Chapter 421 The Injured Younger Sister

"Knight! It's up to you!" shouted Yuanshang in the abyss portal.

As Yuanshang's voice just fell, a pitch-black figure rushed out of the portal, but in an instant, dozens of murderous intentions locked Ningxia.

"Tch!" Ningxia, who had no time to take out his weapon, could only back away while opening his shield to block the attack like a poisonous snake. Originally, he wanted to control Kong, and then he used the physical memory recovery technique to make him either stop being a riddler or get out. Tivat.

After taking a few steps back, Ning Xia finally saw the black shadow just now. A dark knight exuding a stench and decaying smell. Time and killings have obliterated the gorgeous patterns and family imprints on the armor. The face wrapped in the hideous mask is only exposed A pair of inhuman eyes.

Yuanshang and Water Apostle took advantage of Ningxia's repulsion to come to Kong's side and knocked him out of the stone pillar. Tewarin in his heyday was a real demon god. Empty is very uncomfortable.

"Roar!" How could Twarin miss this opportunity for revenge? With the roaring sound, the closing song formed by the wind element directly covered the surroundings, disturbing the stability of the space, and completely preventing Yuanshang from opening the portal to escape.

"Hey! Come back and help!" Yuanshang shouted to the dark knight while guarding the sky. The two apostles hit Tewarin with a hammer, and it was almost as good as Tewarin as a hammer.

"Wind dragon, hero, don't hurt..." The dark knight responded jerky. His voice was as sharp as claws scratching glass, which made people very uncomfortable, but it could be barely heard that he seemed to respect Twalin very much. .

Ningxia also took out the Kusanagi sword at this time. The knight in front of him was very strange, with the aura of abyss and monsters, but the traces of humans could barely be discerned on the body. The sword technique used just now was very similar to the West Wind sword technique.

Seeing Ning Xia take out the Kusanagi sword, the dark knight's eyes flashed a red light. In hundreds of years of endless killings, he has not done this kind of upright one-on-one duel with human beings for nearly 500 years. Tried it.

"Knight's way..." The dark knight made a duel etiquette gesture very unfamiliarly. He vaguely remembered that he often made this gesture in the past.

Ning Xia, who used to kick around to learn swordsmanship, also saw that the knight's gesture was for a duel, and opened a barrier for Yingmei and Paimeng and said: "Ying, you stay here, I will help you catch brother back."

As he said that, he clasped his fists back at the dark knight. The dark knight in front of him didn't know what he had experienced, but he actually possessed the strength close to that of a lower-level demon god, but it was not difficult to deal with him.

In addition, with Twalin holding Kong back, he is not afraid that Kong will escape. You must know that Twalin is still worried about being arrested by the abyss for reform for no reason, and it is impossible to let Kong escape.

Yingmei, who was protected by Ningxia, looked anxiously at the fighting parties. She believed that Ningxia was doing it for her own good, and also believed that Kong would not harm her.

She originally thought that Ningxia and Kong would become friends, but now she can only watch the two fight.

"Brother..." Yingmei looked at Kong who was about to team up with the apostle to subdue Tewarin. She didn't understand why the once gentle brother became so indifferent.

Looking at Ningxia, who was fighting against the Dark Knight, Yingmei knew that this battle was not something she could interfere with now, but if it went on like this.

On one side is Ningxia who has helped her many times and has a girlish feeling, and on the other side is the blood relatives who are connected by blood. Whether it is Ningxia or Kong who is injured, she cannot accept it.

Ning Xia also does not intend to delay with the Dark Knight. The Kusanagi sword confronts the magic sword stained with black blood. One is a swordsmanship master with extraordinary talent and has beaten all the invincible hands of the Daofu school. Variation, as far as swordsmanship is concerned, both of them are between Zhongbo.

In order to get rid of the guy in front of him as soon as possible, Ning Xia rarely used all his strength, the Gengjin breath was attached to the Kusanagi sword, and the hurricane breath increased the speed.

The Kusanagi sword in his hand hissed, and Xiaobai responded to Ningxia's attack and cut off the dark knight's magic sword. The powerful force caused the knight's arm to lose strength for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ning Xia picked at the chest of the dark knight who opened the empty door, and a blood flower bloomed in front of the chest, echoing the iron flower on the chest of the dark knight.

