She has consulted a lot of books on feelings, and she can make the best analysis of every sentence of Ning Xia at the dinner table.

In this way, there will be no such thing as a suspected confession that will break the defense. At that time, she must reject Ning Xia without any traces, and then let Qin be pushed out.

"Miss Lisa!" Mona, who was just about to go home, stopped Lisa.

"Ah~! Isn't this Ms. Mona? What's the matter?" Lisa, who was already nervous, was almost frightened by Mona and made a strange sound, but thanks to her quick reaction, she immediately suppressed it.

"I'm not going home now, just as you are walking in the same direction as me, I will come over to say hello to you." Mona said enthusiastically, the only person who can talk to her about astrology in Mona City is Li Sarah.

So the two can be regarded as good friends, but they usually only communicate in the lounge of the library.

"Well, that's just right. I'm going to the honorary knight's house too. Let's drop by." Seeing Mona's innocent appearance, Lisa knew that the opportunity to inquire about the news had come.

"Oh? You're going too..." Mona looked at Lisa with some doubts. She only heard that Qin had a crush on Ningxia, but she didn't think much of Lisa's words.

"It's like this. I took care of Qiyana for the honorary knight for a while, so he wanted to thank me..." Lisa quickly explained.

She must not let other people know that she was almost confessed by Ning Xia, otherwise she would not know how to live in Mond.

"Well, then we can go together, let me tell you, Ningxia's roasted bird eggs are delicious, but..." Mona enthusiastically praised Ningxia's craftsmanship to Lisa.

"Ahem, Mona, I want to ask you Honor Knight... what taboos do you have?"

"Why are you asking this?" Mona asked suspiciously.

"This, this, am I going to be invited by the honorary knight later? I want to know what taboos he has, so that I won't make him angry later." Lisa explained.

"Well... Ningxia doesn't seem to like brutal women very much, and he will always ask him to do this or that." Mona recalled when Ningxia complained about a certain woman.

That was the first time she saw Ningxia complaining so much to a woman, being used, held down by her and so on.

Although Mona didn't understand much at the time, she was greatly shocked. It turned out that there were women who had overwhelmed Ningxia.

Lisa listened to Mona's somewhat vague words, and suddenly had a plan in her heart, wasn't she just ordering people around?She is very good at this.

If Qin can be made happy, her image of a mature and elegant big sister can also be slightly damaged.

Chapter 429 Interference Affects Sword Swing

At home in Ningxia, Yingmei has already changed into saura clothes. Although they are a bit loose, they are better than the dirty ones.

Yingmei was sitting on the sofa, sipping juice, while Paimeng leaned over to her side with a mean face and teased Yingmei.

Of course, she was very happy that Yingmei finally admitted that relationship, so that if she and Yingmei traveled in the future, they would not have to worry about food or clothing.

And Ningxia was already busy with various tasks in the kitchen. Although Yingmei wanted to help, the domineering Ningxia forced her to rest on the sofa and drink juice. How could it be tiring to cook for the wives?

Especially with Paimon, a big eater, Kiyana came to him just now to complain that her week's snack reserve had been wiped out by Paimon alone.

Ningxia carefully took out four of Yingmei's favorite sweet flower stuffed chickens from the oven, uh, or sweet flower stuffed pigeons, in order to make everyone else full, he was going to roast nine sweet flower stuffed chickens , which is almost enough.

Then came the vegetable soup and Huohuo meat sauce noodles that Lisa obviously preferred last time, the bird egg roast that Sara and Kiana liked, Mona liked salad, and Kapa Qili liked Tianshu meat, etc., even if it is not sure Rosalia, who didn't go home for dinner, made several red wine stews.

Ningxia slowly covered one dish after another, and then put it on the dining table. Seeing Ningxia's busy work, Yingmei really felt sorry for Ningxia's fatigue and wanted to go over to help.

Just at this time, Sara came back with Noelle who had completed her training. Kapaqili sniffed the smell in the house, then smelled the smell on Yingmei, and patted Yingmei on the shoulder as if she understood something. , making Yingmei blush.

"Sister and Kapaqili are back? Noelle is here too, we can eat in a while, you guys should take a rest first." Ning Xia poked her head out from the kitchen and said.

"Excuse me! Senior Ningxia!" Noelle bowed shyly.

Sara at the side looked at the dirt on his body, and decided to take Noelle to take a bath first, otherwise his body would still smell of sweat and be sticky, making him very uncomfortable.

