And Yingmei turned around suspiciously in her sleep, and then she happened to be cheek to cheek with Ningxia behind her.

"Ah!!!!" Yingmei hurriedly took a few steps back, only to realize that it was Ningxia.

"Hello...Ying." Ningxia greeted awkwardly. Apart from Qiyana and Kapaqili, there is only Yingmei who is special in Mondri.

So he thought of her immediately.

"Ning! Ningxia! You! What! Me! What!" Yingmei said incoherently, completely unclear about the current situation.

"Miss sister! How are you!" Du Lin on the side happily greeted Yingmei.

"Alas!!!" Seeing Du Lin who suddenly approached in front of her, Yingmei immediately hid behind Ningxia's back and shivered.

"Yes! I'm sorry! It was me who scared the little sister!" Du Lin hurriedly bowed and apologized.

"Ning, Ningxia, who is she? Am I not at the hotel? It's hard! It's hard!!!" Yingmei covered her little face, thinking she was dreaming of Ningxia again.

"Ying... this is a dreamland!" Ning Xia said helplessly.

"I, I know, I, I didn't expect that I was in a dream, so, so, I..." Ying said in a panic.

"That's right! This is a dreamland, what am I afraid of?" Yingmei thought to herself, and then boldly raised Ningxia's chin. She had wanted to do this a long time ago.

"I, I, I..." Yingmei stammered, although she knew that this was a dream, she was still a little shy.

"Ying." Ningxia said with a twitching corner of her mouth.

"Why? What's the matter?" Yingmei asked with a blushing face, thinking she was going to repeat what happened in her last dream, should she resist, isn't it good?

"Although this is a dream, this is my dream. You were pulled in." Ning Xia explained, roaring wildly in her heart. The Yingmei in front of her is so cute.

Chapter 367

After Ningxia explained everything, Yingmei squatted aside covering her face. If Ningxia was not still beside her, she would have strangled herself to death immediately.

Now she doesn't know how to talk to Ning Xia in the future, what should Ning Xia do if she dislikes her?What if Ning Xia ignored her in the future?

"Is Miss Sister angry? Me, I'll go and apologize to her!" Du Lin said worriedly, thinking that he dragged Yingmei into the dreamland for no reason and made her angry.

"Um, let her calm down first..." Ning Xia wiped off the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead and said, he didn't expect that Yingmei, who turned out to be restrained from society, would be so...enthusiastic?when.

"Oh." Du Lin stood obediently beside Ning Xia, staring at Ning Xia closely. The first person she saw in the 500 years in the snow mountain was such a handsome big brother, which made Du Lin feel better. Not a lot.

"So, why did you bring me and Ying in here?" Ning Xia asked. He could see that Du Lin didn't have any malicious intentions. Compared with the destructive dragon in the story, Du Lin in front of him was more like A very obedient and good boy.

At this time, Yingmei also came to Ningxia with stiff steps, and turned her head to look at Ningxia after a pause, trying to save her image in her heart, but thousands of words were stuck in her throat, and there was no way to speak out .

"Big brother, little sister, Du Lin didn't mean anything malicious. I'm just too lonely and want to find someone to play with me. If I disturb you, I apologize first." Yingmei bowed and apologized.

"So cute..." At this time, Yingmei and Ningxia couldn't help but think, such a well-behaved child looks completely harmless, is she really the magic dragon that almost destroyed Mond in the past?

"I'm very sorry, my mother taught me not to disturb others casually, I, I will send my elder brother and younger sister away." Du Lin said reluctantly, nearly 500 years of loneliness made her very reluctant to let Ningxia and Ying sister left, how much she wanted to play with Ningxia and Yingmei...

"Well, I'm actually not very busy. I'm just in the hotel. It should be fine to accompany you for a while." The soft-hearted Yingmei said, and she began to pray that Paimeng wouldn't finish the cream cake by herself, and at least leave a piece Give it to her!

"For me, my sister is training with Noelle. I'm just watching, and I can accompany you a little longer." Ning Xia followed up, and he was surrounded by Kapaqili and Qiyana, so they shouldn't appear What an accident?

"Okay! Thank you, big brother and young lady, you are so kind!" Du Lin happily held Ningxia and Yingmei's hands. She had a lot of things to do.

She wants to sing beautiful poems with her friends, dance moving dances, hide and seek together in the lush forest, lie down in the gurgling stream together, and sleep under the sun.

Lush and towering trees grow in the originally blank dreamland, the mirror under the feet gradually turns into a dark land, green grass grows, and clear spring water flows out of the endless void, forming a path along the spring water. Slender creek.

"Big Brother! You're going to catch me and Miss Sister!" Du Lin said while hiding beside a big tree. Yingmei noticed that Ning Xia was coming, so she quickly took Du Lin's little hand and left.

"Miss, let's go there!" Du Lin said excitedly, she held Yingmei's little hand tightly, and felt the warmth from her mother for a long time.