The dark knight resisted Ningxia's murderous intent with the armor on his body. The armor on his body was broken, revealing the black flesh wriggling inside, and the black blood couldn't stop flowing.

In a panic, he rolled around like a lazy donkey and got back the half-broken magic sword. This sense of oppression made him more excited, and he began to give up defense and concentrate on attacking.

On the other side, the water apostle saw that the angry Twalin could only protect the air as much as possible, and kept slashing out water blades to resist Twalin's wind blades, but inadvertently flew out dozens of water knives and hit Ningxia as Yingmei. The barrier created created waves of ripples.

Seeing the wounds on Kong's body, Yingmei, who was already worried, couldn't help it. She couldn't watch her brother get hurt and remain indifferent. Her protective emotions for her relatives overwhelmed her rationality, and she rushed out of the barrier and ran towards Kong.

It usually takes dozens of water blades of the apostle to resist one of Twarin's. The scattered water blades either hit the stone pillars or the ground, forming pits of different sizes.

Paimon, who was holding the crown, couldn't help touching the top of her head. A water blade almost flew over her head just now. If she got any closer, her head would probably explode.

Yingmei knelt on the ground with her arms clutched. Just now, in order to pull Paimon away, her arm was cut by a water blade, and blood gushed out like money.

"Ying!" Pai Meng looked anxiously at the injured Yingmei, and was so anxious that he circled around Yingmei.

"Brother..." Yingmei looked at Kong who was about to join hands with the apostles to subdue Tewarin with a pale face. She didn't understand why it happened like this.

Seeing that Yingmei was injured, Kong showed a look of astonishment on his face. He had already asked the apostles never to hurt Yingmei before, but just now the water apostle was also cornered.

Twarin, who has recovered his full power, is not something the apostle can match, and all he can do is just to resist a few attacks from Twarin, and it is impossible to take care of his sister.

"Tch!" Ningxia angrily kicked the black knight off the wind dragon ruins, then ran to Yingmei's side and immediately stopped the wound with the breath of life.

Yingmei looked at Ningxia with a guilty expression on her face. She really added to the mess this time. I'm sorry for Ningxia who helped her. Although the wound has healed, Yingmei's eyelids couldn't stop closing due to the heavy blood loss just now.

Ningxia carefully carried Yingmei behind her back, because of the sudden blood loss, Yingmei fainted.

"Ying!" At this time, Shikong couldn't help it anymore, watching Yingmei fainted, letting Twalin's attack hit her, staggering to confirm Yingmei's safety.

Ning Xia knocked Kong down to the ground with one punch, and looked at him coldly.

"His Royal Highness!" Yuanshang hurriedly helped Kong up. Just now, in order to protect Kong, he had eaten dozens of wind blades, and suffered no less injuries than Kong.

"Twarin, please stop for a moment." Ning Xia said coldly.

Chapter 422 Empty entrustment

"Roar!" Twalin stopped Zongtian's closing song in response, and then flew to Ningxia's shoulders to stare at Kong and Yuan. As long as they wanted to leave, it would stop it immediately.

"Yuan Shang, you step back first... I have something to say to Ning Xia." Kong looked at Ying Mei who was sleeping on Ning Xia's back, and his heart ached like a knife. He joined Abyss to protect Ying Mei, not Hurt Yingmei.

"Your Highness!" Yuanshang looked worriedly at Kong in distress. Ningxia in front of him was a ruthless man who killed the Abyss Apostle with his bare hands. Now Kong is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in Ningxia's hands. How could he feel at ease.

"Go on... I have something to talk to Ningxia about, I'll be fine." Kong tremblingly got up and said, just now he wanted to understand one thing, if now he has something to do with Yingmei, as long as It will hurt Yingmei.

But in front of him, Ningxia, the biggest enemy he regards as beyond the law, actually protects Yingmei.

"But... I understand." Yuanshang looked at Kong with a determined face, so he had no choice but to carry the water apostle who was already lying on the side back to the abyss. He wanted to go back and call a few apostles, otherwise he would not be able to protect Kong. leave here.

"Roar!" Twalin growled threateningly.

"Twarin, let them go." Ningxia stared at Kong and said, the apostle is not important, what is important is Kong who is still in place in front of him.

Hearing Ning Xia's words, Twalin nodded slightly, and did not continue to threaten.

After confirming that Fuchigami had left, Sora, who had stood up, suddenly knelt down with a "plop".

