When the two got closer, they could see many Qiuqiu people frozen into ice sculptures, and shining ice crystals had already condensed on the nearby trees.

The trembling Qiyana opened her mouth and let out white smoke. Her body is now as weak as an ordinary child, unable to resist the cold at all.

In desperation, Ning Xia could only hug Qiyana and give her some breath of life, lest this little guy get frostbite.

Qiyana squinted her eyes, enjoying the breath of life from Ningxia very much. For ordinary people, the breath of life in Ningxia can only heal hidden injuries and prolong life.

For her, it was a life-saving straw to repair her body that was about to collapse, especially when it was attached to Ningxia's chest, Qiyana clearly felt the power of Xiaoshu that did not belong to this world, compared to those dirty and filthy things in the abyss I don't know how much better it is!

After walking a little deeper, even the sugar with the eyes of gods was a bit cold, and the two small hands kept rubbing together, trying to increase some heat for themselves.

Ning Xia had no choice but to hug Qiyana with one hand, and put the other on Granu's shoulder.

"Alas!?" Granu was a little panicked by Ningxia's behavior, and then felt the warmth from his shoulders.

"Is it much better?" Ning Xia asked.

"Okay, much better." Sasuke said with a blushing face.

Kiyana puffed up her face, the breath of life that was originally exclusive to her was divided by sugar, which made her very unhappy.

Chapter 331 True: I seem to have seen your man before

When the three of Ningxia came to the place where the ice fog flower was originally placed, the surrounding trees had been broken, and the place where the ice fog flower was placed grew into three frozen trees according to the intensity of life.

Because they are too close, the three frozen trees have become one. From left to right, the three flower buds from small to large are constantly swaying, and it seems that Ningxia and others are very unwelcoming.

"Yo ho, three heads and one frozen tree." Ningxia complained, although the appearance of the frozen tree exceeded his expectations, but in his opinion, it was just a relatively large ice fog flower.

"Ning! Ningxia! Me, what should I do now?" Sasuke asked in panic. She thought it would just make the Ice Mist Flower bigger, but she didn't expect that the Ice Mist Flower would evolve into a Frozen Tree!

"Look at Qiyana for me." Ning Xia said, handing Qiyana who was holding onto his collar to Granu, and then opened a barrier to protect the two.

Then he took out the Kusanagi sword, and the 20-meter sword cut the frozen tree into pieces one after another.

As the frozen tree turned into a pile of debris, the climate change caused by the frozen tree slowly disappeared.

After Ningxia solved the frozen tree, Qiyana immediately opened her hands to Ningxia for a hug, or continued to breathe life.

"How old are you..." Ning Xia said meaningfully, but still hugged Qiyana.

"I'm your sister!" Kiyana whispered, this time she didn't have the confidence to speak by herself, after all, she was ten thousand years old.

"You two have such a good relationship." Satang said enviously, she also wanted such a gentle brother, if that was the case, she wouldn't even have someone who could talk well.

"Hehehe, brother is awesome!" Qiyana immediately pretended that I like her brother and said, after all, the identity she gave herself now is Ningxia's younger sister.

"Uh, hehehe~" Ningxia smiled perfunctorily.

"I'm sorry, Ningxia, I didn't think of it..." Sasuke said shyly.

"It's okay, I'm actually quite curious." Ning Xia comforted, although he had already expected it in his heart.

"But I..."

"Okay, since Bingwuhua failed, you might as well study more about the matter of Benlangling." Ning Xia comforted.

"Yes, yes, what my brother said makes sense." Qiyana echoed.

"And Qiyana will help too." Ning Xia said with a bad taste.

"Yes, yes! I will... eh?" Qiyana looked at Ning Xia with an unbelievable expression, as if to say that you actually sold your sister?

"Qiana?" Ning Xia asked with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I will help, but... I can only say what I can say." Kiyana said with her head down.

"Then, can I ask you, Kiyana!?" Granu asked in surprise.

"Yes, yes, but..." Qiyana stretched out a small hand and said.

"I want a snack!" Kiyana said.

"No problem! I'll buy you whatever you want!" Sasuke said excitedly.

