"Ying~ You don't want Ning Xia to rub your head too, do you?" Paimeng moved to Ying Mei's side with a gossipy face and said, since he knew that Ying Mei really liked Ning Xia.

She just hopes to be able to make a match. If this is the case, wouldn't it be easy for her to eat and drink with Yingmei and visit the Seven Kingdoms?

"Paimon! If you keep talking nonsense!" Yingmei grabbed Paimeng and was about to press him into the Aozang Mountain.

"Yes! I'm sorry!" Paimon quickly confessed, and added in his heart: "Dare to do it next time."

"You! Don't get me wrong!" Yingmei noticed that everyone's eyes were on her, and said hastily.

When Yingmei wasn't paying attention, Pai Meng secretly gave Ning Xia a cheering expression, his eyes were full of expectations for Ning Xia.

"Okay, okay, it's time for us to go up the mountain." Ningxia hugged Qiyana and said, the bridge leading to the snow mountain has been disconnected, this is the first test for those who want to go up the snow mountain by the Adventurers Association.

If you can't even cross the river, wouldn't it be good for you to go to Hammer Snow Mountain and go back to Mond honestly to fight slimes?

Standing on the snow-capped ground, Ningxia rubbed a snowball casually. Although Daozuma can also snow, this is the first time he has seen this kind of grand snow scene with hundreds of thousands of unmelted snow.

Sara has already brought Noelle to find a place that is better than Hall Master Hu as a place of practice.

Ning Xia squinted his eyes and looked at a tree covered in ice. He felt the breath of Du Lin in the tree.

Ningxia touched Yingmei lightly, and pointed in the direction of the tree. Yingmei immediately understood what Ningxia meant, and they walked towards the tree together.

Kiyana hugged Ningxia to keep warm, thinking about how to fool Kapaqili into taking her to the depths of the snow mountain to recover the Nail of Cold Sky.

Chapter 385 The Destroyed Silver White Ancient Tree

The snow mountain is a very strange place. Although it is only a little cold near the edge, even ordinary people can move freely in thick clothes.

Sara considered that Noelle might not be able to bear her high-pressure cultivation way at first, so she decided to stay on the edge first.

While Ningxia and Yingmei were walking towards the frozen tree, Qiyana grabbed Ningxia tightly and followed them no matter what.

After walking a little further, the snow-capped mountains will suddenly blow a icy cold wind. At this time, Qiyana and Paimeng, who are wrapped into two rice dumplings, one big and one small, are holding Ningxia's neck and Ningxia's head. , feel the warm current from Ningxia, but it's not too cold.

Yingmei, who originally thought she could withstand the cold, has started to regret it. She put the clothes Ningxia gave her in her backpack because she was embarrassed, and now she is not embarrassed to take them out.

The snowy snow is not easy to walk, Yingmei's bright white knee boots will be swallowed by the thick snow every step, the cold feeling invades Yingmei's little feet, in the knee boots, Yingmei is delicate Her pure white jade feet were already flushed red from the cold.

"Hmm..." Yingmei felt the coldness and stiffness coming from her feet, and couldn't help but envy Paimeng. If she could fly, she wouldn't be so embarrassed.

Looking at Ningxia who was holding Qiyana, Yingmei suddenly felt a little jealous, and then she realized, how could she be jealous of a child?

Yingmei gently patted her little face that was flushed from the cold, trying to wake herself up, but under the low temperature, her little face had already lost consciousness.

It was too cold now, so Yingmei had no choice but to take out the thick clothes from her backpack to wrap herself in. The thick clothes barely resisted some of the cold wind blowing over her skin, but it could not relieve the gradual drop in body temperature.

"Oh?" In a trance, Yingmei found herself flying up suddenly, and the warm feeling continued to pass into her body.

"You, if it's too cold, just say it. Why do you have to carry it hard?" Ning Xia said helplessly. of loss of consciousness.

"I, I don't want to rely on you all the time." Yingmei whispered, she relied on Ningxia again, and now she owed Ningxia even more.

"You and I are considered friends, right? If you have anything to say, just tell me. Do you know what you looked like just now? You're so cold that the people of Qiuqiu are willing to bow down when they see it." Ningxia complained.

"Me! I'm not from Qiuqiu! No! I'm much smarter than Qiuqiu! Not right! I, I... hum! You bullied me!" Yingmei said incoherently, and gently hammered Ningxia with her two small hands Broad back.

