Qin's appearance made Lisa feel even more guilty. What did she do?I was actually confessed by the man my best friend liked! ?

"By the way, what did he say in Ningxia? Can I tell you?" Qin asked.

"This, this... Let's have a meal together, and talk while eating." Lisa stammered, she still needs some time to recall what Ning Xia said just now, but every time she recalls, her mind is full of Ning Xia's praise of her words.

"Sister Lisa~" Kiyana, with the mentality of taking advantage of your illness to kill you, walked out of the door pretending to be a good child, intending to give Lisa another stab.

"Qi! Qiyana! What's the matter?" Lisa asked with a guilty conscience. Now she felt a little guilty when she saw someone related to Ningxia.

"Brother Ningxia asked me, what~what~when~when~ did you come to my house for dinner~" Qiyana asked with a smile, at this moment she felt that the hatred of being shocked by Lisa twice before didn't matter anymore.

"This, this..." Lisa hesitated and looked at Qin who was puzzled. She naturally knew that Qin trusted her very much, but this kind of trust has now turned into Lisa's guilt towards Qin.

"Lisa?" Qin looked at Lisa worriedly, thinking that she was overworking herself.

"Ah, this, I will go there when I have time!" Lisa pretended to be calm and said, but her restless little hands had already betrayed her.

"Oh~ Can you give me a specific time~ I can give brother~ brother~ an explanation~ You don't want to..." Qiyana deliberately elongated her voice with a smirk on her face.

"I, I will tomorrow! Tomorrow night will be sure!" Lisa said in a panic, thinking that Qiyana was going to tell the truth about her being confessed by Ningxia.

"Is brother disappointed?" Kiyana only said the second half of the sentence when Lisa said the specific time.

"Okay, then I'll go tell my brother~" Satisfied, Qiyana immediately closed the door without giving Lisa any room to turn around.

Only Lisa, who hadn't recovered from Kiana's trap, was left looking at each other with a bewildered Qin.

"Brother~Sister Lisa said that she will come to my house for dinner tomorrow night~" Qiyana said bouncing to Ningxia.

God?maintainer?What is that, Kiyana doesn't know~

"Well, I see." Ning Xia pinched Qiyana's tender face and said.

"Hehehe~" Qiyana was still thinking about Lisa's embarrassing appearance just now, and felt that she had avenged everything.

"What do you want to eat today, I'll make it for you." Ning Xia asked.

"Tianshu Meat!" Kiyana raised her little hand and said excitedly.

"Okay~" Ning Xia said while touching Qiyana's little head, and then brought Rosalia to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

Kapaqili on the side suddenly came to Kiyana's side, and said with a smirk: "It turns out that Kiyana likes to be electrocuted~ I should have said it earlier~"

This made Qiyana's small face, which was originally proud, froze.

"Lisa told you?" Kiyana asked tremblingly.

"Hey~" Kapaqili stuck out her tongue and said.

"I'm going to kill you to silence you!" Kiyana grabbed Ying and said to Shan.

"Ha~ Don't you mind it!" asked Rosalia, who was yawning and cutting the meat.

"No need, anyway, they are like this every day, but you, didn't you sleep yesterday?" Ning Xia said while adjusting the ingredients.

"You know who I am, right? Recently, the abyss mage has been wandering around Mond for some reason, which makes me have to work overtime!" Rosalia said with a look of resentment, obviously not understanding the abyss What is the purpose of being so diligent.

"Eh...my suggestion is to take a good rest recently, the abyss is going to have a major event recently." Ning Xia remembered the summoning ceremony that Borias had told him.

It is estimated that he did not run away in these two days, and he will be ready to solve it as soon as possible, after all, he promised Boreas.

Chapter 405 Cat Ears

"Yuan Shang! Are you saying that my sister is mixed up with Dyne!?" Kong asked anxiously, if he was with Ning Xia, Kong would refuse, because Ning Xia would deceive Ying Mei's feelings.

But if it was Dyne, he couldn't accept it even more, because he had betrayed Dyne's feelings. At the end of Sora's journey, Sora chose to plunge into the abyss, and let Dyne, the person who knew him best, leave disappointed. .

