"Ningxia! What did you do? Can you let me see?" Paimon leaned closer to Ningxia and asked, just breathing here is fragrant.

"Pimon is here? You can wait outside first, it will be eaten soon." Ning Xia said while cutting up the chicken, and picked a piece of chicken and gave it to Yula's mouth.

"Humph! Me, I'll just try the taste." Yula blushed and bit the chicken, and the small cherry mouth sucked Ningxia's finger, the soft and smooth touch made people feel refreshed.

"Don't! Don't get me wrong, I, I just saw the sauce in your hand, so..." Yula said in a panic when she realized that her behavior was wrong.

"Hey! You don't take me seriously at all...Okay, I won't bother you, I'll go first." Paimon, who was holding a chicken leg, left the kitchen in a hurry.

"Me! I'll serve the dishes first!" Yula, who was incoherent and didn't know how to explain her behavior, picked up the chopped sweet flower stuffed chicken and ran away from the kitchen.

"Huh~ what's the smell? It smells so good..." Rosalia, who was attracted by the smell and woke up, yawned and walked down from the second floor rubbing her eyes.

"Rosalia!? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be in charge of singing hymns today?" Barbara, who was still chatting with Qin, asked in surprise.

"Ah? This, my voice is too unpleasant, so I won't torture the wind god Makabaka." Rosalia stretched her waist and said, today at Ningxia's home, she had a good night's sleep for the first time in a long time.

"But!" Barbara was about to talk to Rosalia about some language reasons when she was interrupted by Sharo.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, Yura, well, everyone, please come to the table, it's time for dinner." Sara stood up and said.

Thanks to the dining table in this house is big enough, even if the number of girls is doubled, they can still sit down.

Qin and Yula didn't continue to entangle with the topic just now, and the two smiled with high EQ, obviously not planning to embarrass Ningxia at this time.

Kapaqili was worried that her brother would be too busy, so she went into the kitchen to help her brother get the dishes.

All kinds of rice wife, Liyue, and Mond's dishes were brought to the table by Kapaqili and Yula one after another.

In the end, Xiantiaoqiang, which was the bottom of the box, was placed in the center of the table by Ningxia.

There were no surprises during the meal this time, and everyone left after eating in an amicable manner.

Yula and Qin left together, as if they were talking about something, Lisa on the side waved her hands from time to time to express her helplessness, Keli, after saying goodbye to Kiyana and Ningxia, jumped up and down, holding Amber's hand and following them behind.

After Ning Xia promised Granu that he would take her to see Boreas later, he told Noelle that he would go to the snow mountain to practice tomorrow, and after writing the duck neck ingredients list for Barbara, he sent all the little girls away one by one.

Ning Xia wiped the cold sweat off his forehead. Although it wasn't the Shura field today, he was under a lot of pressure. Thanks to Yula and Qin being the more sensible types, this kept him from being too embarrassing.

The last Yingmei came to Ningxia's side coyly, she was thinking about how she should tell Ningxia that she was going to Liyue.

"Ying? By the way, my sister and I are going to the Snow Mountain tomorrow. I am going to find Du Lin. What do you think?" Ning Xia asked. He was still a little curious about Du Lin in his dream. one time.

"Du Lin..." Ying thought of the girl who was very clingy to her in her dream, and she was also a little curious...

"Why don't you... leave the day after tomorrow?" Yingmei thought, she went to the snow mountain with Ningxia to see Du Lin's real body, and it would not be too late to go to Liyue, anyway, there was still some time before Xian Dianyi was invited.

"Do you have time to go together?" Ning Xia asked.

"I, I have it!" Yingmei said with a blushing face, and she and Ningxia went to the snow mountain again, and she went to Liyue immediately the next day, absolutely no delay.

"Huh? Ying, didn't you say that you're going tomorrow... eh!" Paimeng just wanted to correct Ying's statement, but was pushed into the Aozang Mountain by Yingmei.

Paimon has already gotten used to this familiar aroma, as long as he doesn't resist.