In Ningxia's eyes, this kind of attack, which is not even considered a massage, is more like coquetry, and she didn't pay much attention to Yingmei's expression, but began to admit cowardice.

After hearing Ningxia's confession, Yingmei shyly hugged Ningxia's neck again. She was just too cold to walk, otherwise she would... definitely go down.

Feeling the warm current coming from Ningxia, Yingmei rubbed a little dependently, and the altitude of Aozang Mountain became flat due to the pressure.

Yingmei, who realized that she was too close, wanted to let go, but because she let go and retreated, she almost fell into the snow because of her unstable center of gravity.

Ningxia was holding Yingmei's hand behind her back and hurriedly stabilized Yingmei's delicate body, and then said helplessly: "You, can't you be more honest?"

"I, I was a little uncomfortable sitting just now, it's just uncomfortable." Yingmei's little face was flushed, she didn't know whether it was from being frozen or ashamed, and she stammered and began to find a reason.

"Then you have to be patient a little bit, it looks like you won't be able to get off the ground for the time being." Ning Xia said lightly.

"I, I see." After hearing these words, Yingmei lay down on Ningxia's back as if she had taken a reassurance.

Fortunately, the tree is not too far away, and it will be there after a short walk after complaining in Ningxia.

It is not so much an ancient tree as it is a hollow tree stump, and the ice inside can faintly see a tinge of red.

Ning Xia touched the ice cube with his hand, Geng Jin's breath crushed the ice cube precisely.

As the ice shattered, a blue light shot out from the tree and was about to fly to the depths of the snow mountain. Ning Xia formed a giant hand with Gengjin breath to grab the light and hold it tightly.

After the restlessness of the light stopped and he opened his giant hand, Ning Xia saw a blue ball resting on his giant hand.

A red bud on the snow field grew into a silver-white tree inlaid with red jade in a moment. The red jade glowed faintly with a blood-red light. The warm breath made everyone who suffered from the cold feel relaxed. Not a lot.

"Silver and white ancient tree? No, it was revived by a power outside the world." Kiyana whispered. She had the impression of this ancient tree. The maintainers guided them until the ancient country came into contact with something that shouldn't be touched. This silver-white ancient tree was dealt a devastating blow by Sky Island. It was hoped that the people of the ancient country could leave here, but the stubborn people of the ancient country would not die. Willing to leave, until now, only a few relics of the ancient country still exist.

Ningxia asked Yingmei who was lying on her back: "It's quite warm here, why don't you come down?"

"I, my feet are frozen and I can't walk." Yingmei said weakly. Her feet are indeed still hard, but it's not that she can't get off the ground. It's just that she wants to lie down for a while, so she just lies down. After a while, I'm leaving tomorrow anyway.

"Brother, can you show me that blue ball?" Kiyana asked.

"Take it." Ningxia put down Qiyana and said.

Paimon also got down from Ningxia's head, saw a red light floating behind the tree, and looked over curiously.

Ningxia hugged Yingmei from her back to her front, so scared that Yingmei couldn't help but let out a cry.

"What are you afraid of? Aren't your feet frozen? Let me help you relax." Ning Xia said helplessly, why is Yingmei so troubled today.

"Oh." Yingmei stretched out her little feet shyly, letting Ningxia take off her knee boots.

Although Ning Xia had intentionally given Yingmei some breath of life just now, he still had to take care of Qiyana and Paimon, so he didn't fully protect Yingmei.

The white and tender feet in the knee boots had already turned red and red from the cold, Ning Xia touched them with her fingers, and they were hard.

Yingmei turned her face away, although she was unconscious due to the cold, but seeing Ning Xia touching her feet still made her feel ashamed.

"I... want to touch?" Ning Xia asked.

"You can do whatever you want, me, I don't care." Yingmei whispered, her shy and sour heart was filled with joy and surprise, but she didn't want to admit it.

Ningxia's big hands gently stroked Yingmei's stiff little feet. The warm breath of life relieved the coldness of her little feet. With the help of the breath of life, the little feet quickly returned to their original white and tender appearance.

As the cold faded away, Yingmei could also feel Ningxia's big hands rubbing her feet, her jade toes like green onions were moving playfully, obviously she had fully recovered.

