brother is dead?

"Ma'am..." Ning Xia looked at the tearful lady. He had always held a disdainful attitude towards her, and now he couldn't maintain it anymore.

"I'm sorry, I made the two of you laugh." The lady wiped her tears and said, maybe in front of the tomb of the young wolf, the girl who walked in the world relying on the identity of a lady also showed a glimpse of the past.

"..." Ning Xia bowed his head in silence, he was not qualified to comfort Madam, all he could do was listen to her story.

The skirmisher looked at Ning Xia's appearance with a bit of anger on his face, obviously I am your nephew, would you rather sympathize with the lady than care about your own nephew?

In the end, I don't know how long it took, Ningxia took the initiative to help the pup clean up the surrounding environment, in the name of an honorary knight.

On the way back, Ningxia no longer teased the stragglers, and her attitude towards women was no longer so indifferent.

Finally, at the city gate, the lady took the initiative to separate from Ningxia and enter the city. After all, honorary knights are not suitable to be with fools and executives.

Ningxia was walking in Mond City when night fell. Now he wants to know how his sister is doing now?Did you go back to Rice Wife?Did you have a good meal?Have you seen the gift and letter I gave her?

At this time, Sara, who had already flown away from Daozuma Sea on Kapaqili, gnawed on the bread while looking at the letter Ningxia sent her in Mond, her heart had already flown to Mond, but before that, she I also want to get to know those people in Liyue.

Those... my brother's good friends! ! !

Thinking of this, Sara urged Kapaqili to hurry up again, she couldn't wait for a second now.

"Sister Sara...I'm already fast. If I go faster, I won't be able to guarantee your safety." Kapaqili said helplessly. She also wanted to hurry up. Thunderbird's speed is fast enough, but There is no suitable protection ability. If she is too fast, the storm brought by the flight will be enough to tear apart a relic guard, let alone Sara.

"By the way, Kapaqili... You and your brother have stayed in Liyue for more than a month, so you should have recorded where all the women he knows live."

"That's not all, right?" Kapaqili said, she thought of that annoying Morax, she really didn't know where Morax lived.

And in terms of hard power, she can't beat Morax, otherwise she would have avenged her brother long ago, although I heard later in Huasan that Ying poisoned Morax.

But Capaccili really couldn't understand how Morax could manage to not even have a bite of soup left after she took a bite of this kind of thing that she lost her appetite for a week and had nightmares every day.

When thinking of the ruling that she ate out of curiosity, Kapaqili's body couldn't help shaking. It was something that even a demon god would have a rejection reaction if he ate it.

"Kappaqili? What's wrong with you?" Sara felt Kapaqili's trembling and asked with concern.

"No, nothing, I just remembered some bad memories." Kapaqili said retching.

"Did you eat something wrong?" Sara asked.

"There was a woman who made something terrible, and I can't even forget the taste...it's disgusting." Capacciri complained.

"Which woman? Do I know her?" Sara asked.

"You know it too! It's the thunder...those with the thunder attribute..." Kapaqili said hesitantly, and she promised that Huasanli would not tell this matter.

"God's eye with thunder attribute?" Sara immediately thought of God's eye with thunder attribute.

"Yes! Yes!" Kapaqili said quickly, no matter who Sara thought of, it should not be Thor anyway.

"Heh! So that woman is so terrible at cooking, so she deserves to rob my brother?" Shaluo immediately thought of Shenzi, and immediately put on a contemptuous look.

"Yeah, cooking is really terrible." Kapaqili agreed, although she didn't know who Sara was complaining about, but it was right to follow her.

"How unpalatable is it?" Sara asked, she was very interested in the fact that the son of God was deflated.

"I haven't eaten much for a week since that day, and I have to brush my teeth several times a day to suppress the taste, and I will be woken up several times at night when I go to sleep." Kapaqili recalled eating the ruling sad experience at the time.

"Wow! Thanks to her good looks, cooking is so unpalatable! Why do you have the face to pester my younger brother every day?" Shaluo complained, completely unaware that she had blasphemed the god of thunder, let alone every word she complained about. They all said what Zhong Ying did.

"That's right..." Kapaqili said with a guilty conscience. Although she didn't really like that Thunder God who cooks badly, she felt as if she was sorry for Sara's merciless complaints.

Although it is said that the film has indeed done...

Chapter 326 I, Tianli, Beg for Support

Mona, who had been searching for information in the library for a day, came to the door very happily. She not only found a lot of information she needed, but also rubbed the face of the little girl named Kiyana, which made her want to Such a lovely daughter.

Thinking about some future things in her heart, when Mona opened the door, she smelled a fragrance.

"Ningxia! What are you eating today?" Mona asked, smelling the aroma.

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