From Ningxia's point of view, it seems that Wendy's beliefs are quite strong. Let's not talk about Dao's wife who has been in Ningxia for more than ten years. It seems that there are not many, right?

And Ningxia saw another sneaky figure, it was Albert who was almost captured by Ningxia last time to enjoy the ten tortures of Mond.

Seeing that he seemed to be looking for Barbara among the nuns, Ning Xia smiled kindly, scaring him to run out of the church.

"That person..." Yingmei frowned and looked at Albert who was running away.

"What's wrong?" Ning Xia asked.

"It's's just that after Barbara and I rehearse, he always appears not far away. He is a very strange person." Yingmei said.

"Didn't you harass you?" Ning Xia asked, if Albert remembered eating instead of playing, he wouldn't mind using the friendly physical communication method he used to have with Ling Ren.

"That's not true..." Yingmei scratched her face and said, but she thought that person was weird.

Because of Albert's matter, Yingmei was also willing to chat with Ningxia, and she talked about her rehearsal, and then Yingmei began to complain that when she started rehearsing, she staggered when she walked.

Looking at Yingmei who was madly complaining, Ning Xia almost couldn't help pinching Yingmei's baby-fat face, Yingmei who complained was so cute.

In this way, under Yingmei's complaints, the two quickly came to the rehearsal room behind the church.

As soon as she entered the rehearsal room, Yingmei stood beside Noelle without speaking, waiting for Ningxia's performance with a look of anticipation.

"Mr. Ningxia, you're here!" Barbara asked happily.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia looked at a person in the rehearsal room who shouldn't be here, and was a little surprised.

"Rosalia? Why is she here?" Ning Xia asked.

"This one……"

When Barbara was about to explain to Rosalia, Paimon on the side said first: "In order to avoid Sister Victoria, Rosalia asked her to give answers to believers, so she hid here."

"Hmm... this is very Fengshen." Ning Xia nodded and said.

"No! Master Barbatos wouldn't be like this!" Barbara on the side quickly corrected.

"Huh? You're here?" Rosalia stretched her waist and said, completely ignoring Ning Xia watching her.

After too much experience of Qingyunding and Yingxiangshan, Ningxia has not lost her composure to Rosalia's Longji Snow Mountain, but Yingmei took the initiative to block Rosalia.

"Then, next, Mr. Ning Xia, please tell me about the program to be performed in the concert." Barbara said expectantly. After seeing Ning Xia's performance at the Cat Tail Tavern, she believed that if there was Ning Xia in the concert, it would be very exciting. of.

"In terms of musical instruments?" Ning Xia asked.

"Ah! Mr. Ningxia, don't worry, the Knights have already prepared most of the instruments, especially the rice wife's instruments. We purchased them in Liyue and delivered them as quickly as possible, and they will arrive tomorrow at the latest." Barra said.

Chapter 336 The Girl's Little Secret

"So what are you going to perform?" Rosalia asked, crossing her chest, with a pair of long legs put together, looking very elegant.

"Hey, Rosalia is also curious, right? Otherwise, she wouldn't come to the rehearsal room to watch us rehearse every day." Paimon said with a smile.

"Ha...not really, it's just that the church is a more suitable place to rest." Rosalia said with a yawn.

Recently, Abyss has been a lot more honest, which made her work a lot easier, but this does not prevent her from fishing here, and by the way, she can watch the show before everyone else in Mond.

"my words……"

Ning Xia looked at the guitar on the side, and asked, "Can I use this?"

"No problem." Barbara nodded.

Ningxia tried the strings first, and then began to play according to the score in memory.

"Lately I've been tossing and turning and having trouble sleeping..."

With the melodious melody of Ningxia's guitar and Ningxia's lazy voice, people feel a little tired, but gradually rise with the rhythm.

The cheerful and high rhythm, Ningxia's sudden change of voice, and free and easy lyrics are like a match made in heaven.

"What do you think?" Ning Xia asked, this is a song he likes very much.

"Very good." Rosalia on the side said, and then stood up.

"Although the rhythm is good, your voice makes me sleepy. I'll go back to sleep first." Rosalia said and left.

"It sounds great! Senior!" Noelle said with a serious face. Although she only found Ning Xia's lazy voice very attractive at first, the change in rhythm and Ning Xia's voice made her more and more astonished the more she listened.

"Yes, I... also like it very much." Yingmei said, grabbing her collar, she really liked Ningxia's lazy voice at the beginning, even though she knew she couldn't fall into it, she couldn't help it when she heard his voice up...

"Thank you." Ning Xia said, this is a song he particularly likes, even now he still remembers it deeply.

"Mr. Ningxia..." Barbara held Ningxia's hand and said seriously.

