Sara hugged her younger brother after a long time and fell asleep, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, it doesn't matter if it's the elder sister or the younger brother who is domineering~

At this time, the general who was eating supper began to miss Ningxia and Shaluo again. If it wasn't for some pressure, she should have already lived a life where Ningxia has something to do and nothing to do...

Thinking of that kind of beautiful life, the general has completely let go of his expression, thanks to the big night, and no one will disturb her without the general's call, otherwise the general's current expression alone is enough to completely collapse some believers.

"General! Do you want to try my new cooking..." The shadow who was squatting in the Pure Land and obsessed with cooking jumped out and said.

"Baa!" The general immediately refused, joking, this body of mine is still used to maintain the operation of the shogunate, who knows if it will be guaranteed for a few weeks after eating, and who will work then?

Chapter 382

At four o'clock the next day, Sara entangled Ningxia like an octopus. Although Ningxia was said to be a domineering brother, his behavior was still very good. Sara felt that it was not as exaggerated as in the novel. .

Feeling Ningxia's exhalation on his chest, Shaluo suddenly remembered the bad things Ningxia did yesterday, which made her...

Shaluo feels ashamed when she thinks about it, Ningxia actually let her... and bullies her in various ways, if she hadn't been exercising all the year round, it would have been difficult to fulfill Ningxia's request.

Seeing the marks that Ning Xia had gnawed dozens of times, Shaluo patted Ning Xia's head lightly to express her complaint to him.

"Brother Cou, you are so annoying... I, I will punish you when you wake up." Su Luo whispered, afraid of waking up Ning Xia who was still sleeping soundly.

"Sister~ How do you want to punish?" Ning Xia raised his head suddenly and said, with a mean smile on his face, he leaned towards Sha Luo's face and slapped hard.

"No! It's nothing!" Shaluo quickly denied, and if this continues, he will be the one who will be punished.

"Sister, I'm still very hungry now." Ning Xia said while holding the plump and plump Sara, and he could sleep comfortably just by holding Sara.

"You, if you're hungry, I'll go and make you breakfast." Saro, who was pretending to be stupid, wanted to take the opportunity to escape, and she didn't want to do strange things in the morning.

"Sister~ don't change the subject, I'm still domineering now, so you have to be obedient." Ningxia said while pressing Saluo.

"Then, gentle." Sara turned her head and said, with a casual look on her face, and put her little hand on her chest anxiously.

"If you don't want to, I won't force you." Ning Xia looked at the shy Sha Luo and said, her sister is so cute when she looks shy.

"You, you can do whatever you want, I, I don't mind." Shaluo blushed and said, because she was too shy, she had to cover her face and look at Ningxia's expression through the gap between her fingers.

"Sister~ you don't feel bad~" Ning Xia said more and more arrogantly.

"I told you to do whatever you want! I, I wouldn't feel embarrassed!" Sara said angrily, if it wasn't for fear of waking up Mona and Kapaqili next door...

Afterwards, Sara covered her face with a quilt and entered the sage's time, and what she did with Ningxia. Although she often fantasized about it before, Sara felt too ashamed after experiencing it for the first time.

I didn't expect Ningxia to have so many strange things, and she was always asked to do it, it was too shameful, especially in front of Ningxia.

Ning Xia hugged Sa Luo who was wrapped in a quilt, making Sa Luo think that Ning Xia wanted to continue, so he said weakly: "Brother, I'm very tired, can you let me take a rest, just a short while."

Ningxia couldn't help but patted the part of the God of Sharona who had been seriously injured many times and said, "What are you thinking? It's time to take a bath!"

"Why do you like to fight here so much..." Shaluo said, covering the part of Shenzi who had been injured many times, what's so good about this place, it's worth Ningxia's constant...

"Because it's great~" Ning Xia, who has become an old critic, said with a mean face, her sister is good.

"Can I wash it alone? Me, we haven't been together for a long time, I'm not used to it..." Shaluo weakly put forward his own little opinion, although Ningxia gorgeously ignored it.

