After receiving various requests from Xiangling, Ning Xia reluctantly put it in the jade pendant. Since Diona needs it, it is not impossible to give it to her.

But Ning Xia has repeatedly told Diona many times, absolutely!Absolutely don't drink it secretly, it's very exciting, children can't drink it, and the dose can't be too much, at most a small sip, if there is too much, it will have a terrible stamina.

Seeing that Ningxia was so serious, Diona seriously promised several times that she would not drink secretly, and Ningxia gave her the dumpling milk.

Granu didn't want to waste any more time here, so she bid farewell to Diona and prepared to perform a sacrificial ceremony for Boreas. She couldn't wait to see Boreas.

After Ning Xia and Granu left, Diona was lying on the platform, fiddled with the dumpling milk curiously with her two little hands. Milk is something she has been drinking since she was a child, and she doesn't think it is very novel.

But Ning Xia's expression just now successfully aroused Diona's curiosity, and now Diona stared at the bottle of milk, feeling like a ball of wool being pulled by a cat.

At this time, Lisa, who had recovered to normal, planned to go to the cat tail bar to relieve her worries. Margaret greeted her enthusiastically, and said that her family had developed a new version of coffee. I don’t know if Lisa is interested in trying it. .

Upon hearing this, Lisa immediately became interested. Because of Qin, she also learned to make coffee with one hand. Whenever Qin was tired, she would ask her to help make coffee.

So she became one of the best coffee connoisseurs in Mond City. It was not the first time that Margaret made such a request, and Lisa was also very happy to have free coffee.

Making coffee is not part of Diona's job scope, and her curiosity can hardly be suppressed, so Diona conveniently put the milk under the bar and went to take care of the kittens.

Margarita cheerfully made two cups of special coffee, guessing that there was still some milk missing, just in time to see Diona's milk under the bar, she took it out and poured most of the bottle.

Unknowingly, the two picked up the coffee and were about to put it into their mouths. The keen Lisa immediately noticed the smell of ice mist flowers in the coffee.

"You put the Ice Mist Flower." Lisa said firmly.

"I really can't hide it from you. Yes, I found that ice fog flowers can increase the taste of coffee, and if you add enough milk, it can stimulate a special aroma." Margaret said proudly.

"That's it." Lisa, who was still a little skeptical, put the coffee into her mouth like this.

Margaret didn't lie to her, the ice mist flower did elicit a peculiar fragrance, and the cold taste could vaguely feel a little warmth.

Margaret took another sip with a look of enjoyment. Today's coffee is much better than the one just developed. Every sip has an unparalleled mellow aroma and a warm taste in the cold, which is much better than the original specialty coffee. up.

"You guys, I really can't do anything about you." Diona hugged the coquettish kittens and said, when she was about to go back to the bar to get some snacks to feed, she found that most of the dumpling milk Ningxia gave her was gone.

"Who! Who stole my milk!" Diona asked with some fear. Just now Ning Xia repeatedly told her that if someone drinks it by mistake, it will be a disaster.

She originally thought that no one would come under the bar, so she put it under the bar.

"I'm sorry, little Diona. I just didn't find any milk, so I borrowed your milk. I'll return it to you later." Margaret raised the coffee and said, unknowingly filled the whole cup of coffee She drank it all.

"But! But!!!" Diona looked at the half of the milk in her hand in panic, and then glanced at Margarita.

Lisa put it down after taking a sip, with an ugly expression on her face, she had already drank what was in it.

"Jieyunjiaojiao, Qingxin, and slime, the taste should be ice slime." Lisa said silently in her heart, the impact of these three items may not be known to others.

But she knew that she wanted to stop Margaret, but she just finished drinking and even wanted to have another drink.

Lisa shook her head helplessly, then calmly told Diona to get the blanket and cold water for Margaret.

At this time, Margaret also noticed the changes in her body, sometimes cold and sometimes hot, this feeling of ice and fire made Margaret experience the feeling of being in a ecstasy.

After this day, the cattail tavern was closed for two consecutive days, and the people in Mond didn't know why Margaret, who usually likes to wander around, disappeared for two days.

