"No problem, tomorrow I will send the bonus together with your rewards for paying the Abyss Religion." Qin patted her own Star Picking Cliff and said, since Kaiya has already dealt with everything, if she shirks it, It seemed hypocritical.

"Spray Knight, you should also go to rest, I will handle the matter alone." Kaiya said cheerfully, since Ningxia came, his wallet hasn't bulged much.

He usually doesn't care much about money, but now he has to work hard for the bonus.

After watching the girls leave, Kaiya turned to look at Diluc, whose hands were wrapped in bandages, in the alley.

"Master Di Luke, if you are injured, you should rest a little longer, and don't move around casually, or you will hurt the wound." Kaiya said cheerfully.

"Hmph! I'm not like someone who was almost injured by the guys from the Abyss Cult after getting the information." Di Luke snorted coldly.

"You've misunderstood me. I met a guy who is more difficult than an abyss mage. That's why I did this." Kaiya said helplessly.

"I don't know how much good wine you can exchange this information with Master Diluc?" Kaiya walked to Diluc and said.

"... Let's talk about it." Di Luke said and took Kaia back to the angel's gift. When Kaia came out, it was already approaching the start of the concert.

Kaya weighed the two bottles of dandelion wine in his hand, planning to find some time to enjoy.

Yingmei and Noelle, who had been rehearsing repeatedly in the church, were still a little unconfident, always feeling that they would make mistakes, and it was rare for Kiana not to fight with Capaccili, but to sit alone in a chair in a daze.

Ningxia casually picked up the guitar to try out the sound with the band, and even brought out some other music. Paimeng brought tea and water to Ningxia like a competent butler, making Yingmei who had worked so hard to rehearse happy. Some are jealous.

This Paimeng is usually lazy, and she can push things around, but as soon as she meets Ningxia, she turns into a licking dog in seconds.

And Paimeng didn't think there was anything wrong with being a dog licker, she only knew that if Ningxia gave her some rewards, the journey behind her and Yingmei wouldn't have to be so hard.

Perhaps because of the fact that they met each other, both Sara and Barbara had a feeling of resentment towards each other. In some strange topics, the two formed a deep friendship.

Chapter 359

"Ha~ I slept so comfortably, well, I'll just leave Barbara to me." Rosalia stretched her waist and came to the church and said, she had a rare sleep today.

"Well, it's time to go to the stage." Ning Xia looked at the big clock of the church and said, and called her sister Mona and others to go to the stage together.

On the way to the stage, Rosalia played her special skills perfectly, and many fanatical fans who tried to get close to Barbara were already appeased by her friendly way of interrogating prisoners.

It's not like Barbara didn't want to persuade Rosalia to be gentle, but she only got a perfunctory response from Rosalia who was physically persuading fans.

Under the protection of Rosalia, Barbara came to the stage safely, ignoring the wailing fans along the way, although they were somewhat self-inflicted.

Because Kaiya contracted the management of the patrol team, Qin also came to the dressing room behind the stage early.

"Sister!" Barbara greeted Qin happily. At first, she was a little worried that Qin would not be able to come because of the Knights.

"Barbara, go get ready first, I'm going to play." Qin hesitated, but still touched Barbara's head.

"Hehehe, okay." Barbara agreed with a smile. Since the two of them eliminated the barrier last time, the communication has become a little easier. At least it won't be that one calls the elder sister to lead the team leader, and the other calls the younger sister to lead the young lady.

"Ningxia, please prepare yourself. After Barbara and the others finish, I will trouble you to play." Qin then said to Ningxia.

"I understand." Ning Xia nodded and said, but before that, he had to take his sister and the others to the special seats for the families of the knight order.

Then Qin took a deep breath and was about to go on stage for the opening ceremony. The host of the concert approached her at the beginning. At that time, the abyss was not so lively, so she agreed to come down.

As a result, the abyss has been bouncing so hard these two days that she is ready to find Margaret, who is good at chatting, to replace her.

The Fontaine Band not only contracted the music, but also the stage layout and lighting. At first glance, it looks like that.

Qin stood on the stage and briefly talked about the opening ceremony and the purpose of the concert.

