After experiencing the feeling of 500 years ago, he resigned to his fate and followed him to Narujin Taisha. As for why he possessed Wubaizang, it was because Huasanli bought Wubaizang for 50 yuan with Daifuku for a month. .

This made Wu Baizang call out blood earning, 50 yuan a month of Daifuku, one piece of Daifuku for ten days, and two pieces of Daifuku for 20 days, so Wubaizang readily agreed to step down.

"They will stay in Daozuma for a week. During this period of time, I have already prepared for the maintenance of order."

"And You Le Zhai exists as a place to relieve the real lord when Ying and I are away. I will come back to perform the ceremony in a week." Hua Sanli explained.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, I thought it was enough to see Dao Wife now, but I can see you, my lord... I, I can see you in this era, I really have no regrets , die without regrets!" You Lezhai said with a look of nostalgia.

"Back then..." Zhen recalled the past as if reminiscing. She died in the war of destroying the country in Kanria. At that time, she naively thought that if there were Huzhai Palace and others, there should be no problem in governing the country.

As a result, the monsters released by the gold later swept the Seven Kingdoms, and when he woke up now, only the cute little fox from the past was left beside him.

"My lord, I think the seniors have a lot to say. I will be back in a week." Hua Sanli said from the side.

"You Le Zhai..." Shen Zi, who came to Yingxiang Mountain with Ying at this time, looked at Wubaizang who was possessed by You Le Zhai with a complicated expression.

"Hey! Isn't this a little fox? He has grown taller, more beautiful, and more mature!" You Lezhai said hello.

"I've heard about you from this girl, so go ahead and do it with confidence. I believe you will make the Yachong Hall bigger and stronger, by the way! Don't forget to write me a biography." You Lezhai enthusiastically Said.

When Shenzi was a little fox, You Lezhai often played with Shenzi. Seeing that the little one had inherited his idea of ​​writing novels, Youlezhai couldn't help feeling relieved.

"I know, I'm going back to Liyue to spread light novels to Liyue." Shenzi said casually.

While Shenzi was chatting with Youlezhai, Hua Sanli came to the general and said solemnly: "Ying, we must set the rules for this gathering of the Seven Gods so as not to cause problems. Do you have any objections?"

"No problem, but how are the rules set?" Ying nodded and said, the gathering of the Seven Gods was mainly to discuss the matter of dealing with the Heavenly Law, and the Seven Gods basically had more or less sins against the Heavenly Law in the past 500 years.

Coupled with the sudden appearance of the Nail of Cold Sky, and what Empress Zhidong had said about the downfall of heaven, Ying had to go to Liyue no matter what.

"First, you can't ask how Ningxia is doing in Liyue, because we are going to talk about state affairs, not family affairs, even Morax, who is the most stable character among the Seven Gods." Hua Sanli said.

"That's it... okay." Ying nodded in frustration.

"Secondly, Ying, you can eat desserts, but you can't eat too much, otherwise it will be very bad if other adults see it." Hua Sanli continued.

"Oh!? But Barbatos is fine if he gets drunk every day, why can't I indulge in desserts?" Shadow asked suspiciously.

"But Lord Barbatos was chased and beaten by Lord Morax, hacked by you, tried by the first water god, chased and killed by the fire god, and frozen into an ice sculpture by the Queen of Winter..." Huasan said slowly Tell the story of Wendy's dark history.

"Okay, okay, I promise you."

"Third, except for necessary trips, we have to stay in the inn, so as not to have unnecessary communication in Liyue." Hua Sanli continued. recognize.Then tell the story of Ningxia in Liyue, then...

"It's simple, I just need some snacks and light novels." Ying nodded and said.

"Then let's get ready." Hua Sanli felt relieved seeing Ying's simple and honest face, although he didn't want to deceive Ying from the bottom of his heart.

But Ying's character is too straightforward, if Ying knows about Ningxia's affairs, then the journey in Ningxia may end early.

Chapter 435 Golden King Beast

After explaining some things, Ningxia went out to order a carriage, and bought some snacks and other things for Yingmei Paimeng to pass the time on the way.

After packing up the big and small bags, I met Kong when I was about to go home.