"Yes, they seem to be looking for the first land cultivator too, Your Highness, what should we do next?" Yuanshang asked from the side, he dared not make any suggestions on the topic of Yingmei, so as not to irritate To empty that devastated heart.

"...Leave them alone, we just need to find them one step ahead of them. Remember, you must not hurt my sister. Whoever hurts her, I will send him to the ground!" Kong warned.

"Obey!" After getting the order, Yuanshang hurriedly ran to execute it. Seeing that Sora's mood seemed to recover, his mood also improved.

"Ah... Dyne..." Sora recalled every detail of his travels with Dyne, and felt a little unbearable in his heart. After all, he stood on the opposite side of him.

Lisa, who returned to the library, did not go to lunch with Qin, but found a reason to plunge into the restricted area, mainly looking for "How to deal with being confessed?" ", "About the fact that my best friend's lover likes me", "What should I do if I do something to my best friend"...

The rare and serious Lisa didn't find the answer she wanted in the vast sea of ​​books. In the book, she would either tear her girlfriend up or be torn up by her girlfriend. This is not the answer Lisa wanted.

Thinking of Ning Xia's sudden confession to her just now, Lisa couldn't help pinching her thigh. She was obviously just trying to test it out, why did it become like this!

"No! No! I shouldn't be like this. I'm just Qin's best friend. I shouldn't care about this kind of thing. Well...I'll explain it to Ningxia tomorrow, so that I can be free." Lisa continued to comfort herself .

"Sister Lisa!!!" At this time, Keli came to Lisa's side bouncing around, and Lisa was so frightened that she hurriedly cleaned up the forbidden books around her. These are not something people of Keli's age can read.

"Sister Lisa, do you want Keli to help?" Keli enthusiastically picked up the book beside her.

""We Who Shouldn't Be in Love"? What is this?" Keli asked suspiciously.

"Ahem, Keli, I don't need your help here. Go and sit in my resting place first, and I'll prepare some snacks for you." Lisa said pretending to be relaxed.

"Okay! Have some snacks!" Keli didn't care about the book just now, put it aside, and then bounced away.

Lisa wiped the cold sweat off her forehead, thanks to her, only Keli saw this matter, otherwise her avatar would have collapsed, right?

After taking a deep breath, Lisa quickly cleaned up all the books, and then took out the cake she was going to eat for afternoon tea and sent it to Keli.

"Little Keli~ Don't be in a hurry~" At this time, Lisa began to return to her original mature big sister state, coaxing Keli to eat snacks.

And after Ning Xia had lunch, Granu, who asked Ningxia to go find Boreas together, also came. Because Ning Xia had promised her, Ningxia told Shaluo and went to run to the wolf with Grano to collect it.

After all, that place is not very safe, and the Knights often send people to drive away wolves from outside. Even hunters seldom go to the wolf collar to hunt now.

Looking at the big and small bags of sugar on her body, Ning Xia kindly helped her get some.

"Thank you very much!" Sato said very politely, and she began to cheer in her heart that she could finally communicate with Ningxia properly. She always stuttered before, which made her very distressed.

"Small things, but what are these?" Ning Xia asked looking at the huge bone in his hand.

"I checked an ancient book, and it seems that people in the past used things like wild boar bones and flesh to sacrifice to the Wolf of the North Wind, but... now the Wolf of the North Wind has defaulted to the title of knight, and it has been a long time since the sacrifice. .”

"So I hope that I can make it happy through the sacrifice, and then agree to give me a little hair." Sasuke said with a look of longing. She is really curious about Boreas's hair. If she can get bones or something, that's fine. Even better.

"Um, I wish you success..." Ning Xia said with a twitching corner of his mouth, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer Granu.

"Hmm! I will work hard!" Sasuke said earnestly, a pair of ears shaking excitedly, and she felt that if she could study the mystery in it.

Surely you can make great progress in your bioalchemy, right?

Then he noticed that Ning Xia was staring at his ears, and the shy Gran Tang lowered his head and whispered, "Please! Please don't stare at my ears, I, I have some... I'm not saying you're bad, just!"