In the hands of the domineering Ningxia, the gradually weak Shaluo has completely lost the initiative and can only be at the mercy of the domineering Ningxia.

After the two of them took a bath, Ning Xia forced him back to bed to catch up on sleep. He used to think that it was not good for Sara to get up so early every day.

Now that Sara is all his, he has a reason to let Sara sleep for a while and catch up on sleep.

And Ning Xia himself decided to cook a pot of porridge earlier, anyway, now he theoretically doesn't need to sleep anymore, but it's fine if he is asked to work.

While washing rice in Ningxia, Kapaqili suddenly hugged him from behind, stroking him dishonestly with both hands.

"Kappaqili..." Ning Xia said helplessly, she was making breakfast, what are you doing here, girl.

"Brother~ I'm hungry." Kapaqili said quietly, although teasing Qiyana is fun, but she still prefers her own Ningxia.

"If you're hungry, wait for me to cook it before eating." Ning Xia knocked Kapaqili on the head and said, thinking this girl was waiting for breakfast?

"I mean..." Kapaqili said with even more dishonest hands...

"Ouch!" Ning Xia slammed Kapaqili hard, this sister was really getting more and more arrogant.

"Sister Sara is still my helper, you won't forget me just because you have a sister?" Kapaqili said aggrievedly.

"Kappaqili, wait for me first..." Ning Xia pointed to the casserole and said, this sister is usually so good, why today...

"I, I'll be waiting for you in my room! Hurry up!" Kapaqili hugged Ning Xia and returned to her room excitedly.

Throwing Qiyana, who was still sleeping, back into her room, took a hot bath, and waited for Ningxia's arrival.

Thanks to Qiyana, who was tossed by her all night and slept soundly, she didn't notice that she was thrown back into her room.

After Ningxia cooked, she also came to Kapaqili's room as promised. Before Ningxia could say anything, Kapaqili threw herself into Ningxia's arms. She still liked being with Ningxia very much.

Compared with others, Kapaqili showed her love for Ning Xia more directly, she wrapped her hands tightly around Ning Xia's neck and began to rub.

Chapter 383 Empty: My cabbage is gone

After such an ups and downs, it was already past seven o'clock, and Ningxia told everyone that it was time to get up, and they were going to go up the snow mountain today.

Kiyana covered her head and walked out of her room. She vaguely remembered that she slept in Capaccili's room, and always felt that she missed something very important.

Thinking of how proud she was when Kapaqili crazily teased her yesterday, Qiyana secretly vowed that she would severely punish Kapaqili, a stupid bird who knows nothing about heaven and earth, after she regained her strength.

Ningxia served a bowl of porridge for everyone, except for Mona who was busy studying the constellations, everyone was going to the snow mountain.

It's winter in Tivat now, but thanks to Wendy's use of power to resist the cold, Mond's weather is smooth and warm in all seasons. Even in winter, it is only necessary to add one or two clothes. .

Therefore, thick and warm clothes do not sell well in Mond, mainly for adventurers who need to go to the snow-capped mountains.

The few sets Ningxia bought were mainly for the sake of fairness, and the only ones she really wanted to wear were Saura and Qiyana.

Capaccili didn't have any objections, anyway, being with her brother was enough, but Qiyana remembered a past event, she seemed to have something left in Longji Snow Mountain?

Noelle also came to Ningxia's home soon, ready to accept Sara's practice with a serious face.

Ningxia sat on a chair and waited for Yingmei to arrive. The things needed to go up the snow mountain were almost prepared, and she could start when Yingmei arrived.

And Yingmei at this time...

"Ying, what are you still struggling with?" Paimon asked helplessly. Since getting up at five o'clock in the morning, Yingmei has been sorting out her image in front of the mirror.

"Ming, I'm going to Liyue tomorrow, so I have to follow up and say goodbye to Ningxia." Yingmei said with a blushing face.

"If you like someone, just say so! Maybe I can follow suit!" Paimon said, waving his hand.

"I like it..." Yingmei touched her slightly hot face. She still needs to find her brother and continue to travel. It is impossible to stay in this world with Ningxia forever.