And last time I didn't have time to take a shower, and I was hugged and sucked and gnawed by Ningxia, which made Saluo feel ashamed and angry, but Ningxia gnawed on her head, and almost did something bad in the kitchen.

"Hey, sweet flower-stuffed chicken that smells so delicious, slurp~" Paimon wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said, ever since eating Ningxia cooking, she felt that eating other dishes was a bit boring, even though she didn't Just mind it.

"Ouch! Ying! What are you doing?" Paimon said, covering his little hand that was slapped by Yingmei.

"Paimeng, Ningxia is still busy, how dare you steal it? Hurry up and help!" Yingmei said with her hands on her hips.

"I get it, really, you'll forget about me as a good friend when you have Ningxia." Paimon muttered his dissatisfaction in a low voice.

After hearing this, Yingmei didn't directly push Paimeng into the Aozang Mountain for punishment like before, but just blushed and ran into the kitchen to get food. She still wanted to help Ningxia more.

Noelle in the bathroom looked at Sara's shadow in surprise and asked Shan: "Master Sara, will your interference really not affect archery?"

If it was someone else, Sara might feel that she was finding fault on purpose, but Sara, an honest child like Noelle, patiently explained some of her techniques for avoiding interference.

"Me, mine is quite big, so it's very distressing when I swing my sword." Noelle pointed to her own Dragon's Back Snow Mountain and said, whether it's swinging a sword or playing with a gun, this interferes too much with her , so Noelle hopes that she can be smaller, so that she can wield the sword more nimbly, right?

In particular, there was a time when Kaiya played swordsmanship against these trainee knights, which made Noelle subconsciously feel that the more ordinary people are, the more powerful they are at wielding swords and spears.

"Noelle, you will be a good mother in the future." Sara said with some envy, she was better than negative three when she was Noelle's age, until the puberty period came.

At that time, when he first joined the army, the veterans thought she was a young man. Later, when Shaluo became the team leader, they found out that she was a girl. Later, she developed like a rocket to the present shadow mountain. scale.

"Thanks, thank you, Master Saluo, for your compliment." Noelle was a little confused, so she thanked her. She had heard similar compliments many times. What kind of compliment would Noelle be a good wife and a good mother in the future? Well, Noelle has heard it since she was a child, but Noelle wants to become a Zephyr Knight more, so she will train so hard and want to pass the exam of the Knights Order this time.

"About the knight order exam you mentioned, I think you should be pretty stable." Sara said with a last glance at Noelle's Dragon's Back Snow Mountain.

The main reason is that apart from Yura who is busy going out to clean up monsters every day in the knight order, there is no knight with a big sword who can guide Noelle. In addition, Noelle's great strength has no one to guide her, which makes her fall into an endless loop inside.

She has great strength, but there is no way to use it, otherwise, just relying on Noelle's strange strength would be enough for the knights in the exam to drink a pot.

And Sara just happened to have learned a few swordsmanship from Ningxia, and they happened to be of the type of big sword, so Sara was able to guide him or her in swordsmanship.

As a master, Sara didn't hide any secrets. He taught Noelle almost all the skills he knew, and he might ask Ning Xia for help later.

"Really? That's great. If I become a Zephyr Knight, I will definitely be able to help everyone more!" Noelle said expectantly.

" can take a proper rest, otherwise it will affect your practice." Sara recalled that on the way back, Noelle had been called to help several times in a row.

Including but not limited to love counseling, moving and lifting, and writing reports on behalf of others, Sara was so frightened that he asked Kapaqili to drag Noelle back so that his apprentice would not die from exhaustion.

Chapter 430 Lisa who made up her own brain

"Ningxia! I'm back!" Mona, who accidentally told Lisa about Ningxia's likes and dislikes along the way, also returned home.

At this time, Lisa already felt that she was stable. As long as she was a little more brutal, domineering, and strong, and ordered Ningxia to order more, he would hate her.

"Mona, I'm back, and Lisa is here too. It just so happens that I'm about to get ready, so please wait a moment." Ning Xia said holding a large plate of golden crabs.

"Okay! Do you need my help?" Mona walked into the kitchen with great interest and asked, she could already smell the fragrance of Xiantiaoqiang.

"Okay, little greedy cat, you can help me bring the golden crab over first, and I can eat after my sister takes a bath." Ning Xia pinched Mona's small face and said.

"Okay!" Mona happily took over a large plate full of golden crabs and said, her saliva couldn't stop drooling just by smelling it.

