And Kiyana had already told Capaccili about her teasing Lisa, and the two girls couldn't help laughing when they thought of Lisa breaking the defense a few times.

"Qiana..." Ningxia returned home and stared at Kiyana with a smirk on her face. Only Kiyana and Kapaqili in this family can do this kind of thing.

The sensible Kapaqili immediately pulled Paimon away who didn't know why. She knew that Ningxia didn't like this kind of thing, and Qiyana would definitely be taught by Ningxia.

"Brother~" Qiyana also noticed that Ning Xia was a little angry, and immediately changed her cute appearance and ran over to act like a baby, trying to pass the test cutely.

"Is it because of you that Lisa is so weird?" Ning Xia asked sullenly.

"Who, who told her to call me twice before, I'm not..." Qiyana said without confidence. It was just her whim to use Ningxia to revenge Lisa, and she didn't expect to find out like this now.

"Lie here." Ning Xia patted his thigh and said, he didn't like the feeling of being used, whether it was his sister or Morax.

"Brother! I, I am your most beloved sister! You won't be willing to beat me, will you?" Qiyana asked pitifully. If she was beaten, would she lose her dignity as a maintainer of the laws of heaven?

"Lie down here!" Ning Xia said again, the expression on his face became more and more serious.

" gentle!" Qiyana could only lie on Ning Xia's lap with a sad face in the end.

Ningxia showed no mercy this time, and beat rhythmically to form a dynamic drumbeat.

Kiyana stared at Kapaqili, who was snickering in the distance, with a face of humiliation, and she vowed to let Kapaqili experience this kind of humiliation in the future.

Afterwards, Qiyana buried her buttocks in Sharo's arms to sue Ningxia for her atrocities, and then got the second drum performance that she was forced to lead.

Sara's educational philosophy is to correct any mistakes, but if there are serious mistakes, the necessary physical communication must be maintained. In order to prevent Kiana from doing this kind of thing again, Sara chose physical communication.

In the end, Kapaqili carried Qiyana back to the room to rest. Kiyana, who returned to the room, lay on the bed and complained that Kapaqili ran away, and she didn't even want to say hello to her.

"Oh, little Qiyana, you have wronged me, let me tell you..." At this time, Kapaqili told Qiyana about Liyue with a helpless expression.

Seeing Qiyana's second serious injury trembling because of anger and unwillingness, the curious Kapaqili also wanted to try the feeling of Shaluo Ningxia, so...

(Kiana: Three times, three times...)

After handing Paimeng and Qiyana to Capaccili, Ning Xia, who had a sullen face, immediately turned into a mean girl, holding the cowardly-faced Yingmei in her left hand, and the shy-faced Mona in her right hand. Then he leaned close to Sara and started acting coquettishly.

In the end, Shaluo really couldn't stand Ningxia's various requests for coquettishness, so she went back to the room with Ningxia blushing and did some very bad things.

This time because of Yingmei, Saluo, who was already too embarrassed and angry, was even more embarrassed. He felt that his embarrassing appearance was seen by others again, but he only tapped a few times to express his dissatisfaction, and then stopped moving. .

Chapter 432

Until late at night, she was still not satisfied. Ningxia covered the exhausted girls with blankets, and then went downstairs to drink water.

And Rosalia had already returned home at this time, but there was a strong smell of blood on her body, obviously some unfriendly outsiders had just been executed.

"Are you back?" Ning Xia poured a glass of water and handed it over. After knowing Rosalia's real job, he still understood it very well.

"Hmm." Rosalia took the water glass a little tired. The abyss was too steep tonight. If it wasn't for that night hero who helped her solve the ice mage, she might have to work overtime today.

"I still have some red wine stew. I'll go and warm it up for you. You can take a bath first. It's okay to drink a little today." Ningxia said slowly.

"...Okay." Rosalia responded and went upstairs to take a shower. She was indeed too tired today.

Because Rosalia couldn't buy the original black size, she could only choose not to wear it awkwardly.

After changing into the maid outfit, Rosalia looked at the tight clothes, and Rosalia clutched her chest in embarrassment, but the more she missed her, the more disobedient she became.

When she went downstairs, Ningxia had already put the hot red wine stewed meat on the dining table.

Looking at the awkward Rosalia, Ning Xia said wittily, "Just put it in the kitchen after you finish eating. I'll wash it together tomorrow. By the way, you can drink a little wine today, but in moderation."