Chapter 386 Kiyana: Broken, cut off

"How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?" Ning Xia asked softly.

"Also, it's still a little cold..." Yingmei said in a mosquito-like voice, or she had no strength to speak, and after feeling Ningxia's big hand touch the sensitive soles of her feet, Yingmei's strength disappeared.

A small hand grabbed Ning Xia's collar, desperately suppressing the desire to make strange noises. She enjoyed Ning Xia's foot massage very much, which made her... a little bit reluctant.

"Then I continue?" Ning Xia continued to pass on the breath of life, so that Yingmei would not suffer from frostbite because of her jade feet being exposed.

"Go on, me, don't stop if I didn't say stop..." Yingmei pretended to be relaxed on Ningxia's chest, with an expression that she just wanted to change to a comfortable position.

Yingmei's little feet are soft, and Ningxia can feel the softness every time she rubs them. With Ningxia's massage, even if Yingmei wants to suppress her intentionally, her naughty jade toes can't stop moving.

Yingmei's toes are very beautiful, neatly arranged in front of Ningxia, even if the nails are not painted with nail polish, they are still shining brightly under the red light of the silver and white tree, as attractive as ten bright pearls , whenever Ningxia touched one of them, the other toes would wiggle accordingly, very playful and cute.

As the hands touched the soles of Bai Nen's feet, the naughty jade toes became more active, but Yingmei still didn't stop, and Ning Xia continued to rub her.

Ningxia can hold Yingmei's little feet with one hand, and the tenderness of them can only be appreciated by touching them personally.

Although Yingmei once said that she had been walking in the wild for more than a month before she came to Mond, it was hard for Ningxia to believe that such white and tender feet had walked for a month in a row.

"Brother~ what are you doing?" Kiyana asked with her hips on her hips. She had obtained the authority of the Nail of the Sky through this blue ball just now, and absorbed the remaining power of the blue ball to restore a lot of strength. Now she has Can maintain a girlish state for a long time.

Even if the abyss knows that she has descended to Tivat now, there is nothing she can do about it now, and it can be regarded as gaining enough self-protection power.

It's just that she is still far away from her peak period. In her peak period, no one dared to live with her except Abyss

It's just that if she is acting like a baby, the girl form is not as good as it is now, it's better to maintain the status quo, and she can't let the abyss find her, which will only make her work more troublesome.

"Your elder sister Ying's feet are frozen, let me help her." Ning Xia rubbed her somewhat flexible heel and said, even if it was the heel with the heaviest walking force, Ying Mei still maintained her unique advantages.There is a trace of toughness on the tender skin, and every time I rub it lightly, I can feel the dissatisfied resistance of the heel.

"Ah~ Are you really frozen?" Qiyana looked at Yingmei suspiciously. No matter what she looked at, Yingmei's feet had clearly recovered completely. How could there be any signs of freezing?

Looking at Ning Xia who was rubbing Yingmei's ankles, she felt a little sore now. At the beginning, she also thought about letting Ning Xia rub her legs and feet after she recovered, and obediently be her male servant to atone for her sins.

I didn't expect that I would be cut off by others after completing half of my goal. How could this not make Qiyana jealous, obviously she was the first to have this idea.

"I, I've recovered!" Yingmei said with a guilty conscience. At first she felt that Qiyana looked familiar, but when she realized that Qiyana immediately blurred Yingmei's perception.

This made Yingmei think it was her own illusion, so she didn't suspect that Qiyana had anything to do with Tianli, but Qiyana's eyes made her feel guilty.

It's like a person who has drawn [-] is dead duck and insists that he has not crookedly guaranteed the bottom line, but the result has been seen by others.

"Then I'll put shoes on for you?" Ning Xia said, picking up the knee-wrapped boots at the side, and was about to put them on for Yingmei.

"I, I'll just come by myself." Yingmei grabbed the knee boots and said, Qiyana's eyes made her feel that her little thoughts had been fully exposed, although she wanted to continue to experience Ningxia's massage service again.

But Yingmei, who had a guilty conscience, still put on her knee boots honestly, lest Qiyana say something suddenly and expose her little thoughts.

After getting dressed, Yingmei stood up staggeringly, the stamina of being massaged by Ningxia hadn't passed, she could vaguely feel the dissatisfaction coming from her feet, obviously enjoying the massage just now.

