Tonight, Ningxia tried to persuade Qiyana to sleep by herself today, and finally, under all kinds of sugar-coated shells in Ningxia, Qiyana reluctantly agreed, after all, Ningxia gave too much.

Ning Xia wiped the sweat off her forehead, did she count as raising this daughter?Although the previous Keleka Paqili already had experience.

But sometimes Qiyana is like a little girl with a little temper, and sometimes like a wily old woman, which makes Ningxia a little difficult to deal with.

Then Qiyana hid back in her room, and after confirming that Ning Xia hadn't come up, a ray of light flashed on Qiyana's body, and after the light disappeared, Qiyana turned into the figure of a girl.

"'s okay." Kiyana looked at her girlish posture and said to herself, but she is still weak now, it's better to continue to use her original appearance for safety's sake.

After all, who would doubt a petite and cute little girl?What bad thoughts can the little girl have~

It's just that now she wants to let the guy outside know that she is not some disobedient little guy, but she is very big!

Sitting on the sofa, Ning Xia had nothing to do and took out the grass shaving sword and wiped it carefully. Although the grass shaving sword is not as good as the dragon tooth sword now, to him, the grass shaving sword has a deeper meaning than the dragon tooth sword.

Whether it's Kapaqili's new life or the encounter in Huasanli, Liyue's encounter, except during the war, Kusanagi sword accompanied Ningxia and witnessed a lot.

Although it was offline for a while because of the Ruo Tuo Dragon King...

The little white snake came out of the sword and wrapped itself around Ningxia's arm coquettishly. Ever since Ke Lai's demon god breath was swallowed by it, the little white snake became more agile.

Ning Xia gently touched the smooth body of the little white snake. Although Ning Xia likes furry creatures very much, the cold touch of the little white snake is also good, making Ning Xia a little addicted.

The little white snake was spitting out snake letters, and enjoyed Ning Xia's touch very much. Its smooth body squirmed in Ning Xia's arms, like a spoiled child.

"You, why do you like acting like a baby so much?" Ning Xia said dotingly, gently brushing the little white snake's slippery head with her fingers.

The little white snake's smooth head rubbed against Ning Xia's face, and Ning Xia felt the little white snake's snake letter sweeping across his face, itching, and there was a burst of fresh fragrance.

At this moment, Qiyana excitedly went downstairs to show Ning Xia how she looked like a young girl, lest he keep looking down on her.

"Brother, brother! Take a look at my current appearance! You, you are the first one to see me!" Qiyana said proudly, she was still showing people this appearance for the first time, feeling a little shy in her heart.

"Yeah." Ning Xia, who was obsessed with snakes, responded softly, and then kissed the little white snake. This is a kind of intimate interaction with pets. Ning Xia didn't feel sick, and the little white snake didn't have the fishy smell of snakes. Instead, it has a very fresh scent.

In addition, the image of the little white snake is relatively cute, with a small and cute appearance, even people who don't like snakes will not feel disgusted when they see the little white snake.

Ningxia kissed and kissed the head of the little white snake. Before Capaccili became a human, he also liked to treat her like this, but he hadn't kissed her since Qingse Island. After all...

"Hmph!" Qiyana stomped her feet and glared at the little white snake. Why is a snake more important than her!Of course, she is not sour.

Sensing Qiyana's gaze, the little white snake, who wanted to be coquettish, immediately shrank into a ball, but it still trembled and moved in front of Ning Xia. Even though its soul was not complete, it still remembered that it had to stand in front of the maintainer. in front of the

"You're a demon god..." Qiyana complained, the current Orobus is really not threatening at all, I don't know if I thought it was some kind of ornamental pet.

"Xiaobai?" Ningxia said gently soothing the little white snake. Although he had a vague idea in his heart, it was just a bit unimaginable to him...

"Hmph! The name is so ugly!" Kiyana complained.

"It's Inazuma's Demon God Orobus who was chopped down by Thor." Kiyana then said.

"Orobus? Hasn't he been killed by a shadow?" Ning Xia asked, looking at the cute little white snake. The huge and majestic snake bones are confused.

