"Wait? How much did you say!?" Rosalia's originally calm expression gradually became awkward.

"380 moras!" Kaiya said again.

"Forget it, I'll go and ask Ningxia's family if there is a shortage of maids." Rosalia said and left, leaving only Kaiya with a puzzled face.

"It turns out that Rosalia is also interested in Ningxia... Forget it, it has nothing to do with me." Kaiya waved her hand, and was going to find Di Luke in Angel's Gift for some friendly exchanges.

Rosalia, who was separated from Kaiya, reckoned her savings plus salary, except for late arrivals, early departures, drinking money, etc., there is probably...about [-] moras.

With his character of not being able to save money, there is a high probability that he will never be able to pay back Ningxia's wine money in this life, so...

Rosalia sat in the church with some melancholy, and began to pray for a long time in her heart.

"Sbarasi, the wind god, please pay me 380 moras for the drink." Rosalia prayed.

At this time, Wendy, who was eating chicken legs and drinking in Liyue, shuddered, thinking that Tianli was thinking about her, but looking at Vanessa, Wendy felt that she still had a chance of life.

Vanessa is not only able to fight, she is an acquaintance with Tianli, and for 500 years, only Vanessa has been living with Tianli.

With Vanessa interceding, how could she not be beaten up?

"Rosalia? What's wrong with you?" Barbara, who was cleaning up the church at this time, asked. It was the first time she saw Rosalia praying in a serious posture after coming to the church for so long. This made Barbara I was a little relieved, thinking that my persuasion was useful.

"Barbara...it's nothing." Rosalia said pretending to be relaxed.

"You must be hiding something from me, right? Please tell me, I will find a way to help you." Barbara said while holding Rosalia's hand.

"Well...can you lend me 380 million moras?" Rosalia asked after thinking about it.

"..." Barbara looked at Rosalia in disbelief, and the expression on her face became astonished.

"Rosalia, don't you..." The innocent Barbara thought that Rosalia had gone astray, and felt disappointed and sad for her.

"I'm just..." Rosalia just wanted to explain, when Barbara took out a black and gold card from her small backpack and stuffed it into Rosalia's hand.

"Take it, there are 500 million moras in it, if it's not enough, I'll go get my lucky money, Rosalia! You must quit!" Barbara said seriously.

The corner of Rosalia's mouth twitched, and she also understood what Barbara had misunderstood, but she did owe Ning Xia money.

"Barbara..." Rosalia slowly began to explain the matter between herself and Ningxia to Barbara.

"It turned out to be like this... Great, I thought you... Ah! Sorry! I shouldn't have doubted you." Barbara quickly apologized.

"It's okay." Rosalia waved her hand and said, with her appearance, it is indeed quite easy to make people suspicious.

"Why don't I go talk to Mr. Ningxia with you tomorrow? He is very nice, so he shouldn't care about the money for this bottle of wine... right?" Barbara said with some uncertainty, after all, 380 million Mora Not too little.

"I just knew he was very good so I didn't give him the chance to refuse..." Rosalia said, covering her face, what was she pretending at the time?Now where does she go to get 380 million moras.

"Um, or the 380 moras will be my loan to you, as long as you promise me that the church's activities will be on time..." Barbara said from the side, able to persuade Rosalia to return to the right path and believe in Baba According to Mr. Toss, for Barbara, that mora is not too much.

"I refuse!" Rosalia said immediately, joking, staying up late every day is enough for her to suffer, morning is her rest time, and the church activities are too embarrassing for Rosalia, let her go It would be better to sell yourself as a maid in Ningxia than to participate.

"But..." Barbara looked at Rosalia with a determined face, and didn't know how to persuade her. She only saw this expression when Qin dragged her seriously ill body to resist the core of the wind. For the absolute determination of the bottom line in my heart.

"It's okay, Barbara, I'll go talk to Ningxia tomorrow, that's it, it's getting late, you should go to bed." Rosalia said and left on her own.

She didn't really want to ask Barbara to help her pay back the money. A good girl like Barbara was born out of the same world as a creature of the night like her.

It's just that Barbara was too enthusiastic and persistent, which made Rosalia a little helpless. She also tried to make Barbara retreat in spite of difficulties with sneering words.

It made Rosalia a little difficult to resist. If she was asked to interrogate the prisoner, she could break all the prisoner's fingers expressionlessly, but she couldn't communicate with Barbara with a smile.

"Oh...wait a minute!? Isn't it the church's chorus tomorrow?" Barbara just wanted to stop Rosalia, but she was gone.

Barbara looked at the disappearing Rosalia with a helpless expression on her face. She probably understood that it was fake that Rosalia was looking for Ningxia tomorrow, but it was true that she was hiding from church activities.

