The more Barbara watched, the more excited she became, and now she can't wait to go back to the rehearsal room and try to sing again.

"Barbara, do you want to eat?" Ningxia asked while holding a large plate of hot sauce noodles with spicy sauce. This kind of noodles must be served in large quantities to be delicious.

"Gudong..." Barbara swallowed heavily after smelling the tempting fragrance on the noodles.

"No, no need, I'm not hungry." Barbara refused in a low voice. Barbara hadn't had time to thank everyone for going to Ningxia for dinner last time, so how dare she take Ningxia's breakfast again now.

"Gu~" A melodious and long purring sound came from Barbara's stomach.

"No! I'm very sorry! I'm rude." Barbara said with a blushing face. She was too worried about Rosalia, so she rushed over without breakfast.

"Can you handle heavy spicy food?" Ning Xia asked, thanks to the fact that he made enough noodles, so it's no problem to share some with Barbara.

"I, I like spicy food very much." Barbara said with a blushing face. It was too embarrassing for her to lose face in Ningxia, which everyone respects.

"Okay." Ningxia took a plate from the kitchen, and evened out some for Barbara.

Feeling embarrassed, Barbara put a fork of noodles into her mouth, and her eyes lit up. This fragrant and numbing taste is really great.

At this time, Barbara didn't care about the girl's reserve anymore, and wiped out all the noodles in front of her at a very fast speed.

"Isn't it good?" Ning Xia asked slowly.

"No, it's very delicious. It's the first time I've tasted such a fragrant hot sauce." Barbara said shyly.

While the two were communicating, Rosalia rubbed her eyes and stood up. She smelled the fragrance in the air, and immediately became more energetic.

"Yo! You're awake."

"Why do I..." Rosalia rubbed her head. When she woke up, she felt relaxed and at ease after a long time. She felt light and light, and the pain in her stomach and lungs was gone.

"Rosalia! Are you okay?" Barbara asked while holding Rosalia's hand. She was still very worried about this unsocial nun in front of her, especially after knowing that she was in poor health.

"Me? It's okay, it's surprisingly good." Rosalia stretched her waist and said.

"Speaking of which, Rosalia, you plan to sell yourself to pay me back the drink money?" Ning Xia asked with a wicked look on his face, his playful thoughts came up again.

"So you already know, so tell me, how long will it take me to pay it off." Rosalia asked calmly.

"Hmm... so, 380 million Mora, if I cover your board and lodging, it's probably a year's salary." Ningxia said pretending to think.

"Yeah." Rosalia nodded, she had already expected this.

"I don't like the smell of cigarettes, so the maids can't smoke."

"Oh." Rosalia frowned slightly, but still agreed.

"I'm afraid drinking will cause trouble, and maids can't drink too." Ning Xia followed up.

"...I accept." Rosalia's expression began to become ugly. If she didn't drink, she would have no other means of entertainment.

"Do you know how to work as a maid?" Ning Xia asked again.

"No." Rosalia said honestly.

"Then what do you know?" Ning Xia asked, wiping the cold sweat off his forehead.

"What enemy do you have, I can help you send him to the ground." Rosalia thought for a while and said.

"You are a maid! Not a killer!" Ning Xia said speechlessly.

"It's all done with money, I can do whatever you want." Rosalia said indifferently.

Chapter 400 The Departure of Tianli

(For details, please refer to the author’s words. The pits I didn’t fill will be filled later, and the pits will be self-explanatory.)

"Am I that kind of person..." Ning Xia looked at Rosalia speechlessly.

"Isn't it?" Rosalia squinted at Barbara who was adoring Ningxia.

First get rid of Captain Qin, and then get rid of his sister, and don't let me drink or smoke. Now you are really despicable~

Although Rosalia knew that Ning Xia had good intentions, but...

"Ahem." Rosalia felt a long-lost lightness in her chest, a feeling she had never experienced since she was 18 years old.

"What are you talking about?" Barbara asked suspiciously, she didn't understand the meaning between Rosalia and Ning Xia's words.

"It's okay, Barbara, you can go back first, and tell Victoria by the way, I may not be able to go back to church for a while, and I don't need to cook my portion for dinner today." Rosalia said with her brisk hands.

"Uh, then I'll go first. If you want to go back to church, I'll pay for it for you." Barbara nodded and said, since Rosalia didn't want others to pay for her, she couldn't force it for her. She pays back.

After Barbara left, Ning Xia and Rosalia sat in the living room staring at each other. This strange situation lasted for a while.

