"Would you like to talk?" Yula suddenly scratched Amber's waist and asked, her two soft little hands wandering over Amber's delicate skin.

"Hahaha... Yula! No way! I, I really don't like Ningxia!" Amber laughed and said, it's useless for her not to believe it now.

Yula seemed to know what she was thinking, but Amber was still stubborn, for fear that he would affect the progress of Yula and Ningxia.

"Shouldn't you be stubborn! Look at the trick!!!" Yula scratched Amber's armpit and said.

"I! I! I really!!!" Amber yelled incoherently, and the two young girls were just playing around in the dormitory, and the unintentional appearance of spring has already made people daydream.

Chapter 413 The Smoky Study Room

"Qin, let's have a cup of coffee. I learned a new variety at the Cattail Tavern at noon." Lisa came to Qin's study with two cups of coffee and said.

Although Margaret had to go home and think about the meaning of life because she drank the amount of ice and fire double heaven dumpling milk that lay in bed.

But Lisa is keenly aware of the special flavor of dumpling milk in coffee, and a little bit can make the coffee burst out with a unique aroma.

So Lisa fooled Diona, and halved the dumpling milk that was originally only half a bottle left.

It's a pity that although Lisa can drink the ingredients inside, she can't restore this magical drink one-to-one. I think the producer must have gone through many times of debugging and experiments, right?

(Crisser: I paid too much for this couple.)

Qin didn't refuse either, she took the coffee and drank while reading the love novel that had been piled up for a long time in her hand.

Since Qin took office as acting head, she hasn't read a novel for a long time, and secondly, she wants to find some inspiration through novels so that she won't go wrong when chatting with Ningxia.

"Very strong aroma." Qin couldn't help admiring.

"Of course, I only got it from Diona when I broke my tongue." Lisa said and took out a book on how to persuade men to give up themselves from the drawer.

Thanks to the current students of the Holy Order Academy, they have fallen into complete madness in the field of thesis. Even Liyue's family can write a thesis with various citations because the women of all generations have flat chests.

Although this kind of book on emotion research cannot be written as a thesis, this school girl seems to want to use this book to practice her hands.

However, this book has indeed been well received by many people, so Lisa plans to refer to it, so that Ningxia can give up tomorrow.

(Author: The Holy Order has too many strange arguments, so it is reasonable to have many strange papers.)

Qin likes this new version of coffee very much. The taste and aroma are really great. Once you take the first sip, you can't stop drinking it.

Although this cup of coffee is not as thick as Margarita's, the relative stamina is not too outrageous. I will feel a little cold and a little hot, so I won't lie down and wear it for two days to recuperate.

Refreshed by the coffee, Qin was particularly focused on reading the novel, and even began to automatically bring herself and Ning Xia into the plot of the novel.

If you see some plots of fighting at a relatively negative distance, steam will be unstoppable from Qin's head, and white smoke will surround the study of the two.

Lisa is used to it. After all, she knows how innocent Qin is. She used to lose sleep because of a kiss in a girl's romance novel.

In contrast, the current Qin is more mature, at least she won't secretly ask herself whether kissing will give birth to a child.

Then Lisa suddenly remembered the scene where she kissed Ning Xia. Although she had seen many similar scenes before, if she brought herself into it...

In the study room today, the smoke is extraordinarily thick~

The two girls were studying the contents of the book while drinking coffee. One wanted to get closer, and the other wanted to stay away. If Lisa hadn't broken her defenses because of Kiyana's psychological hints, she would find that she had become a One of the sins of that sinful man.

Compared to their harmony, Yula and Amber in the dormitory also ended their fight, and finally Yula got Amber to admit that she likes Ningxia.

After receiving Amber's answer, Yula began to tidy up the messy clothes with satisfaction. The blue pajamas outside the towering Longji Snow Mountain had already been pulled away by most of Amber's resistance.

The snow-capped peaks inside were exposed, and it seemed that it would break through the blockade of the pajamas at any moment. Yura carefully put them away again so that they would not push the buttons off, and then sat opposite Amber.

For this kind of thing, she was a little scared at first, but after thinking of Qin, Yula suddenly felt that Amber would make her feel better.

"Yura...I'm sorry..." Amber hugged her knees with guilt and said, burying her little face in Yin Hong's knees. Regarding this matter, Amber only felt that she was too bad, obviously she was her good sister, okay How can a man with a girlfriend have any ideas?

"Hmph! You actually kept this kind of thing from me. I've written down this grudge!" Yula said pretending to be angry, but she was angry that she cared too much about Ningxia recently and ignored Amber. Even her sisters Did not watch.

"I, I've given up now! Really! I'm not interested in him now!" Amber said seriously.

"Hmph! It's too late! I want revenge now! Accept the punishment honestly!" Yula said, scratching Amber's itchy flesh again.

"Yes! I'm sorry! Yula! I know I was wrong!!!" Amber begged for mercy.

"Hmph! Take it!" Yula attacked Amber's weakness again, forcing Amber to resist her.

Longji Snow Mountain, which was wrapped in pajamas once again, was inadvertently pulled down by Amber again.

