After ordering the dishes, Paimeng and Yingmei sat on the chairs and waited. The bored Paimeng looked at Yingmei who was restless.

"Speaking of which, Ying, why are you acting weird today? How do you look like... ah! By the way, a girl in love." Paimon thought for a while, and felt that Yingmei was like a girl in love in a novel.

"I am! Only! Only! Not at all!" Yingmei immediately retorted, thinking of what happened in her dream with Ning Xia, Yingmei couldn't help covering her slightly red face.

What is this all about?Where am I in love, I almost confessed my love, almost...

I want to die! ! !

The scene that I had already tried to forget was replaying in my mind again, just a little bit, I was about to...

"Ying?" Paimon asked suspiciously, why did this Yingmei start again?

"It's nothing, let's order another manor muffin." Yingmei said quickly, trying to persuade Paimeng to stop asking.

"Okay!" Paimon was very obedient and fell for it, and didn't ask any more questions about himself, which made Yingmei reluctantly heave a sigh of relief.

"Ningxia!" Paimon, who had calmed down, suddenly shouted.

"Ning! Ning! Ning! Ning! Ning! Ningxia!" Yingmei stood up suddenly as if her tail had been stepped on, and followed Paimon's gaze in a panic.

I happened to see Ningxia and Kapaqili carrying the ingredients.

"Ying!" Ning Xia greeted Yingmei with a wave of his hand. He was going to talk to Yingmei about Meng.

"Ning! Ningxia!!!" Yingmei replied with a blushing face, wondering whether Ningxia would regard her as an unscrupulous person because of her behavior in the dream.

"You guys are having lunch..." Ning Xia looked at the sweet stuffed chicken with flowers and said, he originally wanted to invite Yingmei to his house for dinner.

"Yes! Ningxia, what's the matter with you?" As soon as he saw Ningxia, Paimon immediately leaned over to lick it.

Little Paimon can have any bad intentions, she just wants to rely on Ningxia to travel the seven countries without worrying about food and clothing~

"Do you have time tonight?"

"Yes! We have time!" Paimon said before Yingmei could speak.

"Okay, can you come to my house for dinner that night? I have something to tell you." Ning Xia nodded.

"Okay! We will definitely attend on time!" As soon as Ningxia invited him to dinner, Pai Meng immediately agreed, completely oblivious to Yingmei's eyes that wanted to kill someone.

"Ying?" Ningxia noticed something was wrong with Yingmei, and asked again.

"I, I'm fine." Yingmei said quickly.

After chatting with Yingmei for a few more words, Ningxia took Kapaqili and left. There are three beauties at home waiting for him to go back and cook.

After returning home, Shaluo has already helped Ningxia prepare rice and vegetables, and the meal can be served when Ningxia cooks Tianshu meat.

Ningxia was in the kitchen processing the fresh Qingquan Town pork that Dulav forcefully gave him, while Saluo prepared the required ingredients according to Ningxia's instructions.

The seasoning was quickly processed, and the somewhat bored Sara looked at his beloved brother as usual.

It has been more than ten years, but Sara always feels like it was yesterday that he picked up Ningxia.

Looking at Ningxia who was seriously handling the ingredients, Shaluo seemed to see the childish Zhengtai who followed behind her every day in a trance.

At that time, Ningxia was a small one, and she could easily hug it when she was still a girl. Every night after picking up Ningxia, she had to hug her soft brother to fall asleep.

At that time, although she was just wandering in the mountains and forests, responsible for clearing out demons and disobedient monsters, she was not alone with her younger brother, and little Ningxia would still call her sister sweetly.

Lunch, dinner, clothes, everything is handled by my younger brother alone, making me feel like I am being taken care of by my younger brother.

Every day is also very fulfilling, and she doesn't have to worry about being snatched by Yae Shenzi, Huasanli, Shenli Linghua, and Xiaogong to snatch her younger brother.

When Sara recalled his younger brother who was fragrant and soft in the past, Ning Xia turned to look at Sara who was caught in the memory and said, "Sister? What's wrong with you?"

"No, it's nothing." Shaluo looked at Ning Xia who was already a head taller than her and said, his brother has really grown up, he is so tall, so handsome, so girls like him...

"Brother." Shaluo said suddenly, she really wanted to be closer to her brother, she also liked Ningxia, and she was unwilling to let go...

"What's wrong? Sister?" Ning Xia asked while cutting the meat. Recently, her sister seems to be acting weird. If it was before, she would definitely be angry if she was so close to Qin and the others.

"Can you...can you call me Suluo in the future?" Suluo summoned up her courage, still with a hesitant expression on her face, she kept thinking about what Aren (Huasanli) said, and when she saw Ningxia in Mongolia When De was lucky, it would be a lie to say that she was not afraid, but giving up her sister's identity was a bit difficult for her to accept.

"Sister, sister, are you joking?" Ning Xia asked in a trembling voice. She seemed to have done a lot of things to make her sister angry recently. Could it be that she wanted to deny him?

"I..." Sara blushed and looked at the trembling younger brother, wanting to explain her true thoughts, she just... just didn't want to be just a sister.