With a smile on her face, Ningxia ran towards Yingmei and the others at a controlled speed. Although she was a little suspicious of Du Lin's plan at first, she really had no other thoughts at all.

Whether it is joy or joy, joy or sorrow, it will all be written on his face. Although the body that appears is a girl, her mind is not much better than that of a little girl like Ke Li, and she is even more obedient and obedient. This makes him who likes children It's hard to say no.

Yingmei and Du Lin hid under a big tree, and the two looked around vigilantly, for fear that Ningxia would suddenly appear and catch them.

Yingmei gently put her fingers on the small cherry mouth, and Du Lin covered her mouth knowingly, leaning on Yingmei's chest, feeling the warmth of Yingmei's body.

This reassuring feeling really seems to be... like her mother...

"What's the matter?" Yingmei asked in a low voice, gently shedding blood and tears for Du Lin. Although it was a little scary, Yingmei felt that the girl in front of her was so obedient that it was hard for her to doubt it.

"No, it's nothing, little sister, can I hug you again?" Du Lin asked in a low voice, she missed her mother, the gentle woman who described the beautiful world to her.

In this body, O my children, be born into reality.

Like rain flowing to streams, like grass growing to the sun.

Show off your beauty with pride.

Dance with people in a land of poetry and dance...

Du Lin found it, and she came to the country with the melodious piano sound and freedom, and she couldn't wait to fly there...

At that time, she displayed her wings and sharp claws like a child, and every time she showed off, people cheered.

The beautiful poet and the magnificent dragon were also attracted by her. They played the piano and sang songs, and Du Lin happily danced with the dragon.

It wasn't until... when she woke up from the dream, until the end of her life, that she realized that her wings covered the sky, and black poisonous clouds were scattered in the free sky.

Her brothers killed people wantonly, bringing endless destruction and barrenness to Mond.

The proud thousands of winds could not carry the poisonous rain, and the swirling black rain covered people's wailing.

She finally found out that the dragon's kiss like a dear friend was the final blow to end her life.

Du Lin died, but she didn't resent her. She knew that her existence would only make people in this country fear and sad.

She sincerely hopes that her death can bring even a little relief to the grieving people.

"Goodbye, mother..." This was Du Lin's last thought before he died.

Then there was a silence of nearly 500 years. Her blood flowed on this silvery white mountain, watering the new shoots of the ancient trees, making it rejuvenate. The snow-capped mountains provide chalcedony to protect travelers from being hurt by ice and snow.

"Mom...I miss you so much..." Du Lin said softly. On Yingmei, she felt the breath of her past mother, the kind of nostalgic breath.

"I've caught you~" Ning Xia suddenly appeared next to the second daughter, gently wiping away blood and tears for Du Lin.

"What's wrong? Didn't you agree to be happy?" Ning Xia rubbed Du Lin's head and said.

"Yes, I'm sorry, big brother, I, I won't cry." Du Lin rubbed his eyes and said, Yingmei hugged Du Lin's head and comforted him softly.

"Then shall we continue playing?" Ning Xia asked softly.

"Yeah!" Du Lin nodded desperately and said, whether it was a big brother or a young lady, she liked them very much. They... all seemed to be Du Lin's relatives, which made her very attached to them.

Chapter 368

Yingmei sat under the tree, Du Lin lay on her plump and round thighs, and Ning Xia gently hummed the qin music Wendy taught him.

Are we raising children?

Yingmei couldn't help but wonder, why did she comfort Du Lin so skillfully, when she clearly hasn't... eh~

"Big brother, little sister, thank you for today, Du Lin is very happy!" Du Lin said lying on Yingmei's lap, Yingmei's smell is very similar to that of her mother, and Ningxia's smell is very attractive to her. If possible, She wished she could stop at this moment forever.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the original dream. Ningxia frowned and looked at Du Lin, it seemed that he was about to wake up.

"Goodbye, big brother! Miss sister!" Du Lin also realized that the dream was about to be shattered. He kissed both Yingmei and Ningxia, and then waved goodbye to them.

"Ying..." Ning Xia was about to say something, but just as soon as she spoke the first word, Meng woke up completely.

"Brother! Brother!" Kapaqili shouted in reality pushing Ning Xia.

Ning Xia woke up rubbing his eyes, he wondered if the moment just now was really a dream.

"Brother, it's time to go!" Kapaqili said again.

"Huh? Sorry, I might be a little tired." Ning Xia said with a yawn.

"Really, it must be Kiyana who harassed you yesterday, right!" Kapaqili shouted to catch the thief.

"Hmph! I'm not like some guys, my brother can move his hands and feet when he wants to sleep." Qiyana said with a look of contempt, her eyes were already looking in the direction of Longji Snow Mountain.

She didn't expect that Ice God could even imitate the abilities of that little guy Xumi.

Thinking of the big-breasted girl in the past that has disappeared in time, there are some memories on her face. She is good at everything, but she is too kind, and this kind of person does not live long.

Ningxia followed Qiyana's gaze to Longji Snow Mountain, but what he saw was the heart that was still beating unyieldingly hidden in the snow mountain.