Not to be outdone, Yura took off Amber's pink pajamas, and the extremely sexy fight between the two girls continued for quite a while.

After this heart-stirring and blood-spitting fight, Amber also came out of guilt.

After seeing that Amber had returned to normal, Yula was relieved. If it was Amber, she would not be unacceptable.

It's just that...

Yula sighed helplessly, she really didn't expect that Amber would fall into Ningxia's hands, and the atmosphere between the two of them, which had been slightly eased because of their fighting, became awkward again.

"Amber..." Yula gritted her teeth and said to Amber.

"Why? What's the matter?" Amber replied with some embarrassment.

Chapter 414 So Big, So White, So Scary

After returning home, Ningxia has already smelled the fragrance. Except for Rosalia, the four girls in the family are busy in the kitchen, and even the smallest in name, Qiyana, is helping to stir the eggs. .

"Brother is back? Go take a shower first, and dinner will be ready soon." Shaluo said with a kitchen knife, cooking is the wife's responsibility, even if it is a month or two before Hui Dao's wife gets married, Luo still wants to execute ahead of schedule.

Mona on the side carefully arranged the salad, which is her only special dish, and after hearing what Sara said about the wife's responsibility, she also wanted to come in to help.

As for Kapaqili, she just wanted to help out, and Kiyana wanted to eat roasted eggs, so she offered to help.

Ning Xia responded and went upstairs to take a shower. Today, he had a great time masturbating again. Once he experienced this furry feeling for the first time, he couldn't stop.

When Ning Xia returned to the room to change clothes, Rosalia suddenly came in through the window, and happened to see...

"It's so big, so white, hiss... so scary." Rosalia looked down from above in a daze. She never used to go to the church by the main entrance to avoid being caught by Victoria. This habit has been maintained until now.

Just now she went out to execute an abyss mage who sneaked into Mond. When she came back, the window of Ningxia's room was still open, so she couldn't help but turned in.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that Ning Xia was actually changing clothes now, which made her slightly pale skin faintly tinge with pink.

"You, why are you changing clothes here, don't you know..." Rosalia said while resisting the strange feeling in her heart.

"This is my room!!!" Ning Xia hurriedly put on her shorts and said, who would have thought that Rosalia would suddenly come in through the window.

"Yes, yes, then I won't bother you, I'll go to the kitchen to cook first." Rosalia said as she walked out of the room stiffly, her mind was full of the embarrassing scene just now.

The pale skin turned red, as attractive as a bright apple, although Rosalia had grown up in a den of bandits.

But the old bandit who was not her father by blood or name wanted to take care of her. In addition, she was thin and weak at the time, with no flesh on her body, and no one cared about her, so she was lucky to live until Get the God's Eye.

Later, after killing the old bandit with her own hands, Rosalia, who possessed the eye of God, also gained the confidence to speak among the bandits, and she would not become a plaything.

After being brought back to Mond by Falga, she also understood the difference between men and women and what shame is under Victoria's teaching, although Rosalia didn't care much about such things.

And most people don't dare to flirt with Rosalia, after all, she once pinched the hand of a cheap alcoholic who wanted to climb the Longji Snow Mountain with her bare hands in a tavern.

Although she was later guaranteed by Victoria, Rosalia's prestige can be regarded as spreading. If this strength is used... tsk tsk tsk, it is not as hard as a bone.

But this is also the first time Rosalia has seen such a terrifying thing, and it looks like she can barely hold it with one hand.

Patting her face, Rosalia tried to wake herself up, that kind of thing has nothing to do with her... right?

When she went downstairs, Shaluo had already set up a table full of food, and it was time for Ning Xia to go downstairs.

Sharo didn't care much about Rosalia's sudden departure. Ning Xia had already told her that she was not an official servant, so there was no need to entangle too much, and she was also happy to take on the duties of a wife, which made her feel a little bit a sense of satisfaction.

"You're back? Wash your hands and get ready to eat." Sara said as she arranged the tableware, such as chopsticks, knives and forks, and gently knocked off Kiyana's sinful little hand.

"No, maids can't sit at the same table as the master." Rosalia shook her head and said, she used to like to sit alone when drinking or eating.

In addition, the things she does are wild and difficult for children to fall asleep. They are not very suitable for chatting, so Rosalia doesn't like chatting or eating with people, even Kaia only It's just to get some information or something.

"It's okay, we don't have such a rule in our family. My meal is ready, so you can sit down." Sara said gently.

"..." Rosalia sat on the chair with some embarrassment. She was not very good at dealing with such serious and honest people.

After Ning Xia went downstairs, Rosalia could vaguely see the big and white chest muscles through the thin shirt, and subconsciously thought of the ferocious dragon sleeping below.

"Tsk~" Rosalia took a sip of juice for herself a little unhappy, because she promised Ningxia that she couldn't touch any cigarettes or alcohol. She didn't like this kind of sweet juice very much, but she only wanted it That's it.

However, the dining atmosphere at Ningxia’s house was very good, which allowed Rosalia, who was originally embarrassed, to get used to it. Occasionally, she listened to Kapaqili and Qiyana’s complaints or some obscure astrological topics in Mona’s mouth. Although she couldn’t understand, But the inexplicable sense of warmth made it rare for Rosalia to keep her face sullen.