Looking at the stuttering appearance of Granu, like a social horror who hasn't gone out with outsiders for a long time, Ningxia couldn't help laughing at this cute appearance.

"Me! Is there something wrong with me? Am I not wearing my clothes properly or what's wrong!?" Seeing Ningxia's appearance, Sa Tang hurriedly asked, thinking that there was something wrong with him again.

"No, no, actually, you are very cute, especially your ears, so you should be a little more confident." Ningxia said with a smile, and the fluffy ears of Yantang really look good.

"My, my ears? Actually, it's a family inheritance. I usually hide it in my hair. I don't really want everyone to see it." Noticing that Ningxia's eyes were fixed on the ears once, Sugar scratched his face and said. .

"Think about little Diona, she doesn't think there's anything wrong with her ears. In fact, most of the time you just doubt yourself." Ningxia said, pointing to Diona at the Cattail Bar not far away.

"Actually, I have also observed Diona, but I'm not very good at chatting with strangers, so I haven't talked to her so far." Granose said with some embarrassment.

It's not that she hasn't rehearsed how to greet Diona, but every time she speaks, it gets stuck in her throat, and every encounter with Diona ends with her being unable to speak.

"Do you want me to help you?" Ning Xia asked, he thought that Granose was pretty good, but it was just a little socially scary.

"Yes! Is it possible? Will it trouble you? I, I will feel guilty." Granose said a little excitedly and a little scared.

"It's a small matter." Ning Xia said, and walked forward to say hello to Diona.

"Hey! Little Diona~" Ning Xia greeted cheerfully.

Chapter 406 Disgusting Sweet Flower

"It's you! Here! This is a drink I just developed, don't worry, I didn't put any strange ingredients this time." Diona said and handed the freshly mixed juice to Ningxia.

"So... you put weird things in my drink before?" Ning Xia looked at the juice in his hand, and suddenly felt that he didn't want to drink it very much.

"No! I, I just put lizard tails, dried non-poisonous spiders and so on in the wine of those grown-ups. I definitely didn't put anything strange in your drink!" Diona quickly explained.

"...Those people are really miserable." Ning Xia looked at the juice in his hand and said.

"I, I told them clearly, but they didn't care about the strange ingredients at all, and drank it happily. What can I do?" Diona said with a distressed expression.

Ning Xia looked at the distressed Diona, waved to Granose in the distance, and then said cheerfully: "Then let me introduce a good friend to you, I think you will have a lot to talk about."

Granu timidly walked in front of Diona. Although she trusted Ningxia, she was still afraid of communicating with strangers.

"Oh! You're the one who secretly followed me!" Diona pointed at Granose and said, with the intuition of a cat, she could easily detect the guy who was following her.

"No! No! I, I'm just..." Sasuke stammered and wanted to explain that he was just observing Diona.

"Ahem, in fact, Xiaotang just wants to be friends with you. Look at her ears, do they resemble yours?" Ningxia took this opportunity to touch Xiaotang's ears. The fur was soft and fluffy. No worse than Shenzi and the others.

"Ah? Indeed!" Diona looked curiously at the ear of the sugar and said, there are not many people with a special blood like Diona in Mond, plus the sugar is usually either squatting in the laboratory or holding a sackcloth with her head down. The bag goes out to collect bones and organs.

Not to mention Diona, in Mond's children, Sugar has become the incarnation of urban legends, such as a witch who wears a sack to catch children, a witch who will tear down children who don't sleep well, and so on.

"The burlap bag... Are you the witch that Timmy and the others were talking about!" Diona followed her ears and saw the burlap bag behind the sugar, and ran straight to Ning Xia's back in fright, looking at the sugar in horror, I was afraid that she would tear down her own bones.

"Me! I'm a good boy! Please don't catch me! And I sleep well every day! Please don't tear my bones apart!" Diona said tremblingly. I work as a teacher, but I also occasionally play with children.

She has also heard a lot about urban legends, especially some boring bards who even made adaptations, depicting the details of the witch tearing apart the bones.

Although every time she heard other people talking about urban legends, she would pretend to be indifferent, but when she went home to sleep, once she remembered the details of urban legends, she would wrap herself in a quilt for a sense of security.

