"The law of heaven has come down." Morax said lightly, not feeling that this was something terrible.

"Tianli!?" Wendy asked with a dazed expression. She sent God's heart with her front foot, and Tianli came over with her back foot. Wouldn't she be the first to be liquidated?

"Don't panic. Heavenly Law must have paid a heavy price for it to come down. Even if she wanted to liquidate us, she wouldn't just do it casually."

"What's more, if the law of heaven comes down, what she is most worried about is that she can't wait to hit the abyss of Sky Island, after all..." Morax sneered, not knowing whether he was laughing at the abyss or the law of heaven.

"Forget it, that old woman who is more irritable than you still knows the seriousness. She probably won't be able to find me, but you, are you really not worried?" Wendy asked after taking a sip of her wine.

"What can I worry about? Because of wear and tear, I have forgotten the past. Now I am a pure Teyvat creature, and Liyue has never been associated with the abyss." Morax said lightly.

"As for the breath of life, I'm sorry, but the heart of God is already a part of the Ice God in the contract. Tianli should go find her."

"It's true, but if that old woman recovers, we will definitely not have a better life, and we won't be able to escape after a severe beating." Wendy said with a bitter face.

"It's little friend Ningxia, how is he doing in Mond?" Morax asked suddenly.

"It's pretty good, eat and drink well, sleep, sleep well, and my drink is covered." Thinking of Ningxia restricting her drinking in Mond, Wendy was furious, but she was physically with another They can't beat Ningxia physically.

Ningxia has always held the right to speak in the family. Since the assassination of Fengshen, her drinking volume has changed from five barrels a day to two and a half bottles.

However, she still has no way to resist, unless she can withstand the attack from behind and sneak attack once after taking a sip.

"That's it... If I remember correctly, after Xian Dianyi is invited a month later, he will return to Dao Wife." Morax recalled.

"So, what do you want to do?" Wendy asked.

"Instead of meeting him by chance, make him shy. Make him obsessed, let him stay." Morax thought for a while and said.

In fact, she didn't say a few words: "If it doesn't work, the overlord will bow. Imprisoned in a rock prison, get married and have children."

As for why she didn't say it, it's definitely not that she felt too embarrassed, and she didn't make up her mind.

It's just that I simply felt that it was not enough to fight, so I didn't say it.

"Uh... shy?" Wendy really couldn't imagine the shy appearance of Morax and Ning Xia, at least in her opinion, Ning Xia didn't seem to have one before, right?

Chapter 329 'Liyue National Essence'

"Okay, I'm going to work, you can continue." Morax got up and said, yesterday Araya told her that a distinguished guest from Inazuma would temporarily stay at Yaedo.

Moreover, someone who knew Liyue well was needed as a guide, and this task fell on Morax without any accident.

"Just send the bill to Yaedo." Morax said to the waiter, and left Wendy to eat and drink here alone.

When Morax returned to the Yaedo Hall, Araya hurriedly dragged her to the room of the honored guests. This matter was very important to her and everyone in the Yaedo Hall.

"Zhong Gui, let me tell you, this honored guest is the elder sister of Mr. Xia, the ace writer of our Yaedo Hall. This time, her food, clothing, housing and transportation in Liyue are all ordered by the editor-in-chief of Yae, who is far away from Daozuma."

"So, we have to do it decently. According to the gossip I got from Narugami Taisha, that Teacher Xia listens to my sister the most. As long as she speaks, Teacher Xia will probably update it!" Araya cried. Said.

Ningxia ran away to Liyue to play with Monde, Yaedo was miserable, thanks to Shenzi who squeezed out a lot of chapters from Ningxia before, every time he could catch the readers when they were about to explode and release a new book to suppress the readers anger.

But this is just a drop in the bucket, and if this goes on, the chapter of God's Squeeze will not be able to survive next month, and the Yaedo is designated to be smashed by angry readers.

The reason why Araya ran to Liyue was also because of this, the male editors of Yaedo Hall had been replaced one after another, and if this continued, the female editors would be the top.

"I...understand." Morax said suspiciously, isn't he just a novelist, why is it so important?

It's just that when she saw the visitor, the doubts in her heart disappeared, and she made up her mind to coax the woman in front of her.

"Jiujo Shaluo, the general of the shogunate, is now recognized as the number one confidant of Thunder God, the most powerful woman of Daozao, and most importantly, her younger brother is Ningxia."

At this moment, there is no need for Araya to warn, Morax has already thought of hundreds of ways to make Sharo happy, this is her sister-in-law!

"You! You are!" Kapaqili shouted in surprise. She and Sara came to Liyue early this morning. Because of Huasanli's instructions, she found Yae as soon as she came to Liyue Church.

And that Auntie Araya also said that she would find Liyuetong to take them to play in Liyue, although it was a little unnecessary, after all, Sharo just needed to find the 'good friends' of those younger brothers to get to know each other.

"Aren't you..." Kapaqili was about to call out Morax's real name when a gust of wind rushed towards her face, and a pair of Qing Yunding immediately blocked her mouth.