"Devil gods don't die. Even if they die in the biological sense, they have power beyond human beings, and they can still entrust themselves to something or even a human being who is strong enough to withstand the power of the demon god." All the snakes are better than themselves and very dissatisfied with themselves, but they still explain honestly.

"That is to say? As long as there is a chance, the demon god will have a chance to be resurrected?" Ning Xia asked, but he already had the answer in his heart, and he witnessed Kapaqili's new life with his own eyes.

"Yeah, that's why I don't like Demon God very much." Qiyana glanced at the little white snake casually. If it was in the past, she would definitely destroy the humanity of Orobus again.

It's just that Orobus, who has lost his memory, is no threat to her now, and she doesn't need to make a move, and...

Looking at Ning Xia who was gently comforting Orobus, Qiyana stepped on Ning Xia as if venting her anger. Since Ning Xia is not interested in her girlish state, she might as well return to her original state.

After Qiyana left, the little white snake dared to continue to act coquettishly with Ningxia. The cute appearance was very pleasing, and Ningxia liked the icy and cool touch more and more. It was very comfortable and easy to touch.

Qiyana, who soon regained her little girl appearance, went downstairs again, climbed onto the sofa, and sat beside Ning Xia, inhaling the breath of life overflowing from Ning Xia, while puffing up her chest and looking to the other side, expressing that she was very angry, coaxing The bad kind.

Seeing Qiyana sitting beside Ning Xia, the little white snake hid in the Kusanagi sword even though she was a little bit reluctant. Ningxia put the Kusanagi sword away and looked at Qiyana who lost her temper.

"Look at what I'm doing, I'm very angry now!" Qiyana said with puffed up face, she wants to be cute and cute, she wants to have a cute figure, besides the fact that she is a steel plate like Hall Master Hu, what are her shortcomings?

"Want to eat roasted bird eggs?" Ning Xia asked.

"I'll eat two!!!" Kiyana yelled.

"Then you have to come and help." Ning Xia rubbed Qiyana's head and said, he thought that Qiyana was quite coaxable, much more coaxable than Kapaqili.

"No, no problem." Qiyana stood up reluctantly and followed Ning Xia to the kitchen. She just wanted to eat roasted bird eggs, so she didn't forgive Ning Xia for her disrespect just now.

Chapter 334 It's Weird, Take Another Look

On the way home, Mona ran into Yingmei and Paimon. Although they were a little embarrassed about taking a bath at first, the two of them deliberately didn't talk about the last time, so they chatted quickly.

The two were chatting and laughing about the emergency food. Paimon saw Kaiya passing by at this time, and immediately greeted him warmly: "Kaya!!!"

"Hey! Isn't this Honor Knight and Paimon? What's your business?" Kaiya said cheerfully. Since the acting head of the acting head was removed, he was finally able to continue fishing.

"Didn't you promise us..." Paimon reminded, either Kaiya was busy recently or Yingmei was too busy, and the two had no chance to meet by chance.

It was rare to meet Kaiya this time, and Paimon wanted Kaya to treat him to a good meal.

"Oh! I understand, I understand. Let's go to the Deer Hunter restaurant. I'll treat you." Kaiya didn't refuse either. He just got paid today, and his wallet is still full.

"Yeah! Ying! Kaiya's treat!" Paimon said excitedly.

"Pimon..." Yingmei covered her face, and then said goodbye to Mona, she couldn't leave Paimon alone.

"Pimon is very edible, is it really okay?" Yingmei said, she also heard Noelle talk about the salary payment of the Knights today, but she was very worried about Kaia's salary...

"It's okay, this is what I promised you, you just eat it." Kaiya said, patting her chest, thinking about how much a little girl and a small flying object can eat.

Yingmei sighed helplessly. She actually wanted to hint to Kaya to be careful. Since she wanted to, she had no other choice.

Afterwards, Kaiya stared dumbfounded at the dozens of plates on the table, Paimeng who was still eating and drinking, and the younger sister who was already covering her face in embarrassment.

"Kaya, can I have another fried pork with honey sauce and carrot?" Paimon asked happily.

"No problem, no problem..." Kaya said in a sharp voice, it was the first time he saw such an edible guy, even Di Luke was not so outrageous.

