"Look, didn't you just say it now? Oh, I just said, I can help you find information~" Lisa stuck out her tongue and said.

"Is that so? Lisa, are you really okay?" Qin asked with some concern.

"Ah, ah, he's just a handsome guy. Instead of worrying about me, you might as well worry about whether he will be wiped out by me~" Lisa licked her lips pretending to be relaxed and said.

For her, Ningxia was a breakthrough challenge.As long as Ningxia can be moved, her image of a mature big sister will be more fixed.

"You! You can't!" Qin, whose brain was overloaded, said in a daze.

"Ah, ah, I won't snatch it from you?" Lisa said with a smile, her life in Mond is work, fishing, and teasing Qin.

"By the way, can you help me put on some makeup?" Lisa asked, she felt that she still needed to prepare for dealing with a sinful man like Ningxia.

"Yes, yes, but Lisa, why don't you..." Qin asked suspiciously, she was too absorbed in studying at the time, and didn't notice Lisa's makeup in Mond's nightmare.

"Ahem, isn't this to test whether your makeup skills have improved~ okay, okay, come and help me~" Lisa took this topic coquettishly.

Thinking of makeup, Lisa was crying silently in her heart. If she didn't know how to make up, she wouldn't have to ask Qin.

After all, no matter how transformed Qin is, she won't be able to shoulder Mond's nightmare, right?

Chapter 402 Kaiya: What did I miss?

Lisa, who put on make-up, walked out of the Knights with her head held high. Many knights bowed their heads proficiently, and tried hard not to look at Lisa.

How many innocent teenagers in the West Wind Knights have never been teased by Lisa, besides, Lisa is dressed so beautifully today, maybe she is going to harm some innocent teenager.

These knights who had a clear understanding of themselves began to pretend to be working hard, with the belief that no matter how much harm they did, they could not harm themselves.

"Oh my, today's cuties are working hard too~" Lisa covered her mouth and smiled lightly. The light makeup on her mature and beautiful face is no less lethal to everyone than the girlish one last time. Head of Qin.

Many knights with weaker willpower could not stop sneaking glances at Lisa.

Although Lisa still had a gentle smile on her face, Mensao's heart had already begun to laugh wildly. Qin's makeup and her own clothes were simply the best match.

However, Lisa did not forget her main task, but when she came to the door, she turned around and smiled playfully, making everyone feel like an arrow had been stabbed in her chest.

Seeing everyone panicked, Lisa smiled gracefully and left the Knights, leaving only a group of poor people whose hearts were torn apart.

Before everyone could recover from the impact of Lisa, Qin, who was wearing lace white long sleeves on her upper body and a pleated skirt with black silk and small leather shoes on her lower body, walked out of the library awkwardly. She wanted to follow behind Lisa. lest she have any problems.

Looking at the stunned crowd, the shy Qin left the Knights as if running away, leaving only a group of stunned knights.

"Well, Hester, you go... oh!?" At this moment, Kaiya walked out of the office with a lot of government affairs to be distributed, looking at the people who were in a state of shutdown, a little strange.

"Thank you, Lord Fengshen, for your kindness..." A knight prayed devoutly, making Kaiya, who missed a hundred million, confused.

At this time, Qin, who was changing clothes for the second time, didn't notice how attractive she was at all, and she almost walked in a mess all the way.

But Lisa noticed the sneaky Qin behind her. Although she hid it well, the behavior of passers-by had already betrayed her.

Even if the current Qin is walking behind, the degree of shock to the Mond people is no less than that of a fool who flies on the roof and walls in order to follow others.

Lisa didn't care about Yiqin's stalking. Once her girlfriend was in a topic related to Ningxia, she would become an ordinary girl in love, and she didn't even look like an acting head.

When passing by the angel's gift, a blond man with a half mask passed Lisa.

Lisa looked back at the man who had already entered the bar. She recognized the man's eyes just now, which was the proof of the noble blood of Kanria, but there was no malice in him, so she didn't go any further.