"Isn't this Kapaqili? Long time no see! The last time we saw each other was half a month ago." Morax greeted enthusiastically, preventing Sara and Araya from seeing her ferocious expression through the misplacement.

Kapaqili, who originally wanted to resist, was immediately frightened by this expression. The expression on Morax's face seemed to say: "If you expose me, I will screw your head off."

"Yes, yes, long time no see..." Kapaqili said weakly.

"You know each other?" Sara asked suspiciously.

"I know, I'm Kapaqili's friend in Liyue." Morax said gently holding Kapaqili's hand.

"I'm on good terms with her, right? Capaccili?" Morax had a smile on his elegant face, his clear phoenix eyes were like the glimmer of a lake thrown into the bright sunlight, and his small mouth was swaying. The faint arc that rises is like the moment when the bright flowers bloom in summer, and it is also like the most touching touch of red in the sunset, containing the indescribable prosperity of tea, and the brilliance contained in it is more dense than that of rice wife. The cherry blossom forest is even more beautiful.

Even Sara and Araya were overwhelmed by Morax's beauty at this moment.

Only Kapaqili felt that her scalp was numb, and she only felt that Morax's smile was trying to unscrew her celestial cap and use it as a bowl.

"That's right, I, we have a good relationship." Driven by the desire to survive, Kapaqili rarely let go of her prejudice against Morax. She always felt that as long as she said a typo, she would I want to say goodbye to my Tianling Gai.

"That's great. Since Zhong Gui is acquainted with Mr. Xia's younger sister, it's no problem for Zhong Gui to act as the guide for Ms. Sara and Ms. Kapaqili." She gave her a thumbs-up, just because of Morax's performance this time, it is worth the treatment she gave Morax's editor-in-chief.

"I have no objection." Shaluo said lightly, it doesn't matter who is the guide in her opinion, she plans to go to Yujing Terrace first.

"I, I have no objection either." Capaccili said weakly, although she was roaring madly in her heart that she didn't want to go with Morax.

"That's great, Zhong Gui, I leave everything to you." Araki said solemnly.

"Don't worry, editor-in-chief, I will work hard!" Morax said solemnly.

Then Araya didn't stay here any longer, she had too many things to do, such as dealing with Liyue's book fans.

The agent who originally bought Liyue's "Huama Fighting the Sky" has transferred the sales rights back to Yazhongtang because Ningxia has not updated it for a long time.

Originally, the huge fans who had accumulated in Liyue because of "Hua Ma Doutian" surrounded Yaetang one after another when they heard that Yaetang had the latest "Hua Ma Doutian". They have already been praised by them.

The most excited among this group of fans is Tian Tiezui. He originally made his fortune by telling stories about the King of Rocks, but he made a lot of money from "Hua Ma Dian Tian".

However, Liyue only has the version updated by Ningxia a long time ago. The last time I encountered an update, it was Hai Long of the Death Star who got it from Daozuma Yazhongtang.

But that little word was better than nothing for Tian Tiezui, so that he couldn't talk about the follow-up. He was forced to make it up by himself, but the more he made it up, the more the audience left. Now he urgently needs the latest version. "Hua Ma Dian Tian" to restore his reputation.

Araya looked at the Qianyan Army who were sticking to their positions before walking cautiously to the door of the Yae Hall.

As soon as they saw Araya, the noisy crowd also fell silent.

"My friends from Liyue, I know you are in a hurry, but don't worry, we have already stocked tens of thousands of copies of Teacher Xia's "Hua Ma Dian Tian", which is enough for everyone's needs."

"Stop talking nonsense! Update quickly!" Tian Tiezui shouted angrily.

"Stop talking nonsense! Update quickly!!!" Many people followed suit.

"We've been waiting since last night! Don't hurry up and open! Are you worthy of those of us who booked? 'Liyue Guocui'! Refund!!!" A person covered with a quilt shouted.

Looking at the angry people, Araya glanced at the amount of Ningxia's update in the Yaedo, knowing that he would not be able to escape the fate of the Yaedo's editor after all.

"Teacher Xia, come back and update it!!!" Araki roared madly in his heart.

"Huh?" Ningxia suddenly looked in Liyue's direction at this time, he seemed to feel Kapaqili's breath.

"What's wrong?" Mona asked beside her.

"It's okay, maybe I've been too tired recently." Ning Xia thought that it might be because she missed Kapaqili and made a mistake.

Chapter 330

"Ningxia, I'm going to the library first!" Mona said while holding the backpack that Ningxia had organized.

"En." Ning Xia responded.

After Ningxia packed the tableware, she took Qiyana to the kitchen to wash the dishes, after all, Qiyana said she could do housework.

"I'm the law of heaven! You're an upstanding keeper of the law of heaven to help you wash the dishes!" Qiyana complained about Ningxia's arrogance while washing the dishes obediently.

"It doesn't matter if you are the maintainer of heavenly principles or the seven gods, if you eat mine and sleep mine, then work hard for me. You are not my friend or relative, so I won't raise you for nothing." Ningxia said with her head down.

"I'm your sister!" Kiyana pouted.

