The strangled plump trembled because of Yura's shyness, and it was as attractive as a cute lamb to be slaughtered, making people want to take a bite.

"Hmm~ very good." Ningxia praised, maybe Shaluo was thinking of using jk clothes to seduce his younger brother at the beginning, but it went too smoothly and was useless, but Ningxia found it when he was tossing around yesterday, the result? ...

The original two-piece set was bullied by Shaluo, and Ning Xia casually put the other into the jade pendant. Unexpectedly, by accident, Yula wore it.

"Very, very strange!" Yula said with a blushing face, jk clothing or something made Yula very embarrassed, and her round and plump thighs kept rubbing to relieve her inner shame.

"No, no, no! You're beautiful!" Ning Xia couldn't help giving a thumbs up and said, such a shy and cute Yula can't be seen normally.

"You! You are still laughing at me! I have written down this grudge!!!" Yula said angrily, waving her fists to smash Ningxia.

"That..." Granose raised her little hand inappropriately at this time and said, it was already afternoon when she and Ningxia came here, after Yula passed the trial and Ningxia had a good time, the sky had already begun to faint blacken.

"It's getting late, we should go back." Ning Xia said looking at the sky.

"Well, I, I should go back and report, right! You! You go to Amber and bring me clothes! Me! I'll kill you and I won't go back wearing this strange clothes!" Yula said angrily.

"Okay, okay~" Ningxia looked at the shy Yula and said.

"Human, since you have passed the test, let this be your proof." Boreas said and threw a bone to Yura.

"Bones?" Yura looked at Boreas suspiciously.

"As the proof of those who passed the test, once every few years, some of you humans would come to me to obtain the challenge qualification through sacrifice. The winner can get my body parts as proof, including the tail I gave to that human just now." Boreas explained.

"That's it, thank you." Yula said as she fiddled with the bones a few times curiously, and then put them in her backpack. She was not interested in such proofs.

"Well... you have my approval. If you and other humans want to practice, you can bring sacrifices. I can teach you some skills that humans don't know." Boreas said lightly, then nodded Without going back, he entered the stone gate to sleep.

It's just that it feels a little empty in its heart, and it doesn't know when the next time it will be so comfortable.

Ningxia and the others were also on the way back, but Yula was a little embarrassed, so she could only use Ningxia to separate Granu, this jk suit made her too ashamed.

And Granose opened his mouth, but he still didn't say what he wanted the bone. What Boreas said just now is very clear. That thing is the proof of passing the trial, and he can show it to himself. In the past hundred years, he was the only one who sacrificed to it. for the sake.

The preciousness of it is self-evident, and Granose also knows that she is not familiar with Yula. If there is no Ningxia, the communication between the two of them can only be limited to colleagues, and she deliberately hides from her, how can she be ashamed to ask? Yura gave her the precious proof.

Yula is purely because this jk uniform is too shameful, and she is too embarrassed to chat with Granu, she doesn't even notice Granu's little thoughts.

When approaching Mond City, Yula hid in a temple not far away, please ask Ningxia to let Amber bring clothes over, and then hide in it sneakily.

If this jk suit is seen by people outside of Ningxia, she doubts whether she will be even more embarrassed in Mond City.

Chapter 411 Ice and Fire

Ning Xia and Gran Tang parted ways when they arrived at the city gate. Judging by her appearance, she seemed to be looking forward to studying the mysteries of the tail.

Ningxia didn't procrastinate, and ran straight to the Knights' dormitory.

"Ningxia? Why are you here? Are you looking for Yula?" Amber smiled reluctantly.

"Actually, it's like this..." Ning Xia briefly explained about Yula's torn clothes.

After hearing this, Amber immediately took Yula's spare clothes and went to look for Yula together with Ningxia.

On the way, Amber suddenly asked: "Ningxia, you, do you like Yula?"


"I, I'm just a little curious, I like it very much... No! I think Yula likes your appearance very much, so! So!" Amber explained incoherently, and she almost expressed her thoughts just now.

"Yu La, I like her very much, she is gentle and kind, although she always holds grudges, but she looks cute like this, isn't she?" Ning Xia said while holding her head.

" that so? That's great..." Amber lowered his head and said, trying not to let Ning Xia see the disappointed expression on his face.

The matter between Qin and Yula has not been resolved yet, I, Yula's best friend, can't take away the happiness that belongs to Yula...

"Actually, Amber, you are also very good. You are enthusiastic, patient, and cute. There are not many girls as good as you." Ning Xia continued.

"Ah? Thank you, thank you..." Amber responded in a low voice, holding the hands holding the clothes tightly together.

"Amber? What's the matter with you? Ning Xia asked worriedly, thinking she was not feeling well.

"I'm fine! It's just that I'm a little tired from the task recently." Amber said with a pretended relaxed smile.

Ningxia, who is already a demon god, saw Amber's poor acting skills at a glance, and thought she had something on her mind, so she patted Amber's head and said: "If you have something to say, I will help you. It's not good to keep it in your heart." What a good thing."