After finishing speaking, Ningxia was going to go upstairs to hold Sara and the others for a good night's sleep, hugging Yingmei who was timid and delicate like a kitten, Mona who was a little bird, and Sara who was plump and plump.

"Wait... you can drink with me." Rosalia took out the Sanguotou that Ningxia gave her and said.

"Okay, but don't get drunk, it's too troublesome." Ning Xia looked at the shy Rosalia and said, and then sat opposite her.

"It's okay, I won't get drunk." Rosalia lowered her hands shyly hugging Longji Snow Mountain. The tight clothes further accentuated her figure, making it difficult to avert her eyes.

Seeing that Ningxia didn't stare at her, but was drinking with a cup of Sanguotou, Rosalia was a little upset and picked up a piece of stewed meat and put it in her mouth.

Seeing Rosalia's mouthful of meat and wine, Ning Xia couldn't help feeling ashamed. Although the stewed meat in red wine tastes good, he doesn't like the taste of wine very much. It's okay to drink it occasionally, but forget it often.

"You, don't look at me, you drink too!" Rosalia's face was flushed red, her blurry eyes stared at Ning Xia, she climbed up to the dining table, and poured the wine in her mouth into Ning Xia's mouth.

Sanguotou is not drunk for Ningxia, but Rosalia is just an ordinary person after all, and she is already in a daze after a few drinks.

"Drink more! So, such a good wine, I, I became yours because of it!" Rosalia muttered inarticulately, compared to sober indifference and laziness, the current Rosalia is more Like a little daughter-in-law complaining about her husband's dissatisfaction with life, she is a little more charming and approachable.

"I, I'm not bad, right? Why do I say it's up to you, why, whatever you like..." Rosalia sat down on Ning Xia's lap directly from the dining table, and then grabbed Ning Xia's collar asked.

"You're drunk, get a good night's sleep." Ning Xia lifted Rosalia and said, if this continues, his blood will burst out.

"I'm not drunk!" Rosalia shouted dissatisfied. She had been drinking in Mond for so many years, and she had never been drunk. How could a mere Sanguotou make her drunk.

There is no black seal on the body, and the sudden large-scale movement coupled with the clothes is too inappropriate for Rosalia's too tall Longji Snow Mountain.

The unbearable Longji Snow Mountain took advantage of this opportunity, like a wild horse that had run wild, once again broke free from the shackles, and jumped around freely.

"You! You obviously have a crush on me, at least you have feelings! Right!" Rosalia stared down and said, under the trend of alcohol, Rosalia, who was particularly courageous, smiled and hooked her thighs, Imagine hooking back like you used to hook the white cherry gun.

"Hiss..." Ning Xia couldn't help but gasp, he could hardly stand it anymore.

"Hahaha! Look at you! Hiccup! Ming! Ming likes me!" Rosalia yelled triumphantly, seeming very satisfied with Ning Xia's reaction.

The rest is not something that Ning Xia can stop if he wants to. Ning Xia directly hugged Rosalia who had just been washed for nothing and returned to the room.

The pale skin turned pink under the alcohol and emotions, making it look extraordinarily attractive, coupled with Rosalia's blurred eyes and provocative expression.

Looking at Ningxia who was pressing herself down, the drunk Rosalia raised her eyebrows provocatively, as if to say: "Can you really do it, little brother?"

But soon Rosalia changed from provocative to shy, from shy to...

It was too exciting for Rosalia who was experiencing it for the first time.

Rosalia, who used to be aloof and cold, is now extraordinarily tender, wrapping her arms around Ning Xia's neck coquettishly, and covering Ning Xia with her soft mouth.

The unrestrained Longji Snow Mountain can only be suppressed by Ningxia at this time, and the altitude has dropped a lot.

The next morning, Yingmei couldn't help rubbing herself against the soft pillow, and wrapped her arms around someone's waist.

Feeling the sunlight coming in from the window, Yingmei rubbed her eyes a little uncomfortable, and then realized that she seemed to... hugged the wrong person?

"You! Why are you here!?" Yingmei asked in panic.

Rosalia, who was woken up by Yingmei, rubbed her eyes, and then realized that she didn't seem to be sleeping on the sofa...

"Me? What did I do yesterday!?" Rosalia covered her face and said, she just drank some wine, why...

"Rosalia!? What about you?" Mona, who was woken up, asked in the same panic.

"I..." Rosalia's stomach was full, and she seemed to have done some greedy things...