Barbara thought, how about going to Ning Xia tomorrow to intercede for Rosalia or something, if that doesn't work, it's not impossible to pay for Rosalia herself.

Chapter 398 Rosalia Lying Flat

The next morning, Sara subconsciously rubbed the things she was holding beside her, then barely opened her eyes, and saw Ning Xia lying beside her.

"Brother Cou..." Saluo muttered softly, yesterday she thought Ning Xia slept with Mona, but...

Thinking of Mona seeing my embarrassing appearance yesterday, Sara suddenly felt ashamed to face others, especially the pose with Mona, thinking of Mona's expression yesterday, and her own appearance~

Shaluo hammered Ningxia's shoulder angrily, it was too shameful, why would he be willing to pose strangely with Mona.

"Sister~" At this time, Ning Xia, who was still sleeping, suddenly opened her eyes and looked at herself with a smirk.

"I, I was very tired yesterday, I can't do it today!" Sara said with a blushing face, it was fine to put my knees on my shoulders yesterday, why did I let myself lie on Mona's body, and I could see my embarrassing appearance in front of Mona no more.

"Also, you, why are you..." Sara felt the pain on her thigh, and didn't know how to refuse.

"I... at most, just use that, no! Why do you like this!!!" Shaluo knelt down shyly, and he didn't have such a plot when he was reading light novels.

Although he said so, Sara honestly imitated what Mona did yesterday, because his mouth was too wide open, Sara felt that his jaw was about to dislocate.

"Huh? You guys are carrying me behind your back!" Mona rubbed her eyes and said.

"Oh Na, Niguolai help Mang!" Sara said vaguely, this thing is stuck in the middle, it's not easy to get in, it's not easy to get out, before it's over, Sara can only speak inarticulately.

After the foreplay ended, Shaluo thought that Ningxia would let her go, but it turned out...

Today Mona and Sara had to lie on the bed and rest.

Sara lay down next to Mona in a bit of embarrassment. It was the first time she did this kind of thing, which made her a little embarrassed.

Kapaqili sat on the sofa with Qiyana in her arms, and looked at Ningxia who was going downstairs with a resentful expression. Yesterday, Saramona went, so she didn't bring herself.

"Brother~ you are mine tonight, is it okay?" Kapaqili asked resentfully.

Qiyana at the side also smelled the strong smell of Ning Xia, and turned her face away a little shyly, she didn't care about such things.

"I'll take a shower first, and then I'll make you breakfast." Ningxia said with some embarrassment, mainly because after Kapaqili came, he didn't have to worry that Qiyana would see something she shouldn't, so he just ...

"Today I'm going to eat sweet flower stuffed chicken." Capaccili said.

"I want to eat bird eggs!" Kiyana followed up.

"Okay, okay." Ningxia agreed one by one, and then went upstairs again to take a hot bath.

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and Kapaqili put Kiana on the lap on the sofa, and then went to open the door.

After opening the door, Rosalia appeared in front of the door with a haggard face.

"Rosalia? Why are you here?" Kapaqili asked suspiciously.

"Is Ningxia there? I have something to do with him." Rosalia yawned and asked. She was busy dealing with the fools yesterday. If she wanted to find Ningxia, she should find a quiet place to sleep now.

"Come here and wait a minute, my brother is taking a shower." Kapaqili said and invited Rosalia into the house.

"Hmm..." Rosalia staggered to the sofa, then sat down on the soft sofa, and finally couldn't help closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Capaccili, who originally made tea for Rosalia, put the tea on the table, and then supported Rosalia to lie flat on the sofa.

"It's a miracle that this person is alive..." Kiyana said while holding the hot tea that Capaccili had made for Rosalia.

"The liver is not good, the kidneys are not good, the lungs are not good, and the stomach is not good. Hey! This is for the guests!" Capaccili said angrily.

"Don't worry about it, but she shouldn't live to be 30 years old, right?" Kiyana said after taking a sip of tea.

"Indeed." Capacciri said in agreement.

"Oh!? Is Rosalia's body so serious?" Barbara, who came to Ningxia's house after Rosalia, shouted in surprise.

"Kappaqili, don't you close the door?" Kiyana complained.

"Hehehe~ Didn't I forget~" Kapaqili said awkwardly.

"Rosalia! Are you alright?" Barbara walked to Rosalia's side and asked worriedly.

"Hush~" Kapaqili quickly blocked Barbara's mouth.

"She hasn't slept all day, please be quiet," Kapaqili said.

"Oh, I, I see." Barbara quickly covered her mouth and said.

"Barbara? Why are you here?" At this time, after taking a shower, Ning Xia, who was only wearing a pair of pants, went downstairs wiping her hair.