"Then... alright!" Kiyana said reluctantly.

"Hiss!" The white snake on the Kusanagi sword spat out its core in dissatisfaction, trying to gain some sense of existence.

"To trouble you again today, little guy." Ning Xia comforted in a low voice.

"Huh?" Kiyana glanced at the little white snake, and it immediately retracted into the Kusanagi sword in fright, as if it was afraid of Qiyana.

On the way back to Mond, Granose had already changed his name to Teacher Qiyana, and asked about the points that should be paid attention to when making a request to the Wolf King.

While enjoying the snacks that Granit gave her, Qiyana explained the history of the Wolf King to Granu. Without Borias knowing, its background had already been known by Ning Xia and Granu.

Granu, who had benefited a lot, left excitedly with her notes. In her words, she needed to do research, and she must find a way to get Boreas's hair.

Kiyana looked at the excited Granu and hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?" Ning Xia asked, looking at Qiyana's appearance.

"Boreas... has no body anymore, what you see is just its fake body made of wind and snow." Qiyana said.

"..." Ning Xia looked at him stroking Boreas's hand furiously last time, and he was absolutely sure that it was real hair, and it also had a milky smell, there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"Actually... that guy made two bodies for himself, one is used to train his Lupika, and the other is the body used to hold the remnant soul. In that case, it is indeed the same as the real body, but there is no real body. It's just a strong body." Qiyana saw Ningxia's doubts and explained.

"This time you know how powerful I am! As long as I am a demon god, I know something." Qiyana said proudly.

"If that's the case...it's really quite powerful." Ning Xia touched his chin and said, now he is very curious whether Qiyana knows the dark history of General Yinghe or Morax.

"Huh? Is Ningxia thinking of me?" Shadow in the castle tower said suddenly.

"You fart, you are obviously thinking about me!" The general said dissatisfied.

"I really miss Ningxia now..." Ying said helplessly.

"Excuse me! It's obvious that you were incoherent when you saw the truth, and you forgot everything, and then you promised to accompany her after work." The general shouted angrily.

Yesterday she put a knife on Shenzi's neck, and Hua Sanli didn't come out to persuade her because of guilt, seeing that Shenzi knelt down to agree to her.

Unexpectedly, Shenzi called her real sister, and Ying directly pushed her down, and then chatted with Zhen Xuying until this morning, which made her have to work overtime today.

"I, my sister is still alive, can I be unhappy?" Ying said weakly, this time she was indeed the one who stabbed the general in the back.

"Hmph! When Ningxia comes back, your online time will be halved!"

"Oh? That's too much! Is one-tenth okay?"

"A quarter!"

"One eighth, no less." Ying said with a sad face.

At the Narujin Shrine, the excited Zhen kept talking to Huasanli about the changes in the shadows. Since Kanria, she fell asleep for hundreds of years before waking up.

In the following days, because of Shenying's filth, she was like a blind man caught blind. If Huasanli and Ning Xia had not completed Shenying's Great Exorcism, she probably wouldn't be able to appear phantom now.

"My lord..." Hua Sanli listened to Zhen's confession while drinking lemon tea, and she also understood Zhen's feelings. She had always wanted to chat with Ying since she had the memory of Huzhai Palace in the beginning.

It's just that she held back, after all, she was mortal at that time, there was no need to make friends in Huzhai Palace sad again.

It wasn't until she regained her body that she was able to live with peace of mind as Ningxia's Huasanli.

And now that Zhenzhen can reappear in front of Ying, it is definitely good news for the two of them.

"Speaking of which, when I was in a deep sleep, it seemed that someone passed on some power to me and woke me up early." Zhen said suddenly.

"Who?" Hua Sanli asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, but it's definitely not from that time, no! I seem to have seen him, he seems to be..."

"It's your man!" Zhen said after a moment of contemplation.

Chapter 332 Baimen or Paimon

Although he was very curious about the dark history of Morax and Shadow, Ning Xia didn't ask too much, after all, it was too impolite.

After such a trip back and forth, it was already lunch time when I returned to Mond, and Kiyana immediately said that she wanted to eat a children's meal.