"See you tonight, little Du Lin..." Ning Xia said softly.

"Brother~ What little vixen sister are you thinking about again!" Kapaqili asked, grabbing Ning Xia's arm.

"What do you want to eat today?" Ning Xia asked, picking up Qiyana.

"Tianshu Meat! No! Did you just think about other vixens!?" Kapaqili said with a puffy face.

"Then I'll go to Qingquan Town to buy some fresh pork." Ningxia said slowly.

"elder brother!"

On the other side, Yingmei, who also woke up from a dream, held her heavy head. Was what happened just a dream?But why is it so real?

Yingmei touched her still red face, and why is this feeling of shame so strong?

"Ying? You're awake!" Paimon said as he put the last piece of cake into his mouth. It wasn't that she didn't want to keep it for Yingmei, but seeing that Yingmei seemed to be sleeping soundly, he reluctantly wiped it out for her.

"Pimon!!!" Yingmei looked at the cream cake that had been swept away, and even licked the plate clean.

"Ying! You! Listen to my explanation..." Paimeng just wanted to explain that he just wanted to help Yingmei get rid of her.

But Yingmei, who was full of shame in her rage, didn't care so much, she just used Paimon to vent her shame and anger in the dream.

"Hmm! Help! Help!! Me! I can't breathe..." said Paimon, who was pushed into the Alzang Mountain, dancing and dancing.

Ozangshan with the fragrance of Yingmei body and milk blocked her nose and mouth, and she could barely smell some fragrance every time she took a deep breath. Although it was very fragrant, she would be short of oxygen!

Seeing Paimon struggling so much, Yingmei also softened her heart, let go of Paimon, and put her on the bed, so as not to be suffocated to death by herself.

"Huh..." Paimon took a big gulp of fresh air. Although Yingmei was very fragrant, it was too uncomfortable not to be able to breathe.

Yingmei tidied her clothes in front of the mirror in the room, and felt relieved after confirming that there were no problems.

Out of shame for Paimeng just now, Yingmei plans to go out to eat by herself, and she can also ask Ningxia...

Thinking of her actions in the dream, she really wanted to strangle herself...

"Ying, what delicious food are you going to eat! Take me!" Paimeng, who had just been let go by Yingmei, approached and asked.

"Ah!" Yingmei, who was still ashamed of what she did in her dream, strangled Paimon's neck in excitement.

"Ying! I, I know I was wrong, I dare not do it again?" Paimon thought that Yingmei was still angry because she finished eating the cream cake by herself, so she hurriedly begged for mercy, but if there was a next time, she would dare .

"Oh, forget it, let's go out to eat." Yingmei let go of Paimeng and said, thinking that she should not meet Ningxia for the time being, because what happened in her dream is too shameful.

Picking the chin and almost kissing him or something, this is also...

Yingmei waved her hands shyly, trying to drive away these messy thoughts, and her waving hands indiscriminately sent Paimon who had just approached flying away.

"Paimon!!!" Yingmei hurriedly wanted to go over and hug Paimeng, she really didn't mean it.

"Don't come over!" Paimon hurriedly floated back, although he didn't know what was going on, but Yingmei had been acting weird since she woke up, it's better not to get too close for now.

Seeing the frightened Paimon, Yingmei couldn't help laughing, then shook her head and left the hotel, it was time for lunch.

Yingmei and Paimon came to the Deer Hunter restaurant one after the other, and happened to meet Kaia who was getting a bonus and overtime pay.

Kaiya, who was still eating calmly, wiped out the food with lightning speed, and then left at a walking speed that ordinary people could not match.

"Kaya! Oh? That's weird, why did you run away after saying hello?" Paimon said suspiciously, and the younger sister on the side covered her face. It's not because you alone have eaten up the family's salary for a month, and they are not afraid No wonder.

Kaiya walked for a while, and he was relieved after confirming that he had left the Deer Hunter restaurant for a certain distance. His wallet finally bulged. His sofa, his dandelion wine, and his wine account all depended on this .

Kaiya thought he was experienced in many battles, but facing Paimeng and Ningxia, he always felt a little terrified. In the past two months, he either had no money or was on the way without money. This kind of life was not easy.

Weighing the wallet, Kaiya thought it would be better to redeem his beloved sofa as soon as possible. It was the best designer he could find in Fontaine, the best tailor in Liyue, the best wood in Inazuma, Nata Custom made by the finest blacksmiths.

Every time after work is over, I have a bottle of wine, order some appetizers, lie down on the sofa, and relax for a long time.

Thinking that her beloved sofa was in Rosalia's hands, Kaya was afraid that she would do something like use the sofa as firewood, so she hurried to Rosalia's residence.

Chapter 369 If I'm Not My Sister...

"Sarah, one serving of fried meat with carrots in honey sauce, and one serving of stuffed chicken with sweet flowers." Paimon shouted excitedly, it doesn't matter if Kaya runs or not, she wants to eat as fast as she can.

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