Regarding Kanria, when she was studying, her tutor repeatedly warned her not to explore such things too much. Even Lisa felt that she was cursed because of over-exploring such things.

Without thinking too much, Lisa continued to walk to Ningxia's house, passing by the commercial street to see if there were any new gadgets to buy.

"Yo~ cute, what are you buying?" Lisa who passed by Mengde Commercial Street greeted Yingmei enthusiastically. She was very grateful to Yingmei and Ningxia for solving Twarin, otherwise she would have to pay some price to use it. Forbidden sorcery to deal with Twarin.

"Lisa! Hello." Paimon greeted warmly, and the younger sister beside him nodded back and said hello.

"Why are you buying tools for outdoor adventures? Are you going camping?" Lisa asked with interest.

"No, no, we are going to leave Mond for Liyue, so we need to prepare some tools that can be used on the road." Paimon explained.

"Is that so... are you planning to go to Liyue in order to find your own blood relatives? What a remarkable child." Lisa praised.

"Yeah, these days in Monde, not to mention Brother Ying's clues, I haven't even found a single golden hair." Paimon said helplessly.

Yingmei, who was on the side, touched her golden hair, but she still thought it would be better not to complain.

"Golden hair?" Lisa thought for a while, but decided to tell Yingmei about the blond man she saw just now.

"Well, he is indeed blond, and the style of his clothes... is quite wild. At least I know the style of the Seven Kingdoms, but it's the first time like this." Lisa commented, but she didn't turn her eyes The thing is said.

Hearing what Lisa said, Yingmei's eyes that had been dim because she was about to leave suddenly lit up.

"Oh? Really? Ying! Let's go and see! Maybe!" Paimon said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Yingmei nodded and said. At this time, she hadn't experienced the following things, and she was still very persistent about her brother's affairs.

Seeing Yingmei and Paimeng leaving excitedly, Lisa sighed helplessly. If it wasn't for her youthful frivolity and thirst for knowledge, she should be as energetic as a girl like Yingmei now. .

Casually glanced at the nervous Qin, Lisa couldn't help covering her mouth and sniggering, her best friend is too funny, obviously she usually notices such things at the first time, but now she can do such a bad thing track.

Lisa sighed, lamenting that love can really make people blind, especially an innocent girl like Qin, who has become a fool.

After passing through the commercial street is Ningxia's home. Lisa tidied up her appearance, and then knocked on the door with a very charming smile.

At this time, she couldn't sleep anyway, and the chubby Rosalia got up from the sofa unhappily, then went to the door and opened it.

"Who is it?" Although Rosalia was very upset, she still asked in a softer voice than when she was a nun.

"Rosalia?" Lisa, who kept smiling, almost couldn't hold back. She could imagine Yula, Amber, and even Granu, and Noelle came to open the door.

But she never expected that someone who likes fishing and being lazy like her usually... Well, it should be said that Rosalia, who had a proper rest, would come to answer the door.

"The guy from the library?" Rosalia yawned and said, although she was still a little sleepy, but because of the pictures in her mind, she always thought of some weird things.

"Won't you invite me in for a sit down?" Lisa asked, although it was a bit more than expected, but Lisa still did enough on the surface.

"Hmm...please come in." Although Rosalia was a little helpless, she still did her maid's duty well. After asking Lisa to enter the door, she went to the kitchen to get hot water for her to make tea.

Kiyana, who was still sitting on the sofa eating snacks, saw Lisa coming, and walked up to the second floor silently. The main reason was that Lisa had too much dark history. Although she regained her strength, she didn't want to care about it, but could she not care about it? Contact is still better.

Lisa looked at Qiyana who was going upstairs, and pretended to be sad and said: "Does little Qiyana hate my sister? Woohoo, sister is so sad~"

Kapaqili on the side covered her mouth and started laughing. It turns out that Qiyana has a dark history with Lisa, so she needs to understand it~

Lisa's words made the embarrassing Qiyana goose bumps all over the ground, and she rushed to Ningxia who was chatting with the second daughter, trying to find a little love from Ningxia.