After a rough talk, Qin announced that the first program this time would be an idol dance featuring Barbara.

As the curtain fell over the stage, Barbara's soft voice and her signature music blared.

After the curtain rose, Barbara was in the center, and Yingmei Noelle stood on the stage from left to right, dancing to the music.

After Barbara appeared, waves of screams and wailing broke out in the auditorium, most of them were Miss Barbara, I am your dog, I will always like Barbara, Barbara rush, etc. of.

Although many other viewers were a little uncomfortable under the crazy howls of Barbara's fans, they soon discovered that Noelle and the honorary knight are also super cute!

How could such lovely girls be buried like this?Soon the auditorium was tidy and I was Barbara's dog and I was Noelle's dog and I was Knight of Honor's dog and so on.

Paimeng, who was originally cheering for Yingmei at the family table, was almost blown away by the howls of the fans, but it was Sara who grabbed her into his arms to make her safe.

It's okay to say that Barbara is used to it, but Yingmei and Noelle can't stand it anymore. Why do they suddenly have so many dogs.

Especially Yingmei, a social terrorist, if she hadn't had no money, she wouldn't have agreed to Barbara's commission. Now she has the urge to commit suicide on stage.

In particular, Ningxia behind the scenes was watching her performance with great interest, which made Yingmei, who was already socially phobic, even more infuriated.

Trying to keep myself from making mistakes, the original few minutes of dancing was like hours of torment for Yingmei.

Every time she shifted positions, she would take this opportunity to take a look at Ningxia, to make sure that Ningxia was not disappointed with her performance, so she felt a little relieved.

Qin stood behind Ning Xia. She had been hesitating how to confess to Ning Xia about the Dandelion girl. She knew that she would have confessed to him from the beginning.

Otherwise, Ningxia wouldn't have seen her embarrassed appearance, making it impossible for her to say what she wanted to say now.

Under the howling of various dogs in the auditorium looking for their owners, the three of Barbara completed the first performance.

A man in the crowd with a photo camera put away the photo camera with satisfaction. He estimated that if the video was shown to the prince, the prince would be very happy.

When the curtain fell, Qin came on stage again and commented on the performance just now. Thanks to Qin's reputation in Mond and Qin's own talent in language, everyone had no opinion on Qin's evaluation. (But Qin is not good at the language of driving)

Next was Barbara's one-man show. Taking advantage of this time, Barbara changed into other clothes and prepared to perform on stage.

Yingmei blushed and pulled Ningxia's sleeve and asked in a low voice, "Ning, Ningxia, my performance just now, no, no problem?"

"Very cute, I like it very much." Ning Xia said honestly, both Yingmei and Noelle are very cute types, Ning Xia thinks that they will definitely be no worse than Barbara as idols.

"But, are you cute?" Yingmei covered her tomato-like face, was she really cute? (Author: Yingmei is the cutest in the world!)

"Ex, what about me, senior?" Noelle also asked a little shyly. It was also her first time to play, and it was a bit out of line for her.

"Noelle is also very cute, especially the posture of turning around." Ning Xia thought of Noelle's gesture of scissorhands after turning around just now, he is simply an otaku killer, isn't it?

"Really! Really?" Noelle excitedly held Ning Xia's hand, and being affirmed by her respected senior was the greatest encouragement for her.

"Noelle, you're a little..." Yingmei at the side said a little jealously.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Noelle said hastily letting go.

At this time, Barbara outside had already started her performance, and everyone used this reason to stop discussing the performance just now.

Yuanshang glanced casually at Barbara who was singing, thinking that the prince just asked him to record his sister's performance for him, and didn't say when to send it over.

So, he, Yuanshang, caught the fish.

Following the end of Yingmei and Noelle, the dogs in the auditorium were once again occupied by Barbara's army, although there were also a few who didn't know how to howl at others.

But this kind of behavior of calling "I love Liming" at the God of Songs concert directly got a beating from Barbara's fans.

Looking at the stormy auditorium, Ning Xia couldn't help but feel lucky that she had asked Qin for the Knights' Family Seat.