"Um, hahaha, actually you misunderstood. Granose is just an alchemist. It's not as scary as you said." Ning Xia rubbed Diona's head and said, this feeling is like being hugged by a cat. What's the matter?

"Really! Really?" Diona asked tremblingly, because the description in the urban legend was too detailed and correct, which made Diona, who was born as a hunter, even more frightened.

"If you don't believe me, you can touch her ears, it's okay, right? Granu?" Ning Xia said looking at the disappointed Granu.

"No problem!" Sasuke nodded quickly and said, she had already decided in her heart that she must replace the sackcloth bag with a leather bag, otherwise she would be called a witch or a witch.

After touching the fluffy ears of Granose, Diona relaxed a little. This kind of meeting of the same kind made Diona quite happy.

"I'm very sorry, I misunderstood you." Diona immediately apologized after realizing that she had misunderstood Granu.

"It's okay! I, I also have a problem of secretly observing without your consent." Granose waved his hand and said.

"I always feel that this kind of behavior is a bit disgusting..." Diona couldn't help complaining.

"I'm very sorry! Actually! I'm actually curious about your ears like mine, that's why..." Sasuke said with a bow.

This standard 90° bow reminded Ningxia of a good brother who once betrayed her, and secretly wondered if the Monde could bow better than the Daowife?

"Well... I accept your forgiveness, but I can't be like this in the future! I will be angry!" Diona said with her hips on her hips, looking like a little adult.

"I will definitely! But can I... observe you at a close distance in the future? I'm just observing, and I won't do strange things." Sasuke asked courageously.

"Well... for the sake of my ears, I will reluctantly agree to you!" Diona said pretending to be arrogant. After knowing that Granose is just an ordinary person who is not good at words, she is not afraid anymore.

"That's great..." Granu suddenly felt relieved, but she didn't expect that Diona, who she always wanted to observe closely, could easily achieve it with Ning Xia's help.

Afterwards, the enthusiastic Diona bought Sugar a glass of fruit juice, and she began to ask if she knew anything that was unpalatable or had a bad taste.

"Is it something that tastes bad and tastes bad?" After thinking about it for a while, Granose took out a seed.

"This is a failed product that I accidentally made when I was researching sweet flowers that are ten times sweeter. This kind of flower tastes...evil...bitter, astringent, sticky, disgusting, and it will make your mouth numb." Sugar Covering her mouth, she said that she had bitten a petal herself to see what would happen, but she almost vomited out the overnight meal.

Apart from its appearance being the same as Tiantianhua, this variant has no effect at all, and Granose only kept two seeds as records.

"Bitter and astringent? Disgusting? Great! Thank you!" Diona took the seeds excitedly, she needed this kind of thing to destroy the Mond wine industry.

Ning Xia looked at the seeds curiously, and the surface of the seeds actually had the imprint of the thunder element faintly.

"San Tang, what did you put here?" Ning Xia felt the breath of Dao Wife in it, very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

"Well, a year ago, a businessman named Liben sold me Daozuma's Mingcao and Tianyun Caoshi, and I used these two as ingredients to improve."

"No wonder..." Ningxia said with a speechless face. Mingcao has some medicinal value. If Tian Yuncao is honest, this thing is a variant of the power left by Kapaqili in Qinglai Island. After eating it, the mouth is not numb Strange.

Chapter 407 The Two Heavens of Ice and Fire 2.0

After getting Diona's consent, Granose touched Diona's ear as she wished, and made various records for her, which made Diona feel embarrassed.

And Ning Xia couldn't help touching Diona's ears, and got Diona's duplicity complaints. Although Diona didn't admit it, she honestly asked Ning Xia to touch her ears.

Ningxia also took out a bottle of what she thought was the scariest drink, dumpling milk with ice and fire flavors, which once plunged Ye Lan into the greatest social death crisis in her life, embarrassing the elegant Yula, and turning Liyue's best lawyer into a... A taboo drink for delicate girls.

He still has a few bottles of this stuff made by Xiangling. In her words: "Anyway, Master Ningxia is here, so it doesn't matter if I drink it~ I won't feel uncomfortable if I hold Master Ningxia."

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