Ningxia didn't refuse either, and brought Qiyana to the Deer Hunter Restaurant, where she ordered a children's set meal and fried pork with carrots in honey sauce.

During lunch time, the business of the Deer Hunter Restaurant was frighteningly good. Sarah was busy all by herself, and Ning Xia and Qiyana were lucky to grab the last seat.

At this time, Barbara and Yingmei, who had finished the rehearsal, also came to the Deer Hunter restaurant, but they saw that the seats were almost full...

"Huh? I'm late today...there's no room." Paimon said disappointedly.

"I'm sorry, I was too procrastinating..." Barbara said shyly.

"It's okay, Barbara, let's eat somewhere else." Yingmei comforted.

"If you don't mind, I can do it for you." Noelle on the side bravely said.

"Hey! It's Ningxia!" Paimeng, who was about to leave, happened to see that there were still vacant seats at the table between Ningxia and Qiyana.

"Let's compete with Ningxia!" Paimon said excitedly.

After getting Barbara's consent, Paimon first flew over to say hello to Ning Xia.

"Ningxia!" Paimon shouted, waving his hands.

"Baimon!" Kiyana on the side said excitedly. Although she became smaller and looked stupid, Qiyana was absolutely sure that this was Baimon.

"Baimon? What is that? My name is Paimon!" Paimon said.

"This is... one of my younger sisters who just arrived in Mond." Ning Xia explained.

"Oh... so, hello, my name is Paimon, I'm a guide, and I'm traveling with my good friend Ying." Paimon introduced himself.

"I...my name is Kiyana..." Kiyana said in frustration, then lowered her head and ate the children's meal without continuing to chat.

"Ningxia, we can't find a place, can I ask you to share a table?" Paimon asked.

"No problem." Ning Xia nodded.

"Okay! Barbara! Ying! Noelle! Sit here!" Paimon said excitedly.

"Ningxia, who is she?" Yingmei asked, she always felt that the little girl in front of her looked familiar, but she couldn't tell what was going on.

Qiyana silently lowered her head and ate the children's set meal. If Yingmei knew that she was the law of heaven, although she could still easily deal with Yingmei, it was too dangerous. Once she made a move, Abyss and Qishen would know her exact location.

"Ying, her name is Qiyana, and she is Ningxia's younger sister! Don't look at her with such eyes, she doesn't dare to speak anymore." Paimon persuaded, she quite liked this girl named Qiyana .

"I'm sorry little sister, sister, I didn't mean anything malicious." Yingmei also knew that her eyes were a little scary just now, so she quickly apologized.

Qiyana still looked obedient, but she didn't chat with everyone as familiarly as before, for fear that her sister would know her true identity.

Ningxia was also a little strange looking at Qiyana, who was quiet and reticent. She was obviously not very good at acting, but she was like this when she met Yingmei.

"Brother, I'm full, let's go back." Qiyana pulled Ning Xia and said, she didn't want to stay in this sad place anymore.

"Just a moment, please," Barbara said.

"What's wrong? Barbara?" Ning Xia asked.

"Um... is Mr. Ning Xia ready for the concert?" Barbara asked.

"It's ready." Ning Xia nodded and said, he was ready for the show.

"Well, because the day after tomorrow will be officially on stage, can you rehearse with us tomorrow? After all..." Barbara said a little embarrassed, she was a little worried that there would be problems with Ning Xia's show.

"No problem." Ning Xia said that she could understand, after all, it was Barbara's concert, so it was normal for her to be worried.

Afterwards, Ningxia chatted with Barbara and the others for a few more words before holding Qiyana's hand and preparing to leave.

Before leaving, Qiyana turned her head and glanced at Paimon, who was feasting, feeling very uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Ning Xia asked. With the experience of Kapaqili, Keli, Kelai and others, he already understood the children's mood very well.

"No, nothing... It's just that I bit my tongue just now!" Qiyana pouted and said, afraid that Ningxia would see her embarrassing appearance.

Ning Xia rubbed Qiyana's head lightly, and then said, "What do you want for dinner?"

"That one yesterday!" Kiyana said.

"Bird eggs?"


Chapter 333

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