"'s time to go back." Yingmei persuaded, if this continues, she is worried that Kaiya will not be able to pay for the meal.

"Okay... I've had an eight-cent full today." Paimon said while touching his chubby belly.

"Kaya? Can I help you pay some?" Yingmei asked. Barbara paid her quite a lot. If the concert ends the day after tomorrow, she can still get a share.

"No, no need." Kaiya gritted her teeth, saying goodbye to her dandelion wine in her heart.

After saying goodbye to Yingmei, Mona returned home quickly, took a shower, and then had dinner with Ning Xia.

After the meal, Ning Xia picked up Mona and went back to the room, and repeatedly told Qiyana not to come over.

Qiyana looked angrily at Ningxia locked the door behind her, didn't she just get caught between you, and didn't hinder what you were doing, why didn't she sleep with her, since she just sucked some of your life breath, and didn't harm you.

The more she thought about it, the more angry Qiyana turned back into her girlish form, and then summoned a mirror-like thing with the power of a keeper that could be mobilized by relying on her girlish state. She wanted to see what Ningxia was doing behind her back.

This time Qiyana was very careful, neither Mona nor Ningxia noticed it, and then this old maid who lived for thousands of years saw it for the first time in her life...

Qiyana quickly covered her eyes, this kind of thing is too shameful!Especially that guy from Ningxia, why did he use such a strange posture.

"He, what are they doing? It's so weird..." Kiyana touched her slightly flushed face and said, her legs were close together as a girl, and she felt a little strange.

"Again, let's take another look... Just one look, don't look at it if you see it clearly." Qiyana thought to herself, and looked into the mirror furtively again.

After an unknown amount of time, Qiyana took a deep breath. She also knew that human beings would do strange things. If it was her past, she would definitely not care.

But because the price of her body shrinking after being forcibly lowered is that her emotional judgment will be affected by different ages, so...

Qiyana pinched herself fiercely, patted her face, tried to wake herself up, and then lay down on the bed, but closed her eyes...

Helpless, Qiyana opened her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and looked again...

After a while.He pinched himself again, trying to calm himself down, and so on several times, until Ningxia and Mona next door were both lying down, and she still couldn't fall asleep.

The next morning, Ningxia walked out of the room very satisfied. Without Qiyana's interference, he was finally able to have a good time.I thought about making something rich today to comfort Mona.

Ning Xia picked up the jade pendant and was about to go out, when she turned her head and saw Qiyana staring at him with a resentful expression, which made Ning Xia baffled.

"What do you want to eat?" Ning Xia asked.

"Satisfied with salad and noodles with fire meat sauce." Qiyana said, she had been thinking about why humans do this kind of thing yesterday, and why they use that strange movement.

"Are you uncomfortable?" Ning Xia asked while touching Qiyana's head, and checked her body with the breath of life.

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about a question." Qiyana touched her chin and said, pretending to be contemplative, trying to make Ningxia curious.

"Then you continue to think, remember to watch the door of the house." Ning Xia said and closed the door, leaving only Qiyana staring at him resentfully as he was about to leave.

Ning Xia took advantage of the early morning and came to the market in Mond, because he had solved the matter of Tewarin before, and many Mond people were very enthusiastic about him, obviously picking a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits for him.

And Ningxia estimated that Yupeili's ingredients were almost gone, so he bought more vegetables, fruits and meat, so that he could buy fewer times.

Just as Ningxia was about to put some overcooked dishes into Yu Peili, a beautiful figure walked over.

"It's Senior Ningxia! Me, let me help you!" Noelle, who was passing by, enthusiastically took the vegetables from Ningxia's hand.

"Noelle." Ning Xia also greeted Noelle.

"Senior, did you buy so many things?" Noelle said in surprise. There was a big bag of vegetables, a big bag of fruit, and some meat, which was a bit scary.

"If you buy more, you don't have to buy vegetables all the time," Ning Xia explained.

"Hmm... But as for the ingredients, it should be fresher, otherwise it will be bad for your stomach." Noelle said worriedly.

"Well..." Ning Xia picked up a bag of meat and shook it in front of Noelle, then put it into the jade pendant.