"The song just now must have needed the help of other instrumentalists to complete it! What kind of instrument do you need, what kind of musicians do you need to help, I will definitely find a way!" Barbara asked excitedly.

She has studied music and naturally knows how good Ningxia's song is. Whether it is the melody, lyrics or Ningxia's unique voice, both are indispensable.

The only pity is that there is only a guitar as an accompaniment, which makes the rhythm in some places missing. Although Ningxia has covered it up very well, but if there is nothing, there is nothing. In Barbara's opinion, how can such a thing be regrettable.

"Um, Barbara, can you calm down first?" Ning Xia asked, this little girl usually looks quiet and gentle, but she didn't expect her hand strength to be considered strong among ordinary people.

"Ah! I'm sorry!!!" Barbara realized her impoliteness and quickly apologized to Ningxia.

"Ahem, since Barbara thinks there is no problem with Ningxia's performance, I think it's time to help him prepare the accompaniment." Yingmei smoothed things over.

Ningxia said all the musicians they needed, and asked Barbara to see if they could find them all.

"It's no problem. The Fontaine band that accompanied us has them. They can also accompany Mr. Ningxia." Barbara said, looking forward to the concert the day after tomorrow.

She really wanted to hear Ningxia's singing with full accompaniment! ! !

After receiving approval from Barbara and others, Ningxia did not disturb Yingmei and the others to continue rehearsing, and left after writing their respective scores.

He intends to go to the library to find Mona to see how her research is doing. As for Qiyana, Ningxia still just treats her like a child, so Ningxia guesses that Qiyana should be acting like a baby with Lisa now, right?


"Qiana, be careful, Sister Lisa doesn't like people going to the restricted area." Keli said in a low voice. The feeling, so Keli still remembers it fresh.

"Ke Li, is there anything taboo in the restricted area? Why aren't people allowed to enter?" Qiyana asked curiously.

"Ke Li doesn't know, because Sister Lisa said that it's not a good child to peek at the banned books, so Ke Li hasn't read the books inside." Ke Li waved her hand and said.

When Kiyana first came to the library, she met Keli who had just come out of the confinement room. Under Kiyana's flickering, Keli inexplicably brought Kiyana to the most terrifying place in the library-Forbidden Books district.

Kiyana's idea is that the survivors of the Seven Dragon Kings in the past liked to put the most important knowledge into the forbidden books, so the forbidden books will definitely have the answers they want.

For this reason, she didn't hesitate to fool the little Keli in front of her who completely trusted her. Fortunately, no one knew what she was doing, otherwise her life as the law of heaven would definitely end, right?

Under Keli's leadership, Kiyana perfectly avoided Lisa who was sleeping in beauty, and got a pink book in the deepest place.

""The Emperor's Uncle's Travels"? What a strange name." Qiyana looked at the book in her hand suspiciously, why such a strange book was placed in the deepest part.

With the mentality of taking everything, Qiyana turned a few pages curiously, and suddenly, she understood most of what Ningxia did yesterday.

"Yuan, so I peeked at that kind of thing yesterday...ah!!! I really want to die!!!" Tianli strangled his neck, hoping that someone with good intentions would strangle him to death.

She peeked at it for most of the night yesterday, it turned out to be human... and she was actually curious, and...

Thinking of himself who was curious yesterday, Tianli just wanted to send him away quickly. In this case, what face would he have to see Ningxia? He was obviously just using him, why would he...

Keli, who originally wanted to comfort Qiyana, noticed the black shadow approaching in the distance, and quickly pulled Laqiyana.

Covering her face and doubting her life, Tianli didn't notice Kelila's movements, so Keli had no choice but to leave alone.

"Qiana~Why are you here?" Lisa asked with a smile on her face. If you ignore the crackling lightning on her body, Lisa now looks like a gentle big sister.

"Li, Sister Lisa, I, I was looking for a book of fairy tales, but then I came here out of nowhere." Kiyana blinked her eyes, trying to pass the test cutely.

"Oh? Is that so? It's just that if you come here, you will be punished whether you want it or not~" Lisa said, making Qiyana experience the numb feeling again.

After sending away the black-mouthed Qiyana, Lisa carefully put away the book. This book is one of the best books in the world. The reason why Lisa can drive like this is all thanks to the technical guidance in it.

Without these technical guidance, Lisa might only be a little better than an innocent girl like Qin in this respect, and she would be easily defeated.

But this kind of book Lisa is not willing to let others see, after all...

Every girl always has a few little secrets of her own~

Chapter 337 Sister or lover?

"Qiana, are you okay?" Keli asked, who poked Qiyana who had given up. She had been shocked several times, and she was not like Qiyana.

"No, it's nothing, just thinking about something." Kiyana said with her face covered, she was actually interested in things like humans, it's thanks to others not knowing, otherwise she would have committed suicide first.