"Sister, what did I do wrong, you can say, I'll change it! Please don't do this, I'm afraid." Ning Xia said hastily, no matter what, even if Morax came over to stab him with a rock spear, he was not as angry as Saluo make him afraid.

"No! I'm just, I'm just..." Shaluo stammered and explained, but her identity as an older sister for a long time, although she was tightly locked with Ningxia, her identity as an older sister was also firmly established. Stop her from further developing with Ningxia.

(Kappaqili doesn't care at all, in her opinion, sister is a unique pet name, so she is jealous)

Especially after knowing the difference between men and women, she has forgotten how long ago it was the last time she hugged Ningxia to sleep.

"Brother, if I wasn't your older sister, would you marry me?" Sara asked with a blushing face, finally let go of a hanging stone in her heart, no matter what, she finally said what she wanted to say the most .

"Oh?" Ning Xia looked at Sara in a daze, when Sara said not to call her sister, Ning Xia had already thought of dozens of ways to coax Sara.

Although occasionally Sara would be angry because he was with other women, but for a long time Sara repeated that he could not let bad women be with his brother, which also brainwashed him.

So although Ningxia has feelings for Shaluo, she will only dare to stop between her siblings.

What he didn't expect was that Sara turned out to be...

"Sister?" Ning Xia asked again, he wasn't sure if he heard it wrong.

"Call, call me Sara..." Sara said with a blushing face.

Chapter 370 Let's Get Married When We Go Back

"Sara...I love you!!!" Ningxia hugged Sara and said.

"Oh? I, I love you too, and I too..." Shaluo responded with a blushing face, frantically flipping through the plot of "The Domineering Sister Falls in Love with Me" in her mind.

According to the novel, I should kiss my younger brother forcefully now, and then force him to admit that I like her, right?


Looking at Ningxia who was hugging her tightly, Shaluo was a little at a loss, how should he respond to his younger brother...Ningxia?

"You, you let go of me first~" Finally, Sara had no choice but to say in a delicate voice, her pretty face that had been serious all the year round had been taken over by a blush.

The serious voice that was often used to scold the soldiers in the past has also become a shy and soft coquettish voice, which makes people's bones soften.

The dignified rice wife's number one general Kujo Saura is now as shy as a pregnant girl, clumsily dealing with her lover.

"I should be more domineering now, right? But, I... how can I be domineering?" Shaluo thought to herself, feeling Ningxia's fiery love, which was almost overwhelming her.

The two hugged for a long time before they separated. At this time, Sara only had the idea of ​​forcefully kissing Ningxia. Anyway, he admitted that he liked Ningxia.

Following the description in the novel, Shaluo clumsily pushed Ningxia against the wall, and then "dominantly" held down Ningxia, but after reaching the last step, she was too shy to freeze at the last step.

Looking at Sara who was almost cheek-to-shoulder with her, Ning Xia took the initiative to let Sara kiss her domineeringly. Compared with the clumsy Sara, Ning Xia was much more proficient.

Sara foolishly imitated Ning Xia's behavior. For a person like her who is a novice in both real machine operation and virtual operation, this kind of thing is already the limit of what she can do now.

After the two separated, Sara covered her small mouth, recalling the feeling just now, so it turned out that this was a forced kiss?What a strange feeling.

But my brother really smells so good, just like before, if you hug her, just the smell makes her so addicted.

At this moment, Shaluo completely let go of the majesty of the so-called elder sister, and nestled on Ningxia's chest nostalgic.

"Brother~ I'm so hungry~" At this time, the voices of Qiyana and Kapaqili came from the dining table, obviously complaining about Ningxia and Sara's procrastination.

"It will be ready soon!" Ning Xia responded.

"Sister, shall we cook first?" Ning Xia looked at Sa Luo who lowered his head and said, after eating, they still have enough time to do many things.

" can call me Sahara~" Sahara responded with a weak voice, and then added that she doesn't want to be just an older sister now.

"But I like to call you elder sister. In my opinion, elder sister is the person I love the most." Ning Xia hugged Saluo and said, although she thought about resisting the title of elder sister before, but now it seems that this is the most intimate What's the title!

"Fine, up to you, but, I, I..." Sha Luo stammered, she felt sweet when she heard Ning Xia's words, obviously her younger brother has always liked her.

"When we get back to Daozuma, shall we get married? Call Shanghuasanli, Xiaogong, Linghua, Aren, Xinhai, Mona, they all like you.

"There are also Liyue's and Mengde's, as long as they accept, we... together, get married together? Miko, if you want, Miko is also fine." Sara said intermittently, even if she usually hates the most Son of God, now she can accept La.

The great sense of happiness made her dizzy, yes, Ning Xia has always loved her, why should she be so worried?No matter who you are, you can't take away the love that belongs to you.

Ning Xia carefully placed Sara on the chair used for resting aside, looking at the delicate Sara, Ning Xia felt a sense of peace that she hadn't felt for a long time.

That was the feeling that only Sara could give him, whether it was the cuddling together when he was a child, or the fetters when he grew up, unless the Tivat Continent collapsed, he really couldn't think of any reason for him to leave his sister.