Qiyana on the side said impatiently: "How long will you be like this?"

"What should I do now?" Rosalia asked.

"You... clean up the bowls first, shall we? By the way, I remember that there are still maids' clothes in the maid's room. You can change them later." Ning Xia thought for a while and said, and he also planned to let Rosalia be here Do it for half a month, and it will be settled when I leave.

"Okay." Rosalia nodded.

Ningxia also went upstairs with the pigeon custard to serve the second daughter in person, as her own wife had to take care of her personally to feel at ease.

After carefully feeding Sara and Mona who had a little temper, Ningxia told Sara about Rosalia.

"Well, you can do whatever you want." Sara nodded and said, she doesn't care about the maid or something, anyway, it's just one more person to help her with housework.

At this time, Qiyana, who couldn't bear it anymore, dragged Ning Xia back to her room. She had many things to tell Ning Xia.

Carefully closing the door, Kiyana took a deep breath and said, "Brother, do you still remember what I told you?"

"I am the maintainer of the law of heaven, but I am weak because of some things. Thank you for your help these days. Now I have recovered some strength."

"The Nail of Cold Sky on the snow mountain was indeed liberated by Kapaqili and I. It is a part of Sky Island and also a weapon." Kiyana said solemnly. In this world, only Ningxia can believe her. As for the seven gods, except for the water god who is barely reliable, she can't believe the remaining six gods.

"Weapon..." Ning Xia frowned and said, he also felt the power of the Nail of the Cold Sky, if locked by it, Ning Xia didn't think he could resist its attack.

"Yes, these are the weapons left by my predecessors, but they have all left, and now I am the only maintainer left on Sky Island." Qiyana took out three blue-lighted weapons. Little Ball said.

"I don't understand, since you can make weapons that can destroy civilization at will, why did you leave this world, and why did you come to me, just because of my breath of life?" Ning Xia asked.

"No, it's not..." Kiyana said seriously, and took out a pure white hourglass.

"More than 3000 years ago, the predecessors who defeated No.1 have realized that this world is not complete, and there are too many loopholes in it."

"They did want to help humans build civilization at the beginning, but the abyss came from another world." Qiyana said helplessly.

"The seniors who didn't want to fight with them chose to leave, and I voluntarily stayed to maintain the order of this world, but the price is that I have become a person of this world, and I am affected by the rules of this world."

"So the death of Tianli means that Tianli has left this world, and as the last maintainer, I can be called Tianli or the maintainer of Tianli."

"Is the abyss really that scary? It's not difficult to solve it with your strength, right?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously. He didn't think it was too outrageous to fight against the abyss several times.

"No...the existence of the abyss is endless, indestructible, and ineradicable. Whether it is the ancient country on the snow mountain or Kanria 500 years ago, they have all been tempted by it. After coming into contact with civilization, he will rooted in the world."

"As long as there is contact, the abyss will cause this civilization to completely collapse, spread like a virus and destroy other civilizations, so I chose to unite with the Seven Gods in the past to destroy the last godless country."

"From then on, only the Seven Kingdoms are left under the supervision of the Seven Gods, not only to ensure that civilization will not reappear, but also to concentrate firepower to kill this civilization immediately when Honkai appears, so as to prevent Honkai from spreading."

"Thankfully, this is the abyss of the world and not really...ahem."

"A friend of mine once saw the end of this world through predicting the future, so she disappeared 500 years ago, as if being erased..." Qiyana said disappointedly.

"So, brother, please trust me. Although I don't know why, I really... trust you." Qiyana said while holding Ning Xia's hand.

"Qiana..." Ning Xia hadn't reacted from the abyss and the collapse of civilization at this time, which was beyond his imagination.

"Brother, don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble. The abyss is sleeping now, and what exists now are only people who have been corroded by the abyss."

"I just want to stay by your side, even if it's just by your side, I can slowly recover." Qiyana said seriously, all kinds of bad things piled up in her heart made her almost go crazy.

Only when he was with Ningxia and Kapaqili could he barely recover.

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Ningxia rubbed Qiyana's head and asked. If the abyss really threatened his cherished family and friends, he would definitely take action.

"Before leaving Mond, please ask my brother to go with me to the sundial that Amber mentioned. I have a hunch that there will be harvest at that time." Qiyana said looking at Ningxia's thigh.

"Can't we go now?" Ning Xia asked with some doubts.