"Okay, if you're unhappy, Keli will take you to fry fish! I didn't have time to eat the freshly fried fish last time." Keli said with a regretful face.

"No need, Keli, I want to be alone for a while." Qiyana said, she just thought she was an idiot, why should she peek curiously! ! !

"Okay then, Keli is going to play first!" Keli was about to leave bouncing around, but just when she came to the door, she met Ning Xia who was looking for Mona.

"Wow! Brother Ningxia!" Keli immediately hugged Ningxia's thigh and shouted. She was almost bored to death in the confinement room, and happened to meet Ningxia who treated her very well.

"Little Keli, I haven't seen you for a few days." Ning Xia hugged Keli and said, Xiao Keli is much cuter than Qiyana's obedient, and he is quite willing to play with her.

"Brother Ningxia, are you here to find Qiyana? She doesn't look very happy." Keli said.

"Then let's go to the library first." Ning Xia rubbed Keli's head and said.

"Ningxia, why are you here?" Mona asked happily with a few books beside her.

"Come to find you." Ning Xia pinched Mona's face and said.

"I, I'm going to continue looking for information first." Mona blushed and ran away.

Looking at Mona's fleeing figure, Ning Xia looked at Qiyana, who was born and I'm sorry.

"Qiana? What's wrong?" Ning Xia came to Qiyana's side and asked.

"No, why..." Qiyana lowered her head and said, she can say something like peeping at you! ! !

"Qiana, don't be unhappy, let brother Ningxia take us to play!" Keli comforted.

"Kelly! Why are you sitting on his lap!" Kiyana didn't realize that the seat that belonged to her when she lost her temper was taken by Keli.

"Huh? Keli has always been sitting here." Keli said doubtfully, she used to sit on Ningxia's lap to rest when she was tired from playing.

" that so?" Kiyana said sourly, feeling that her position was taken away by Keli.

"Qiana, do you want to continue reading here, or do you want us to go out to play?" Ning Xia asked Keli while hugging her.

"I...I'm going too!" Kiyana stood up and said.

"Okay! Someone played with Keli!" Keli said happily, and Ning Xia gently rubbed Keli's head, which made Qiyana sore again.

"Is Keli considered brother Ningxia's younger sister now?" Keli asked.

"Of course! Little Keli." Ning Xia pinched Keli's chubby little face and said.

Kapaqili, who was far away in Liyue, suddenly felt uneasy, and she felt that the grassland above her head was wider.

"Kappa Qili?" Sara asked beside him.

"No, it's nothing, maybe I miss my brother again." Kapaqili said, feeling relieved, after all, Morax was not by her side, and she didn't have to worry about being unscrewed.

"Sister Sara, when are we going to find my brother?" Kapaqili asked, now she was more and more worried about whether her brother would recognize her sister behind her back.

"Oh...they are really...too enthusiastic." Sara smiled wryly, originally she wanted to go there with a cold face, but she just went to Yujing Terrace, and the women she knew in Ningxia came to visit her one after another .

What lawyers, civil servants, even Liyue Seven Stars, and finally Liyue's immortals all came to her, and she who originally wanted to ask her to blame was immediately overwhelmed by the enthusiastic girls.

At the same time, she also collected a lot of evidence against her younger brother: "Pretending to be boyfriend and girlfriend with Gan Yu to meet parents, dating with Ke Qing every now and then, playing cosplay with Ye Lan, and almost being imprisoned in the Immortal Cave Mansion, the worst thing is being with Beidou Fake engagement."

After seeing the fake engagement, Sara's blood pressure immediately went up. Because of his high drinking, Aren and Ningxia got engaged for no reason.

After finally escaping a catastrophe, it turned out that his younger brother had only been in Liyue for a long time, and he was actually engaged to that Beidou here!

Sara just wanted to slap herself twice at this time, regretting that she should have invited Beidou back then, she thought that Beidou's character would not do such a thing, or that it didn't fit her brother's character.

As a result, she got engaged directly, even if it was just a fake engagement, it made Sara feel a little uncomfortable, especially Aren who was still drinking tea beside her.

"Sister Sara, the tea is ready." Aren handed a cup of tea to Sara and said.

"Thank you..." Sara took the tea and took a sip.

"Sister Sara, don't you..." Ah Ren said suddenly, with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face.

"Why? What's the matter?" Shaluo asked guiltyly, she always felt like she was seen through by Aren.

"Aren't you reluctant for brother Ningxia to be with other women, or you too...?" Although Ah Ren used interrogative sentences, he had a determined expression on his face.

"This..." When it came to this, Sara's head froze immediately. Although he didn't want to admit it, he did interfere too much with his brother's communication with other women.

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