"What's the matter? Qiyana?" Ning Xia looked at Qiyana who suddenly broke into the room, a little puzzled.

Chapter 403 The Defensive Lisa

"It's nothing, just let me hug you for a while." Qiyana lowered her head and said, now she can accept being tender in front of Ningxia, but other people's words...

Qiyana even has the heart to kill people, if her black history is known to others, how can she punch the Seven Gods and kick the abyss in the future.

"Hello! Ningxia! Someone is looking for you!" Rosalia's voice came from downstairs at this moment.

Ningxia was about to go down, and Qiyana said: "I want Sister Shaluo to accompany me, so I won't go down!"

After saying that, she shamelessly ran to Shaluo to pretend to be tender. Anyway, she is Ningxia's sister, and she is Ningxia herself, so it's no problem... right?

When Ning Xia walked downstairs, Capaccili was already chatting with Lisa. With the terrifying learning ability of the demon god, she is now a living little fox, and she also noticed that she has a clear affection for Ning Xia Qin is stealthily eavesdropping outside, so the topic of Qin will always be mentioned intentionally or unintentionally.

This made Lisa immediately feel that she had met an opponent. Capaccili in front of her seemed to know some things better than her. With his knowledge, he couldn't deal with Capaccili's several temptations at all.

"Hey, the honorary knight is here?" Lisa felt a sense of relief when she saw Ning Xia coming down. She thought Ning Xia would be her boss, but Kapaqili stumped her.

"Lisa? Do you have anything to do?" Ning Xia asked as she went downstairs.

"Ahem, here's the thing." Lisa cleared her throat, ready to find out Ningxia's opinion on Qin.

Qin standing outside Ningxia's house walked back and forth anxiously. The sound insulation of Ningxia's house is very good. If you can be anxious outside, I pray that Lisa will be reliable this time.

"May I ask Ning Xia what do you think of Qin?" Lisa asked tentatively, and began to analyze Ning Xia's expression, began to think about what Ning Xia might say next, and whether she had an obvious liking for Qin.

"Qin? She is very good. I thought she was a great girl when we exchanged letters. After I met her, I felt that Qin was better than I thought, but she was overworked... ..." Ning Xia said seriously, this was the thought in his heart.

"Well, the hero sees the same thing~" Lisa said in agreement, guessing that Qin outside should have heard it, so she wouldn't keep whispering it in her ear.

Seeing that Ning Xia had such a high opinion of Qin, Lisa, who felt that the task was half completed, suddenly wanted to tease Ning Xia, and asked with a charming smile: "Then what do you think of me?"

"Uh... this..." This made Ningxia a little stuck. He didn't have much communication with Lisa, so it was a bit difficult for him to make a specific evaluation.

"You don't think I'm bad, do you~ woo woo woo~ I'm so sad~" Lisa said pretending to be sad, and this appearance just happened to be seen by Qiyana who was squatting upstairs.

"Hmph! It's fine if you bully me, but you still bully my brother!" Qiyana said through gritted teeth, and immediately gave Lisa a psychological hint, making Lisa think that whatever Ning Xia said would be like a confession, look at this We will only see if Uncle Liu's crumb witch can break through the defense.

"Well, although we haven't known each other for a long time, you are a very gentle person. I haven't had time to thank you for taking care of Qiyana for me. Why don't you stay at my house for a light meal?" Ningxia said politely .

Lisa, who had been psychologically hinted at these words, tasted bad.

"Miss Lisa is such a gentle person. She not only took care of the lost Qiyana for me, but also made her keep talking about you. I want to invite you to have a meal alone to express my gratitude."

"Gudong..." Lisa, who was still drinking tea calmly, almost choked.

Under the long-term personal setting that I have maintained for a long time, almost no male friends dare to invite her to dinner, so Kaiya invited her to have a drink last time.

Hearing Ningxia's sudden invitation, Lisa didn't know how to respond for a moment.

