"Okay..." Yingmei ate with a fork.

"Sigh~ Ningxia cares too much about Ying, I'm a little jealous." Paimon said with a disdainful expression on the side.

"Oh!" The shamed and angry Yingmei stuffed a fried pigeon leg into Paimon's mouth.

"Eat yours! Don't talk!" Yingmei said with a blushing face, but when she noticed that Ningxia was looking at her, she quickly lowered her head and dared not look directly.

"Too bad, will Ningxia think I'm a rough woman? What if he dislikes me? Should I explain? Well, it's so shameful!!!" Yingmei's brain was running crazily at this moment .

Paimon took out the pigeon legs in his mouth, and his face was aggrieved. It was obvious that she was just helping Yingmei with an assist, but Yingmei treated her like this.

Seeing Paimon like this, Yingmei coaxed her helplessly, after all, she was indeed a little rough.

Seeing Yingmei's appearance, Ningxia couldn't help laughing out loud, the girl in front of her is really too cute.

"You, what are you laughing at? Is there something strange about me?" Yingmei asked weakly.

"You're so cute, who doesn't smile when they see you?" Ning Xia couldn't help teasing.

"I, I'm not cute, I, I... woo~" Looking at Yingmei whose brain was about to crash, Ning Xia stopped flirting with Yingmei.

At this time, the empty eyes that had come to Monde were blazing with anger, and they dared to moles his lovely sister. Thinking about the fact that Yingmei kissed Ningxia before, seeing how she had planted cabbage for tens of thousands of years, Ningxia was doomed like this .

If it wasn't for Yingmei, he would have to fight Ningxia for [-] rounds with the Wufeng sword, so that he can understand what cruelty is.

Yuanshang was massaging his neck at the side. After so many times of choking his neck, his neck has also been exercised to a certain extent. For example, the feeling of choking is getting better and better.

At this time, Dyin, who was waiting impatiently at the gate of the city, planned to see if anything happened to Yingmei. As soon as he approached Kong's hiding place, he immediately sensed the aura of the abyss inside.

Sora, who was still very angry, hurriedly asked Yuanshang to take him away. The person he was most sorry for in this world was Dyne.

500 years ago, he traveled with Dyne to the Seven Kingdoms and forged a deep friendship. Until he traveled to the Seventh Kingdom, Sora chose to join the Abyss.

This feeling of guilt for betraying his best friend made Sora dare not meet Dyne again for nearly 500 years.

After Dyne noticed that the breath of the abyss disappeared, he didn't continue to pursue it. The most important thing now is to find the first cultivator.

When passing by the Deer Hunter Restaurant, Dyne looked at Ning Xia with some doubts. As a man who personally experienced the forbidden power of Kanria and the destruction of Kanria, he vaguely sensed that Ningxia did not belong to this world. .

At this time, Paimon, who was still eating and drinking, also noticed Dyne's approach, and greeted him warmly: "Hello! Dyne!"

Ning Xia also turned his head to look at Dyne, and he also noticed the rotten aura on Dyne's body, as if a corpse that should have died has been preserved by special means.

The two looked at each other like this, Paimeng who seemed to be greeting was a little embarrassed

Chapter 419 Ningxia, you don't want to be harassed by the abyss, do you?

"Ying, this is the Dyne you mentioned, right?" Ning Xia stood up and said, this decaying smell was too sensitive to him, although Dyne still looked like a human being, his lifespan was definitely not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"This is..." Dyne also looked at Ningxia with some vigilance. As the former last guard, he could also vaguely see the bottomless terrifying power in Ningxia, at least he couldn't deal with it.

"Dyne, don't be so vigilant, Ningxia is a good man, and he is going to help us find that first cultivator!" Paimon smoothed things over.

"Thank you for your kindness, but help is fine, I don't need it." Dyne said lightly, the reason why he chose to cooperate with Yingmei was because he recognized that Yingmei was the younger sister that Sora used to talk about every day.

"You misunderstood, I came here to help you because of Ying, Mr. Dyne, what you want to do is your own business, but I can't stand idly by on Ying's affairs." Ning Xia said flatly.

"Hmph! Whatever you want." Dyin snorted coldly and left. He himself didn't expect to rely on his sister to find the cultivator, it was just a helpless choice.

"Dyne!" Paimon wanted to stop Dyne who was leaving, but he ignored Paimon's persuasion and left without looking back.

"Okay, since he is looking for the first cultivator, he will definitely go to the Fenglong ruins, so let's go too." Ning Xia said with narrowed eyes.

"Then let's go!" Paimon nodded and said, this meal she ate was much better than the one Kaia treated her to.

In order to save time on the road, Yingmei took Ningxia to the teleportation anchor outside Mond City.

"By the way! Ying and I ran back and forth between Liyuemonde yesterday, so we opened some anchor points on the road. You can also use Ningxia?" Paimon explained.

"En." Ning Xia nodded slightly. Although he didn't use it much after returning to Mond, he still remembered the method.

By using a little force to stimulate the teleportation anchor, the originally blurred map of Mond became much brighter, and many dark anchors also emitted a faint light.

