"Oh! I can't get drunk." Rosalia didn't care about the strength of the wine that Ning Xia said at all, and directly took a sip of the wine, the hot feeling almost made her spit out.

"Gulu Gulu ~ Gudong!" After Rosalia finally swallowed it, she felt her stomach burning, and her pale face was instantly flushed.

"Just? That's it?" Rosalia said with blurred eyes, obviously a little drunk, but she was still able to speak hard.

Fortunately, Qin came back at this time, and when she saw Rosalia's appearance, she immediately helped her lie down, lest she suddenly go crazy with alcohol, which would be bad.

Under the watchful eye of Qin and Ning Xia, Rosalia didn't get drunk and fell asleep on the sofa, but this made Qin embarrassed.

With no one else present, Qin and Ning Xia began to stutter when speaking, and even almost made a mistake when speaking on stage.

However, the concert came to an end in an orderly manner. At the end, Barbara, Yingmei, Noelle, Ning Xia and others shared their thoughts and farewells.

According to the sequence, after Barbara finished speaking, it was Noelle and Yingmei's turn. Compared with Noelle, Yingmei could only barely say a word before handing it over to Ningxia.

Ning Xia cleared his throat and said something like thanking the audience for their support. Finally, he asked Barbara if he could take this opportunity to find someone.

Barbara said that there is no problem. After all, most of Mond's people have come to participate this time, and there should be people Ningxia wants to find among them.

It's just that these words made Yula in the auditorium and Qin, who was on the side as the host, thump in their hearts. Now the two daughters don't know whether they should stop Ning Xia from continuing.

"Well, actually, I came to Mond because of an invitation from a pen pal. Although I haven't met her in the real sense, I can imagine from the envelopes that I communicate with that she is a very good West Wind knight. , in the letter, humility, honesty, bravery, kindness, strength, and respect for these qualities."

"After seeing your invitation, I have already started to prepare for coming to Mond. Although I made a small mistake with Liyue, I arrived in Mond intact."

"Now I also want to ask, are you in the auditorium, Dandelion girl?" Ning Xia asked earnestly, causing constant discussions in the auditorium.

Amber looked at Yula who was covering her face in disbelief. She had seen the pseudonym Dandelion Girl when she sent a letter to Qin last time. If Ningxia found Qin, why would it have something to do with Yula? Speaking of the love triangle, Amber immediately understood that Yula was talking about her, Qin, and Ningxia, not herself.

And Qin on the top completely lost her sense of proportion. The matter has reached this point, and she has to come out and admit it, otherwise she doesn't know how it will end today.

Yuanshang, who was about to run away, looked at Ningxia's question above, and immediately stopped calling the abyss portal, but the aura he caused had already been noticed by Qiyana

In an instant, the terrified Yuanshang immediately left through the abyss portal, without even maintaining his human form, and rushed into the portal in the form of an apostle.

At this time, the atmosphere that had been heightened to the extreme because of Ningxia's questioning on the stage was also broken by Yuanshang. Yula, who was originally sitting in the family seat of the knight order, immediately maintained the order with Amber.

Qin also took this opportunity to interrupt Ningxia's inquiry, and said that she had already found out about the Dandelion girl, and asked Ningxia to give her some more time before she could confess to him.

Then the knights in charge of the concert guards were summoned to check whether there were people from the abyss hiding in the crowd, and people from the abyss were hiding in the concert. This kind of thing is too dangerous.

Qiyana showed a sneer, she was not worried that Yuanshang would notice her, after all, her identity could not be understood by any apostle of the abyss.

At best, he would only feel that Mondry had a very powerful existence aware of his identity.

As long as she doesn't admit it, and doesn't show the power of heaven in public, no matter who she is now, she is just a cute little Qiyana.

Looking at the chaotic scene, Ningxia had no choice but to go on, obviously this time she couldn't find the Dandelion girl again.

She had no choice but to go back behind the scenes, and after the matter was under control, she went home with her sister and the others. As for finding what Qin said, Ningxia felt a little in suspense.

If you really found it, why didn't you tell yourself earlier, and you have to wait for a while before you can tell.

Could it be that the dandelion girl is Qin?

"Hiss..." Ningxia suddenly felt that this idea seemed quite possible, especially when Jieqin would always act strangely every time she met him.