"Huh? The meat is gone!" Noelle said in surprise.

Then Ningxia took the fruits and vegetables from Noelle's hands, and put them into the jade pendant as before.


Seeing Noelle's surprised look, Ning Xia also explained the function of the jade pendant to her.

"It's amazing! As expected of Senior Ningxia." Noelle said with longing.

"So Noelle doesn't need to rehearse today?" Ning Xia asked.

"Ah! I'm going to be late! I'm sorry! Senior Ningxia, I'm leaving first!" Noelle said and left in a hurry.

Chapter 335

This episode of Noelle did not affect the speed of Ningxia's return home. When he returned home, Mona had already sorted out the materials, and Qiyana had returned to her childish appearance, but she still looked at him with resentful eyes.

While waiting for breakfast, Qiyana asked to go to the library with Mona. She wanted to visit Lisa who had taken care of her before. Although Ning Xia was a little strange, she didn't care too much, and happened to be going to find Barbara and the others. .

After breakfast, Qiyana took Mona's hand and went to the library together. She gave up the opportunity to go to the library with Ningxia, of course not because it was so simple to see Lisa.

As Tianli, she knows many secrets that ordinary people don't know, but Ningxia's behavior yesterday is still a bit out of line for a pure old maid who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

According to human habits, Qiyana felt that she might find a lot of knowledge that she didn't know in the books, and she might be able to use this to hold Ningxia in reverse.

When the time comes, Ningxia bows her head and bows her head, returns to her peak, punches the Seven Gods, kicks the Abyss, lets that rebellious boy of the Ice God wash her feet, and let Wendy and Morax give her singing and massage, wouldn't it be beautiful?

When Qiyana was secretly complacent, she didn't notice that her mentality had changed in the days when Mond said that he was comfortable but not too comfortable, and that torture was not too tortured.

Gradually becoming...childish?

After watching the second daughter leave, Ningxia came to the church as Barbara said, just in time to see Yingmei, who had changed into an idol costume, waiting for her at the side of the church.

The temperament of Yingmei who put on the idol clothes is more youthful than the regular clothes. The cute and naive face looks youthful and energetic under the shape of a single ponytail.

A pair of slender and tender lotus root arms echoes the white idol clothes. Under the sunshine outside the church, the pair of jade hands of Yingmei shine brightly, which is as eye-catching as night mooring stones under the moonlight.

A pair of jade feet are wrapped in white silk. Against the background of the white silk, the perfection of Yingmei's legs is even more displayed. The graceful lines are like the most perfect creation in the sky, and the shiny little leather shoes include the most beautiful part of it.

Yingmei lowered her head shyly and looked at her shiny leather shoes. Even though Ningxia had seen an idol costume once before, she still felt a little embarrassed in front of Ningxia.

"Ningxia, me, am I ugly?" Yingmei lowered her head and asked in a low voice. The difference in clothes made it worse for her who was not good at chatting in front of Ningxia.

"No, I think it's pretty." Ning Xia said sincerely, Yingmei's body is obviously very cute.

"This, that's it... That's great." Ying said in a mosquito-like voice, if Ningxia's five senses were not far superior to ordinary people, there is probably no way she could not hear it.

"Ah! Then, let me take you to the rehearsal room first!" Yingmei suddenly realized that she and Ning Xia had been standing outside the church for a long time, and hurriedly led Ning Xia to the rehearsal room inside the church.

One of Yingmei's small hands pinched her collar uneasily, the sunlight falling from the French windows of the church just shone on Yingmei's body.

Yingmei moved her body a little comfortably, like a lazy cat, but then remembered that Ningxia was here, and quickly lowered her head again, as if frightened.

The walk from the church to the rehearsal room is not too long, but Yingmei walks with great difficulty. Even if she intends to speed up, she will always slow down for no reason.

Yingmei would occasionally take a peek at Ningxia, but Ningxia was scanning the church. When he came back to visit Qin, he left in a hurry and did not observe the church seriously.

Looking at it now, Ningxia can't help feeling a little ashamed. Many Mondites will come to the church to pray, and the nuns will patiently communicate with believers.

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