Ning Xia walked into the room with breakfast at this time, with an embarrassed expression on his face, because of Rosalia's provocation at night, he couldn't hold back...

"Brother... Next time, if you don't think it's enough next time, I, I, I can use..." Shaluo said while covering her mouth with some embarrassment. She didn't expect that all three of them together would not be enough for Ningxia alone. Yes, forget it, why does my own maid also...

"No, it's actually me, it's me..." Rosalia covered her face and said, she got drunk after drinking Sanguotou, and then let go of her own...

Chapter 433 Gathering of the Seven Gods

"Let's have breakfast first..." Ning Xia said with an embarrassed yet polite smile, this time it was really Rosalia who moved first, and he couldn't help it.

Then he said to Rosalia with some embarrassment: "If you don't mind, I will take responsibility."

Listening to Ning Xia's words, Rosalia's originally pretended calm expression could not be maintained at all, and her pale face was soon stained with an attractive pink.

"That... that..." Hearing Ning Xia's words, Rosalia took out a pack of unopened cigarettes from the clothes beside her.

"I, let me declare first, I don't smoke, I just took a look at this pack, and now I leave it to you, I will never smoke in the future, let alone drink!" Rosalia said while rubbing her stomach.

"Why do you do this?" Ning Xia took the cigarette in doubt, but no one smokes at home, so it's better to throw it away.

"Yes! If you have children! Smoking and drinking are bad for children, children are not good!" Rosalia said shyly. If it weren't for Ning Xia, she wouldn't even have children.

"Eh..." Ning Xia laughed dumbly, and couldn't help but kiss Rosalia's pink face.

At this time, Yingmei tugged at the corner of Ningxia's clothes a little jealously, shyly bringing her small face in front of her.

Ningxia also kissed the other three girls fairly, and then fed today's wolfberry porridge to all the girls one mouthful at a time.

When feeding Mona, I accidentally spilled some on the Aozang Mountain, and Ningxia, who upholds the idea of ​​not wasting, reluctantly cleaned it up.

Just at this time, all the girls were fed, and Ningxia also entered the hunting time, taking advantage of the situation to suppress Mona, and the younger sister who wanted to escape was held in Ningxia's arms.

The panicked Yingmei couldn't help but tossing her white and tender feet, which happened to step on Ning Xia's chest. This kind of behavior, like a cat stepping on milk, made Ning Xia take advantage of the opportunity to push her knees on her shoulders.

"Why, why do you like this place? It's very, very itchy." Yingmei covered her face shyly and said, although she didn't resent Ningxia for doing bad things to her, but Ningxia's bad things made her too ashamed and angry.

The rest of Sara and Rosalia did not escape Ningxia's hunt, until Sara's mouth was numb and Rosalia couldn't get out of bed, Ning Xia let everyone go and helped them cover the quilt again. Then close the door and go downstairs.

At this time, Qiyana, who was lying on the sofa, was looking at Ning Xia who was going downstairs with a resentful expression. Three times and three times, after being beaten three times, she could only lie on her stomach.

Seeing Qiyana's miserable state, Ningxia couldn't help but covered her mouth and started laughing. Seeing that Qiyana couldn't help beating the sofa angrily, when was she treated like this as a dignified keeper of heaven?

"Ouch! My butt..." Because of the excessive range of movement that caused the wound, Ningxia and Shaluo were not too cruel in their strikes, but it was mainly Kapaqili who was harmless to humans and animals...

Seeing Ning Xia staring at her, Capaccili stuck out her tongue and said, "Hey~"

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry Qiyana, I'll help you a little bit." Seeing Qiyana's miserable state, Ningxia also softened her heart, put one hand on the seriously injured part and began to heal with the breath of life.

Kiyana felt the numbness of the wound, and the huge breath of life poured into Kiyana's body continuously, and then sent back to Sky Island by Kiyana.

At this time, the water god who was preparing to go to Liyue in Fontaine looked at the changes in the sky island with a puzzled face. After the collapse of the sky island stopped before, the water god was a little restless.

Now Sky Island is showing signs of getting better, which made him hesitate to go to Liyue for the first gathering of the seven gods in nearly 500 years to touch the water god.

Even the most stupid Vulcan among the Seven Gods knows that the Nail of Cold Sky is used by Tianli to warn them. If Tianli is really thrown away, the Seven Kingdoms may become the Six Kingdoms.

Although she didn't know that Tianli, who she was most afraid of now, was beaten up by two rice wives and a rice wife yesterday, and she is still lying on her stomach.