It's just that Ningxia doesn't understand, if Qin is a dandelion girl, why wouldn't she admit it?

Chapter 362 Forgive Me, Sister

Yuan Shang, who had successfully escaped, sat on the ground with lingering fear. For a moment, he felt that he was dead.

"Yuan Shang, have you brought back what I asked you to bring?" Kong asked solemnly, this expression made the apostles standing beside him respect him, he didn't expect His Royal Highness to be the guard of the reclaimed ruins in Sumeru After preparing, he still spared no time to rest and returned to Mond to devote himself to the abyss.

"Your Highness, this information is very precious, I hope..." Yuanshang said knowingly, he could see at a glance that His Highness did not want these abyssal apostles to see the beauty of the princess.

"You go down first." Kong said lightly.

"Yes! Your Royal Highness!" the abyss apostle said respectfully, and then left through the portal. Since His Royal Highness has worked so hard, what reason do they have to continue fishing?

When the outsider left, Sora's serious expression couldn't hold back any longer, and he immediately snatched the camera from Yuanshang and said, "Where is my sister!? How is her performance!?"

"Your Highness, don't worry, wait until I release it for you." Yuan Shang didn't even have time to say what happened at the concert just now.

Sora started to prepare for the broadcast of the concert, and as the camera was released, Yingmei's figure was projected on the wall, which made Kong a little more at ease.

"Sister, please forgive me, I will definitely take you away after I solve the law of heaven..." Kong said to the projection, in his opinion, he alone is enough to fight against the law of heaven. Travel the seven countries honestly and wait for him to come back.

Yuanshang hesitated to speak, and finally did not tell about Mond. After all, in the current state, no one would listen to what he said.

Behind the scenes of the concert, Yingmei sat next to Ning Xia, asking her in a low voice how the performance was going and whether there was anything wrong.

Ning Xia was not stingy with his compliments to Yingmei and Barbara Noelle, coupled with his witty words, the atmosphere quickly became active.

Seeing how active the atmosphere was, Ningxia took out snacks and distributed them to the girls. After trying the spicy duck neck, Barbara felt refreshed and asked Ningxia with a blushing face if she had this kind of spicy duck neck. Snacks.

Ningxia was not stingy with the snacks, took out a big bag and gave it to Barbara, and asked Yingmei and Noelle if they liked it.

The shy Yingmei refused again and again, not because she didn't like the snacks made by Ningxia, but mainly because she was not very good at asking for things from others, especially Ningxia.

In the end, Ning Xia gave Yingmei a big bag as a reason to eat for Paimeng. Although she didn't know each other for a long time, Ning Xia still liked this cute blonde girl very much.

"Ying! Ningxia!" At this time, Paimeng, Saluo and others who had passed the inspection came to the backstage of the stage and saw the snacks in Yingmei's hand.Paimon immediately regained his spirits.

Coyly asking if he could eat it, after getting the consent of Ningxia and Yingmei, he unceremoniously took the snacks in Yingmei's hand and ate it.

Now they have to wait for the inspection to be completed before they can leave. During this time, everyone is relying on Ningxia's snacks to pass the time.

Naturally, the first people in the audience to be inspected were the lady and the skirmishers. The lady was fine, but the skirmishers were a little unhappy. If he hadn't subconsciously touched the heart of God hidden in his chest, he had designated The knight who touched him slashed.

After the inspection by the Knights, the irritable straggler was about to leave Mond, and he couldn't stay in this place for a second.

The lady's ransom has been paid in full, and after seeing Ningxia for the last time, she also estimated that she would go back to pay the God's Heart, so she didn't stay any longer, and planned to leave Mond tomorrow morning.

The stragglers were not in that mood, and called their men to leave Mond overnight. When they passed the Longji Snow Mountain, they even met the doctor's men.

At this time, a young slice of a doctor began to invite stragglers to do an experiment. The stragglers who originally wanted to refuse hesitated, but agreed, because this happened to be what he wanted most, and he had no way to refuse.

After the young Slice arranged for his men to maintain the machinery, he left with the skirmishers. He had a crazy plan, and this plan needed people like the skirmishers as containers.

After the concert was over, everyone went back to their homes, but Barbara excitedly expressed that she wanted to learn how to make spicy duck neck from Ning Xia, and Noelle also told her that she would come back to Ning Xia to learn swordsmanship and so on.