For this reason, she had to rest for two days, and Diona excitedly took the seeds given by the dumpling milk and granulated sugar home. She thought that these two things would be the key to breaking the curse of her drinking.

When the time comes to successfully destroy the Mond wine industry and let the big villain Di Luke kneel in front of him and beg for mercy, think about it and feel a little excited.

Chapter 408 Borias who was addicted to masturbation

Leaving aside the catastrophe at the Cattail Tavern, Ningxia has already brought sugar to the vicinity of Benlang.

Because of the abyss, there are more and more wolves in the beastland near the wolf-running collar. On the road to the wolf-running collar, you can see various warning signs erected by the Knights and... Yula patrolling the wolf-running collar.

"Ningxia? Why did you come here?" Yula asked holding a big sword. Although she was the captain of the guerrilla team, because of her noble status, Yula would usually choose to fight alone.

After all, not all Mond people can accept Lawrence's sinners. Although Yula didn't feel dissatisfied because of this, she always felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and she could only vent her anger by holding grudges.

"Youla? Are you injured?" Ningxia immediately noticed the scratches on Yula's arm. Although Yula deliberately covered it up, Ningxia noticed it immediately.

"No, it's okay, it's just a carelessness." Yula smiled stiffly. Ever since she went to Ningxia's house with Qin last time, she asked Kaiya to arrange for her to go to Benwolf at the price of a bottle of wine. Lead and surrender the wolf in the animal realm.

Although very unwilling, Yura still felt that she should not take away what Koto should have.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would meet Ningxia even after she hid in the Benlang collar.

"These guys' claws are corroded, show me quickly!" Ning Xia said with a frown, he didn't want to just watch Yula suffer from this wound.

"I, I know!" Yula stretched out her lotus arms and said, the original clothes were corroded by the wolf of the beast realm, and a piece of delicate skin was already exposed, and there was a faint black breath around the dark red wound, which was constantly corroding. With the delicate body of a girl.

Feeling that Ningxia's gentle and big hand touched her wound, Yula bit her pink lower lip, trying not to yell out pain to affect Ningxia.

"You have to take good care of your body. You are so beautiful and such a good girl. You can't just leave scars like this!" Ning Xia said distressedly. Fake.

"You, you should be with Qin right now...I, we are just friends." Yula persuaded in a low voice.

"Have you forgotten what you said before?" Ning Xia said while using the breath of life to dispel the corrosion.

"Drunk, can you take it seriously when you're drunk?" Yula's voice became weaker and weaker, but her heart began to jump for joy. Ningxia's words obviously meant that she was there.

"I'm serious, don't you want to deny it? I've made a note of this grudge!" Ningxia imitated Yula and said.

"Hey! This! This is my line!" Yula said dissatisfiedly, she was avoiding Ningxia, but he just grabbed her to prevent her from running away.

What can she do with this?She obviously... wanted to let go, obviously...she came first, whether it was a formal meeting or a confession.

"Really, I just can't avoid you..." Yula said angrily, she no longer knew how to avoid Ningxia.

Granose on the side looked at Ning Xia talking to Yula with drooping ears. Ning Xia was the first man who could communicate well besides her father, and academically Abedo and Timaus.

Moreover, Ningxia is always tolerant of her stammering and expressing, and even explains for herself. This kind of empathy made the socially-phobic Sandang very scared at first, but she has some dependence.

"Talk! Speaking of which! Why did you come here? This place is very dangerous, you should leave!" Yula said shyly, the itchy feeling on her arm almost made her cry out.

While talking about his purpose of running to the wolf collar, Ningxia healed Yula's wound. Seeing that the originally hideous wound had returned to its original whiteness, Ningxia let go with confidence.

"Well, like this, I also need to be with you, if something happens to you, I will be in trouble." Yula said coyly.

Looking at Yula's appearance, Ning Xia couldn't help laughing.

"Hey! You actually laughed at me! I'll remember this grudge!" Yula said as she lightly hammered Ning Xia several times.