"No! I really don't! I feel good now." Amber said stubbornly, she didn't want Ning Xia to know about it, and make him and Yula feel awkward.

Looking at Amber with a stubborn face, Ning Xia felt that Yula might be more suitable than him to comfort Amber in front of him.

"Okay, let's go quickly! Maybe Yula is already waiting!" Amber didn't want to continue like this, and rushed towards the city gate.

Ning Xia followed behind An Bo, looking at the faint sadness on An Bo's face, she was a little worried.

"Ice waves and raging waves!!!" At this time, Yula in the temple was waving the great sword of West Wind to blow away the three fire mages surrounding her.

Since the Tewarin incident, the temple has once again returned to a deserted state, coupled with the presence of monsters such as Qiuqiu people, it has become the best stronghold in the abyss.

Although the Knights had once or twice been wiped out, the abyss was hidden very secretively, so this stronghold has not been discovered so far.

But the good news is that the Abyss Cult of Mond is busy looking for the first cultivator recently, and there are even more contacts in the stronghold.

And Yula was afraid of being discovered, so she hid very well, and even the abyss mage didn't notice her existence.

This made Yula discover this stronghold right away. Seeing the Abyss Cult, Yula didn't care about any embarrassment, and directly picked up the West Wind Great Sword and hit them by surprise.

The three abyss mages were not easy to deal with, and various fire spells emerged in an endless stream. Thanks to some skills about beasts learned from Andreus just now, Yula was unexpectedly easy to avoid the attack.

Seeing that Yula is not easy to deal with, the abyss mage is also in a hurry. If this stronghold is discovered, it will affect the summoning of the golden king beast. If this is the case, how can they be worthy of His Highness, the prince who has devoted himself to the abyss and died?

When the three abyss mages were about to fight, two golden streamers directly penetrated the shields of the two fire mages, nailing them to the wall until they turned into little stars.

"What!?" Before the last fire mage realized what was going on, Yula's attack had penetrated the shield and cut it in half.

"Yura! Are you okay?" Amber asked worriedly.

"It's nothing, just three abyss mages." Yula said nonchalantly.

"Yura, your clothes are pretty good." Only then did Amber notice that the jk clothes Yula was wearing really had a special flavor.

"Okay! Good job, Amber! You actually laughed at me! I've made a note of this grudge!!" The shy Yula snatched her clothes, and urged Ningxia, who had drawn her sword, to go out quickly.

After changing her clothes, Yula returned the original jk suit to Ningxia, she would never wear this kind of thing for the second time!

And Ningxia looked at Yula with a smirk on his face, he remembered very clearly Yula's shyness just now.

"No! Don't laugh!!! You hate me, I will write it down!" Yula said angrily.

"Okay, I, I don't laugh... Poof..." Ning Xia said while suppressing her smile as much as possible.

"Damn it! I'm going to avenge you today! Accept me!!!" Yula picked up the abyss mage's staff and said.

Looking at the world of two people fighting and fighting, Amber felt that he should not be here, but in the temple.

"Okay, it's getting late, it's time to go back." Ningxia said after noticing Amber's condition, and then walked in front of Yula, whose cheeks were slightly flushed due to activity and shyness.

"You! What do you want to do! We can' least not in front of Amber!" Yula whispered.

Ning Xia couldn't help but tapped her on the head.

"Ouch! You hit me! This, I will definitely avenge this revenge..." Yula said more and more weakly, watching Ningxia who was about to stick to her body without any resistance.

"Yula, do you see that Amber is not quite right these days?" Ningxia secretly pointed at Amber and said.

Yula, who was still ready to accept it, finally realized what Ningxia meant. Looking at Amber who lowered her head in despair, Yula also became a little worried.

"Is Amber feeling a little unwell recently? The condition is not very good." Ning Xia said worriedly.

"I'll ask her when I get back." Yula looked at Amber and said, because of Qin's matter, she ignored Amber a lot.

But now thinking about Amber's performance before, Yula suddenly thought of a possibility, and planned to ask Amber when she went back.

"Amber, let's go back first." Yula said while holding Amber.

"Okay, okay!" Amber reluctantly responded... This made Yula more sure of her guess, although it was a bit unbelievable, but...

"Ningxia, let's go." Yula said and led Amber away first.

Chapter 412 Yula's Interrogation

After returning to Mond City, Yula asked Ningxia to go home, and then she took Amber to the Deer Hunter Restaurant for a meal.

In Mondry, Sarah is one of the few people who is willing to sell things to her. Whether it was before or now, most Mond people are extremely disgusted with the surname Lawrence. Even if Yula has Mora, the merchants will refuse to sell to Yula. Yes, in order not to be hungry, she often had to go hunting outside to fill her stomach when she was a child.

It wasn't until Amber accidentally pulled her to the Deer Hunter restaurant that she found this restaurant that didn't reject her.

