"By the way, where are Kapaqili and Qiyana?" Ning Xia asked, where did these two worried sisters go?

"They, Kapaqili said to take Kiyana to play." Sara explained that because of Kapaqili's terrifying strength, Sara didn't worry much about the second daughter.

And at this time, Capaccili and Kiyana...

"Kappaqili! That's the one! You just hit it!" Qiyana said, pointing at the Nail of Cold Sky.

"Okay." Kapaqili said looking at the Nail of the Cold Sky, and sure enough, there will always be some interesting things with Kiana.

Qiyana looked at the three blue balls in her hand, she could finally fully control the Nail of Cold Sky.

At that time, I can see who is upset and give him a nail with the Nail of Cold Sky... Bah!Deal him a devastating blow.

With Kapaqili's punch, the ice around the Nail of the Cold Sky continued to shatter. Kapaqili, who was shaken back, protected Qiyana and retreated, and the Nail of the Cold Sky flew high into the sky.

Chapter 395 Yuanshang: Your Highness?

Ningxia and the others under the snow-capped mountains were the first to notice it. Ningxia squinted at the Nail of Cold Sky floating in the air. Maybe ordinary people can't feel it, but as a demon god, he can clearly feel it. If this thing is hit, it will be disabled if it is not killed.

"Qiana?" At this moment Ningxia realized what Kapaqili had done with Qiyana.

"Brother!" Kapaqili changed back into bird form and came back with Kiana on her back.

As soon as she landed, Qiyana couldn't wait to hug Ning Xia's thigh and rub it against her. With the Cold Sky Nail in her pocket, she no longer had to worry about being hunted down.

And she just released a message to deceive the Seven Gods and Abyss, she is going to Liyue to find the second Nail of Cold Sky.

At least for a long time, the Seven Gods and Abyss will focus on Liyue. Mond may be a bit dangerous at first, but as long as she continues to pretend, the Seven Gods will not be able to find her.

"Qiana..." Ning Xia looked at Qiyana who was acting like a baby with her with a meaningful expression on her face, and finally hugged her.

"Let's go home, I'm hungry!" Qiyana said with a cute face, she thought it would be better to talk to Ningxia when she got home about the Nail of the Cold Sky.

It's just that I'm hungry and let Sara and Kapaqili... Hehehe~

"Okay, it's time for us to go home." Ning Xia said, letting Qiyana sit on his shoulders, and then took the girls to prepare to leave the snow mountain.

The appearance of the Cold Sky Nail made the Seven Gods stunned, whether it was Wendy and Morax who were still drinking tea and chatting, or the Ice God who was on the way, or the general and Ying who were busy with work.

They all looked at the Nail of Cold Sky on the Longji Snow Mountain at the same time, such as Ice God and Morax, who immediately sensed a trace of heavenly aura floating in the direction of Liyue.

"Wendy, be prepared to be beaten, she may be coming." Morax said lightly.

"Pfft!!!" Wendy spurted out the tea she just drank from her mouth.

"What? What!?"

The general glanced at the direction of the Nail of Cold Sky, and then continued to work hard. After all, Dao's wife is a relatively honest country, and if the law of heaven is to be thrown, it will be thrown until the winter, so it can't be counted on them.

Nata is making dinner for himself, the god of fire, Fontaine, the god of water who is watching the trial, and Nasida, who Xumi just wanted to check Ningxia's identity, also realized that the Nail of Cold Sky was hanging in the air again. The sword of Damocles on the top, once it comes down, it will either kill or injure.

Only Bingshen took a casual glance and continued to walk towards Liyue. Compared with worrying about the Nail of Cold Sky, she had more important things to confirm.

For example... the fact that she found the record about Baimeng on the slate was actually a revised one, her real memory that was covered up by time.

After Ning Xia and the others returned to Mond City, Shaluo asked Ning Xia to send off his sister-in-law, and took Kapaqili and others home first.