These are not bad, but the most terrible thing is that Qin asked Ningxia to go to the angel's gift the day after tomorrow, and Shaluo smiled behind him, which made Ningxia's heart skip a beat.

After agreeing to everything with a forced smile, Ningxia tremblingly followed behind Sara, he was thinking if Sara was angry this time, should he kneel down and admit his mistake first, or pour a cup of tea and kneel down to admit his mistake first.

No matter how strong he is outside, even if he punches Tianli and kicks the abyss, he will still maintain the role of a younger brother in front of Sharo.

Sara walked in front, feeling envious that Qin could openly invite Ning Xia on a date. Under the long-term sibling relationship, no matter how strict she is outside, she will still maintain the role of an older sister in front of Ning Xia.

In this way, the two were one in front of the other, one was as stable as Mount Tai on the surface, but was sore in his heart, and the other was panicked on the surface, but even more panicked in his heart.

Mona opened the topic for the two of them with some embarrassment, and began to discuss how the song Ning Xia sang just now was.

This topic quickly cheered up my younger brother, Kuangmo Shaluo, and started talking to Mona about other songs Ning Xia sang. Take it out and blow it again.

Although Mona is not used to the enthusiastic Sara, she still reluctantly complies with Sara, after all, Sara is quite cute now.

But Ningxia felt relieved when she saw that Shaluo didn't seem to be angry. It seemed that her sister was still the same old sister who liked to brag about herself.

Thinking about how to reward Mona when she went back, Qiyana pulled Ningxia and said, "Brother, I'm tired, can you hug me?"

Seeing the coquettish Qiyana, Ningxia naturally did not refuse, but Qiyana's coquettish behavior got Kapaqili a burst of yin and yang.

Qiyana didn't argue with Capaccili this time, but hugged Ning Xia's neck and gave her a mocking expression.

She is not in the mood to compete with Capaccili now, and she wants to find a chance to go to the sundial that Amber mentioned.

And Ningxia could only coax Kapaqili and carry Qiyana home.

Chapter 363

After returning home, Kapaqili wanted to continue sleeping with Ningxia, but Qiyana was not happy, and clamored to sleep with Ningxia today.

The appearance of rolling and rolling made Sara cute, so under Kapaqili's resentful gaze, Qiyana proudly carried Ningxia into the room.

"Qiana, sleep well." Ning Xia said after covering Qiyana with the quilt.

"Yeah!" Qiyana nodded again and again, and after Ningxia went to bed, she hugged his hand and slept honestly. Seeing how honest Qiyana was, Ningxia could sleep in peace.

In the middle of the night, Qiyana opened her eyes. At this time, she had recovered her girlish state. When she saw Ning Xia facing her sleeping face, her little face blushed immediately.

One of her hands was pressed by Ning Xia's arm, and she could break free with a little effort.

"I, I can't break free just because you are pressing me down." Qiyana thought to herself, she already felt her heart was about to pop out.

Carefully approached some Ningxias, and began to self-hypnotize that he was a little cold to approach, and then inadvertently gave Ningxias a sip before falling asleep peacefully.

Because of this concert, many people in Mond City suffered from insomnia, and the most serious insomnia was Qin. At this time, she made cup after cup of coffee.

She used it to refresh herself by confessing to Ningxia for training, and before she knew it, she wiped out all of her coffee share for this month.

"Qin? Are you still asleep?" Lisa walked into Qin's room with two cakes. They were close girlfriends, so they simply lived together.

"I, I don't know how to confess to Ningxia. After all, I have been delaying for so long. Now I really don't know how to confess." Qin said, covering her face, she really regrets that she didn't directly Confess to Ningxia, and then hold a party.

Instead, he wanted to give him a surprise, so he deliberately concealed his identity, so that now he doesn't know how to tell Ning Xia.

"Oh~ Poor Qin, because I don't know how to confess to my lover, I can't sleep in my room, how pitiful~" Lisa teased.

"This! Me, Ningxia and I are not lovers..." Qin blushed and said, lovers or something, is it too urgent, or it would be better to hold hands first or something, as for having a child or something... ...that kind of thing is so embarrassing!

"But~qin, your behavior towards him is completely~completely~in the state of a lover~" Lisa said with her chin resting, seeing that Qin came out of anxiety, she was relieved a lot.