After hesitating for a while, the water god decided to go to Liyue, and by the way he called an old lady with white hair.

The old man was not surprised by the water god's invitation, and it happened that she also wanted to take this opportunity to go to Mond to meet the idiot apprentice who took things until he was gone.

It's not that she hasn't tried using astrology to check the fate of her apprentices, but the fates of her apprentices and those she has a relationship with in Mond seem to have been forcibly covered up, even if she is the pinnacle of astrology, she can't check it.

Now that things are up to now, she can only wrong her old body to accompany the water god to Liyue, which happens to be a visit to Mond during the meeting of the Seven Gods.

After recovering, Qiyana moved her body lazily. Ningxia's breath of life is simply a great tonic for her, but she can't withstand this large amount of life breath, so she can only upload Sky Island to make it look better.

She was the one who covered up Mona's fate. Otherwise, wouldn't it be embarrassing for Tangtang Tianli to be checked by others?

"By the way, isn't she up yet? Didn't she say she's going to Liyue today." Paimon couldn't help asking.

"This... Don't worry, Paimon, I'll go out and order a carriage later, and I'll help you buy some things you need to go to Liyue, and then go after lunch."

"Really! Really! Ningxia, you are so caring!" Paimon said excitedly, she is looking forward to this, a rich life with no worries about food and clothing, good food and drink, and no worries about food and clothing.

"By the way, these two letters will be told to Ying after Liyue, this one is for Liyue's seven stars, Tianquan star, she will help you and Ying settle the expenses in Liyue, and the other Open the letter if you haven't found Morax, it will help you." Ning Xia said and handed the letter to Paimon.

As for why she didn't give it to Yingmei, it was mainly because she was afraid that Yingmei would feel ashamed to keep rubbing against her, even if she had a letter, she wouldn't look for Ningguang.

"Okay! Thank you Ningxia, I will definitely complete the task!" Paimeng happily took the envelope, and then carefully put it away. This is related to her wealth in Liyue, so she must keep it carefully.

Chapter 434 It's Lonely Without Flowers

"Huasanli↗↗I can't do without you!!!" In Narujin Taisha Shrine, Zhenyu, who was already able to partially materialize, hugged Huasanli's slender waist and cried.

"My lord... If Ying wants to go to Liyue, I must follow." Hua Sanli said resolutely, even if she is the Son of God, she can't rest assured that if Ying knows what Morax has done, I'm afraid it's not necessary to redecorate Liyue Land, such as opening a few holes in the plain, or leveling a few mountains.

Whether it's to protect Dao's wife from fighting for no reason, or to see if she can take the opportunity to go to Mond, she has to go to Liyue.

"No, no! Without Huasanli, I would be very lonely!" Zhen said with a sad face. In theory, only Huasanli and Ying could chat with her, an old antique from 500 years ago. I'm too young to have a good conversation.

On this trip, Shenzi is going to Liyue to discuss business, and Ying should go to Liyue to attend the Gathering of the Seven Gods at the invitation of Queen Zhidong, and Huasanli will be Ying's attendant.

In this case, the three people who could talk to her are gone, and she will be bored to death if she stays alone with Dao Wife.

"Well, sir, don't worry, I have already found some seniors, and they are very happy to see you again." Hua Sanli clapped her hands and said.

"My lord... I didn't expect that in this era, I would have the honor to meet you. It's really... great!" At this time, Wu Baizang said in an old voice, wiping away his tears.

"You are... You Le Zhai?" Zhen heard Wubaizang's old voice and said.

"Yes, it just so happens that it is the time of the Night Walk of the Hundred Demons, and the little ones were still playing with the little ones everywhere in Dao's Wife, until this little kid who looks like Huzhai Palace...cough cough, this long It's very similar to the girl from Huzhai Palace who found us, please come and accompany Mr. Zhen to amuse yourself." You Lezhai looked at the harmless Huasanli with some fear when he spoke.

Because a culture called cosplay has recently become popular in Daozuma, and the novels written by the government affairs girl are written in Huasanli, so You Lezhai, who quickly adapted to the current Daoju culture, subconsciously felt that Huasanli is a cosplay, After all, he witnessed the death of Huzhai Palace with his own eyes.

The vicious Youle Zhai used all kinds of pranks to try to trick Huasanli, and the good-tempered Huasanli didn't do any physical communication with Youlezhai, just hung him on the dead tree in the abandoned shrine, Let him re-experience the feeling of 500 years ago.

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