"Also, Miss Lisa's temperament and appearance are rare, just like Liyue's neon clothes." Ning Xia thought that Lisa felt that her evaluation was not good enough, and quickly added .

From Lisa's point of view it becomes:

Ning Xia said affectionately: "Miss Lisa's temperament and appearance are as unique as the bright moon in the sky. Even flowers, after seeing your beauty, I am afraid they will bow their heads in shame."

This kind of plot that only exists in novels appeared in reality, which made Lisa almost spit out the hot tea in her mouth. She had never said such straightforward words to her in the Holy Order and Mond.

Lisa quickly took a deep breath, desperately maintaining her mature big sister personality, and warned herself that she came here to help Qin.

"Lisa? What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously.

From Lisa's point of view it becomes:

"Miss Lisa? Are you feeling unwell? Do you need me to take a look for you? If you are unwell, I will try my best to help you." Ning Xia asked worriedly.

"No! No need!" Lisa said quickly, despite her usual appearance of understanding, she is no better than Qin when this kind of thing really happens.

"You don't look well, do you want me to check it for you?" Ning Xia asked Lisa, who seemed shy but not normal, and was about to suckle her with the breath of life.

From Lisa's point of view it becomes:

"Dear Miss Lisa, seeing you in pain makes me feel like sitting on pins and needles, please let me check for you, I will take good care of you."

"Um, what I mean is, if you're not feeling well, I still know some ways to treat you, so I can take a look at it for you." Ning Xia also remembered that his ability had never been shown in front of Lisa, and added again.

From Lisa's point of view it becomes:

"I am very good at healing. If Miss Lisa is willing, I am willing to treat you alone in this life." Ning Xia said seriously.

This kind of words close to confession almost caused Lisa's brain to go into a state of shutdown. The dignified genius of the Holy Order Academy, who is the best at stealing... the person who saves time and work, was broken by Ningxia at this moment. up.

"Yes! That's right! I remembered that Qin was still waiting for me to have lunch. I'll go first. I appreciate your kindness. I, we are impossible!!!" Lisa took advantage of not becoming a fool completely. said before.

Then he left Ningxia's home as if fleeing.

Ning Xia looked at Rosalia who was yawning and asked, "Did I say something wrong?"

"No, I think it's quite normal, maybe she's not normal." Rosalia yawned and said, the communication between her and Lisa is basically the type of old and dead, the only thing that can understand is mutual She is so persistent about getting off work, so she doesn't quite understand why Lisa is so strange.

Looking at Lisa who fled in despair, Qiyana almost showed a satisfied smile, she just wanted to see Lisa's expression.

This look of running away because of shyness~

Chapter 404

As soon as Qin, who was waiting anxiously outside the door, saw Lisa fleeing out, she approached Lisa and asked, "Lisa! Ning! Did Ningxia say anything?"

"This, this...you heard it just now?" Lisa said, recalling all the confession words in Ningxia just now, she doesn't know how to explain it to her best friend now.

"No, I'm very sorry, the sound insulation in the house is so good, I didn't hear anything." Qin said embarrassedly, and she had to ask Lisa to help her convey it, even though Lisa had already done it herself.

"That's it...that's great...well, I mean it's a pity." Lisa stammered, and Lisa, who was deeply guilty, couldn't help but feel relieved that Qin didn't overhear Ningxia's words so badly that she had Some comfort, at least my good girlfriends don't know.

If her appearance was seen by acquaintances, she might have to slap her face hard on the spot to wake herself up. This can't be the usual Lisa!

At this time, Lisa recalled Ning Xia's confession to herself, and began to regret why she teased Ning Xia for no reason, obviously he was a man who was a good girlfriend.

"Lisa? Are you feeling unwell?" Qin asked worriedly.

"No, it's nothing, I just didn't sleep well yesterday." Lisa said quickly.

"It's really hard for you. It's obviously my business, but it makes you so tired." Qin said with a guilty face.

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