"Ning... ah!!!" Barbara covered her eyes shyly, but remembered the vaguely seen muscles just now, and carefully peeked through the small gap between her fingers.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I'll go change some clothes first." Ning Xia hurried upstairs to get dressed.

And Barbara also saw Ningxia's perfect body shape, and now there are only two words left in her mind: "So big, so white."

After changing her clothes, Ning Xia went downstairs. Barbara, who was a little shy when she saw Ning Xia, said anxiously: "Mr. Ning Xia, is Rosalia..."

"Kappaqili?" Ningxia looked at Kapaqili suspiciously.

"I don't know, she came here by herself." Kapaqili waved her hand and said.

Ning Xia put a hand on Rosalia's forehead, and Rosalia who was frowning slowly relaxed.

Ning Xia looked at Rosalia's extremely bad body and didn't know what to say.

If Qin is overworked, then Rosalia is overworked and needs to stack negative buffs for herself.

"Alas..." Ning Xia sighed, and then transitioned to Rosalia with the breath of life.

The breath of life can dispel the chronic diseases rooted in Rosalia, but the mental exhaustion can only be relieved.

"What? What's wrong? Rosalia?" Barbara asked worriedly.

"She's fine, she just needs to take a break, and her schedule is too chaotic, is your West Wind Church busy?" Ning Xia asked.

"Huh? But?" Barbara looked at Rosalia with a puzzled expression. The workload of Westwind Church is not much, and Rosalia doesn't participate in the work very much.

Chapter 399

"By the way, Barbara, do you have anything to do with me?" Ning Xia asked.

"Ah! This..." Barbara took out a gold card from her satchel and handed it to Ning Xia.

"Did Rosalia owe you the drink money? I paid for her." Barbara said.

"Um...Actually, I don't care about these two bottles of wine, and I don't like drinking." Ning Xia waved his hand and said, originally he didn't think about asking Rosalia to return it.

"But Rosalia is very serious, and said that if she can't pay back, she wants to work as a maid with you to pay off the debt." Barbara said seriously.

"But I can't stay in Mengde for long... I have to go back to Dao's wife." Ningxia said helplessly.

"Ning! Mr. Ningxia! Are you leaving?" Barbara asked anxiously. She still wanted to ask Ningxia about music.

"Probably more than half a month away?" Ning Xia thought for a while and said, he also asked Sha Luo last night if he had any intention to go to Sumeru to play.

Shaluo has no objection, in her opinion, being with Ningxia is enough, and she doesn't care where to play.

So the two discussed to play in Mond for about half a month before leaving, go to Xumi to find Naxida through Liyue, and then take a boat from Liyue back to Dao's wife.

As for riding Capacciri...

Considering the three-month vacation of Sara, the experience of taking a boat is better.

"Sigh...my sister was talking about Mr. Ning Xia yesterday. I think she should respect your strength and personality." The simple-minded Barbara said.

Facing the rare rest, Qin had a rare heart-to-heart talk with Barbara during the interval between preparing for the second battle with Lisa.

Now Barbara has a general understanding of Qin's preferences, except that she doesn't know that Qin likes Ningxia.

"That's it..." Ning Xia replied in embarrassment, if Barbara knew about her relationship with Qin...


"By the way! I would like to ask Mr. Ning Xia what do you think of idols? I've been wondering if I've been slacking off after the concert. Everyone used to be very happy, but recently..." Barbara felt a little disappointed said.

"Idols...I'm not very familiar with this." Ning Xia recalled the memories of idols in her previous life, laughing to death, not chasing stars at all.

"But I can give you this song, I think it will be quite suitable for you." Ning Xia said while rubbing his chin.

"Is it really okay!? Me, I mean I will pay for it." Barbara said excitedly, the two songs Ningxia put out were not bad, which made her look forward to what Ningxia would give her kind of song.

Ningxia wrote the music score and lyrics with a pen and paper, which is one of the enhancements given to him by the seed. Basically, he has not forgotten the songs he heard in his previous life, and he can even calculate the music score in reverse.

"Here, take a look for yourself." Ningxia handed the written score to Barbara, and then went into the kitchen to cook breakfast for two greedy cats, one big and one small, under the pitiful expressions of Kapaqili and Qiyana. .

In addition to the sweet flower-stuffed chicken and roasted bird eggs requested by the two, Ningxia also specially made pigeon custard for the second daughter who was resting upstairs, which he took from the bridge when he came back yesterday.

I just made a Huo Huo Meat Sauce Noodle with Jue Yun Chili Pepper Sauce. The spicy sauce is very appetizing when paired with the noodles.

Barbara sat by the sofa and began to sing "Love You" written by Ning Xia in her heart.

Although the song is not particularly catchy, the lyrics are catchy and easy to understand.

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