The two were walking back to the hotel. Yingmei followed behind with her head down. She wanted to thank Ningxia...

At this time, Yuanshang coaxed Kong Kong to say that what if Yingmei has nothing to do with Ningxia?

Only then did Kong, who had barely recovered a little, come to see his sister again. He also felt that he had been hasty just now, and there was no way his sister would fall in love with Ningxia.

It's just that as soon as he came to Mengde, he saw Yingmei walking in tandem with Ningxia, which ignited Kong's slightly calm anger again.

"Your Highness! Calm down! Maybe they are just ordinary friends, just, just, right! It's just Ningxia sending Her Highness Princess back to the hotel!" Yuanshang quickly explained.

"Huh...huh..." Kong breathed heavily, afraid that he would really not be able to help but rush over and kick Ningxia flying.

"That's right, my sister won't fall in love with that guy..." Sora said with a deep breath.

At this time, Ningxia also sent Yingmei to the hotel.

"By the way, Ying, have you thought about what to do next? Go to Liyue?" Ning Xia asked.

"Find my brother, no matter where he is, since there is no news from Mond... I'm going to visit Liyue tomorrow." Yingmei said, feeling extremely lost in her heart, and finally said it out, but she felt very uncomfortable. After today, it will be difficult for her to see Ningxia in the future.

Kong, who was still a little angry at first, heard Yingmei mentioning himself, and the burning anger was immediately extinguished by Yingmei's words.

Sure enough, my younger sister still cares about me, she is going to Liyue to find me.

Thinking of this, Kong wiped away his tears in relief, as long as his sister is happy, his efforts are worthwhile.

"That's it... I wish you good luck." Ningxia originally wanted to tell Yingmei about Kong's real identity, but seeing Yingmei's expression, she still didn't tell Yingmei that Kong was the prince of the abyss.

"Well, there is one more thing..." Yingmei walked up to Ning Xia with a blushing face, stood on tiptoe, supported Ning Xia with her delicate hands, and then reluctantly touched Ning Xia's mouth.

Pai Meng, who could only wrap his clothes around his waist as a skirt because his trousers were torn, quickly covered his eyes when he saw Yingmei's action, and looked at Yingmei and Ningxia through the slit between his fingers.

"Thank you very much for taking care of me. I... will repay you little by little in the future." Yingmei said with a blushing face, and then ran back to the hotel.

"Touch!" Kong punched through the side wall with a heavy punch, and he just watched his sister kiss his enemy.

Yuanshang on the side was also stunned, stuttering and not knowing how to explain this time.

Yingmei, who had already run to the hotel, looked back at Ningxia who was still there, her shyness completely took over the high ground, and after returning to the room, she rolled wildly on the bed, and she actually kissed Ningxia.

Feeling the strange feeling just now, Yingmei is almost ashamed to death, how should she talk to Ningxia in the future, she will never be able to chat with Ningxia in her life, right?

Paimeng followed back into the room, looked at Yingmei who was rolling and screaming frantically on the bed, and waved his hands helplessly, why is this Yingmei like this~

"Your Highness, let's... go back first? There is news from Abyss, let's go back and discuss it." Yuanshang tremblingly asked Kong, whose eyes had lost their brilliance.

Carefully touched it a few times, seeing that there was no response from Kong, the helpless Yuanshang had no choice but to support Kong back into the abyss, he couldn't be late for the meeting.

Ning Xia touched her lips, and could still vaguely feel Yingmei's sweetness. Looking at Yingmei's room upstairs, Ningxia smiled helplessly, then turned and went home.

On the way home, the girl's sweet breath still lingered in his mouth, and Yingmei's eyes and smiles flashed in his mind.

Chapter 396

The apostles in the meeting in the abyss all looked at Sora with tears in their eyes, especially the few who had been following Sora. Made so haggard.

"Your Highness, although the work is very important, you need to rest your body!" A water apostle couldn't help but said, he looked at Kong who had been running around in Sumimonde for the past two days, and his whole body was thin.