"Really! Really! Yes! Yes! Is it so obvious!?" Qin asked with a blushing face, steam was bubbling from her head crazily, and her brain was about to shut down. She really couldn't hide it ?

"Look, you look like a young girl now~" Lisa said with a smile while holding the mirror.

"I...why am I like this!!!" Qin looked at her haggard self in the mirror, she was so stupid, didn't she just stay up late for a few days?

"It's not that you don't listen to me, let you sleep well, you just want to stay up late, look at it~ Now that you look like this, I'm afraid people will dislike you~" Lisa said with her chest in her arms. expressed dissatisfaction.

"Li! Lisa!!" Qin quickly held Lisa's little hand, her face full of pleading expressions.

"What? Only now did you find out about looking for me? You didn't listen to my advice before!" Lisa pretended to be angry and said, she really hoped that her best friend could take a good rest, and stop going to sleep every day because of Mond's trivial matters. None of the time.

"I, I will sleep well in the future, but you must help me this time, please, I will do everything." Qin said in a panic, she is going crazy now, especially when she thinks that she actually used it today. After chatting with Ning Xia in this state, she became even more panicked.

Now she just wants to restore her normal appearance, and let Ning Xia know that she is not like this usually.

"Oh~ But I'm not very good at this kind of thing~" Lisa pretended to wave her hand helplessly and said, she just likes to look at the piano, it's really cute~

"Lisa, you should have been in a relationship, right?" Qin asked. Naturally, she would not ask Lisa about such a private matter, but now she needs to find Lisa to find a way.

"Love? Love?" Lisa, who was holding Zhizhu, lost most of her momentum in an instant. She didn't try that kind of thing.

"You won't... haven't you talked about it?" Qin asked. She always thought that Lisa was the experienced type, and it turned out that she was the same.

"Ahem... Lian, I have also been involved in the aspect of love. I also studied it when I was in the Holy Order Academy, so I know a little bit about it." Lisa said bravely.

She has never talked about love, but she has read a lot of love novels and Uncle Liu Huang, so she should be able to help Qin... right?

"Then what should I do now?" Qin asked expectantly, now she can only count on Lisa to give her some enlightenment, otherwise, with her meager emotional understanding that would cause her brain to crash when the word "lover" is mentioned, Most likely it will be sent

"Well...how about I put on some makeup for you first? It can cover your embarrassment now." Lisa asked, although she is not very good at makeup, but with light makeup, there should be no problem, right?

"Huh? Then let me give it a try?" Qin nodded and said, looking forward to what the first makeup in her life would look like.

"Eh..." Lisa looked at Qin's appearance, and already began to say sorry to Qin. The last time she put on makeup, she almost scared her teacher into something wrong.

Since then, she hasn't put on much makeup, and she didn't start to put on makeup for the second time until Qin asked for help today, but...

"Lisa? How about my makeup? Does it make me look more energetic?" Qin asked expectantly, and was about to take a look in the small mirror.

"Jin!" Lisa quickly pressed Qin's hand, and Qin raised her head suspiciously, revealing the special makeup of Batman's greatest enemy.

"What's the matter, Lisa?" Qin asked suspiciously in the incarnation of 'Mond's Nightmare'.

"I think we can ask Margaret for help tomorrow. She is very good at helping people put on makeup. Now let me remove your makeup first." Lisa wiped the cold sweat from her forehead and said, it was broken, and she accidentally turned light makeup into thick makeup. make up.

Chapter 364 Ningxia: It's broken, I'm an outsider

Ningxia woke up in the morning and saw Qiyana who had recovered her girlish state. Ningxia touched her head carefully, and then tiptoed out of the room.

After Ningxia left, Qiyana immediately woke up from the bed, thinking about what happened to her yesterday, she was shy and crazily rolling, why is she in her girlish state? Didn’t she say that she is acting like a baby when she is a good girl, and she is arrogant when she is a girl?

Ningxia walked downstairs slowly, Shaluo had woken up before him, and even made a hearty breakfast.

"Master Shaluo, this is for... ah! Good morning, senior!" Noelle came out of the kitchen with a muffin, and greeted Ningxia as soon as he saw her.

"Noelle? Why are you here so early?" Ning Xia asked with a yawn.

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