"Did you cry just now?" Ning Xia looked at Kong with red eyes and asked.

"I want you to care!? I just came to see my sister, okay?" Kong said, covering his eyes, he would not admit that he went back to the abyss and cried a lot because he gave up Yingmei to Ningxia.

"Ying, she's very nice, and she said she's going to Liyue today, and she'll find you after traveling the Seven Kingdoms." Ning Xia said slowly.

"Sure enough, my sister still has me in her heart..." Kong wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes and said in relief.

"Wait a minute! You just let my baby sister travel alone like this!?" Sora asked immediately afterwards.

"I've already arranged Liyue's affairs, as long as I go to Liyue, someone will take care of it." Ningxia looked at the sky in front of him, and tried his best to resist the urge to beat him violently, after all, this is his brother-in-law.

"That's okay, by the way, at night, we will summon the Golden King Beast in Mond, you... it's best not to stop it." Kong said solemnly.

"I refuse." Ning Xia said while walking.

"The Golden King Beast this time is just the beginning. If you dare to stop it, I can't guarantee that there will be more difficult guys to deal with later." Kong warned.

"What do you mean by telling me this? Are you afraid that I will interfere with your abyss?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously.

"...I just don't want my sister to be sad. If you want to die, I won't care about it." After Kong finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Ningxia saw Kong leaving, and didn't go home first, but went to the Knights to tell Kaiya about the Golden King Beast, and asked them to prepare to maintain order.

Then he climbed up to the roof of his house and found Twarin who was building a nest, and told him about the Golden King Beast.

After all, this kind of thing would rather be believed than not, and Ning Xia also felt that Kong's appearance just now did not seem like a joke.

After getting ready, Ningxia returned home with a smile on her face and started preparing lunch.

He only told Qiyana and Kapaqili about the Golden King Beast, and other people don't need to know about it.

"Golden King Beast? It sounds like something made by that crazy woman in Gold. Tsk, I really won't let Tewat live in peace after death. This guy, but if he doesn't have a name, that guy should be a failure." Qia Na said contemptuously.

"It sounds like that guy is very powerful, Kiyana." Kapaqili said curiously.

"It is indeed a powerful guy, but she is also a sinner. Because of her madness, the Seven Kingdoms suffered heavy losses, and some people blamed me for it." Qiyana said with an unhappy face.

"Is she related to Abyss?" Ning Xia asked.

"Yes, the last king of Kanria and her obtained the external power from the abyss, but they had an accident, which caused the external forces to invade Kanria."

"That's why I had to summon the seven gods to destroy the country together. The current Kanria is on the other side of the sea far from Mond." Kiyana said pointing to the northwest.

Ningxia listened thoughtfully to what Qiyana said, and it was hard to find a record of this kind of taboo history.

According to the dictation of a witness like the lady, Mond, Xumi and even Liyue were involved in war disputes at that time, and the lady drove back to Mond from Sumeru, almost all the way was full of monsters.

That is to say, it would be better for Liyue to have Yasha responsible for cleaning up monsters than Mond. At that time, it was difficult enough to maintain order, let alone record.

Moreover, Huasan also said that Huzhai Palace died in the follow-up monster riot, so one can imagine how heavy her sins were for Jin Jin.

"Okay, okay, there's no need to talk about this kind of thing, it's time for us to eat." Kiyana said while touching her stomach.

"Alright, alright, it's time for us to eat." Ning Xia rubbed Qiyana's head and said.

"Is there any roasted bird eggs?" Kiyana said with some enjoyment.

"There must be, little greedy cat." Ningxia hugged Qiyana and said, Qiyana is quite easy to coax, when she is angry, she just needs to say a few words in a nice voice and she will become obedient.

If you want to say who is the happiest when eating, it must be Paimeng, because today I will send Yingmei to Liyue, and today's food is not worse than yesterday.

As soon as he heard that the meal was ready, Paimon immediately floated on his seat and looked eagerly at the various dishes on the table. If it wasn't for the younger sister who was staring at him, she would want to have a good meal now.

"Let's serve dinner." Following Ning Xia's words, everyone began to eat with chopsticks and forks.

Compared with Ningxia's Shu Tan, Kaiya is very busy. Originally, today's workload is not too much, so he can also fish in the office.