Chapter 380 Sara's Legs

"Tomorrow! Tomorrow I will go to the snow-capped mountains too! That's it!" Yingmei said, holding Paimeng who was about to suffocate, and left. If she stayed for a while, she might reveal herself.

After escaping from Ningxia's house, Yingmei let go of Paimeng at ease, so as not to embarrass herself again by talking nonsense just now.

"Ying, can you be gentle next time?" Paimon inhaled heavily, what's the matter, the one who will leave tomorrow is Yingmei, and the one who will go to Longji Snow Mountain tomorrow is also Yingmei, she is really a fickle woman...

"I'm sorry, Paimeng." Yingmei said with some embarrassment. When Ningxia invited her, she agreed by accident.

"You also said that you don't like people, look at you, you become a fool when you talk to Ning Xia." Paimon said angrily.

This time Yingmei didn't deny it any more, but lowered her red face, with steam coming from her head.

Fuchigami silently took the last photo, and then returned to Mond's base to inform Sora.

Kongyi received the news from Yuanshang in Sumeru, and said with a serious face: "There are important matters to be decided on Mond. You should continue to monitor these relic guards first. I will go back to Mond."

"Yes! Your Royal Highness!" The apostles all had tears in their eyes. His Royal Highness really devoted himself to the abyss and died. He just wandered between Xumi and Mond several times.

Kong maintained this appearance and came to Mond's base. At this time, Yuanshang had already sorted out the photos and was waiting for Kong's arrival.

"Retire first." Kong said, looking at the attendants behind him.

"Yes! Your Royal Highness!" At this time, the two apostles had completely become Kong's fanatical followers.

After all his subordinates left, Kong immediately snatched the photo from Yuanshang's hand, and seeing his precious sister standing in front of his enemy again, his heart and lungs almost stopped.

"Yuan Shang! Didn't I tell you to stop her!?" Kong pinched Yuan Shang emotionally and shouted, how could such a cute little sister of his own get into the mouth of that evil wolf in Ningxia.

"His Royal Highness, please calm down first, you need to be more rational." Yuan Shang, who had already put on the anti-choke device, was not as embarrassed as before, but calmly persuaded Kong.

He can be said to know who his own prince is in Abyss the best. Although he is usually busy making contributions to Abyss, the top sister control, his attention to his sister has not diminished.

Seeing Kong who still didn't let go, Yuan Shang waved his hand, pretending to be uncomfortable to cooperate with Kong's behavior.

Seeing the last Yingmei leave, Ningxia finally let go of her hanging heart. After taking a shower, she lay on the sofa, feeling really tired.

"What's wrong? I know I'm wrong?" Sara sat aside and said, if it was before, she would be very angry now.

But now, it can only be accepted.

"Sister..." Ning Xia lay down on Sara's soft thigh, buried her face in the plump and round body, feeling the fragrance of Sara's body.

"Me! I haven't taken a shower yet!" Sara, who originally wanted to pretend to be serious and teach his younger brother a lesson, immediately failed and shouted with a blushing face.

"It's okay, my sister is sweet." Ningxia's hot air blows on Saluo's exposed thighs, making Saluo feel itchy. Looking at his younger brother who is acting like a spoiled child, it is hard to refuse.

"You, you wait for me to take a shower before doing this. I trained with Noelle today, and my body smells like sweat." Sara said with a blushing face. The smell on her body is so strong, does my brother really dislike it?

"But I like my sister now, it's even more fragrant!" Ning Xia said while lying on her stomach, every time she spoke, the heat of her words would make Saluo itch.

"Really... how old are you, and you still like to act like a baby so much." Sha Luo said while stroking Ning Xia's head.

"By the way, Yula is a good girl, you should treat her better." Shaluo said pretendingly.

"Sister, are you really not angry?" Ning Xia asked, her sister was not like this before, if she did this, she should be kneeling in front of her now.

"How can I be angry! Wherever you go, you are so bad!" Sara said with some reproach.