"That's what you think it is! I didn't admit it!" Ningxia gritted her teeth and said, it was fine that Kapaqili hindered him and Huasanli before.

Now this sudden appearance of Qiyana hinders him and Mona, so it seems that Ke Lai is better, she is more obedient and obedient.

"Then how will you admit it?" Qiyana asked, she had to make Ningxia willing to follow him, so that she could steadily cling to Ningxia and breathe life.

"Don't bother me tonight." Ning Xia said lightly.

"No!" Qiyana immediately refused, she wanted to be Ningxia's younger sister just because she wanted to absorb Ningxia's breath of life at night.

"Aren't you the keeper of the laws of heaven? The manager of Tivat? Don't you dare to sleep alone?" Ning Xia asked.

"I, I, that's right! I just don't dare to sleep alone!" Kiyana blushed and said, it was the first time in her life that she said such a shameful thing.

"Heh~" Ning Xia put the last bowl away, smiled and left.

"..." Qiyana gritted her teeth and looked at Ningxia's leaving back. After she recovered, she would definitely not let this guy go!

At least... At least let this guy call me sister!Let this guy know that he is just a younger brother!

Ningxia looked at the angry Qiyana, and suddenly felt that she had found a new way of fun besides teasing cannons, so she took out a bottle of sealed juice and took a sip.

Qiyana sat next to Ning Xia with her chest crossed, she just wanted to breathe in a little more breath of life.

"Drink?" Ning Xia asked, shaking the juice in his hand.

"Don't drink!" Kiyana said, swallowing.

"Really?" Ningxia took out another bottle of juice and shook it in front of Qiyana.

"For example, if you want, I, I can't..." Kiyana said that her little hand was about to touch the juice.

Ningxia raised the hand holding the juice in a wicked way, and the short Qiyana tiptoed to get the juice, but the result was always a little bit short.

Ning Xia gave the juice to Qiyana after teasing her a few times, after all her little face was already swollen again.

Looking at Qiyana who was sipping juice, Ningxia gave her some candies and snacks.

Although Qiyana has always called herself a maintainer of the laws of heaven, in Ningxia's eyes, Qiyana is more like a good-natured child.

At this time, there was a knock on the door, Ning Xia opened the door, and saw Granu with dark circles under her eyes, holding a notebook.

"Ning, Ningxia, I, I want to see the Ice Mist Flower." Sasuke stammered.

"Okay, wait for me." Ning Xia nodded and said.

"Where are you going?" Qiyana carefully put the snacks in her pocket, and then came behind Ningxia.

"Excuse me, who is she?" Granu looked at Qiyana behind Ningxia and asked.

"Hi sister! I'm brother Ningxia's younger sister, and my name is Qiyana!" Qiyana immediately put on an obedient appearance and said.

"Hello, my name is Granu, yes, yes..." Granu stammered and didn't know what to say.

"It's a friend." Ning Xia reminded.

"Yes! It's a friend!" Sasuke said with a blushing face. She was addicted to alchemy and hadn't said this word for a long time.

"Hello, Elder Sister Sugar!" Kiyana said with blinking eyes.

"Qiana, stay at home obediently, I'm going out with Elder Sister Xiao Tang." Ning Xia instructed.

"No, I want to be with my brother!" Qiyana hugged Ning Xia's thigh and said, she could stick to Ning Xia as long as she could, how could she let Ning Xia leave her.

In the end, under Qiyana's stalking, Ning Xia had no choice but to bring Qiyana to the Whispering Forest.

"Yes, yes, Ningxia, I have sorted out the information on the Benlangling, can you help me look at it?" Granu yawned and said.

She spent the whole night in the library looking for information before roughly sorting out the history of Benlangling.

Ningxia, who was originally only half a bucket of water, quickly said that he didn't know about the Benlang collar.

"The leader of the wolf? Andreus, one of the demon gods who fought for the seven deacons of the world more than 3000 years ago, left Mond after Barbatos became the god of wind, wandering in foreign countries, and finally returned to Mond, voluntarily. The divine power was fed back to the wolf-running collar, leaving only a wisp of remnant soul." Kiyana on the side spoke out all of Andreus' old stories like falling beans.

"Oh? Sister Qiyana, how do you know these things so well?" Granose asked in surprise. She almost searched the library of the Knights Order before guessing Boreas's true identity. Kiyana alone How did the little girl know these things.

"Hmph! I'm very good!" Kiyana said with her hips on her hips, and raised her eyebrows at Ningxia, as if she was saying that you should praise me soon.

"Uh, my younger sister has a lot of books at home, so I know about these things." Ningxia found an excuse to explain away the sugar, she couldn't say that this little white-haired girl is the manager of Tivat.

"Really, really amazing!" Sasuke said enviously.

"Hmph~" Kiyana raised her chin triumphantly, this complacent look was completely devoid of the majesty of heaven.

Ning Xia waved her hands helplessly, thinking of it as raising her daughter in advance.

Soon the three of them came to the vicinity of Bingwuhua, and the surrounding air had become faintly cold, and Ningxia showed such an expression on his face, after all, there must be no accidents at this time.

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