Lisa sat on the sofa with a calm face and began to arrange the lines waiting for her. Qiyana approached Lisa enthusiastically and said, "Sister Lisa, you are finally here~"

"Yes, yes, Kiyana." Lisa said guilty. She didn't know why the harmless Kiyana in front of her made her feel weird, like... a little fox with a deep city.

"Brother kept talking about you yesterday! Said that you are gentle and kind, and I really want to repay you for taking care of me!" Kiyana said with a pure face, and she didn't look like she was hiding on the stairs.

"Is that so? In fact, he doesn't have to be so serious. I'm pretty good at taking care of children. By the way, do you want candy?" Lisa relaxed after seeing Kiyana's cute face, and began to coax Keli The way to coax Qiyana.

Seeing Lisa's appearance, Kiyana knew that the opportunity had come. As long as Lisa was misunderstood at this time, she would be able to see Lisa's embarrassing appearance later.

Taking advantage of the moment when Lisa was not paying attention, Qiyana showed a calculating smile, and then moved to Lisa's side mysteriously and said: "Hehehe~ Sister Lisa, I heard from my brother that you are the type she likes." Oh~ I also said that if you want to, I will propose to you~"

"What! Keke, Kiyana, you can't be joking!" Lisa said after covering her mouth in panic.

"Qiana isn't joking, that's what my brother said yesterday!" Kiyana said with a determined face, and she will avenge herself after today.

"Uh, hahaha, it's impossible, Qin is not bad, how could the honorary knight have taken a fancy to me." Lisa said with a smile, but she was so fixed by Qiyana, and she was hinted at before. , she already subconsciously thought that Ning Xia liked her.

Just at this time, Ning Xia, who had already arranged all the meals on the table, came over to greet Lisa to come over for dinner.

"Thank you, thank you for the honor knight's invitation." Lisa said with evasive eyes. She was so misled by Qiyana just now that she no longer dared to look at Ning Xia.

"No, no, I don't know how to repay you for taking care of Qiyana. If you have any difficulties, Lisa, you can tell me." Ningxia said enthusiastically. After all, Lisa is Qin's best friend, and he also You can't speak coldly.

At this time, Lisa, whose brain had become sluggish because of Ningxia's words, had already started to work forcefully, analyzing various speech psychology and so on.

Sara and Noelle, who had finished their bath, had already gone downstairs. Except for Rosalia who didn't know where to go, everyone had already sat at the dining table.

As the nominal head of the family, Ning Xia sat on the chair and said some words of thanks to Lisa, but Lisa, who was misled, had already regarded these polite words as a confession, and all the words she had prepared were blocked. I can't tell.

After Ningxia said that the meal was ready, Pai Meng, who was so hungry that his eyes turned green, took the lead in killing the sweet flower stuffed chicken in front of him, and then took another golden crab by flying and started to gnaw wildly.

Yingmei ate her sweet flower stuffed chicken with a helpless face. She liked the taste of sweet flower very much. When she was traveling aimlessly outside, sweet flower was the best snack.

Everyone chatted about some things, mainly about Noelle's exam. On this topic, Sara was very confident. As Noelle's master, she also knew how much Noelle weighed. With her natural power, now The Noelle didn't even dare to say that she won it easily.

In Sara's view, Noelle's current military strength can already become a general's lieutenant general, but it is not comparable in martial arts. If he can't pass Mond's knight exam, Sara has nothing to say .

Lisa frowned when she heard Sara's words. Sara who came from out of town may not know how responsible Noelle is, but the locals do.

If Noelle becomes a knight, those in Mond who originally depended on Noelle will be even more...

"Thank you, thank you Master Shaluo and senior Ningxia for your guidance, I will try my best to live up to your teachings!" Noelle thanked very politely.

"Ahem, today we are here to thank Lisa for taking care of Qiyana, don't ignore the guests." Noticing the change in Lisa's face and the previous dependence on the Mond people on Noelle, Ningxia moved away sensibly topic.

"No, no need, I sound fine." Lisa, who was still worried at first, quickly waved her hand and said, now that Ning Xia cares about her a little, she subconsciously thinks that Ning Xia has herself in her heart.

Because of the change of topic in Ning Xia and Qiyana's revenge on Lisa, the topic has shifted to Lisa.

Noelle and Mona were just talking honestly about Lisa's love, but Kiyana's bad taste came up, and she began to tease Lisa's already overloaded heart intentionally or unintentionally.