"No, brother, you still have to accompany Sister Sara now, I won't bother you~" Kiyana stuck out her tongue and said.

"Ouch! It hurts!" Qiyana said, covering her head aggrieved.

Chapter 401 Lisa Attacks

During the exchange with Qiyana in Ningxia, Rosalia also changed into the maid outfit, but because the altitude of Longji Snow Mountain is too high, the largest maid outfit is a bit cramped.

"Hmm~ not bad." Ning Xia touched her chin and said, Rosalia's background is not bad, the main reason is that the dark circles under her eyes that stay up all night make her look a little scary.

After being suckled by Ningxia, the originally pale skin became a little more bloody, and the dark circles under the eyes have disappeared. Except for the stiff expression on her face, she should look similar to a normal maid on the whole... right?

"Hey! Rosalia! Be gentle! This is custom-made by me!" Ning Xia said while looking at Rosalia who was a little rough in the laundry.

"What's the matter... isn't it just... Fat times?" Rosalia held up Ningxia's...

Rosalia's originally pale face showed a tinge of redness, which was particularly conspicuous on her pale face. It would be a disaster if the nuns of West Wind Church saw it.

In their view, making Rosalia shy was no less difficult than getting Rosalia to call Sparsey the right name.

Ning Xia snatched it over while covering his face. Originally, all his family members were very close, so there was no separation or anything like that, they were all washed together.

But Rosalia is also a woman after all, and it is indeed not suitable for washing such things.

"As a maid, it's reasonable to wash, isn't it reasonable?" Rosalia pulled Ningxia's hand...

"No, no, no, I'll just wash it myself." Ning Xia quickly pulled away Rosalia's hand and said.

"Okay..." Rosalia said with her head lowered, and the force of washing the clothes became gentler.

The addition of a maid in the family did not affect Ningxia's life much, but there were more restrictions in some places.

For example...

"Hey, Rosalia, you're going to sleep and go back to your room, haven't you already cleaned it?" Ning Xia said, looking at Rosalia who was lying on the sofa.

"I'm used to it." Rosalia turned over and said, the expression on her face gradually relaxed, not as stiff as when she was working just now.

"You like it." Ning Xia casually covered Rosalia with a small blanket on the sofa, and then went upstairs to accompany her sister and Mona.

Rosalia touched the blanket on her body and couldn't help pulling it on her body.

After returning to the church, Barbara excitedly ran back to her rehearsal room, which made Victoria a little puzzled. It was normal that Rosalia didn't come today. Why did Barbara ask for leave?

When Barbara returned to the rehearsal room, she saw Jean waiting for her.

"Sister!" Barbara greeted warmly.

"Barbara is here..." Qin said with a forced smile.

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Are you not feeling well?" Barbara asked worriedly.

"No, I just want to ask you..." Qin said wryly.

"What do you think of him in Ningxia?"

"Mr. Ningxia...he is very nice, gentle and easy to talk..." Barbara said with some longing.

"Then, what do you think..." Listening to Barbara's compliment, Qin relaxed her tense heart. It seems that her younger sister also likes Ningxia very much. After Barbara knows, she can accept it, right?

"What's wrong? Sister? Are you feeling a little uncomfortable? Why is your face so red?" Barbara asked worriedly.

"It's nothing! It's nothing! I still have some things to do, I'm leaving first!" Qin said and left as if running away.

"Sister?" Barbara looked at Qin who left in a panic, a little confused, thinking that Qin was too tired from work.

After leaving, Qin quickly ran back to the lounge of the library, and she asked Lisa to give her advice.

"Oh, Qin, why are you doing this again?" Lisa calmly took out a book whose name was blocked by a book cover and looked at it. Regarding the provocative plots in it, Lisa began to give a live demonstration with great interest.

"What's wrong? Did you miss me again?" Lisa pinched Qin's chin and said.

"Don't! Don't be like this, I don't know how to explain my relationship with Ningxia to Barbara, and Ningxia now..." Qin said with a red face when she was teased.

"It's just this kind of thing~" Lisa calmly picked up the Dudu lotus tea beside her and said.

"This! This is very important!" Jean said sitting next to Lisa.

"Don't you still have me~Qin~" Lisa blinked and said, most of her subjects were looking for Qin.

Who told Qin to be so simple in terms of feelings, she could blush for a long time at any tease, which gave Lisa an extraordinarily comfortable sense of satisfaction.

"Me! I like Ningxia! Lisa, I'm sorry..." Qin, who was already confused by Lisa's words, said in a panic.

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