"Isn't Morax the flesh and blood of Morax? Why did the ley lines produce Mora?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously.

"There are so many moras produced by Morax, and a lot of wealth is buried in the ruins of the dark ruins. As long as the leylines are willing, those moras can be seen again." Kiyana explained.

"So, as long as you enshrine the big gem to this tree, it will give us Mora? Ouch!" Paimon suddenly jumped up from the pile of Mora.

Holding his little buttocks and spinning around in mid-air, it seemed to be in pain.

Ningxia opened the Mora pile, and took out a blue and black sword from inside.

"Xingyin from Xuebu?" Yingmei recalled the name of the great sword in her memory.

"Ying? Ningxia! My..." Paimon said with a sad face, why was he so unlucky to sit on the tip of the sword.

Ningxia held Paimeng in her arms again, healing her wound with the breath of life, while Qiyana on the side covered her face and began to doubt life.

In her impression, Baimeng is obviously a gentle and generous big sister, why the Paimeng in front of her has nothing to do with Baimeng except for her appearance.

wrong?After recovering her strength, Qiyana suddenly realized that there should be another person beside Baimeng back then, why can't she remember?

With the help of Ningxia's breath of life, Paimon quickly recovered, but Xingyin, who was buried in the snow, had a big hole in his trousers, not to mention the air leakage, which was a bit funny.

"Pfft..." Yingmei and Qiyana covered their mouths, and accidentally laughed out loud just now.

"Did you laugh just now?" Paimon said angrily.

"No, no." Qiyana and Yingmei said quickly, but the smile on their faces could hardly be suppressed.

"You! You!" Paimon once again hid in Ning Xia's arms. In this world full of intrigues, only Ning Xia's arms could still make her feel a little warmth.

Because Paimon's trousers were torn, and Paimon's clothes of this size were gone, he had to get into Ningxia's clothes, with only his head sticking out.

Mora has also been cleaned up by Yingmei. There is a big bag of Mora. After a rough estimate, there are probably millions of them.

Yingmei originally wanted to give half of it to Ningxia. After all, it was Ningxia's help to be able to come to the Lonicera Tree.

But Ningxia refused with a smile, saying that Xingyin's snow burial is enough.

Yingmei confronted Ningxia for a while, but in the end Ningxia refused to accept Moura, and she put Moura in her travel backpack with some disappointment.

This is a small prop of hers, similar to Ningxia's jade pendant, it can store a lot of things without affecting the activities.

"Ningxia's body is so warm~" Paimon said with a look of enjoyment, showing the advantages of his body shape at a glance.

"Ying, do you want to continue walking? Or should I send you back to my sister first?" Ningxia looked at Yingmei and asked, he was going to go deeper, at least to find Du Lin.

"I, I can still follow!" Yingmei said quickly, but she is determined to leave tomorrow, and she can stay in Ningxia for as long as she wants today.

"Brother, I want to go back to Sister Sara first." Qiyana said, she knew Ningxia's purpose, and the place she wanted to go was deep in the snow-capped mountains. It would be better to fool Kapaqili if she continued to follow Ningxia.

"Okay." Ningxia hugged Qiyana and said, and stretched out a hand to Yingmei.

"Hold it, it will make your life easier." Ning Xia said.

"Okay." Yingmei held Ningxia's big and generous hands with her tender little hands, and a warm current continuously passed into her body.

Yingmei was both happy and shy in her heart, she followed Ningxia with her head down, like a young couple holding hands just now.

The snow field back home was still difficult to walk. Although Ningxia kept her warm, Yingmei still felt her little feet were cold. She had some expectations and shyness in her heart. If Ningxia rubbed her feet again, she should...

Sending Qiyana back to the relatively unremarkable venue chosen by Sara, Ningxia told Sara that she was going to take a walk deep in the snow mountain.

Shaluo looked at Yingmei who was holding Ning Xia's hand with her head down, nodded understandingly, and patted Yingmei's shoulder.

The panicked Yingmei raised her head and saw that Sara was showing a friendly smile to her. This feeling of seeing her parents almost made Yingmei's brain shut down.

Ning Xia told Su Luo some points that need attention, such as taking protective measures before entering the snow mountain, and then left with Yingmei.

Saluo looked at Ningxia and Yingmei who were going away, and sighed helplessly.

"Master Sara! Excuse me..." At this time Noelle's voice came, and Sara responded and walked towards the hall master's venue.

At this time, Qiyana mysteriously approached Kapaqili, who was eating snacks, and began to perform a big trick.

Kapaqili looked at Qiyana who was fooling her with interest. God had used this method on her several times, and she despised it as outdated.

But looking at Qiyana's appearance, it's okay to play with her~

Chapter 388 Yingmei: About to be rubbed again

Yingmei held Ningxia's hand and walked in the snow-capped mountains, but as she walked, she began to envy Paimeng.

Paimon, who hid in Ningxia's arms, poked out his head like a kitten, looking curiously at the surrounding snow scene, his face was full of curiosity. She mainly wanted to find another piece of chalcedony, so that he could get another piece of chalcedony. So much Mora.