In the past, if someone had teased Lisa so openly and secretly, there was a high probability that Lisa would be tricked back. However, the previous psychological hint gave Lisa a bottom line.

Going up, Qiyana told her that Ning Xia had a crush on her just now, which made Lisa, who was not very clear in thinking, confused. Now every time Ning Xia said a word, she would subconsciously feel that Ning Xia was confessing.

However, looking at Ning Xia's expression, she was very polite. This sense of separation made Lisa a little puzzled. The last time she had this feeling was because she realized that knowledge would damage her lifespan.

Kiyana happily looked at Lisa who inadvertently showed an embarrassed expression, she just wanted to see this expression, this shy expression of Lisa~

Ning Xia also looked at Lisa, who was sometimes shy and serious, with some doubts. He was not so self-obsessed that Lisa liked him, but Lisa's appearance was really weird.

Lisa lowered her head in embarrassment and looked down at her own Dragon's Back Snow Mountain, roaring madly in her heart that she should be more domineering and barbaric now.

Chapter 431 The Moon Is Beautiful Tonight

Although she said that she was repeatedly urging herself to be more brutal, Lisa still communicated with Ningxia with an elegant but slightly shy smile on her face.

Especially Qiyana on the side has been fanning the flames. If it weren't for Lisa's good psychological quality, she would have broken her defense long ago.

In the end, Lisa couldn't take it anymore and couldn't care less about rejecting Ning Xia. She blushed and said she was leaving.

"Brother~ Hurry up and give it away~" Qiyana said with a satisfied face, poking Ningxia.

"Um, okay." Ning Xia, who didn't know the whole process, nodded and said, he was also quite strange, Lisa didn't know him well, why did she become shy after a few words.

On the way to send Lisa off, Ning Xia asked, "Lisa, do you think today's meal suits your appetite?"

"Very, very good, I like it very much." Lisa said embarrassingly, her brain has already started to self-raid.

"What should I do? Ningxia asked me if it suits my appetite, and if she wants to cook for me every day in the future, calm down! I can't be sorry for Qin, no! Why would I agree to this kind of thing? Me, I'm not very old, so I'm not in a hurry This kind of thing, uh, I seem to be running out of time..." Lisa's brain was running wildly, but all kinds of messy thoughts began to cut off her main train of thought.

At this time, Qiyana's many foreshadowing and secret guidance showed their effect, and Lisa already subconsciously felt that Ning Xia liked her.

Ning Xia was also a little embarrassed looking at Lisa with her head down. It was not easy for him to start a conversation with Lisa's appearance. He raised his head in boredom to look at the starry sky, and happened to see the bright moon in the sky, and couldn't help but say, "Today's The moonlight is so beautiful."

Lisa, who was still in a state of confusion, completely lost her mind when she heard this sentence. She knew that this sentence was an implicit confession in a well-known novel by Daozuma.

It's just that the author of the novel is too stupid, and not long ago Liyue said that there was a new volume, but Lisa's order has not yet been delivered.

"Ah? This! I, I, I..." Lisa was talking incoherently, and she didn't look like an elegant big sister at all.

"Lisa, are you okay?" Ning Xia asked, he subconsciously felt that Dao Wife's novel Monde hadn't read it, so he didn't think about anything else.

"No, it's okay, please give me some time, I, I need some time." Lisa said dazedly. The experience made her unable to adapt.

"Well...then I'll go first." Ning Xia responded inexplicably, and he arrived at the door of Lisa's house without knowing it.

"Okay, okay..." Lisa didn't care about elegance this time, and trotted back to her house in Mond.

"Lisa, you're back." Qin, who was drinking coffee and studying knowledge at this time, greeted.

"Ah, I, I'm back!" Lisa returned to her room with a guilty conscience, fearing that Qin would see her faults.

Qin looked at Lisa with a puzzled expression. She is not like this usually. What happened?

On the way back, Ningxia began to recall Lisa's strange behavior. He didn't have much contact with Lisa, but...

Ningxia thought of Qiyana's crappy smile, and suddenly thought of something, and hurried back home, he reckoned that Lisa was so strange and appointed Qiyana to do it.

At this time, the women in the family were already packing up the tableware after dinner in the kitchen. Sara chatted with Yingmei Mona some anecdotes about herself with a gentle face, trying to make Yingmei who had just joined relax as much as possible.

The weak Yingmei was not very good at chatting at first, but with Sara's patient help, she was able to say a few words.

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