"Then you should seek revenge from me earlier." Ningxia said with a smile, the current Yula is not as lively as usual with a hint of loneliness, nor is she drunk and straightforward. The girl who originally belonged to her was active.

In the eyes of the somewhat disappointed Granu, the current Yula is like a coquettish girlfriend, which makes Granu feel embarrassed, as if he shouldn't be here.

"Just wait! I will definitely make you end up with the worst end!" Yula said with a blushing face. If it wasn't for the sugar at the side, she would have wanted Ningxia to know the horror of her revenge.

"Okay, okay, I'll protect you from now on, if you encounter those monsters, give me... Granose and you will hide behind me." Yula looked at Ningxia, knowingly not taking him with her.

The image of Ningxia punching the giant dragon into the soil in the rocky abyss is still fresh in her memory. This kind of terrifying power is beyond her comparability.

Under Yula's call, Sato lowered his head and followed behind the two, feeling like he was superfluous.

Because Granu is usually taciturn, Yula didn't notice the abnormality of Granu, or Ningxia will talk about the topic of Granu's understanding intentionally or unintentionally, lest she can't even speak.

At this time, Boreas, who was lying at the gate of the proving ground, stood up abruptly. He had already smelled the smell of Ningxia in the distance. Since he was slapped by Ningxia, he opened the gate of a new world.

Although Ningxia said that he would come to see it in the future, it will take a week, and Ningxia's hair has not been seen yet.

Thinking of Ning Xia's tricks, Boreas couldn't help but get excited, it didn't expect humans to be so powerful.

Chapter 409

Thanks to Lei Ze's busy hunting and killing the wolves in the beast realm, Borias didn't have to worry about being found out that he was ashamed.

"No?" Boreas moved his nose and smelled that there were other people beside Ning Xia, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. If there were others, he would not be very willing to let Ning Xia rub him.

While Borias was struggling, Ning Xia and the others had already arrived at the trial ground.

"Accept! Next, let me reproduce the steps of the previous sacrifice! Just watch it." Sasuke patted his face and said,

This made Boria, who was hiding in the trial ground, suddenly interested. I didn't expect that there were still people offering sacrifices to it these days.

Looking at the busy sugar, Boreas, who originally didn't like humans very much, also finds sugar pleasing to the eye.

The sacrificial process was not onerous. After all, Boreas himself didn't like this kind of literary stuff, so it came out soon.

Boreas tidied up his hair in a rare way, and confirmed through the ice mirror that his hair was still a little messy under the majesty, so that Ning Xia could help him smooth it later.

As the stone gate of the trial field opened, the temperature of the trial field began to drop, and the cold wind and ice crystals suddenly rose, blowing so that Granit couldn't help but hugged his arms and rubbed them, trying to warm himself up.

At this time, Ningxia put a hand on the shoulder of the sugar, and the warm breath of life made the sugar feel better.

"Mund, did you complete the sacrifice?" Boreas said majestically, in front of outsiders, it still maintained the majesty of the demon god.

The ethereal voice combined with the aura driven by the windward element doubled the pressure on Yula and Granose.

"Yes, yes, respected Lord Northern Wind Wolf." Granu said with some fear, if Ning Xia was not by her side, she would not even be able to speak.

"Seeing that you are the first person to offer sacrifices to me in so many years, if you have any request, you may as well just tell me." Boreas asked majesticly.

"Well, can I get some of your hair?" Sasuke asked cautiously, she didn't expect Boreas to be so easy to talk to.

"Hair?" Boreas said with some doubts, like hair, tail bones and so on are usually used as souvenirs for humans who defeated the phantom of Andreus before.

"That's all right, if you want." Boreas casually spit out the ice wind element at the sugar, forming a little fluffy tail.

"This! This is too amazing!" Granu looked at the fluffy tail on his hand in surprise, no matter the feel or smell, it seemed to be alive.

But it doesn't have a trace of vitality, and the sugar with the eyes of the wind god can vaguely feel the hidden wind element power.

Granose treasured the tail and put it in the burlap bag, thinking happily whether it should be used for dissection or slicing.

Looking at the precious sugar, Boreas said casually in a good mood: "In the past, the priests could get the chance to fight my phantom in the past. You are interested."