"Sister..." Ning Xia turned her head and looked up at her sister.

There was a smile on Shaluo's face, and he squeezed Ning Xia's face, no matter what, this is his favorite brother.

"You seem to be getting fat." Ning Xia said seriously, only then did he realize that his sister's shadow is facing the mountain, the altitude is much higher than before, and now she is lying on her lap and can't even see the ceiling.

Shaluo, who was still smiling at first, immediately changed his face, grabbed Ningxia's ear and said, "I'm just still developing! I'm not getting fat!"

"It hurts, it hurts! Sister, please spare me!" Ning Xia said pretending to be in pain.

"Hmph! I'm going to take a shower first. If you want to lie down...wait, wait until I'm done taking a shower!" Sara said with a blushing face. .

While taking a cold shower in the bathroom, Sara looked at his own shadow Xiangshan, and touched his flat belly, as if he had indeed been a little... slack these days.

"Brother~" At this time, Qiyana came to Ningxia's side, holding Ningxia's favorite orange juice in her hand, looking courteous.

"What's the matter? Qiyana?" Ning Xia said while lying on the sofa. Now that Qiyana has found her place, she is no longer as arrogant as she was in the beginning.

Except for the daily confrontation with Kapaqili, she has fully integrated into the role of sister.

"Um, brother, can you take me to the island that Sister Amber mentioned?" Kiyana said flatteringly, the keeper of the law of heaven?what is that?She is unfamiliar.

"Are you interested in that?" Ning Xia asked with squinted eyes. Although he had already raised Qiyana as his younger sister, he hadn't forgotten that Qiyana claimed to be the maintainer of the law of heaven at the beginning.

"Yes! I feel that there is something there that only I can find, can you take me there?" Kiyana said with blinking eyes.

Because she was afraid that Ningxia would refuse, Qiyana gritted her teeth and imitated Keli and said, "Please! Please! Help Qiyana! Please!"

Ningxia didn't really doubt Qiyana's motives. Although she said she wanted revenge, her actions... were too harmless.

There is no problem with taking Qiyana there, but now I can clearly arrange the time just by getting along with everyone in Mond, at least I can't go with Qiyana these few days.

In the end, Ning Xia had no choice but to rub Qiyana's head, promising that he would take her to have a look as soon as he had time.

Only then did Qiyana hug Ningxia and rub against it happily. Although her absorption range can now be absorbed from a long distance, she still likes to hold Ningxia to inhale the breath of life.

Chapter 381 Overbearing Brother Falls in Love with Me

Except for Sara who was taking a bath, everyone else gathered beside Ningxia. Kiyana sat on her lap and hummed a song. Kapaqili held Ningxia with one hand, and took out the duck neck made by Barbara with the other hand to eat. Wake up, anyway, she doesn't have to worry about getting fat, her fat will only grow where it should grow, even Mona, who wanted to avoid suspicion before, came to Ningxia to read a book, this is the life she wants.

Ningxia is completely used to this kind of life, while smoothing Qiyana's hair, while eating the snacks sent by Kapaqili.

"Brother~ Can I sleep with you today?" Kiyana said coquettishly.

"Daba~ My brother should be with me today!" Kapaqili immediately jumped out and said, she was already very upset by Kiyana's preemption yesterday, so it's her today, right?

"Ahem, haven't you all slept in the past few days? Logically speaking, it should be me today!" Mona said while holding a book. At first, she was embarrassed to share a room with Ningxia because of Sara.

But now that I am familiar with it, how can I say that it should be my own now?

Just at this time, the steaming Sara wiped her hair, and Kapaqili suddenly showed a fox-like smile and said, "It should be Sister Sara today, right?"

After Kapaqili's words, everyone looked at Sara who was still unclear about the situation.

"What's wrong?" Sara asked, rubbing her hair, why did she look at herself?Maybe he has something on him.

"Sister Sara ~ You are going to sleep with my brother today~" Kapaqili leaned forward and said, her mean smile made Sara Wuming who hadn't figured out the situation before, this stupid bird is good but not bad Learned all of them.