In the end, Ning Xia, who was holding Tianshu meat, took Saluo's hand and returned to the dinner table. Ning Xia happily took out a bottle of juice.

Kapaqili looked at Sara with her head down, with a gratified smile on her face, it seemed that Sister Sara finally let go.

The atmosphere at lunch this time was exceptionally harmonious. Sara did not face the girls lukewarmly as before, but greeted Mona and Kiyana very warmly.

This sudden change made Mona a little unprepared, but Sharo's smile reassured her a lot. No matter how you say it, the elder sister admitted herself, right?

Ningxia looked at Saluo who enthusiastically picked up vegetables for other people, and very distressed, she picked up a piece of Tianshu meat and said: "Sister, you eat too, look at you and you haven't touched a bite of the rice."

"Yeah." Sara obediently began to pick up the rice, and felt relaxed after a long absence, and finally took that step. In this way, he didn't have to worry about his brother leaving.

Only then did Mona and Qiyana realize the changes in Sara, and they looked at Ningxia and Sara in surprise, a little unbelievable.

Kapaqili gave each of them a piece of meat, and shook her head slightly at the two, telling them not to worry about it.

No matter how you say it, it is good for everyone if Shaluo let go, it will be beneficial to everyone, otherwise Huasanli would not have been persuading Shaluo to let go, and even asked her to follow Liyue a trip.

Capaccili propped her chin up with one hand and looked at Sara who had been giggling all the time, with a scheming smile like Kamito on her face, making it impossible to tell whether it was a bird or a fox for a moment.

"But now it seems that things have been developing in a good direction. It's gratifying~ gratifying to congratulate~" Kapaqili thought to herself, feeling that she was more or less a second-class merit, and Huasan would definitely praise herself ?

"Ouch!" Kapaqili, who was imagining the future, covered her head and looked at Ningxia who knocked her head aggrievedly.

"Hurry up and eat!" Although it was a reprimand, Ning Xia had an uncontrollable smile on his face, and he gave Kapaqili and others food as he spoke.

"Eat and eat!" Kapaqili instantly turned her grief and anger into appetite, and began to eat crazily.

Chapter 371 Inazuma Black Technology

After lunch, Mona experienced the treatment Linghua Xiaogong had always wanted.

Sara asked Mona what she thinks of Ning Xia in a soft voice, and if she would mind some things.

It would be a miracle that Shaluo didn't 'invite' them out of the house, let alone whisper softly.

The flattered Mona stuttered a bit at first, but she was able to communicate well with Sara afterwards.

Kapaqili sneaked upstairs with a little fox doll, which was given to her in the flowers.

Although it can only be used three times, it can be used for half an hour each time, which is considered a black technology in the world of Tivat, a world where information is not very developed.

Yuan Zai Daozuma's Huasan is drinking tea with Zhen, Ying, and Shenzi at this time, although Zhen can only watch...

Looking at the flickering doll in his hand, Hua Sanli found a reason to leave the tea table, and was about to go back to the room to learn about the current situation with Kapaqili.

Seeing Huasanli's appearance, Shenzi also understood what was going on, and said with a smile to help Huasanli, leaving only Zhenheying looking at each other.

"Ying, would you like to take a look?" Zhen said.

"No more? Maybe they really have something to do? Besides..." Ying looked at the snacks on the tea table, drooling down. If they weren't here, the snacks would all be his own.

After Hua Sanli returned to her room, she immediately connected to Kapaqili's phone.

Following the flashes of light on the fox doll, Huasanli's figure appeared on the fox doll's head.

"Kappaqili? How's the matter?" Hua Sanli asked immediately after the connection.

"Sister Sara has put it down, and the progress is going well." Kapaqili said proudly, as if saying that you should praise me.

"Phew~ that's good, since Miss Shaluo puts it down, everyone will have a better life." Hua Sanli said reassuringly.

"Where's Mr. Ningxia? Is he doing well? Did you encounter any troubles? If so, I will immediately ask Mr. Zhen to send me there." Hua Sanli asked again.

"Brother, he..." As soon as Ningxia was mentioned, Kapaqili pouted, her brother forgot her sister when she had a sister, didn't she just show a strange smile?It's not that I don't eat.

"Okay, okay, I'm so envious that you can be with Mr. Ningxia now..." Hua Sanli comforted, if she hadn't been so aggressive and insisted on letting her stay with Dao Wife, she would have gone to Mond a long time ago .

At this time, Shenzi suddenly walked into Huasanli's room, and then moved to Huasanli's side and said, "Hey, little bird, do you miss me?"

"God child? Why have you lost weight?" Kapaqili saw at a glance that God son had lost a lot of weight.

"Ahem...don't ask." Shenzi covered his mouth and said, since Huasanli passed the card bug and opened up Yixin Pure Land as a kitchen.

Ying was obsessed with cooking every day, saying that he would cook for him when Ningxia came back, and Shenzi unfortunately became one of the lucky diners.

It was originally planned to let Shaluo eat it, but as soon as Shaluo returned to Daozao, he ran away to Liyue in a hurry, and Ying had no choice but to find Shenzi.

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