As a result, Ning Xia suddenly came over and told him that the Golden King Beast was coming, so he could only start to arrange manpower to maintain order, which made it too late for him to eat lunch.

The very tired Kaiya walked out of the office. The glare of the sun made him squint his eyes. When he walked to the Fengshen statue casually, he couldn't help sighing: "It's such a good weather, sometimes you have to go out during the day, right? .”

"What do you want from me?" said Di Luke, who was hugging his chest.

"According to reliable sources, the Abyss Cult has been active recently to summon some kind of golden king beast."

"It sounds like it's made up," Diluque complained.

"I hope it's made up, too. Otherwise, I should be drinking a little wine or something in the tavern now."

"Oh, the Knights are getting more and more slack."

"We have been doing business, but we also need a proper rest, don't we? Master Di Luke." Kaya said with a smile on his shoulders.

Chapter 436

After lunch, Ningxia sent Yingmei to the carriage. Before getting into the carriage, Yingmei kept promising that she would come back to Ningxia after she found Liyue's anchor point.

After watching Yingmei leave, Ningxia went to Benlangling again, besides masturbating Borias once, he told him about the Golden King Beast's coming today.

"I can sense that guy. It seems to be created based on my body. There were many Monds in the past, but they were all cleaned up by me and Lupika."

"Hmph, if I hadn't given back my power to this land... I'd love to touch my belly! Yes! That's right here~ If I wasn't just a remnant now, I don't need to ask you to do it." Boreas said with a look of enjoyment.

"By the way, you can give this big sword to the little doll who passed the test for me. For her sake of helping my group clean up those fake wolves, give it to her." Boreas said from his mouth Spit out a big sword and said.

Ning Xia didn't dislike it either, and picked up the blue-based big sword, but the strangest thing about this sword was that there were strings of qin on some places on the guard, and after playing a few times at random, the strings made pleasant music Voice.

"This sword is quite strange." Ning Xia said after playing it a few times. After all, it was the first time he had seen a sword with strings, but it felt good to wield it.

"This sword was given to me by Barbatos' family. I remember it was called... Vanessa? After she passed my trial, please keep this sword for me. If she meets a suitable Zephyr knight in the future, she will give it to her." Give it to her." Boreas couldn't help rubbing Ning Xia's face as he spoke, wanting Ning Xia to continue stroking it.

"Vanessa... I don't know how she is doing now." Ning Xia rubbed Boreas's wolf head and somewhat missed the days when Vanessa and Wendy were together, wondering how they were doing in Liyue.

Kong in the abyss is almost ready for the summoning ceremony at this time, and this time summoning the golden king beast is just the beginning.

There are so many demon gods in the sea of ​​darkness. They were defeated by Morax, or by the dead first seven gods and their companions, but their self-esteem as demon gods prevented them from living under the rule of the seven gods. s country.

Living in the dark sea for a long time, their own power has long been mixed with external forces, although no demon god dared to return to the Tivat continent.

But he is still going to try to communicate with some demon gods who are still ambitious, and maybe he can pull out some foreign aid.

No matter what era it is, even the weakest demon god is a precious combat power, coupled with their hatred for the seven gods, his idea is not impossible.

"His Royal Highness, I have already arranged all my subordinates. Neither the Mond people nor Ningxia will notice, and you asked me to be responsible for protecting Her Royal Highness from Mond. I also sent the knight to take charge of it." You can rest assured." Yuanshang said respectfully from the side, and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after learning that Yingmei was leaving Mond.

After Kong came back yesterday, he cried all night, and he was by Kong's side to comfort him, not to mention Kong was uncomfortable, he also felt uncomfortable listening to Kong's howling ghosts and howling wolves.

But he could only helplessly listen to Kong's confession, almost telling the story of Yingmei from childhood to adulthood, during which he accused himself of being irresponsible a hundred and eight times.

If Yuanshang hadn't experienced many things and had experience in this kind of situation, otherwise he would be speechless.

"Well, since my sister is not in Mond, the next thing about pulling the demon god into Tivat... go and get ready, I will take action if necessary." Sora said solemnly.