"Fighting?" She said a little embarrassed, she was not very good at fighting, but if she didn't fight, she always felt sorry for Boreas who was so talkative.

"Excuse me, can I replace the sugar?" Yula couldn't help asking, and on the way, Granose also told Yula the general story of Borias.

However, what Yula cares most about is the trial of the wolf of the north wind. To be able to receive guidance from a demon god who has lived for thousands of years is an honor that is unique now.

"It doesn't matter." Boreas looked at Yula and said, but the two humans in front of him, one is the eye of the wind god, and the other is the eye of the ice god. How can they defeat the demon god phantom?

"Ningxia, come in with me, I have something very important to tell you." Boreas said solemnly.

"I understand." Ningxia immediately understood what Boreas meant, asked Granose to wait outside the trial ground, and then followed Boreas into the stone gate.

The phantom of Andreus also came out of the stone gate at this time. Apart from being similar in appearance to Boreas, the phantom of Andreus was more like a puppet as a whole.

Ning Xia couldn't help touching Andreus, the feel was no different from Boreas.

Yula also took out her own West Wind Great Sword and waited for it, her heart couldn't help but get excited.

"Don't worry about that human being. Phantom will not kill her, but teach her something that humans cannot learn." Boreas said a little impatiently.

"Next... ahem, you know, my hair is a bit messy." Boreas said with some reserve, his original majestic appearance now has a contrasting cuteness.

Ningxia is also welcome, and directly hugs Boreas's neck and starts to suck wildly. The milky milky smell is really great, okay?

"A lot! Touch your chin more! You need your stomach too!!" Boreas said anxiously, Ningxia's technique is really great, and he is very sure about its comfortable place.

The majestic Borias also began to shackle like Erha, and the shrunken appearance of it was so cute that people couldn't help but eat the little wolf wolf in one bite.

Ningxia is particularly obsessed with Borias's belly. It is soft and milky. Every time you bury it, you can feel the fluffy hair caressing your face. The soft belly can ripple slightly when you blow it hard, like a soft pillow. Comfortable.

"The chin! Don't forget the chin!" While enjoying himself, Boreas also urged Ning Xia not to favor one another. This feeling is really great, as if the instinct hidden in the body for hundreds of years was suddenly discovered again generally.

Looking at Boreas in Shashasha, can Ningxia bear it?Holding the wolf's head directly and rubbing it angrily.

Chapter 410 JK Yula

After Ningxia and Borias finished their work, Yula's trial was also completed. Seeing that there were some torn clothes on her body, it was obviously not an easy one.

"It's been a long time since I had such a good fight." Yula sat on the ground and said, because Boreas is immune to ice elemental damage, so she could only keep slashing with her big sword, using her flexible body skills to strike again and again. s attack.

"Ahem, indeed, indeed..." Ningxia swallowed and said, although Yula dodged the attack as much as possible, her clothes were inevitably scratched a few times.

The exposed large piece of delicate skin is as dazzling as beautiful jade, and it firmly catches Ning Xia's attention.

"Hey! You! Don't look!" The tired Yula finally noticed her gaffe, and shyly covered the gap in her clothes.

Ningxia had no choice but to take out Shaluo's clothes from Yu Peili and give them to Youla to deal with first.

But this is also the reason why the two of them have surprisingly good figures, and Yura's sara clothes actually fit them quite well.

"Why! Why do you have this kind of clothes! You let me wear them! This hatred! I, I wrote it down!!!" Behind the stone door provided by Boreas, Yula wore the clothes that Ningxia once gave to Saura. The jk clothes I bought came out.

Different from Sara's pure and proud figure, Yura's curves are more graceful. Although the short skirt slightly conceals the curves behind, this feeling of still holding the pipa and half covering her face is more beautiful than the original clothes. seductive.

The proud Longji Snow Mountain is not inferior to Sharo, and the altitude it supports is as challenging as a peak that has never been climbed. Because of Yui Ogura's random design, the matching long white socks are the same as Yura's. The style is slightly inconsistent, but the slightly drawn plump perfectly conceals this.

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