"Please take care of my sister instead of me!" Sora said with a face of humiliation, but if it was for Yingmei, he would give everything to protect her.

Ningxia, who was still a little angry at first, was dumbfounded when he saw Kong kneeling down.

"What trick do you want to play?" Ning Xia said while holding the Kusanagi sword.

"That's right! What trick do you want to play!?" Paimon, who was watching Yingmei from the side, also asked.

"I want to entrust my sister to you." Kong said seriously. From the beginning to the end of this battle, Ningxia did its best to protect Yingmei as soon as possible.

If it wasn't for Ningxia's love, he could really entrust Yingmei to Ningxia with peace of mind.

"You?" Ningxia looked at Kong in surprise, who had been talking sarcasticly just now, but now she looked concerned about her sister.

"Please listen to me." Sora raised his head and said.

"Everything I do is to avenge Tianli. If you want to stop me, do whatever you want, but she is innocent. Whether in the past or now, it is enough for me to bear all the sins and hatred alone !"

"I know that she likes you, and you love her too..." Kong said and hammered the stone platform a little bit unwillingly.

"If you can, please take good care of Ying for me before I succeed in my revenge. She is a child who is not good at talking, and she likes to push the quilt when she sleeps. Even if she usually likes something, she won't say it. She can only pay more attention and observe. Just do it."

"Also, she doesn't like to communicate with strangers too much. If it's not necessary, please don't let her talk too much with strangers. Just you or that little thing."

"Also, she..." Kong babbled about everything that Yingmei needed to pay attention to, the level of detail made Ning Xia feel ashamed for a while.

"You obviously care about Ying so much, why do you do this?" Paimon asked.

"I've already said that I want to take revenge on Tianli, whether it's my mistakes or revenge against Tianli." Kong said vaguely, he didn't want to tell Ningxia about these things.

"You don't need to tell me, I will take care of Ying." Ningxia said, looking at Yingmei who was breathing evenly behind her.

"Is that so? I hope you can do it, right! Unless she wants to! Otherwise, you absolutely can't! You can't do that to her!" Sora added tremblingly as he stood up.

"Huh? Am I that kind of person!?" Ning Xia said angrily.

"Isn't it? You playboy, don't think I don't know what your kid did to Liyue Dao's wife!" Kong retorted angrily, and he still had a heart for his sister being raped by Ningxia.

But it is undeniable that Ningxia can indeed protect Yingmei, and that's all he can do.

"Your Highness! Are you okay!" Yuanshang returned with five abyss apostles at this time.

"I'm fine, come here and help me." Kong stood on the spot and said, kneeling too hard just now, and being injured by the wind blade, he can no longer walk now.

"Your Highness!" Yuan Shang supported Kong to retreat in distress, and the five apostles guarded Kong's side vigilantly.

"Let's go..." Ning Xia looked at Kong who was in a mess and said, for Ying's sake, he let Kong go once, but only once.

After watching Kong leave, Ningxia said to Twalin with an apologetic expression: "I'm very sorry, Twalin."

"Roar..." Twalin growled. It was indeed a little unhappy to leave empty-handed, but if it was Ningxia, it could reluctantly forgive it.

"Ningxia, is she okay?" Paimon asked worriedly.

"It's okay, it's just that she lost too much blood and fainted just now, she should take a good rest." Ning Xia couldn't help pinching Yingmei's delicate face and said.

"That's great, Yingmei is here to protect's all my fault for being too stupid!" Paimon said with her head lowered in frustration, she also rushed forward because she was worried about Yingmei.

"Brother...don't hurt Ningxia...I like him..." At this time, Yingmei was muttering in her sleep, her eyebrows were furrowed, as if she was having some bad dreams.

"It's okay, I'm by your side." Ning Xia comforted softly, seeing the expression of Yingmei, who was in her arms, gradually calmed down, with a doting smile on her face, she couldn't help rubbing Yingmei's head.

Paimon covered his eyes, watching Ningxia straighten Yingmei's hair through the gap between his little fingers.

"Ning, Ningxia...we can't...if you like...I..." Feeling Ningxia's caress, Yingmei's expression suddenly became shy.

The corners of the mouth were dripping with crystals because of the dream, and the slightly baby-fat face was like a red apple, which made people want to take a bite.