"Did you run Mond all over?" Ning Xia asked, looking at the anchor point that had been opened for most of it.

"Only, it's just on the way. After all, if you want to find a cultivator..." Yingmei explained in a low voice.

"Forget it, let's go to the Fenglong ruins first." Ning Xia said and chose an anchor point that was closer to the Fenglong ruins.

"Wow, this place is really big... Why do I think this is an abandoned city?" Paimon, who came to the Fenglong Ruins for the first time, sighed.

"Okay, Paimon, you two catch me first, it's coming." Ning Xia said looking at the gradually enlarged black spot in the sky.

"Oh? Why?" Paimon hugged Ning Xia's arm with a puzzled look on his face. Yingmei watched Paimon's movement, hesitated and hugged the other arm.

Soon a gust of wind came oncoming, almost blowing Paimeng who was holding Ningxia away.

As the wind subsided, the originally dazzling sun was covered by the huge body.

Ningxia carefully tidied Yingmei's wind-blown hair, and then stroked Tewarin's huge head.

"Roar!" Twarin roared cheerfully. It flew over immediately after noticing that Ningxia had come to the Fenglong ruins.

"Twarin, I need your help with something here, can you?" Ning Xia asked.

"Roar!" (No problem!) Twarin growled happily.

At this moment, Paimeng poked Yingmei, who was still down because of Ning Xia's hair adjustment, and said, "Ying! Come back, I agreed."

"Ah, oh, okay, okay." Yingmei replied in a panic, and then stammered with Paimon to tell Twalin the clues she knew.

Twalin thought for a while, then leaned over to let everyone go up, it seemed to know where the thing Yingmei said was.

"I'm sorry to trouble you again." Ning Xia said as he laid on Twalin's body.

"Roar~roar~" Twarin shook his head again and again to express that it's fine. He was quite grateful to Ningxia and Yingmei. If it weren't for them, he might be enduring the curse in the Fenglong ruins, or become a biological weapon in the abyss.

How can I fly around freely every day like I am now, and come back here to rest when I am tired. I am quite satisfied with my small life.

And it really wants to help Ningxia, every time something happens to Mond, Ningxia will help, which is much better than Wendy, the drunkard who suddenly ran to Liyue without a word.

With the help of Twalin, everyone quickly found the so-called first cultivator.

"Huh? How does it look different from ordinary relic guards?" Paimon poked the relic guard with a branch and said.

"Twarin, is this really true?" Paimon asked, looking at Twarin who had shrunk to the size of a cat.

"Roar! Roar!" Tevalin kept growling while sitting on Ningxia's shoulder. When he was sleeping, this machine sprayed fireballs every day. How could he remember wrongly.

"No, that's right, this is indeed the first cultivator." At this time Dyne said with a heavy breath.

When Ningxia and the others flew to the Fenglong ruins with Twalin, he followed them all the way.

However, Tewarin was really too fast. He only managed to catch up with all his strength regardless of his physical strength.

"Dynne! You're here too." Paimon waved his hand and said, Ning Xia whispered something to Twalin, and then let him leave.

"Let me take back this core, I won't let the abyss find it." Dyne said pantingly, even though his strength was no less than that of a member, it was still a bit difficult to keep up with the Wind Dragon.

"I think this Mr. Ningxia doesn't want to be harassed by the abyss, does he?" Dyne said when he came to the guard of the ruins. The reason why he didn't want to act with Ningxia was largely because he couldn't see the depth of Ningxia, but Now in this situation, he can only pinch his nose and beg.

"If this thing is handed over to me, it won't hinder your life." Dyne said seriously, he already had a vague idea of ​​Abyss' plan.

Reversely connect Sky Island through the upside-down statue, and throw the Honkai matter from the abyss into Sky Island.

In this case, no matter whether the keeper of Sky Island is there or not, the fragmented Sky Island will not be able to withstand the erosion of the abyss.

"I can't trust a person who doesn't even talk about his country." Ning Xia said flatly, he didn't believe Dyne, just like Dyne feared Ningxia.

"..." Although Dyne doesn't like Seven Gods and Heavenly Law, he also knows that if Abyss succeeds, it will only fuel Abyss' arrogance.

Just when he was about to tell Ning Xia about this, suddenly an abyss portal opened in front of the relic guard, and a blue-white iron hand stretched out from inside, trying to grab the core of the relic guard.

Chapter 420: The Big Fist of the Sandbag

Ning Xia grabbed the iron hand violently, and just as he was about to pull it out of the abyss portal, the people inside cut it off decisively.

"Is it finally unbearable?" Ning Xia looked at the disappearing portal and said, one hand violently pierced through the one-eye of the relic guard, grabbing the core of the relic guard inside.

At this time, a water apostle came out from the portal on the other side, clutching his severed hand. If Kong on the side hadn't reacted quickly and ruthlessly, Ning Xia could have forcibly pulled him out of the portal just now.

"Your Highness, it's time for us to appear on the stage." Yuan Shang said from the side.

"Okay." Kong said lightly, but the violent heartbeat in his chest made Yuanshang beside him feel ashamed.