So, it's time for this endless relationship to end, her brother is still waiting for her somewhere in the world.

"Okay, let's go find Ningxia." Yingmei said after taking a deep breath, and then walked out of the hotel.

What the poor Yingmei didn't know was that the elder brother she had been looking for was biting his clothes with tears in his eyes, watching her from the sidelines.

"Yuan Shang, let me use your shoulder." Kong said in a daze, he now needs a generous shoulder to support himself.

"His Royal Highness..." Yuanshang supported Kong to comfort him, Kong had undertaken too much for Yingmei.

"If my sister is willing to end the journey here, I will not refuse." Sora said, ready to leave dejectedly.

Yuanshang silently followed Sora, as long as Sora needed, he would contribute all of himself as soon as possible.

"By the way, I don't need to pay too much attention to her recently. With Ningxia around, she will be safe. Let's do my best to perform the ceremony of summoning the Golden King Beast." Kong said disappointedly.

"As ordered, Your Highness, it's just that the upside-down statue is about to reach the final step. May I ask Your Highness..." Yuanshang said respectfully.

"I still have some things to deal with in Sumeru. After I finish solving them, I'm going to look for the first cultivator. The range has been locked in Mond."

"With the help of the Qiuqiu people, it is not difficult to find all the cultivators in Mond." Kong said and walked into the abyss. Now that his sister is safe, he can wholeheartedly prepare for revenge against the maintainers of heaven.

Although he doesn't know whether Tianli's current situation is in a deep sleep or what, as long as Tianli remains silent, it is his greatest advantage.

Abyss has already told him that there is only one maintainer left on Sky Island today, as long as he accumulates strength, it is not impossible to counterattack Tianli.

"Ah chirp!" Kiyana rubbed her nose, wondering which ghost in the Seven Gods was secretly arranging herself again.

"Look at you, put on more clothes, you won't be able to catch a cold when you go down to the snow mountain." Ning Xia said and handed Qiyana a thick coat.

"Thank you brother." Kiyana said obediently, but after wearing this coat on her body, she looked like a small ball, and her whole body became chubby.

Qiyana wrinkled her small nose. This outfit made it very inconvenient for her to move. If this is the case, how will she recover the Nail of Cold Sky later.

Thinking of this, Qiyana looked at Kapaqili who was sticking to Ningxia, and suddenly felt that this stupid bird is not particularly annoying, and maybe it can be used.

At this time, Sara also completely faded away from the image of the weak sister in the morning, and returned to her original stern appearance to talk to Noelle about the need to practice in the snow mountain. To be fair, she will also practice with Noelle.

Ningxia wiped away the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead. Didn't he say he went to the snow mountain to see the snow?Why did it become a practice again?

It's just that my sister likes it, after all, she is also a warrior, and the harsh environment of the snow mountain is indeed suitable for practice.

Yingmei also came to Ningxia's home at this time.

"I'm very sorry, I'm... late." Yingmei said with her head down, feeling a little bit sad in her heart, not knowing when to tell Ningxia that she was leaving Mond.

"It's all right, by the way, I also prepared clothes for you and Paimon, and it's getting cold recently, you guys take them first." Ning Xia said, taking out the clothes of Yingmei and Paimeng and handing them to the second daughter.

"Thank you!" Paimon happily took the clothes and said, it is indeed a bit cold these days, and there are very few thick clothes like Paimon's body.

So Paimon was very happy about having new clothes, at least he wouldn't have to keep hugging his sister to keep warm in the future.

"Thank you." Yingmei said in a low voice, and took the clothes. Although she got the wind element bonus, her overall strength is just stronger than ordinary God's Eye users. Snow mountains are indeed dangerous.

"Damn, we're all friends now, there's no need to see each other like this." Ning Xia waved his hands indifferently, it's just a few pieces of clothes, it's no big deal in his opinion.

"No, I am very grateful for your care of me! I will definitely find a way to thank you in the future." Yingmei said seriously. In her opinion, whether it is helping her pay for the hotel or taking herself in when the knights are wanted, And all kinds of intentional or unintentional help from Ningxia.