"That's right! Your Highness, isn't Mond's matter related to Yuanshang? Just leave it to him. There's no need to let the prince do everything yourself, and let us subordinates have something to do." Another Lei apostle followed Said.

On the side, Yuanshang looked at the courteous apostles with a suppressed smile. If he was not afraid of being overloaded and evaporated and killed himself, he would have laughed half to death first.

As Kong's closest subordinate, he has won too many of these apostles.

Kong propped his cheek with one hand, his eyes lost hope for life, because he saw Yingmei kissing Ningxia with his own eyes, now he already feels that nothing matters, his sister is gone, what's the point of his life?

But in the eyes of the apostles, it was empty because they were busy with other things, which led to the emptiness of the body, and it was necessary to take a good rest.

Yuanshang coughed heavily. As a close minister of His Royal Highness, when Kong was weak and unable to speak, he could issue tasks on behalf of Kong.

"Ahem, first of all, His Highness the Prince will do his best for our Abyss, and he will die."

"Here, do you all have any opinions?" Yuanshang asked with his back straight. Recently, he has completely gotten used to this kind of life. If he hadn't chosen to follow Kong, he would probably still be researching some lost items in a certain ruins. civilization or something.

"No objection!" All the apostles said one after another, they looked at Kong so emaciated, how could they have any objection to His Royal Highness the great prince?

"So, about Sumi, I think we should let it go and let His Royal Highness relax a little bit. As for Mond, I have almost prepared the summoning ceremony of the Golden Beastmaster. Everyone, work hard and try to find the first one. Cultivator, so as to share the worries of His Royal Highness." Yuanshang said seriously.

"Yes!" All the apostles agreed one after another, and then continued to perform their tasks. Their time was also very tight.

For example, Liyue's apostles can only hide in the deepest part of the rocky abyss, and usually don't even dare to show their heads, for fear that Morax will find a rock gun and blow them up.

We must continue to collect and recycle the technology left behind by the underground civilization and Kanria. Today, we also know that Tianli may go to the Layer Rock Abyss to find the Nail of the Cold Sky.

It can be said that the workload of Liyue's apostles is no less than that of Liyue's Yuehai Pavilion, or even more.

Since the Rock Dragon Lizard incident, Morax has gradually delegated power to the Seven Stars. Before, he helped Morax clean up, and the Seven Stars had barely enough staff.

Now that the power is great, Qixing is not willing to let go of the power. For the sake of safety, now Yuehaiting has reached a medical insurance cooperation with Bubulu under Cao Jia's suggestion.

And began to recruit people from the dead, but there were too few people who met the requirements. If it weren't for Gan Yu, Yue Haiting could consider cooperating with Xiangshengtang, and it would be done in one step.

One can imagine how difficult it is to be an apostle in the abyss of Liyue, not to mention the fear and trembling every day, and 007 every day.

After Yuanshang watched the apostles leave, he continued to persuade Kong who had lost his ideals, hoping that he could regain his strength.

After returning home, Ningxia could already smell the aroma from the kitchen.

After talking to Capacciliciana at the side, Ningxia immediately ran into the kitchen and hugged Saluo who was cooking.

"Ah!" Shaluo couldn't help but screamed, and then tapped Ningxia with a face of reproach.

"Don't scare me casually! I'm cooking!" Sara said angrily.

"Sister, what delicious food are you doing?" Ning Xia asked Sara's face, looking at Sara's jade-like earlobe, she couldn't help biting it lightly.

"Okay! It's so itchy! Don't make trouble, I'm eating sukiyaki pot today! Also, I didn't take a shower, and I smell very bad!" Shaluo shyly pushed Ningxia, his brother is really bad, seeing I didn't forget to bully her even when I was cooking.

"It's okay, I just like the smell of my sister." Ning Xia hugged her even tighter as she spoke, not giving Sara a chance to resist at all.