"Long time no see, Ying." Kong walked out of the abyss portal with a flat face, and was reveling in his heart that he met his precious sister for the first time in 500 years.

Ningxia frowned and looked at Kong, although Kong's expression was very calm, but Ningxia always felt that Kong was... laughing?

"Empty!" Yingmei shouted in surprise. Although she hadn't realized what happened just now, seeing her brother made her very happy.

"Oh~ my baby sister called me, that's great~" Under Kong's flat expression was the heart that was about to laugh out loud, if it wasn't for Yuanshang's repeated urging just now that he couldn't show it, he would have a good time with Yingmei now got together.

"Ying, you shouldn't be with Dyne and Ningxia, they are my enemies." Kong pretended to be indifferent.

"Enemy? Why!? Obviously Ning Xia is a very good person! No! How do you know Ning Xia and Dyne!?" Paimon asked beside him.

"Sky, we meet again..." Dyne looked at his former best friend with a complicated expression.

Kong looked at Paimon, who was harmless to humans and animals, and couldn't relate her to the mysterious demon god Yuanshang mentioned, but he still told Dyne's origin.

"Oh..." Sora sighed softly.

"Sister, this is what I have to tell you. You can't stop me with Dyne, you can't stop Abyss." Deception arrived.

"Dainsreb, he is the sword of the last light of the last palace guard of Kerriya. He failed to prevent the destruction of Kerriya 500 years ago."

"At that time, he was cursed with immortality and wandered in the wilderness. He could only watch the people he guarded turn into monsters in the abyss."

"..." Dyne looked at the indifferent Kong in disbelief. The close friend who used to talk about everything is now so decisive, which also completely erased the last trace of the fetters in Dyne's heart towards Kong.

"Kanria..." Ningxia silently guarded Yingmei. Even though he had never experienced the destruction of Kanria, it can be seen from the cultivator they developed and Du Lin's dragon body that Kanria Asia's destruction of the country is largely self-inflicted.

"And Ningxia...he is the lackey of the Seven Gods. Whether it is the wind god of Mengde or the rock god of Liyue, he is far more dangerous than Dyne. You must never get close to him!" Dyne said guiltily.

Compared to Dyne, he has nothing to be embarrassed about scolding Ningxia, no matter how ugly it is, anyway, as long as he runs into the abyss, Ningxia can't catch him.

"Running dog..." Ning Xia's hand holding the core couldn't help but force hard, thanks to the fact that the core is hard enough, otherwise the normal core would have been crushed by Ning Xia long ago.

He was really wronged. Didn't the rock god Fengshen come to him by themselves, what can he do, he is also very desperate!

"Stop talking about this mess! Brother! Let's go home together!" Yingmei cried out in a crying voice. She didn't want to know what Kanria was, what abyss, she just wanted to find her brother.

"Home..." Kong's indifferent expression finally showed a wave of fluctuation, he also wanted to leave with Yingmei now, but looked at the water apostle and Yuanshang who stood beside him.

"Yeah, a place with a younger sister is home, but I can't leave here with you to find a new home, not now..."

"Before the abyss and my revenge are not over, there is still a war between me and Tianli, and before that..."

"Remember, I have already completed a journey in this world, and you have to complete your own mark like me."

"I will wait for your return at the end, we will meet again eventually, I have enough time to wait for you, our time...is always enough." Kong Kong said coldly, as if he didn't care about Yingmei look.

"Kong!" At this time, Yingmei was about to run to Kong directly across Ningxia.

Ningxia watched this scene quietly, and handed the core to Dyne casually. Since Dyne was not with Abyss, he didn't need to keep it for himself.

Dai Yin took over the core and didn't have time to think, so he rushed to the sky with Yingmei.

At this time, the sky has already made Yuanshang start the portal.

Yingmei, who realized that Kong was about to leave, couldn't help shouting: "Don't leave me again!"

"Ying..." Kong couldn't help but look back at Yingmei again, at this time Dyne had already approached him infinitely with the core.

But a claw grabbed his shoulder even faster.

"?" Before Kong could react, the other claw directly sent him flying from the abyss portal and hit the stone pillar beside him.

At this time, the second apostle from Yuanshang who had already entered first was stupid, isn't that right?Shouldn't the plot be empty and leave calmly?

"Tsk tsk tsk, what an embarrassing reunion." Ning Xia stretched out his hand to take Twarin, and when Dyne came, he noticed the abyss.

So he arranged for Twalin Ying to hide his breath and hide aside to prepare for a sneak attack.

At that time, Kong focused all his attention on Yingmei and didn't care about Tewarin's departure, which gave Ningxia room to maneuver.

At this time, Dyne had also run into the abyss, Yingmei stared blankly at Kong who was embedded in the stone pillar, she was a little at a loss for this sudden change.

"Okay, prince of the abyss, for my sake, I will be more gentle, but I think it is necessary for me to have a serious talk with you about you saying that I am a lackey of the Seven Gods." Ning Xia walked He walked up to Sora and said.

"I died in front of my sister." This was the first thought in Kong Kong's mind, and it was also the last thing he wanted to accept.

Especially Ningxia's sandbag-sized fist dangling on his face...

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