If it was Mond before, a weak god who used all his power to maintain the weather, and a wind dragon corroded by Durin's poisonous blood, most of the main combat power had already left, so it could be said to be extremely weak.

But Ningxia is here, and now a demon god stronger than him is in Mond, and there is a fully recovered Tewarin as an assistant.

Unless the strength of the demon god he pulls out is not inferior to him, if he goes up alone, there is a high probability that he will be rejected by this world.

Coupled with the sudden restart of the Nail of Cold Sky, this sudden situation of Damocles hanging over his head made him have to speed up his progress.

The ghost knows whether Tianli will recover before he succeeds in revenge, and the combination of Tianli and his sister in full body will not be enough for him to play alone.

Thinking of this, Kong sighed a little helplessly. Let's talk about unity. His apostles are more capable than each other, and they are not as evil as the Seven Gods.

In terms of strength, although he is currently the only one with high-end combat power and has immovable biological weapons, the apostle with mid-range combat power is no less than any country in the Seven Kingdoms.

However, everything is not going well, especially in Mengde, as long as it has something to do with Ningxia, it is basically gone.

Chapter 437 The Demon God of the Dark Sea

"Sister Huasanli, I have almost finished organizing things, you and Ying can go to Liyue first, I will follow up later after I finish dealing with the shrine and Yaedo." Miko held the capa Kiri Feather said.

"Well, I'll trouble you, Shenzi." Hua Sanli nodded and said, and then prepared to go to the castle tower to find Ying. The Shenzi with Kapaqili feathers can reach Liyue quickly even without the teleportation of Ying.

After seeing Huasanli leave, Miko's expression gradually became abnormal. Because Ms. Hina from Yaedo is very popular recently, she specially asked Waseda to customize Goro's women's clothing and breast pads.

In order to make Goro succumb, she also threatened with the books that were going to be sent to Haiqi Island to improve the land.

"Little Waseda, has Ms. Hina changed?" Miko looked at Waseda at the side and asked.

"Report! Report to Miko-sama, Miss Hina... has already changed her costume, but she seems to be a little resistant, and I may need you, Miko-sama..." Waseda said with a blushing face, although the change of clothes was given to Yaedo The male editor, but the make-up is handed over to Waseda. Seeing a handsome boy with his own eyes transform into a mature and gentle big sister in his own hands, gave Waseda a very strange feeling.

"It's okay, it's okay, this time Miss Hina's hand-holding meeting is a major event in our Yaedo Hall. It's normal for Ms. Hina to be a little nervous. locker room.

In the locker room, Goro pinched the false Ying Xiangshan on his chest in disbelief. It was the first time he had seen such a huge scale, and it was hard for him to believe that the gentle and beautiful big sister in front of the mirror was himself.

"Goro~ Have you changed your clothes? Oh~ I should call you Miss Hina now~" Miko snickered while covering her mouth.

"Eight↗重↘God↗↗" Goro shyly covered his chest. Although the chemical fertilizer made by Ningxia allowed Haiqi Island to grow food, the problem of barrenness on Haiqi Island has not been solved. Originally, he was responsible for escorting Haiqi Island Improved Land Books.

As a result, Miko threatened him with "Goro, you don't want these books to be transported to Haiqi Island?" and made him wear such unmanly clothes.

"Oh, the clothes are very suitable for you, and besides, Goro, you don't want to take the book that is already on the way..." Shenzi covered her mouth and said, at first she just wanted to cover Goro with a cover.

But Ms. Hina's popularity is too high, so she reluctantly held a hand-holding party for Ms. Hina at the request of the public~

"I, I know, I will also wear the voice changer Xavier gave me!" Hina said shyly, she is obviously a boy!

"That's right~" Miko said with a satisfied nod, and then told Waseda some things. After Miss Hina's hand-holding meeting is over, she will also go to Liyue, and maybe she can incidentally...

The hand-in-hand meeting went smoothly. In order to improve the land of Haiqi Island, Goro also worked hard to communicate with every fan with a voice changer and encourage them.

Because Hina's people are too tall, the people in the queue have lined up from Yaedo to the entrance of Naganohara Fireworks Store. The guests of Xiaogong and Fireworks Store couldn't hold back the urge to laugh when they saw the dance in the line.

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