"Really, really..." Sara lowered her head and continued to arrange the ingredients, letting Ning Xia gnaw on her neck, itching, which made Sara very uncomfortable.

"Yes! That's right! Today you want to accompany Mona, who is willing to be with you, so don't neglect her." Shaluo said with a blushing face, and now she is adhering to the demeanor of having an older sister to follow her. The capacity of the wife will do.

So if Ning Xia is with other girls today...she only cares a little bit, but definitely not much.

"Okay." Ning Xia buried himself in Sa Luo's shoulder and said, Ning Xia was fascinated by the fragrance of Sa Luo's body, but the hot air from his mouth made Sa Luo's wet neck itchy even more.

"Really, really, can't you grow up a little?" Shaluo looked at Ning Xia who was already a head taller than her and said, she was a little happy and a little helpless about the fact that Ning Xia liked to act like a baby to her.

"I'm not like my sister, I can't even catch it." Ning Xia said with a mean face.

"You! Hmph! Bring this pot up for me! Dinner will be served when Mona comes back!" Sara said, stepping on it lightly.

Ning Xia obediently let go of Saluo, and picked up the iron pot for her.

Sara turned around and saw Kapaqili and Kiyana flirting with both of them smiling.

"Hurry up! Wash your hands quickly! It's time to eat!" Saluo reprimanded quickly.

"Okay~Sister Sara~" Kapaqili said with a smile, and even Kiana blinked at Sara mischievously, obviously getting the Nail of Cold Sky made her feel very good.

"I'm back!" Mona also came back at this time, just in time to see Ningxia holding a small stove and iron pot.

"Mona is back, go wash your hands first, and get ready for dinner." Ning Xia said and put the things on the table.

"Tonight we..." Ning Xia moved closer to Mona and said something.

Mona, who was a little tired from looking for information, instantly regained her spirits, blushing and quietly agreeing.

Sara, who had recovered a little, greeted the people who had washed their hands to eat, and skillfully distributed the bowls and chopsticks to the people. Although she didn't come here for a long time, she had imagined this kind of thing many times in the novel.

Ningxia put the ingredients into the pot one by one, and then sprinkled the seasoning, the tempting aroma floated out from the pot, arousing the greediness of everyone present.

Ningxia gave everyone a big bowl full of beef. He bought a lot of it, and it was kept fresh in Yupeili. If it wasn't enough, he could cut it again.

After eating, Ningxia first asked Mona to go back to the room after taking a shower, and then waited for Sara to take a shower...

Today's Kapaqili is sleeping with Kiana in her arms again...

Chapter 397 Rosalia: Is Ningxia still short of a maid?

Kaiya stretched his waist and escaped from the Knights, because he promised Lisa that he would replace Qin as the acting head of the knights for half a month.

It made him no longer have the time to go out to fish and drink. Today, no one asked him to find a lost cat, adjust the mood of the young couple, and so on.

So you can get off work early and go to Angel's Gift to drink and tease Di Luke, he is sure to be on Di Luke's platform today.

"Kaya." Rosalia who came back stopped Kaiya.

"Yo! What's the matter? Rosalia?" Kaia greeted enthusiastically. Compared with Di Luke, Rosalia was easier to talk to at work.

"Do you know Sanguotou?" Rosalia asked.

"You mean Liyue's Sanguotou?" Kaiya asked.

"Well, you know?" Rosalia asked, crossing her chest.

"Of course, when I went to Liyue to drink on the Death Star, a friend named Hai Long bought a few drinks." Thinking of the smell of Sanguotou, Kaiya couldn't help but licked his mouth.

Even an old alcoholic like him is extremely greedy for Sanguotou, but the price is a little expensive.

"How much?" Rosalia asked again.

"Yo? Do you also want to buy a bottle to drink? I have a network. I can sell 500 million moras outside, and I can get it from my friend for 380 million moras." Kaiya said. buy a bottle.

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