"Ouch!" Sara and Ning Xia rapped Kapaqili heavily.

"I just want to help you." Capaccili said, covering her head.

"Don't keep imitating the Son of God." Sara said, crossing her chest.

"Can't help it, can't help it~" Kapaqili stuck out her tongue and said.

"So ~ Sister Sara, what are you today ~" Kapaqili asked again meanly just after she finished her promise, Sister Sara is really easy to tease, no wonder Miko likes to tease her so much.

"This..." Shaluo glanced at Ning Xia with some embarrassment, is he too rash, should he be reserved first?

"If you don't want to~ I'll try my best to help you~" Kapaqili said cheerfully.

"Kappaqili!" Ning Xia looked at Kapaqili who was getting more and more arrogant, and pulled her to his side so that she would not continue to provoke Sara.

"Sister Sara~" Kapaqili hugged Ning Xia along, the expression on her face became more and more distasteful.

"I, it's not that I can't..." Sara said in a low voice.

Seeing that Sara agreed, Kapaqili directly carried Sara and Ning Xia into the room, and before leaving, she secretly poked Ning Xia's weakness, showing an expression that I can only help you get here.

Then he greeted the others to go back to the room to sleep, especially Kiyana, and Kapaqili planned to love her well today.

Qiyana looked at Kapaqili, who was glowing with lightning, and although she knew that she would not hurt her, she still wanted to call Ningxia to come and save her.

"Hmm! Help! Help!" Kiyana experienced a greater pressure than Paimon this time. This huge sense of oppression tightly locked her breathing channel, and she could barely smell some of it every time she took a deep breath with all her strength. Aroma only.

She really wants to resist, but it's not worth it if she exposes herself in order to resist, so she has to endure it.

"Oh~ Little Qiyana will sleep with me today~ I will love you~" Kapaqili said with a bad taste, so is this the happiness of the Son of God?

Saluo sat on the bed with Ning Xia, they often slept together before, so Ning Xia didn't have much embarrassment.

And Shaluo has already started to imagine that he suppressed Ningxia domineeringly, and then did some greedy things.

But in fact, Shaluo sat beside Ning Xia very shyly, not knowing how to speak, did he press Ning Xia to force it?Or is it just a wall-boom first?

In the end, Sara thought about a lot of things, and combined with his current situation, he said: "Do you want to continue the knee pillow?"

"No! You can't use your face! That's not a knee pillow!" Shaluo said seriously, the heat from Ningxia just now made her a little itchy.

"Speaking of... my sister." Ningxia slowly took out a light novel from the bedside table, which was Sara's favorite forbidden book "The Domineering Sister Falls in Love with Me".

"This! What is this!? I don't know!" Sara hurriedly distanced herself from the book. She had already put it away, so why did it get into her brother's hands.

"Kappaqili..." Ningxia thought of Kapaqili who had confessed everything to him this morning, not only about her betraying her brother, but even about Sara.

For example, Sara always secretly watched "The Domineering Sister Falls in Love with Me".

Sara covered her face and cried out that she had made a mistake. At first she thought that Kapaqili was still the honest and good boy, so she didn't hide it from Kapaqili, but now she understands better than her. There are also some traces of the Son of God, and she dares to ridicule her head.

"So sister, you like this kind of thing?" Ning Xia reversely pressed Sa Luo, and raised her chin with one hand.

"Brother, we can't... No! Our role is wrong!" Shaluo said with a blushing face, obviously it should be holding Ningxia by herself.

"Oh~ don't my sister think that a domineering younger brother is also very good?" Ning Xia said wickedly, her sister also has this kind of habit, and she wanted to inhumanely destroy the author of the book.

"No! I can't! I, I'm my elder sister!" Shaluo whispered, trying to suppress Ningxia with her elder sister's majesty once again.

However, this time the domineering younger brother was not suppressed by his sister, he was very domineering and wiped her clean.

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