The slightly pouting mouth is like a sweet strawberry, every slight movement is tempting people to break the law, and two tender little hands are grabbing Ningxia's clothes and won't let go.

"No, you can't do that kind of thing, Ningxia, I will..." Hearing Yingmei's muttering, Ningxia couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. What kind of image does he have in Yingmei's heart?

Twalin looked at the crumbling load-bearing column with some distress, because the blow was too hard, this time the ruins of the wind dragon will really become the ruins of the wind dragon, and the most important load-bearing column carried Dekarapi, who thought he was his lover. An was torn apart, survived the cholera riots when the dragon Durin almost wiped out the country, withstood a certain woman who almost turned the ruins of the wind dragon into ruins, but did not resist the demolition of its old resident Tewarin.

Chapter 423 Ningxia: Wait in my room

"Roar..." Twarin growled in frustration. It has lived here for a long time, and has some deep feelings for this place.

"I'm very sorry, Twalin." Ning Xia came to Twalin with his sister in his arms. The load-bearing pillar in front of him was the only relic left by the lonely king of the tower with his power.

In order to support the old Mond City, Dekarapian endowed the load-bearing columns with terrifying wind element power, and even changed the original direction of the ground veins.

"If you don't have a place to live, you can come to my house temporarily, but I want to make you look like this, I don't know you..." Ning Xia asked.

"Roar!" Hearing that Ningxia was willing to take him in, Twarin nodded quickly to indicate that it was okay.

"Then let's get out of here first." Ning Xia looked at the load-bearing pillars that were already full of cracks. In at most three days, the Fenglong Ruins might turn into Fenglong Ruins.

After Twalin became bigger, he leaned against the edge of the platform, and Ningxia, who was holding his younger sister, came behind Twalin.

After Twalin let out a low growl, he began to soar in the sky.

Yingmei, who was in Ningxia's arms, woke up rubbing herself at this time. Seeing Ningxia looking at her, she thought that the dream was not over yet, so she boldly kissed Ningxia, and then changed into a comfortable position to continue. Lying on Ningxia's lap to sleep.

Paimeng on the side couldn't help shouting: "Ying! How long are you going to sleep? Ningxia and I are very worried!"

"Paimon... No! Why are you in my dream, Paimeng!?" Yingmei suddenly got up from Ningxia's lap, saw that she was in mid-air, and squeezed Paimon's small face in disbelief.

"It doesn't hurt, it's great, it's still a dream." Yingmei said with a sigh of relief.

"Ouch! It hurts!" At this moment, Ning Xia squeezed Yingmei's face a little harder, so as to wake up the dazed girl.

"Ying! Did you feel stupid just now?" Paimon covered his face and said, Yingmei was not like this before, and the sleep talk with her while sleeping was similar to now.

"Ningxia, where's my brother!?" Yingmei, who was fully awake at this time, asked, she seemed to see Kong before she fainted and looked at her worriedly.

"I let him go, don't worry." Ning Xia rubbed Yingmei's head and said.

"Thank you..." Yingmei lowered her head and said in a low voice. She knew Ningxia's protection this time when she was looking for her brother. This sense of security made Yingmei feel at ease.

"I'm very sorry, you've done so much for me, but I'm self-willed..." Yingmei apologized hugging Ningxia.

The raised little head was about to cry, tears swirled in Yingmei's golden pupils, Cherry's little mouths were tightly pressed together, for fear that she would cry out.

"Cry if you want to cry." Ning Xia said while hugging Yingmei's tender body, letting such a shy girl run around in a strange world to find her relatives.

It turns out that my relative is a bad person, and treats me indifferently, no matter how strong Yingmei is, she still needs an outlet to vent.

"I didn't... woo..." Yingmei wanted to speak harshly at first, but she still couldn't control her out-of-control emotions and buried herself in Ningxia's arms and cried loudly.

Feeling that the clothes on his chest were getting wet, Ning Xia just gently stroked Yingmei's head and whispered comfort, even if Kong didn't entrust him, he would take good care of the girl in front of him.

After Yingmei cried heartily, she seemed to be tired from crying and buried herself in Ningxia's arms and fell asleep again.

"Ying..." Pai Meng put his hands on his hips helplessly, is this considered to be near Ningxia?

Not far from Mond City, Twarin landed on the ground after confirming that there was no one around, and then changed back to the size of a kitten and sat on Ningxia's shoulders.

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