Because Yingmei was walking in the snow again, Yingmei's frozen feet almost staggered and fell into the snow. It was Ningxia who reacted and helped Yingmei's slender waist so that Yingmei could not experience the smell of snow once again.

"No, I'm sorry, my feet, and..." Yingmei said shyly, but she couldn't help getting excited, she was about to be rubbed by Ningxia again, and there was a legitimate reason, and she didn't feel embarrassed.

Ningxia had no choice but to carry her light sister on her back again. Feeling the light girl on her back, Ningxia couldn't help but said: "You eat more, look how light you are."

Speaking of this, Paimon in Ningxia's chest felt a little embarrassed. Every time she ate, Yingmei always gave her the biggest portion, and she ate most of it.Yingmei didn't eat too much.

"Oh, I'll pay attention later." Yingmei said in a low voice.

This time, Yingmei was not as embarrassed as before. The lotus root arms wrapped in the thick coat wrapped around Ningxia's neck, and her little face was buried in Ningxia's shoulders. Now as long as she moves forward a little, she can...

Realizing that she was thinking about strange things again, Yingmei quickly shook her head, trying to shake those messy things back.

Ning Xia squinted at the remaining tent on the site, saw the mark of fools on it, and then looked up at the huge dragon skeleton not far away.

"Hold on tight." Ningxia said softly, then hugged Yingmei and flew towards the keel like a cannonball.

The strong wind howled past Yingmei and Paimeng's ears, and Ningxia had opened the barrier to protect the two daughters, lest they be frostbitten by the cold wind like a blade.

Ning Xia stopped on a huge bone, and in front of him was a piece of chalcedony.

"Ningxia! Chalcedony! Chalcedony!" Paimon shouted excitedly. In her eyes, this is not chalcedony, but a big bag of Mora!

Ning Xia casually handed the chalcedony to Paimon in his arms, and then looked at the ground. He didn't expect to meet an acquaintance here, and it was Rosalia who released his pigeons.

At this time, Rosalia is very... skillful?One after another, they tied up the fools who were staggering around, and tied them neatly to bare trees or bones.

After jumping down, Ning Xia greeted Rosalia.

"You're here too." Rosalia said, crossing her chest.

"First of all, I'm sorry for letting you go, but..." Rosalia said, pointing to the fools who were tied up by her.

"Because these guys didn't know what they were doing in the snow mountain, the adventurer near here fainted out of nowhere. I only found out about it last night when I went back to the West Wind Church."

"Because of my work needs, I can only come here first to check the situation, so I let you go." Rosalia said, punching a Thunder Hammer.

The powerful force caused the snow on the tree to fall, and Lei Hammer muttered words that no one could understand as if he didn't feel any pain.

"When I came here, they looked like this. I also tried to interrogate them, but it didn't work." Rosalia said helplessly.

He casually picked up the vodka hoarded by the fools and drank it, the burning sensation exploded in his mouth, even Rosalia, who is used to pain, felt a little uncomfortable.

Rosalia frowned and dropped the vodka on the snow beside her. It wasn't very tasty, the only good thing was that it was warm after drinking it.

"What's the matter with that machine?" Ning Xia looked at the huge machine in front of the camp and asked. The intuition from the Demon God told him that this thing was the key to allow Du Lin to enter his dream.

"I have some of their documents here, you can take a look." Rosalia casually threw the documents to Ningxia, this kind of thing was a bit out of line for her, it would be better to give it to Ningxia.

At this time, Yingmei staggered down from Ningxia's back. After all, in front of outsiders, she was a little ashamed to behave like this.

Although Rosalia just glanced at her and didn't care about her.

"Sit here first, I'll help you later." Ning Xia said, holding the document in one hand and supporting Yingmei in the other.

"Hmm..." Yingmei responded in a low voice. She became shy in front of Rosalia, an outsider. If it was only Ningxia and Paimeng, she wouldn't be able to...

Yingmei sat on a chair beside her, feeling the warmth of the fire.

Rosalia picked up the Sanguotou that Ningxia gave her, looked at it again and again, and then put it aside. After all, she missed the appointment and was not qualified to drink this wine.

But the taste of this wine is really good, she is going to ask Kaiya to ask if she can buy two bottles for her, it will be very comfortable to have a drink after work.

Ningxia squinted his eyes and roughly understood the function of the machine. The machine imitated the power of Xumi Little Auspicious Grass King. The purpose of coming to Xueshan was to borrow the machine to get in touch with Du Lin.

Ningxia knocked on the machine curiously. This thing can actually obtain the power of the Seven Gods. In a sense, the inventor of this is quite powerful.

It's just that these stupid fools proved that the doctor's machine failed, and even caused horrible side effects to the executors.

Ningxia then looked at the snow field where a big hole had been dug by the fools, and now he could clearly feel Du Lin's breath inside.

Chapter 389 Do I Know You?

Ningxia asks Rosalia to watch Yingmei for him, he is going to visit the cave.

At this time, Rosalia found two skull-sized dragon teeth from the fools' camp, and was playing with them with great interest. When she heard Ning Xia's request, she agreed casually.