"Yura, Amber, are they still the same?" Seeing the regular customers, Sarah asked enthusiastically.

"Hmm..." Yula replied and sat on the chair with Amber. At this time, Amber also came out of the disappointment just now, and chatted with Yula about the interesting things that happened today with a smile.

Yula listened to Amber's description quietly, and suddenly asked: "Amber, what do you think of Ningxia?"

"I... Oh? Ning! Ningxia?" Upon hearing Ningxia, Amber felt that the topic he had prepared was stuck and he couldn't speak.

"He, he, is a very good person, gentle, good-tempered, and very good to friends, Yula, you can't miss him, maybe, maybe life will be better after marrying Ningxia A lot." Amber said hesitantly.

Looking at Amber's appearance, Yura was about to say something, but Sarah had already placed some of their usual dishes on the table.

"Well ~ today's barbecue steak is really delicious, Sarah, can you teach me?" Amber asked pretending to be relaxed, she didn't want Yula to know the secret she had prepared to hide in her heart.

"That's easy to say, come to the Deer Hunter Restaurant if you have time, and I'll teach you." Sarah patted the hill and said.

"Okay, I will definitely go next time!" Amber said, patting the hill.

Seeing Amber Yula who forcibly stopped the topic, she suddenly wanted to laugh. Based on their relationship, they are actually more like bloodless sisters.

When Amber was just born, Yula had already learned from Grandpa Amber, and her hunting skills were taught by Grandpa Amber himself.

After Amber became a little more sensible, she became very attached to her. Although the two people's circumstances in Mond were two extremes, it did not affect their friendship.

Yura, who is so familiar with Amber, can't see Amber's careful thinking, but...

After thinking of Ningxia, Yula sighed helplessly. It is better to go back to the dormitory and talk about herself, Amber, and Ningxia.

After a hearty meal, the two went back to the dormitory together. Yula, who took a shower first, wiped her hair and waited for Amber. She was rehearsing what to say to Amber.

"Mm~ so comfortable~" Amber said happily, wrapped in a bath towel, and under the washing of hot water, the originally somewhat lost mood improved a lot.

Humming the song that Ning Xia sang at the concert, he bounced to the bedside.

In front of Yula, Amber didn't have anything to hide, she sat on the bed shaking her white and tender feet, and began to put on her clothes.

Although Amber's feet are shouldering the work of going out for investigation, Amber's feet are not badly maintained. Yuzu's skin is as dazzling as beautiful jade. Years of running around make Amber's legs more beautiful and full of girlishness .

A pair of lotus root arms also have beautiful muscular lines because they hold the bow. Green fingers are holding the pajamas and preparing to put them on.

Although the altitude is not high, it is in line with the image of Amber's energetic girl. She can easily hold it with a cover, and large areas of delicate skin are dangling in front of Yula.

Jade toes sway mischievously with the music, even if the back is covered by pink girls' pajama pants, you can see their activity through the pants.

Although Amber looked relaxed as usual, his eyes were always peeking at Yula inadvertently, secretly glad that Yula didn't notice his little thoughts.

Yula, who had been prepared for a long time, held a novel in Amber's direction and kept observing Amber's little movements. She knew that Amber would uncontrollably shake his toes when he was nervous.

Now she is completely sure that Amber really likes Ningxia.

"Yura." Amber said suddenly after putting on her pajamas.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Yura asked pretending to read the book seriously, without even raising her head, as if I was indulging in the ocean of knowledge.

"You got the book backwards." Amber pointed to the book and said.

"Oh? Oh!" Yura noticed that the book she was holding was upside down, and quickly turned around and began to look.

Amber looked at the strange Yula with some doubts, but she didn't feel that Yula knew what was on her mind. She came to the table and poured a glass of water and was about to drink it.

At this time, Yula also mustered up her courage and said, "Amber, you like Ningxia too, right?"

"Pfft!" Umber squirted water at Yula violently, making her dry hair wet again.

"Hold! I'm sorry! Me! I just..." Amber hurriedly took a towel and was about to wipe Yula's head and face.

"It's okay." Yula took the towel and said, she didn't care much about this kind of thing. When she was a child, she would share a bite with Amber when she made snacks, and Amber would share juice with Yula. The two of them didn't mind much. Each other's saliva or something.

"But Yula, you are so serious! You can't just make such a joke!" Amber said with a guilty conscience, still wondering when he was exposed.

"You just like him, don't you!" Yula said firmly, after a few trials with Amber's wrong behavior, she was almost [-]% sure that Amber had a crush on Ningxia.

"I, I don't! I, I, Yula, you know that Ningxia is not my type, I, how could I like your lover, this kind of thing is impossible!" Amber spoke incoherently Said.

"Really?" Yura leaned in front of Amber and said, this would increase her sense of oppression and make it easier for people to tell the truth.

"I really don't like it..." Amber said without confidence, but still held the fantasy that Yula didn't know what she was thinking.

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