Chapter 360 Sofa

Barbara sang very well, and Ningxia's close listening didn't have the hustle and bustle of the concert auditorium below. Yingmei, who was a little proud of Ningxia's praise, couldn't help feeling disappointed after seeing Barbara's one-man show.

In terms of idols, I am not Barbara's opponent at all, whether it is singing or dancing, but... Yingmei recovered a lot from the original lost mood after Ning Xia praised her for being cute.

Ningxia hummed along with the melody, and Barbara's voice belonged to the type of God's appreciating food. The gentle and soft voice soothed the hearts of the Mond people who had just passed the Fengmolong.

"Why, why do I have to come here to listen to you!?" The straggler covered his ears and said, it wasn't that Barbara sang badly, but mainly because the people around were too noisy, which made him a little irritable.

"Your uncle will also perform, so I'll take you over to have a look." The lady sat gracefully in the auditorium and said, the area around the two of them had been cleared by fools.

Anyway, the reputation of fools in Mond is already hated by everyone, and it’s not bad. Those subordinates who are loyal to the lady are still very loyal even though they wonder why the lady is interested in singing this kind of little girl. The fulfillment of the lady's order.

As soon as the lady said that Ningxia would also perform, the skirmisher's face immediately turned green enough to feed Gan Yu. He would rather be teased by the pink fox than be called a nephew by Ningxia.

If he hadn't surrendered to the enemy, when he met Ningxia, he would have given Ningxia a taste of what it feels like to slash his ass with a long knife.

Although the skirmisher didn't know, if he hadn't recognized his uncle quickly, Ningxia was already planning to throw him into the fruit wine lake for fishing before he got mad.

The straggler touched the heart of God hidden in his chest. If he didn't meet the real heart, he would definitely use this thing to do something that disappointed the real one.

After Barbara's performance was over, Qin went on stage and said something about Ningxia's appearance, which probably meant that Ningxia was performing as a representative of the Knights. Qin said it well, not only because Ningxia was her pen pal.

After all, Ningxia saved her once in a sense, and she was not included in the candidate list of the Knights because she hadn't recovered during the concert.

After Ning Xia announced her participation, she also recovered, and Qin also knew that Ning Xia was fooled by Lisa. As soon as she heard the news, she was ready. If Ning Xia was unwilling, she would find a way to help him solve this problem. of.

It's just that when the time comes, the person who needs to play is himself, followed by Kaia, Lisa Amber and others, but Kaia and Lisa are crazy about playing football, and Amber just came back because of a mission, so it is not suitable to appear The performance, in the end, will definitely be my own performance.

This is a bit embarrassing for Qin. If you ask her to help people find cats and dogs, and adjust the relationship problems of young couples, she can do it well, but let her perform on stage...

She's also not sure if she can learn Barbara's dancing and singing in a day and be able to dance perfectly on stage.

So she is still very grateful to Ningxia. If she really plays, her performance will only disappoint the audience.

As soon as they heard that Ningxia was on stage, many Barbara fans began to boo to express their dissatisfaction, but their booing was quickly covered by a burst of screams at a higher decibel.

Many girls who had heard Ningxia sing in the cattail tavern shouted Ningxia's name frantically, and the momentum instantly overwhelmed Barbara's fans.

Ningxia's appearance originally belonged to the type that is suitable for all ages, the yearning of teenagers, and the favorite type of rich women, plus the merits of solving Fengmolong and Ningxia's singing voice is no worse than Barbara, even if Ningxia only sang once in the Cattail Tavern , also gained a lot of fans.

And Ningxia also took the stage very calmly, after all, he was also the one who issued the decree beside Dao Wife and Zaying, and singing a song on stage was just a trivial matter for him.

Ning Xia gestured to the band, and as the music started, her lazy and casual voice immediately captivated the hearts of the audience.

The beginning of the music wasn't very attractive, but with Ning Xia's voice, people who were originally indifferent to Ning Xia's appearance couldn't help but prick up their ears to listen.

When Ning Xia sang, she and Barbara were in two extremes. When Barbara came on stage, the audience was often howling wolves.

Here in Ningxia, apart from Ningxia's music and Ningxia's high-pitched singing, there are almost no other sounds.

This song is as clear as a Wang Qingquan, as clear as gurgling water, even though it is dark now, the audience vaguely feel that they are bathed in the sun.