Some blood-colored plants grew outside the cave, and there was even a disgusting smell of blood. Most people might vomit just by smelling this smell. Paimeng, who was hiding in Ningxia's arms, couldn't bear it. He got out of Ningxia's arms, and came to Yingmei's side to keep warm with chalcedony in his arms.

The interior makes people feel very uneasy. The rocks on the cave wall have long been eroded by blood-red substances, and the white and red rocks are like flesh and blood, which makes people extremely uncomfortable.

A shining heart was beating continuously, and the dull beating sound was like a magic sound. Even Ning Xia felt that his breathing was not smooth.

As if sensing Ningxia's arrival, her heart beat faster, as happy as a jumping little girl.

Ningxia stretched out a hand to try to communicate with Du Lin's consciousness inside. At this moment, the machine that had been standing still suddenly started to operate.

Ningxia suddenly felt a burst of drowsiness. Ningxia realized that this was a precursor to entering a dream, so she didn't resist and let her eyes close.

At this time, a young man came to Sleeping Dragon Valley. He didn't pay much attention to the two sitting in the camp, but went straight into the cave.

Rosalia's spear touched the boy's throat in an instant and said, "Abedo, the chief alchemist of the Zephyr Knights, this place has been blocked, please leave."

Abedo just squinted at Rosalia, and turned to look at Ning Xia who had fallen asleep inside the cave and her beating heart that was constantly beating faster. He knew that his guess was completely correct.

"I asked Timaus to send the adventurer of the Westwind Church back to Mond, and I was the one who said about the fools." Abedo said calmly.

He also thought about one thing, whether he could communicate with this nominally dead brother or sister, so after he discovered the fool's experiment, he only informed Kaia and did not take any other actions. What he wanted to know That is, whether Du Lin's consciousness still exists.

Facts have proved that Durin can indeed communicate, but...

Abedo looked at Ningxia who had already fallen asleep and couldn't help but wonder why only Ningxia could communicate with Du Lin?

At this time, Du Lin in the dream had already hugged Ning Xia's body and began to act like a baby. After playing with Ning Xia and Yingmei, the loneliness that came again made her feel even more painful.

Especially when she felt that the fools around her were lost in their dreams because of the machine, but she couldn't help it, it made her feel even more uncomfortable.

"Big brother, those people are trapped in a dream, can you help them?" Du Lin asked politely, more like an inquiry than a request.

"They? Are you referring to the fools?" Ning Xia thought of those fools who were insane.

"Yes, they seem to be forcibly pulled into the dream by something big. If this continues, they will freeze to death in a few days." Du Lin said worriedly.

"You don't have to worry about this." At this moment, a clear and clear child's voice sounded, Ning Xia suddenly turned around and caught the shadow.

"I'm very sorry, my body is not here, I can only meet you in this way." Following the sound of a child's voice, a little girl about the size of Keli slowly walked out of the dream.

"My name is Nasida, and I am the little auspicious grass king of Sumeru..." Nasida introduced herself.

"Did you come here because you noticed the behavior of fools?" Ning Xia asked.

"Yes, the fools made a deal with... some people who didn't realize their mistakes, and gave some empty parameters to the fools."

"But they made a mistake, and now they are all trapped in their dreams and cannot get out." Nasida explained.

"But I'm also surprised by one thing. It turns out that your consciousness is so pure in the dark dragon in the past, and I can only enter the dream through this Mr. Ningxia." Naxida looked at Du Lin and said.

"And, may I know you, Mr. Ningxia?" Nasida asked seriously, with a particularly serious expression on her immature face.

"Me?" Ningxia looked at Naxida with a puzzled face. He has been living in Daoqi all these years, and he only came to Liyuemonde in the past few months. The only connection with Xumi is probably to study medicine in Xumi. Ke Lai.

"I'm very sorry, although I don't know why, but when I saw you, I felt very familiar... just like my relatives." Nasida said, the expression on her face did not seem to be joking.

"I... don't know you." Ning Xia quickly went through his life at this moment, and he swore that he really didn't know the girl in front of him who claimed to be the Little Auspicious Grass King.

Nashida also looked to be around eight years old, so Ningxia was still walking in the mountains and forests with Sara at that time.

Besides, besides Sara, who is my relative?

"Maybe I...was wrong." Naxida said disappointedly, she always felt that she had seen Ningxia before, and she felt as close to Ningxia as the king of the great compassion tree.

"Excuse me... are you here to destroy this machine?" Ning Xia asked.

"Yes, if this thing exists again, it will only bring harm. This is one of the things I came here... other things are not important, I will liberate those people from the shackles of dreams, Please don't worry." Naxida said with her head lowered, obviously feeling disappointed by Ning Xia's answer.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know you, but if you want, we can get to know each other now." Ningxia knelt down in front of Naxida and said, he was too tall, so he could only squat down and talk to Naxida comminicate.

"Then I can call you..." Naxida looked at Ning Xia, feeling a little hesitant in her heart. She didn't know why she felt Ning Xia was so familiar, but there was a voice in the deepest part of her heart that shouted that she knew him.

And the relationship is not as simple as usual, she can clearly feel the connection between herself and Ningxia, which was formed when she was just born.

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