"Are you really all right?" Ning Xia asked again, lest Yingmei might try her best again and cause an accident.

"I'm really fine." Yingmei whispered.

Qiyana picked up a ball of snow with a look of disgust and said, "Brother, wash your hands first."

"Oh, okay." Ningxia took the snow and rubbed it on her hands, and the snow quickly turned into water under the rubbing.

Yingmei looked at the vigilant Qiyana, but still didn't say the phrase "my feet don't stink".

"Qiana, did you find anything?" Ning Xia asked.

"...Not really." Qiyana thought for a while and said, she thought it would be better to tell Ningxia after returning home, after all, the current Yingmei made her feel a little uneasy.

"Wow!!!" Paimon's exclamation came from behind the silver tree.

Before everyone rushed over to check the situation, Paimon came out holding a piece of bright blood-red chalcedony, with an excited look on his face, obviously she felt that she could live a prosperous life with this piece of chalcedony .

"Ningxia! How much do you think this gem is worth? I, I can give you a friendly price!" Paimon said excitedly, and happily flew to Yingmei's side, obviously wanting to share the happiness with Yingmei .

Ning Xia was not surprised when he took the chalcedony. Among the gemstones Morax gave him was a lot bigger than this piece of chalcedony, there was even a piece of rock king emperor grade stone amber he gave Beidou, and it was no bigger than this piece of chalcedony. My piece is bad.

"Don't look at it, it's worthless." Qiyana said on the side. She had already seen that this piece of chalcedony was just the product of Durin's blood mixed with the ancient silver tree. The power of the tree is so gorgeous, once it leaves the Longji Snow Mountain, the chalcedony will immediately lose its original luster, and it is not worth a few dollars at all.

"Qiana! You! Do you know what this is!? It looks very precious!" Paimon said anxiously, she still expected this to live a life of prosperity and wealth.

"..." Ning Xia looked at the silver tree beside him, seemed to understand something, shook his head and returned the chalcedony to Paimon.

"Sorry, I don't accept this." Ning Xia said.

"But! But this!!!" Paimon was a little anxious holding the chalcedony. The only rich person she knew was Ningxia. If Ningxia didn't accept it, she wouldn't be able to find anyone else.

"Okay, Paimon, if people don't want to buy it, you can't force them." Yingmei comforted her. She also knew that Paimon was for the future travel of the two of them, but she didn't know if it was worth it.

Chapter 387

"This thing...should be related to this tree, right?" Ning Xia said, the tree seemed to really want to look like chalcedony.

"Pimon...won't you give it a try?" Yingmei followed suit, and she also felt the silver tree's desire.

"Oh? That's fine." Paimon carefully approached the chalcedony to the tree, and the moment the chalcedony approached the silver-white tree, the chalcedony automatically made a little light and merged into the silver-white tree.

Paimon stared blankly at the big gemstone in his hand disappearing. After realizing it, he turned stiffly and looked at Ning Xia, with tears rolling in his eyes, as if he was about to cry.

Ning Xia carefully hugged Pai Meng into his arms and comforted her softly, lest she really cry out.

Yingmei sent a ghost to touch the Yinbai tree, and the memory in the ground vein was transmitted to Yingmei's body through the main body of the Yinbai tree.

"Honeysuckle...an ancient tree?" Yingmei said suddenly, and then the tree of honeysuckle suddenly flashed a red light. The memory transmission is relative. After learning of Yingmei's needs, the roots of the honeysuckle tree kept sprouting .

Paimeng, who originally wanted to cry bitterly in Ning Xia's arms, immediately flew out of Ning Xia's arms, and then got into the Mora pile, feeling the joy of abundance for the first time.

"..." Yingmei clutched her head, although this sudden memory implanted in her mind was only a short period, it still made her a little uncomfortable.

"Ying? Are you okay?" Ning Xia walked to Yingmei and asked.

"No, nothing..." Yingmei said, slowly digesting the memory of the honeysuckle tree.

"Why is this tree able to produce Mora! Hehehe~Mora, so many Mora~" Paimon said happily while holding Mora, she liked this kind of happiness so much.

"Earth veins..." Kiyana said with her hips on the side.

"The leylines are not unconscious. Under the corruption of human beings, the blocked leylines will produce Mora in their memories for the unblocked humans."

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