After the song was over, Ning Xia waved his hand and left without looking back, completely ignoring the girls' request to come again.

"My performance is over, and I will leave it to you." Ning Xia said casually, and then sat on the sofa that Rosalia came from nowhere.

"It's very comfortable, where did you get it?" Ning Xia sat on the sofa and asked, this sofa was much better than the one he had in Mond's house, which made his heart flutter.

"Kaya's." Rosalia squinted her eyes and said, she had already read all the rehearsal content of Barbara and the others, and she stayed here mainly to protect Barbara.

"Then he's quite generous." Ning Xia sighed, he thought Kaiya would be the type who would smile on the surface and stab you in the back, but he didn't expect him to be a nice person.

"He owes me the money for the drink, so he gave it to me as a mortgage." Rosalia said that she did not know where to find a bottle of wine and said. Last time Kaiya promised to buy her a drink, but she didn't drink it. The sofa was mortgaged to her.

"...Didn't he just get paid?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously. He heard from Amber that the Knights got paid a few days ago.

"I heard that the traveler named Ying and the little flying object were invited to eat, and then ate up all the money." Rosalia took a sip of wine and said, lying on the sofa without image, not caring that she was there The posture in front of Ning Xia was somewhat indecent.

"He...maybe the five elements are short of gold recently." Ningxia almost laughed out loud. Kaiya drank with him before, and he drank away his savings. Unexpectedly, after paying his salary, he was killed by Paimengdan.

At this time, Kaiya, who was patrolling outside, declined the invitation of his subordinates to eat supper together, and got into the angel's gift to ask for a drink. At this time, the benefits of Di Luke's sharp mouth and tofu heart were reflected.

Although he disliked him for eating and drinking for free, when he was really poor, Diluque would still allow him to pay on credit, and he remembered less interest, so he would not ask him for debt.

Kaiya ate the appetizers that Di Luke gave him, wondering why he was always out of money recently, but after thinking that he would have money tomorrow, his mood improved a lot, at least he could redeem his sofa.

Chapter 361 Qin is a Dandelion Girl?

With the first start, Yingmei and Noelle have adapted a lot in the subsequent performances. At least the wailing sounds of the large dogs in the auditorium can no longer affect their performance.

Ning Xia dragged the sofa to find a better angle, beckoned Qin to sit on the sofa and watched, and took out some snacks for the second daughter.

"Thank you, thank you..." Qin blushed and took the snacks given by Ningxia, and ate them in small bites. Rosalia was not polite, and directly treated the snacks as dishes, and ate the snacks and the wine, feeling uncomfortable.

The next performance is the one-man show of Yingmei trio or Barbara, so Ningxia and Rosalia, who only performed once on the sofa, lie down for a long time

"Rosalia." Ning Xia said while gnawing on the marinated chicken leg.

"What's the matter? By the way, do you still have duck necks? Bring more." Rosalia said while gnawing on the duck necks.

"Do you sell this sofa?" Ning Xia casually handed a bag of duck necks to Rosalia and said, this sofa fits his idea.

"Well..." Rosalia gnawed on the neck of the duck and thought about it.

"Bring me a glass of wine, this sofa is for you." Rosalia thought to herself that Kaiya didn't say that she couldn't give it to others. If it was given to Ningxia, he probably wouldn't mind, right?

"Deal!" Ningxia readily agreed, and then took out the Sanguotou he found from Wendy. This thing is too powerful, and it's too dangerous to keep around. Why don't you give it to Rosalia as a favor? .

"Not bad." Rosalia said after taking a deep breath into the mouth of the bottle, the mellow aroma of the wine directly hooked Rosalia's greedy worms.

"Wait!" Ning Xia hastily stopped Rosalia who was about to drink. This stuff caused accidents every time. To be on the safe side, he suggested that Rosalia go home and drink.

"If you are reluctant, I won't return it to you." Rosalia shook the bottle and said, she didn't want to miss this kind of good wine.

"No, no, the main reason is that this wine is very strong, so I suggest you go home and drink it." Ning Xia kindly suggested, this is the feeling he has experienced several times.

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