Before she knew it, she already owed Ningxia too much, and she could only repay it bit by bit during future trips.

Chapter 384 The Frozen Tree

At the temporary stronghold of the Adventurers Association not far from Longji Snow Mountain, Ning Xia began to communicate with the person in charge, probably because many newcomer adventurers sneaked into Longji Snow Mountain.

As a result, they had to conduct some censorship on those who entered Longji Snow Mountain, so as not to add companions to the ice sculptures on the snow mountain.

Especially after Yuxia, the person in charge here, saw Noelle, she had to confirm Ningxia's identity before saying anything.

"What's wrong with Noelle?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously. Apart from being too nice, this girl has almost no shortcomings.

"Noelle...she is so kind." Yuxia said helplessly, and told the story of Noelle once going to the snow mountain to save people without carrying any necessary equipment for the snow mountain.

After Noelle went down the mountain, even though she was far beyond normal, she lay in bed for half a month before recovering, and almost lost her life.

Noelle lowered her head in embarrassment when she heard Yuxia's words, and did not refute Yuxia's words.

Yuxia pulled Ningxia to the other side and said helplessly: "Noelle is a good girl, I must ensure that you have the ability to watch over her, otherwise, if she sees someone injured, she will desperately go to save them .”

"I understand." Ning Xia nodded to express his understanding. After hearing what Yuxia said, he also understood why Qin was unwilling to become a knight for Noelle.

She is really too responsible, so responsible that she does not care about her own physical safety. If she becomes a knight, she will definitely be more curvy than Qin.

"Mr. Ning Xia, you are an honorary knight of Mond. I can trust you in terms of strength, but you...'Mund's German'!"

Yuxia stared dumbfounded at the task completion list of the Adventurer's Association in Ningxia's hand.

Leaving aside all kinds of extermination of large-scale monster riots and arrests of treasure thieves, wild people, etc., the developer of Qinglai Island and the developer of Heguan certified by the shogunate at the end are enough for Ningxia to be certified as a great adventurer.

"I, why didn't I know that Daozuma had produced a great adventurer? No! You didn't go for certification at all!" Yuxia shouted in surprise.

"Um, I'm not interested in this false name, and I didn't accept it because I used to do missions only for money." Ning Xia explained that Qing Lai Island and He Guan were made up for him later by Shen Zi. , but strictly speaking, it is indeed his doing.

"In this case, I can give Noelle to you with peace of mind. By the way, are you really unwilling to claim the title of great adventurer?" Yuxia nodded and said, and she did not give up trying to persuade Ningxia to verify it .

"No, no, I won't accept the quest now." Ning Xia waved his hands again and again and said, he didn't know how stingy the Adventurer's Association is, and it would be better to update the novel if he went to the Adventurer's Association to do the quest.

Noelle looked at Ningxia with some anxiety, thinking that she couldn't enter the snow mountain with Sara.

Seeing Ningxia coming, Noelle first apologized to Sara.

"I'm sorry! Master Saluo! Senior Ningxia! It's my own fault, I let you down, master." Noelle apologized stammeringly.

"Noelle?" Ningxia looked at Noelle suspiciously and kept apologizing to Noelle. Didn't she already get Yuxia to agree?Why is Noelle like this?

"Huh?" Noelle scratched her face in embarrassment after listening to Ning Xia's explanation. She thought that she would not be able to go to the snow-capped mountains with Ning Xia.

"Okay, you can obediently practice by my sister's side, that's right! If you have something to do, you must report to me and my sister before doing it! Even if it's to save people!" Ningxia rubbed Noelle's head and said, um good as ever.

"Yes! Senior, I, I understand." Noelle lowered her head and said, feeling Ning Xia's big hands constantly stroking her head, she didn't feel disgusted, but was a little happy.

"Let's... go up the mountain." Yingmei said a little sourly. Although she knew that Ningxia had no other intentions, she always felt a little sour when she saw Ningxia with other girls.

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