Even Sara rarely talks about his military career, but it's just small things, and Sara knows all the secrets in the army.

"Speaking of which, my brother, our meeting in Yuanxia Palace was really unexpected. I was thinking whether I should go to you after work, but you suddenly appeared." Sara said with some reminiscence.

At that time, she was still Dao's wife's first jealous jar, and when she heard about those things, she wished to kill Li Yuemond to clean up the house or something.

Now I only need to wait another one or two months before I can marry Ningxia. Looking back now, my previous self was indeed a bit paranoid.

"Yeah, I was going to kneel down and beg my sister for mercy." Ning Xia didn't feel any embarrassment at all, he never felt shameful when he knelt down to his sister.

What's more, I still love my sister very much.

Chapter 415 The Resistance of Longji Snow Mountain

At Kapaqili's request, Ningxia is hers tonight. The physical fitness of the demon god makes Kapaqili's fighting power a little bit stronger, but not much better.

The next morning, Rosalia actually made breakfast ahead of Ningxia.

Ning Xia sniffed. Although Rosalia hid it well, Ning Xia still smelled blood.

"Did you go out again last night?" Ning Xia casually picked up a muffin and put it in his mouth.

"Well, Abyss has been very dishonest recently. Although there is help, I still don't worry about it." Rosalia said while cutting a muffin with her left hand.

"The muffins are well made," Ning Xia commented.

"No matter how good the muffins are, if there is no wine to match..." Rosalia said pretending to be unintentional.

"Don't think about it." Ning Xia said and stuffed another muffin into his mouth. In order to prevent Wendy from stealing the drink, he put almost all the wine in the house.

"Tch!" Rosalia cut the last muffin with some displeasure, and put it on the table.

"Okay, take off your clothes quickly." Ning Xia said helplessly.

"You! You wanted it early in the morning?" Rosalia recalled the scene she saw yesterday, and her heart, which was originally unequaled, suddenly turned into ripples.

She hasn't tried it either, and she doesn't know if that size is really no problem, whether it can be stuffed in or not.

"Boom!" Ning Xia couldn't help but knocked Rosalia on the head.

"What are you thinking, aren't you injured? I'll show you." Ning Xia pointed to Rosalia's right hand that was intentionally hidden behind her back.

"Hmph!" Rosalia snorted coldly, trying to ease her embarrassment, and then used her left hand to straighten her short hair. Besides Farga and Victoria, Ning Xia was the first person who dared to hit her on the head.

At this time, Qiyana, who woke up in a daze, was about to go to the bathroom, when she heard Ning Xia say: "Stop humming, take off your clothes."

"Hiss..." Qiyana, who was still a little dazed at first, woke up instantly, and then sneaked up on the stairs to take a peek.

It stands to reason that she is a majestic keeper of heaven, she shouldn't have done such a thing, but after spending a few days with Capaccili, Qiyana also learned some weird things.

For example, the pleasure of voyeurism, the sense of immorality, and so on, and it was so exciting to play early in the morning, which made Qiyana's heart churn.

With her own ability, Kiyana secretly watched Rosalia take off the black and white maid outfit, revealing the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain covered in black.

Ning Xia subconsciously turned her face away, the maid outfit he gave Huasan in Liyue had matching shorts inside, so subconsciously thought that there were also those here.

But Ning Xia was not surprised by Rosalia's color choice, it might be better to say that this color is very Rosalia.

Ning Xia, who had already experienced many battles, slowed down for a while, and stared at Rosalia's wound with a calm expression. The scorched black on her pale skin destroyed the morbid beauty that could have been harmonious.

Red blood was faintly oozing from the scorched wound, and even though Rosalia intentionally controlled it, her arms were still trembling uncontrollably because of the pain.

Ningxia couldn't help but frown and feel distressed. How did Rosalia endure the pain and cook breakfast for them? Shouldn't she be the first to deal with the wound?

However, in Rosalia's eyes, Ning Xia's frowning expression had some irony in it, which made her unable to resist saying, "Black! Is there any problem with black?"

"No problem, no problem." Ning Xia glanced at the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, which was as spectacular as it was, and even slightly higher than Yula.

Then he put his eyes on Rosalia's right arm completely. The pale skin that had been hidden in the darkness all year round seemed a little shy because of Ning Xia's straight gaze.

The originally pale skin began to faintly reveal an attractive pink color. Although Ning Xia deliberately did not let herself see the Longji Snow Mountain, but with Rosalia's slightly heavy breathing, the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, which was originally bound by black, trembled slightly. with.

The originally towering and huge Longji Snow Mountain mischievously blocked the direction of the arm, and every tremor was enough to make people fascinated.

The pink color occupied Rosalia's upper body, the eyes that were a bit blurred were more ashamed and angry, and the beautiful but pale face became more lively after adding a touch of pink.

"Hurry up, I'm a little cold." Rosalia said anxiously. Although she knew that Ning Xia was just staring at her arm, Rosalia felt very strange about the uncomfortable feeling of exposing her skin to the air.

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